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Page History: Departments Rule

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Page Revision: Fri, 31 Jul 2020 14:37

General Information

Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance

Function The Department rule is the main set up for each of your production or task departments. The presets here can determine aspects of production, loading, accounting and more on the department level.


Rule Setup – Text Fields

Text 1 - Name (30 characters): This is the full name of the department.

Text 2 - Code (2 characters): This is a two character code used in the back end to link to other system tables.

Text 3 - GL Group (20 characters):

Text 4 - Phone (20 characters):

Text 5 - Report Group (20 characters):

Text 7 - Dept AddOn Item (2 characters):

Text 8 - Dcode from Item (2 characters): This is a two character code, preferably matching the Code from Text 2, to be used in E-Commerce and Item Attribute profiles.

Rule Setup – Number Fields

Num 1 - Color Code (0 decimal places):

Num 2 - PWO Sort Order (0 decimal places):

Num 9 - OH Factor (0 decimal places):

Rule Setup – Logic Fields

Log 1 - Default: This department will be selected as the default department when making a new work order or task.

Log 2 - Excl from Production: When checked, will exclude the department from production work orders, mainly to be used with Task departments.

Log 3 - Shader: When checked, will enable the shading of every other row on the production work order for easier readability.

Log 4 - Color/Gauge:

Log 5 - Block Loading:

Log 6 - Match Profile:

Log 7 - Require Quote:

Log 8 - Show E-commerce: When checked, and when Text 2 matches the Text 8 of the Item Attribute rule, will display the department under the Type dropdown in the "Entry" tab of E-Commerce.

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