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General Information

Default Menu Location: Reports >> Bill of Lading >> Bill of Lading Summary

Screen Name: BOLLOG

Function: The Bill of Lading Summary screen generates a BOL/Shipping Report for the specific dates which includes Customer Name, Order#, B/L#, Total Weight, Carrier, and Status of the shipment.

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Start Date: Starting Bill of Lading Date

End Date: Ending Bill of Lading Date

Sales Order: Sales Order number

BOL/Tracking#: Bill of Lading number

Consigned to: Customer Name on BOL.

Warehouse: Shipment delivered from.

SO Type: Different Sales Order types

Sig Date: Date when signature was captured for shipment

Sig Status: Status of signature

Group by SO Type: Groups the report by Sales Order Type.

Standard Report Fields

Every customer's Bill of Lading form is different; but some fields are the same. The following is a list of reprot expression(s):

B/L#: Bill of Lading number

  • bolno

Type: Sales Order type

  • sotype

Order#: Order number

  • orderno

Date: Billing date

  • dtoc(bdate)

Customer Name: Sold to customer

  • soldto

Weight: Gross weight of the shipment

  • gw

Carrier: Carrier for the shipment

  • carrier

Trailer#: Trailer number for the shipment

  • trailer

Partial/Comp: Status of the shipment

  • iif(parship='y',"Partial","Complete")

Comment: Any message(s) included on the invoice

  • notes


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