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Page History: Coil Receipt Defaults Import (COILJUMP)

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Page Revision: Tue, 27 Nov 2018 14:19

General Information

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Coil Import


Function: The Coil Import program allows you to import your lot-controlled coil inventory into Adjutant.

Logic behind import program: You must have item code, coil number, and actual weight filled out in the spreadsheet. If the coil is new (not in Adjutant already), you must also have linear feet.

Item codes that are not matched to an existing Adjutant item code will be added to the Item Master as a placeholder item. Item codes/coil#s that match an existing item/lot# will be updated with the new data from the import.

Coil Import Screen

Coil Import Screen

File Name(Header)/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Coil import template file (in XLS format).

Export Template: Generates a blank Coil import template file

Map Fields: Fields must be mapped prior to importing. If no changes have been made to the column headings, the mapping screen should show all green, and you can click OK to continue. If any of the Input Field Name columns on the left are red, single-click on the line on the left column, and then double-click the desired mapped field in the right column to complete the mapping. Repeat for any red lines on the left that should be mapped. If there are additional columns in the source file that should NOT be mapped, they can be left unmapped (displayed in red). Mandatory fields will require that they be mapped before clicking OK.

Default Owner: Sets the inventory owner for all imported coil records. This list is populated with Organization records that have the Inventory Owner attribute.

Default Warehouse: Sets the warehouse location for all imported coil records. This list is populated by Warehouse Control records that have been created.

Default HedlFor: Sets the inventory holder for all imported coil records. This list is populated from the Item Held For Codes (HOLDER) Rule Maintenance record. If a catch-all code such as 'DEF' is used, make sure the HOLDER rule is set up properly.

The import can automatically generate lot numbers for coils if the coil number (lot#) column is blank. Review the settings for the LOTNO counter in the 'Counters' tab of CID Maintenance prior to importing and verify that the numbering settings are correct.

Coil Import File Definitions

Required fields are indicated with an *

f1 - Mill Coil# - Mill original coil number (20 alphanumeric character max, some special characters allowed)

f2 - Processor Name - Outside coil processor company name (60 characters). Processor name must EXACTLY match the Adjutant Organization name is COILPROCESSLIST is turned on.

f3 - Processor # - Processor coil number (20 alphanumeric character max, some special characters allowed)

f4 - Paint Code - Paint Code value (10 alphanumeric character max)

*f5 - Cost - Coil cost per 100 LBS. Use the cost per 100 LBS whether stocking the coil in FT or in LBS. The coil import process will convert the cost appropriately.

f6 - Print - Enter 'N' to indicate that a coil tag should not be printed for this coil. A blank entry is imported as 'Y'.

f7 - Width - Coil width (in inches). The width can be used as a filter in Coil Finder, so use the simplest expression of width possible. (i.e. use 43 instead of 42.9875)

f8 - HeatNo - Original heat number (20 alphanumeric character max, some special characters allowed)

*f9 - Coil Number - Coil Lot # in Adjutant. If left blank, and the CID Maintenance LOT counter is set up, records will be automatically assigned a Lot #.

*f10 - Date Received - Original coil receipt date. Leaving the date blank imports an empty receipt date.

f11 - Received By - Name, USERID, or initials of receiving person

*f12 - Inventory# - Item Master item code for the associated lot record. If the item code does not already exist, the import process will create a placeholder item code with the item and description from the file. All placeholder item codes should be reviewed and updated in Item Master.

*f13 - Linear Feet - Total available linear feet for the associated lot record

f14 - Theo Weight - Theoretical weight for the associated lot record (LBS)

*f15 - Actual Weight - Total available pounds of coil for the associated lot record

f16 - Description - Coil description override. If left blank, the item code description will be used. The entered description will be used for the associated coil tag.

f17 - Grade - Coil quality/grade code (10 alphanumeric character max)

f18 - Condition - Coil condition code/description (10 alphanumeric character max)

f19 - Base Metal - Coil base metal code/decsription (10 alphanumeric character max)

f20 - Backer - Coil backer code/description (if any) (10 alphanumeric character max)

f21 - Thickness - Coil material thickness, in inches

f22 - Coat - Coil coating code/description (10 alphanumeric character max)

f23 - Vendor - Vendor organization number in Adjutant

f24 - PO# - Original PO#

f25 - Mill Name - Original mill name (60 characters)

Additional Notes

Coil Items should all have the following settings (at a minimum) in Item Master:
  • Stock Item flag
  • Lot# Control flag
  • Unit Weight (per Stock Unit, not required, but it helps with verification of imported data)
  • Coil Receipt Defaults attribute (also known as COIL LOT or COILJUMP)
  • Purchase Units and Stock Units should be completed for all items with the correct units

Do not use the Coil Import for items with the Coil-Like Item (COIL LIKE) item attribute. The Coil Import is specifically designed for importing coil items with the cost expressed as cost per 100 lbs of material, and items with the COIL LIKE attribute may import with unexpected costs. Use the Inventory Qty Import for non-coil items.

The Coil Import will add Item Master records for any item code on the import that doesn't already exist in Adjutant. The system-added Item Master records will be incomplete, and should be reviewed and updated to make sure the item settings are correct.

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