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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 8 results.

Print Income Statement — 25.0%

General Information Default Menu Location : Reports >> General Ledger >> Income Statement Screen Name : GLINCSTATE Function : The Income Statement [...]

Chart of Accounts — 25.0%

[...] These accounts have normal debit balances. The ninth range of account numbers are the miscellaneous income and expenses. These accounts can include loss or gain on sale of an asset, repair costs for natural disasters, and lawsuit gains or losses. These accounts can have either debit or credit balances which is based on whether they are a gain or loss to the business. Example Simple Chart of Accounts Group headings Revenue Cost of Goods Sold SG&A Establishment Expenses Interest Expenses Within each of these headings will be the individual nominal ledger accounts that [...]

Inventory Costing Methods — 10.0%

[...] sold, a company can reduce its reported level of profitability, and thereby defer its recognition of income taxes. Since income [...]

CID Setup Options — 5.0%

[...] off. D DATABLEND - Runs as part of the Automain process. When set, will dump the results of the Income Statement and Balance Sheet reports into two [...]

Save Report Options — 5.0%

[...] Aging Report AR Credit Report AR Cash Receipts Report Daily Coil Production GL Balance Sheet GL Income Statement Financial Report Writer Gross [...]

Depreciation Information — 5.0%

[...] more quickly than the straight-line method. Generally, the purpose behind this is to minimize taxable income. This method essentially doubles the rate [...]

System Generated Double Entry — 5.0%

[...] system, each accounting entry records related pairs of financial transactions for asset, liability, income, expense, or capital accounts. Recording of [...]

Go Live Checklist — 5.0%

[...] inventory on Hand Report _ _ Parallel Testing Users have previewed GL Distribution Reports, Balance Sheet, Income Statements, and Cash Flow Statements _ _ [...]

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