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Page History: Inventory vs. GL Dump Accounts

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Page Revision: Wed, 16 Sep 2020 11:21

General Information

Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance

Function The Inventory vs. GL Dump Accounts rule controls which general ledger accounts are included in the overnight inventory reporting and reconciliation features, commonly referred to as the Nite Inventory process. Each GL account set up in this rule will be processed nightly, and will have account balances and transaction details stored in the data tables used for the Nite Inventory and Nite Usage reports. This rule controls which accounts have transaction vs. GL comparison data.

The Nite Inventory process is designed to record historical data overnight each and every night to improve historical research and reconciliation activities when inventory, accounts receivable, or accounts payable GL balances get out of balance with the transaction data.

The GL Accounts for Inventory (INVGLACCTS) rule must also be set up with the same GL accounts as this rule in order for the Nite Inventory processes to work properly.


Rule Setup – Text Fields

GL Account (text1): Enter the general ledger (GL) accounts that should be processed as part of the Nite Inventory reporting. For each GL account entered, the Warehouse (Whse) name and the Type must be specified. The Acct? (log1) checkbox must also be checked to flag the rule entry as a GL account.

For Inventory tracking, a single stock inventory account should be entered for each warehouse. The overnight reporting assumes a single stock inventory GL per warehouse. Non-stock, consignment, or other custom inventory GL accounts should not be added to this rule. It is designed for tracking stock inventory movement.

For AR and AP tracking, enter each appropriate account and specify the Type value of AR or AP to track and report GL balance comparison data nightly.

Whse Name (text2): The warehouse name should be entered for each GL account entered. For customers operating in a single warehouse environment, this can be left blank.

Email Address (text3): Enter email addresses that should receive the Nite Inventory reports as soon as they are processed. Each email address entered must have the Email? (log2) checkbox checked to flag the entry as an email setting rather than a GL account. Multiple email addresses can be entered as separate entries with the Email? box checked for each entry.

Type (AR, AP, INV) (text4): Each GL account entry must have the Type specified as either INV (Inventory), AR (Accounts Receivable), or AP (Accounts Payable).

Rule Setup – Number Fields

No Number Fields In Use

Rule Setup – Logic Fields

Acct? (log1): This designates a rule entry as a GL account entry. Check this box for each GL added to the rule.

Email? (log2): This designates a rule entry as an email address entry. Check this box for each email address added to the rule.

Batch after mid (log3): This should be checked for each account in environments where the nightly autobatch and posting happen after midnight. The default Nite Inventory logic processes before midnight and assumes the same day's transactions and GL postings have happened before midnight.

Inv before mid (log4): This field works with the 'Batch after mid' field and should only be checked if advised by ABIS personnel. Unchecked is the most common setting for this field.


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