Page History: CID Accounting Setup
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Page Revision: Fri, 09 Nov 2012 09:39
General Information
Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> CID Maintenance
Screen Name CID
Function The Company ID (CID) Maintenance Screen is used to maintain general system and accounting information for your company. For further detail on CID options throughout the set up see the
CID Setup Options page.
Accounting Backend
Accounting Backend tab contains information about a third party accounting package if one is in use.
The Posting Window field controls when transactions can be posted in the system. Any transaction (invoice, cash receipt, check, inventory transfer, production, etc) must be executed with an accounting date that falls within the posting window.
CID - Accounting Backend - Click for full size |
Name: Name of the accounting software
Backend Type: Server type
Path to SYS Files: Location of accounting software on server
Company ID: ID of the company in accounting software
Database Name: Name of the accounting database
WIP Account: Work in Process account number
PR Clearing: Payroll Clearing account number
Equip Clearing: Equipment Clearing account number
Path to PR SYS Files: Location of payroll software on server
PR Company ID: ID of company in payroll software
PR Database Name: Name of the payroll database
Posting Window: Transactions may only be posted within the dates entered here.
Default Costing Method: The costing method that Adjutant will use to value your inventory.