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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 5 results.

Chart of Accounts — 63.6%

[...] bonds payable. These accounts have normal credit balances. The fifth range of account numbers are equity accounts. Equity accounts can include common stock at parr, paid-in additional to par, owner’s equity, retained earnings, and treasury stock. These accounts have normal credit balances. The sixth range of account numbers are operating revenues accounts. These accounts have normal credit balances. These accounts have normal credit balances. The seventh range of account numbers are cost of goods sold accounts [...]

CID Setup Options — 9.1%

[...] nooctdiscount cid rule which only USA uses to run through this code. NOPOCOILLOTCHK - Allows user to transfer ownership in the Transfers & Adjustments screen for [...]

System Generated Double Entry — 9.1%

[...] the fundamental accounting equation A = L + OE will hold, i.e. assets equals liabilities plus owner's equity. Accouting Walk-thru Receiving Inventory [...]

Depreciation Information — 9.1%

[...] Dep%: Some tax laws may allow you to take an additional depreciation amount in the first year of asset ownership. If so, enter that percentage here Asset [...]

Display License Status — 9.1%

[...] License Status Screen Name : DISPLAYLIC Function: This screen displays your system's current license ownership status. The License column displays how many [...]

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