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Page History: Barcode Scanner - Prompt 46 - Production Work Orders

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Page Revision: Tue, 21 Jul 2015 07:52

General Info

Prompt 46, Production WO, provides three functions:

1. Assign Inventory to a Production Line Item

2. Assemble a Production Line Item

3. Complete a Production Work Order

Note : In order for the below keystrokes to work, setup option/user security 46SINGLE must not be turned on. If this setup option or user security is turned on, the prompt will confirm the qty after each line is scanned and the complete question is asked.

Assign Inventory to a Production Line Item

1. Scan the barcode or enter the P Number/ Item Number of the input item.


2. Scan the individual line on the PWO that the input item will make.


Assemble a Production Line Item

The Assemble function allows you to fully assemble and complete a production line item once the steps from the "Assign" process have been completed.

1. Enter the qty to make.


2. If the line will be completed from making the full qty above, press "Enter". If the line will still be open from not making the full qty required, enter "N".


3. The prompt will then ask to scan the next PWO Line. If PWO line entry is done, enter a plus sign "+" and press Enter.


4. The terminal will assemble the line item and ask to confirm/override how much material was used. Push enter if the number is correct, or enter in the actual amount used if it is different, then hit enter.


Complete a Production Work Order

A PWO can be completed two ways:

  • 1. Completing all open line items -
    • If all line items on the PWO have been completed, the PWO will automatically be closed.
    • To complete all line items at once, enter or scan the WC number when prompted for scan of a PWO line.

      If the scan is valid, it will ask to complete all PWO lines, hit enter or "Y" to complete.

      It will then ask to confirm the amount of materials used to make the items. Hit enter again to confirm the amount, or enter in the actual amount used if the number is wrong, then hit enter again.

      The next screen will show that the PWO is complete.

  • 2. Cancelling production, closing out the PWO, and returning inventory - This can be done two ways.
    • The first way is by entering the WX number (same as the WC number, but with an X instead of a C) when prompted to scan the Pnumber.

      If scan is valid, next prompt will ask to close the PWO and release the assigned material back to inventory.

      The second method is to enter a star after the line complete question has been answered. This will ask the same close and release question as the first option.

Other Commands

Enter a forward slash / and press Enter to go back one step at any time.

Enter two forward slashes "//" and press Enter to go back to the menu.

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