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Default Menu Location Reports >> Item Control >> Inventory Receipts Report


Inventory Receipt Screen

Inventory Receipt Screen

Function The Inventory Receipts Report displays detailed (item) PO Receipt information.

The report is grouped and subtotaled by Warehouse Location.

Report Filters

Location: This is the Warehouse name. It is a partial text look-up field; the entire name is not required.

Start/End Date: The start and end date in relation to the PO Receipt Date.

Item: This is the Item Code. It is a partial text look-up field; the entire code is not required.

Held For: This is the Inventory Holder name. It is a partial text look-up field; the entire name is not required.

Bin: This is the Bin name. It is a partial text look-up field; the entire name is not required.

Owner: This is the Inventory Owner name. It is a partial text look-up field; the entire name is not required.

Standard Report Fields

Date: The PO Receipt Date.

Trans#: The package ID number (aka P#).

Source: The Purchase Order number the item was received on.

Item: The Item Code.

Unit: The Purchase Unit.

Quantity: The quantity received in purchase units.

Unit Cost: The Unit Cost of the item in purchase units.

Total Cost: Quantity * Unit Cost.

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