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Adjutant Wiki - Page Editing
Modified on Thu, 16 Feb 2012 16:40
Greg Andrews
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'''All information on this page is supplied by the [http://www.screwturn.eu/PageEditing.ashx|ScrewTurn Wiki]''' ---- Editing a Wiki Page in the Adjutant Wiki is really simple. You can insert '''WikiMarkup''', standard '''XHTML''' or use the integrated '''Format Helper Toolbar'''. In all the cases, you can format the text and insert links, images and many other items in a simple and quick fashion. {toc} ==1 - WikiMarkup== The ''WikiMarkup'' is a particular set of prefixes and suffixes that allow to format the text and insert items, such as links and images. In this section you'll learn how to use the ''WikiMarkup''. ===1.1 Basic Text Formatting=== * Writing {{<nowiki>'''bold'''</nowiki>}} produces '''bold''' * Writing {{<nowiki>''italic''</nowiki>}} produces ''italic'' * Writing {{<nowiki>__underlined__</nowiki>}} produces __underlined__ * Writing {{<nowiki>--striked--</nowiki>}} produces --striked-- * You can use any combination, for example {{<nowiki>--striked '' '''bold''' and italic''--</nowiki>}} produces --striked '' '''bold''' and italic''-- ===1.2 - Links=== Links are identified with {{[}} and {{]}}.{br} '''Note''': since version 1.0.10, links also work with 2 brackets, for example {{<nowiki>[[Link]]</nowiki>}}. * To insert a link to an internal page just write {{<nowiki>[PageName]</nowiki>}}, that produces [PageName] (if the linked Page doesn't exist, the link will have a different color) * You can add a title to the link: {{<nowiki>[PageName|This is a Link]</nowiki>}} produces [PageName|This is a Link] * Email links are detected automatically, for example {{<nowiki>[mail@server.com]</nowiki>}} produces [mail@server.com].{BR}Obviously you can add a title: {{<nowiki>[mail@server.com|Contact us]</nowiki>}} becomes [mail@server.com|Contact us]{BR}If you want to add a subject to your email, use {{<nowiki>[mail@server.com?subject=Wiki Syntax Help|Contact us for wiki syntax help]</nowiki>}} which becomes [mail@server.com?subject=Wiki Syntax Help|Contact us for wiki syntax help] * External links are marked with a special icon: {{<nowiki>[http://www.screwturn.eu]</nowiki>}} produces [http://www.screwturn.eu] * You can link to an internal file or subdirectory: {{<nowiki>[blog/|Blog]</nowiki>}} produces [blog/|Blog] and {{<nowiki>[GPL.txt|GPL]</nowiki>}} produces [GPL.txt|GPL] * You can link to a Windows Share Drive: {{<nowiki>[file://///server_name/shared_directory/shared_file.txt|This links to shared directory]</nowiki>}} produces: [file://///server_name/shared_directory/shared_file.txt|This links to shared directory] * If you add a {{^}} sign to the URL, the link will open in a new browser window, for example {{<nowiki>[^MyPage]</nowiki>}}. * You can use Anchors in your page links: {{<nowiki>[PageName#Anchor|This is a Link with an anchor]</nowiki>}} produces [PageName#Anchor|This is a Link with an anchor].{BR}Another example is <nowiki>[PageEditing.ashx#BC_-_Links_7|PageEditing/1.2 - Links]</nowiki> [PageEditing.ashx#BC_-_Links_7|Page Editing/1.2 - Links]. You can upload files using the [FileManagement|File Management] interface. ====1.2.1 - Notes==== Links and Images share the same general syntax, but the number of fields changes. ====1.2.2 - Categories==== You can link a [Category] by using the following syntax: {{{{<nowiki>[c:CategoryName]</nowiki>}}}} For example, you can link the [c:Help] category or all the [c:-|uncategorized Pages] ({{<nowiki>[c:-|uncategorized Pages]</nowiki>}}). ====1.2.3 - Page Attachments==== You can ''attach'' a file to a Page using the following syntax: {{{{<nowiki>[attachment:File.jpg]</nowiki>}}}} Attachment are listed at the bottom of the Page. Please note that this function is still quite "raw", and the attached files are not real attachments, but just links to some [FileManagement|uploaded files]. ===1.3 - Headings=== You can create headings using a sequence of equal ({{=}}) signs: * {{<nowiki>==Biggest Heading (H1)==</nowiki>}} * {{<nowiki>===Big Heading (H2)===</nowiki>}} * {{<nowiki>====Small Heading (H3)====</nowiki>}} * {{<nowiki>=====Smallest Heading (H4)=====</nowiki>}} * The first 3 Headings work as separators, the latter is only a small heading (use it sparingly) * H1 is not recommended because it's used for the Page Title and therefore may cause confusion '''Note''': headings must be placed at the beginning of lines. ====1.3.1 - Horizontal Line==== You can place a horizontal line using four hyphens {{<nowiki>----</nowiki>}}. ===1.4 - Images=== Images use {{[}} and {{]}} as delimiters.{br} '''Note''': since version 1.0.10, images also work with 2 brackets, for example {{<nowiki>[[image|Title|Url]]</nowiki>}}.{br} There are several types of images: * {{<nowiki>[image|Title|Url|Big Url/Link Url (optional)]</nowiki>}} inserts an inline image, without borders nor legend * {{<nowiki>[imageleft|Title|Url|Big Url/Link Url (optional)]</nowiki>}} and {{<nowiki>[imageright|Title|Url|Big Url (optional)]</nowiki>}} insert images aligned respectively on the left and on the right, displaying borders and a description * {{<nowiki>[imageauto|Title|Url|Big Url/Link Url (optional)]</nowiki>}} inserts an image with automatic alignment, displaying borders and description * In all the cases, ''Big Url/Link Url'' is optional; when specified, it links the image with its big version or with any another document '''Note''': if the ''Title'' field starts with {{#}}, the title is not shown in the page but it is still used to populate the ''alt'' attribute of the image. You can upload images and files using the [FileManagement|File Management] interface. ====1.4.1 - Notes==== Links and Images share the same general syntax, but the number of fields changes. ===1.5 - Lists=== A list is made by a sequence of lines starting with one or more asterisks ({{*}}) and/or diesis ({{#}}). You can create nested list using more than one asterisk or diesis. <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr> <td valign="top"> ((( {{<nowiki>* Element 1<br />* Element 2</nowiki>}} ''produces'' * Element 1 * Element 2 ))) </td><td valign="top"> ((( {{<nowiki># Element 1<br /># Element 2</nowiki>}} ''produces'' # Element 1 # Element 2 ))) </td><td valign="top"> ((( {{<nowiki># Element 1<br /># Element 2<br />#* Element 2.1<br />#* Element 2.2<br /># Element 3</nowiki>}} ''produces'' # Element 1 # Element 2 #* Element 2.1 #* Element 2.2 # Element 3 ))) </td><td valign="top"> ((( {{<nowiki># Element 1<br /># Element 2<br />#* Element 2.1<br />#*# Element 2.1.1<br />#*#* Element<br /># Element 3</nowiki>}} ''produces'' # Element 1 # Element 2 #* Element 2.1 #*# Element 2.1.1 #*#* Element # Element 3 ))) </td> </tr></table> ===1.6 - Code and the NoWiki Tag=== If you want to insert an inline piece of code, wrap it with {{{{}} and {{}}}}; for example {{{{This is code}}}} produces {{This is code}}.{BR} If you want to insert a block of code, for example a C# class, wrap it with {{{{{{}} and {{}}}}}}, as in {{{{ using System; namespace MyNamespace { public class HelloWorld { public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); } } } }}}} If you want to exclude a block of text from the WikiMarkup formatting, wrap it with {{<nowiki>}} and {{</nowiki>}}, for example {{<nowiki><nowiki>[MyPage]</nowiki></nowiki>}} produces <nowiki>[MyPage]</nowiki>. ====1.6.1 - The <nowiki>@@</nowiki> Tag==== If you need to place some code that contains, for example, XML and even WikiMarkup and you want it to be displayed exactly as is, wrap it with two '''@''': @@ @ @ <xml> '''Bold''' <bla z="b" /> </xml> @ @ @@ Removing the space between the '''@''' signs, the result is: @@ <xml> '''Bold''' <bla z="b" /> </xml> @@ ===1.7 - Line Breaks=== Two line breaks are treated as they are. A single line break is ignored. If you want to insert a single line break, you can use the standard XHTML tag {{<br />}} or its ''WikiMarkup'' alias {{<nowiki>{BR}</nowiki>}} (letter casing is ignored). It's not recommended to abuse single line breaks because they tend to create confusion in the page. Alternatively, you might want to enable the ''Process Single Line Breaks'' options in the [Configuration] page. ===1.8 - Special Tags=== The ScrewTurn Wiki engine provides a few special markers that are replaced automatically with specific content. All these tags ignore the letter casing. * {{<nowiki>{wikititle}</nowiki>}} produces {wikititle} (the title of the Wiki) * {{<nowiki>{up}</nowiki>}} produces {up} (the file upload path) * {{<nowiki>{top}</nowiki>}} produces {top} (link to the top of the current Page) * {{<nowiki>{toc}</nowiki>}} produces the Table of Contents of the Page, using Hx headers as titles * {{<nowiki>{themepath}</nowiki>}} produces {themepath} (the current theme path) * {{<nowiki>{rsspage}</nowiki>}} produces {rsspage} (the link to the current Page's RSS feed, available only in Pages) * {{<nowiki>{wikiversion}</nowiki>}} produces {wikiversion} (the version of the Wiki engine) * {{<nowiki>{mainurl}</nowiki>}} produces {mainurl} (the Main URL of the Wiki) * {{<nowiki>{pagecount}</nowiki>}} produces {pagecount} (the # of Pages in the Wiki) * {{<nowiki>{ username}</nowiki>}} inserts the Username of the current user * {{{cloud}}} inserts a Categories Cloud * {{<nowiki>{searchbox}</nowiki>}} inserts a Search Box, with full-text search disabled by default (only one Search Box can be used at a time) * {{<nowiki>{ftsearchbox}</nowiki>}} inserts a Search Box, with full-text search enabled by default * {{<nowiki>{clear}</nowiki>}} to use when inserting images at the bottom of a Page ===1.9 - Boxes=== If you want to wrap some content inside a box, use triple brackets {{<nowiki>(((</nowiki>}} and {{<nowiki>)))</nowiki>}}. For example, {{<nowiki>(((My box)))</nowiki>}} produces (((My box))) ===1.10 - Text Indentation=== The text can be ''indented'' using one or more colons, at the '''beginning of a line'''. {{{{<nowiki> : Single indentation :: Double indentation </nowiki>}}}} results in : Single indentation :: Double indentation '''Note''': if you want to indent multiple lines, you have to add the indentation tag to every line. You cannot use indentation in combination with other tags, such as ''box'' or ''code''. ===1.11 - Tables=== The ''WikiMarkup'' also supports tables. Since the tables offer many options, they are described in the dedicated section [Tables]. ===1.12 - User Signature=== Users can sign their edits using four tildes: {{~~~~}}. The result is the following: §§(Dario Solera,2007/02/15 11:39:22)§§ ===1.13 - Snippets and Page Transclusion=== To use the special features called ''Snippets'' and ''Page Transclusion'', please go to the dedicated pages: * [Snippet|Snippets] * [Transclusion|Page Transclusion] ===1.14 - Page Redirection=== You can redirect a user automatically to another Page when he visits a Page. You can just add the following code '''at the beginning of the Page''': {{{{<nowiki>>>> [PageName]</nowiki>}}}} or {{{{<nowiki>>>> PageName</nowiki>}}}} When the user visits a Page containing a Redirection tag, the engine will display the destination Page. At the top of the destination Page Page, a message will be displayed, containing a link for visiting the origin Page without being redirected. ===1.15 - XHTML Support and Escaping=== ScrewTurn Wiki supports standard XHTML content. You can use any tag, except for {{<script>}} that might be disabled by the administrators.{BR} XHTML comments are also supported ({{<nowiki><!-- ... --></nowiki>}}), but they are removed from the page output. If you want to insert a block of HTML or XML displaying the tags, you can use the {{<esc></esc> }} tag. This tags escapes all the angular brackes making them visible. {{{{<esc><esc><strong>Your tag</strong></esc></esc>}}}} produces <esc><strong>Your tag</strong></esc> ==2 - Format Toolbar== In the editing page there is the toolbar reported in this picture:{BR} [imageauto|Format Toolbar|{UP}HelpPictures%2fToolbar.png] The list of the buttons is reported below. # Bold: sets/unsets selected text as '''bold''' # Italic: sets/unsets selected text as ''italic'' # Underlined: sets/unsets selected text as __underlined__ # Striked: sets/unsets selected text as --striked-- # H1: sets/unsets selected text as Header Level 1 (unrecommended) # H2: sets/unsets selected text as Header Level 2 # H3: sets/unsets selected text as Header Level 3 # H4: sets/unsets selected text as Header Level 4 (use sparingly) # Subscript: sets/unsets selected text as <sub>subscript</sub> # Superscript: sets/unsets selected text as <sup>superscript</sup> # Page link: allows to insert a link to a Wiki Page using a menu # File link: allows to insert a link to an [FileManagement|uploaded file] # External: allows to insert a link to an external destination # Image: allows to insert an image using a simple ''Image Browser'' # Anchors: shows two items, the first allows to inserts anchors in the text, the second allows to insert links to anchors in the text # Inline Code: sets/unsets selected text as {{code}} # Block Code: sets/unsets selected text as a block of code # Box: wraps/unwraps selected text with {{<nowiki>(((...)))</nowiki>}} # Line Break: inserts a single line break in the text # Insert Snippet: allows to insert a [Snippet] using a menu # Special Tags: shows a list of available special tags which, once clicked, insert a specific special tag in the text #* '''Note''': Providers can add items to this menu using the Host object (see [PluginFramework|documentation]) # NoWiki: wraps/unwraps selected text with {{<nowiki>...</nowiki>}} tags # Comment: wraps/unwraps selected text with XHTML comment tags # Escape: wraps/unwraps selected text with ''escape'' tags '''All information on this page is supplied by the [http://www.screwturn.eu/PageEditing.ashx|ScrewTurn Wiki]'''
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