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Time Billing Setup Option

ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed.

ASKEDITNOTE - Allows the user to edit the Invoice Header note in the Approve/Edit Billing and Ship SO screens after creating the invoice.

BS2GROUP - If enabled, add new Group filter checkbox list to the Bill Cycle Billing Statement screen.

ICNEWCOST - Change Scrap screen to use Cost Tiers if ICNEWCOST enabled.

INSERTMATDATE - Inserts work date into material descriptions on timesheet material lines.

INSERTNOTE - Inserts work date and resource on timesheet invoices.

MILTIME - Use Military Time throughout the system.

NEWMSNNUM - If set, then map project drop folders to Project Number instead of Project ID.

PRINTSTMT - If set, change print invoice prompt to print statements. If yes, launch PRINTBS1, PRINTBS2 and BILLSUMMARY with current ORG and BILLCYCLE filled in.

PRINTSTMTC1 - Add new printer button that only is visible if PRINTSTMT, PRINTC1STMT, or PRINTC2STMT is enabled.

PRINTSTMTC2 - Add new printer button that only is visible if PRINTSTMT, PRINTC1STMT, or PRINTC2STMT is enabled.

REQCOMPSVRORD - Require completed service order to bill.

RESCOSTTOGL - Creates COGS entry for resource cost factor when a timesheet entry is billed. If set, make billtran cost = resource costfactor, if not set, make billtran cost = 0 for resource line. Cost will post to COGS and WIP Acct of labor item.

SINGLEBAG - Single inventory package in system (non

SPLITBASICSRV - If set, break all basic service items into new group (Basic service, code = B). Make new subtotal values (extcostB and extpriceB).

UNCHKLOCK - Uncheck Load Locked Only box on billing screens.

UNCHKNOBILL - Uncheck Nobill Printing Option on Approve/Edit Billing Screen.



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