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Page History: Inventory On Hand Report

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Page Revision: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 16:47

Default Menu Location

Reports >> Item Control >> Inventory On Hand Report

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General Description

Detailed Inventory On Hand Report allows users to see where the inventory is stored, the pricing information, and the quantity.


Warehouse: Warehouse location or code

Class: Merchandise class

Beginning Item: Beginning item for the report

Ending Item: Ending item for the report

Commodity Code: The commodity code

Held for: Customer merchandise is holding for

Owner: Merchandise owner

Sort By: Preference to choose for the report

Group by: Preference to choose for the report

Include Only: Preference to choose for the report

As Of Date: Cut off date for the report

Standard Report Fields (Header)


  • company

Group Header 1

Group, Class, Commodity Code

  • iif(empty(lc_group),'',iif(lc_group='Class','Class:' + iclass,'Commodity Code: ' + comcode))

Group Header 2

Held for

"Heldfor: " + heldfor

Group Header 3


"Item: " + alltrim(item) + " / " + alltrim(descrip)

Standard Report Fields (Line Items)


  • alltrim(warehouse) + ' / ' + location


  • unit_stk

Unit Cost

  • round(avgcost,4)

Qty On Hand

  • qty
  • lonord
  • lalloc

On Hand Value

  • round(avgcost * qty,2)

Group Footer: Item

Subtotal for item

  • "Subtotal for item " + item

On Hand Quantity

  • qty

On Hand Value

  • round(avgcost * qty,2)

Standard Report Fields (Page Footer)

Group, Class, Commodity Code

  • iif(empty(lc_group),"","Subtotal for " + iif(lc_group = 'Class',"Class " + iclass,"Commodity Code " + comcode))

On Hand Quantity

  • qty

On Hand Value

  • avgcost * qty

Additional Report Fields for Customization

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