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Page History: Customer/Vendor Part Import

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Page Revision: Thu, 07 Jun 2018 11:40

General Information

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Vendor Part Import


Function: Add and update Vendor and Customer Information to the V/C Part tab on the Item Master screen.

Vendor Part Import - Click to enlarge

Vendor Part Import - Click to enlarge

Fields & Filters

The import template can be found on the Vendor part import screen

Download: V-part Import Template

Select the file you wish to import by clicking the Browse button.

Click the Map Fields button to map your spreadsheet column headers to the fields in the database. The section on the right provides a list of available fields.

All fields should map automatically if you used the template provided on this page.

Column Headers

Item: Adjutant part number

Vpartno: Supplier / Customer Part number

Vendno: Organization ID

LeadTime: Lead time in days


OrderInc: Cost Units (stock units / units used on order)

LastCost: Last recorde cost

LastRec: Last Receipt Date (MM/DD/YY)

Discount: Discount in dollars




NType: REQUIRED - Enter V to import Vendor Parts, Enter C to import Customer Parts

QCost: Quoted Cost

QDate: Quote Date (MM/DD/YY)

QExpDate: Quote Expiration Date (MM/DD/YY)


Def: Default Source (Enter Y to check the Default Source box)


QCost2: Secondary Quoted Cost value

LastCost2: Secondary Last Cost value

LoctID: Warehouse ID (from the Warehouse screen)

Note: NTYPE = c for Customer Parts, v for Vendor Parts

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