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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

CID Setup Options — 3.9%

[...] Getprinter and Printer Prompt type report form calls when enabled. ALTPROBCODE - Allows the user to edit the description of the Standard Task used in the Task Entry Screen. AMS - Integration with an AMS roll former controller (Eclipse Software) is being used. AMSADDCOIL - If set, then coil will be adjusted into the system to meet AMS demand. AMSADDSEIP - Automatically creates an Interplant Shipping Event during the assembly process from Connex usage if the Production Work Order (PWO) is an Interplant PWO and an Interplant Shipping Event doesn't exist. AMSANYCOIL [...]

AR Invoice Master — 2.7%

[...] Master Screen Name : INVMAST Function : This screen is used to view a customer invoice. You can also edit Header information, credit unpaid invoices, issue tax credits, issue refunds, pay by credit card, and print the invoice. Enter the invoice number and click Edit button to change a field on the header. Click the Select button to also enable searching by Customer PO, Sales Order#, or Invoice Amount. Fields/Filters/Buttons CC Credit Card Processing: Click the Credit Card icon to process a credit card transaction for the invoice. [...]

Contract Master — 2.7%

[...] Contract Master Screen Name CONT1 Contract Master Screen Function General tab is used to add/edit/delete all contracts with other customers. Creating New Contracts To create a new contract: 1. Type in the Organization associated with the contract into the upper left hand box: 2. Click the 'New' button on the right side of the screen: 3. Enter in the appropriate contract info, then click the save button: From here, you can then enter in the rest of the contract details in the following tabs. Fields/Filters Contract #: The name of the contract [...]

Tap Setup — 2.4%

[...] addresses (linked SHIPTO children) in the District you select at the top of the screen. You can edit existing addresses and add new addresses from this screen. Underneath the District ID and Name fields are two other fields that will filter the list of addresses: Builder : A list of all builders (organizations with the BUILDER attribute) will appear in this list. Builders are linked to an address via the Connection Information screen. You will be forced to choose a builder when entering payment for an address on the Payment tab. Subdivision : : A list of [...]

Contacts in Adjutant 2.0 — 2.4%

[...] >> Address Book >> Contact Screen Name CONTACT Function Contact screen is used to view, edit, and add new users/contacts. Fields/Filters Full Name: Full name of the contact person Job Title: Contact’s official job title Company: Company where the contact person works (Companies may be added/edited/deleted in the Organization Screen) Address: Addresses for the selected contact person Phone numbers: There are four available fields for phone numbers of the selected contact person Email: Email address of the selected contact person TxtMsg Add: [...]

Edit Inventory Cost Tiers — 2.0%

General Information Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Item Control >> Edit Inventory Cost Tiers Screen Name : EDITCT Function: Allows you to edit the cost of received inventory when a FIFO/LIFO and/or Specific Identification inventory [...]

Organization Attributes - HOW TO Edit Attributes — 2.0%

[...] Address Book >> Organization Organization Screen is also accessible from the Adjutant Toolbar To edit the list of attributes for an organization or see all of the available attributes, click the Edit [...]

Approve-Edit Billing — 2.0%

Default Menu Location Transaction >> Time Billing >> Approve/Edit Billing Selection Filters screen Matching Data screen Selection Filters Selection filter screen is used to edit, approve and print pending invoices. Fields/Filters Work Order: Enter a work order number here to load it into the Matching Data grid SvcOrd: Enter a service order number here to load it into the Matching Data grid Organization: Enter a customer here to load all of their service orders into the Matching Data grid (after they have been transferred) [...]

Project Checklist — 2.0%

[...] header lines. Expand All – This will expand all headers, sub-groups, and detail lines completely. Edit Row – This pops up an edit window with the selected line details displayed. Custom lines can be fully modified. Lines created from the rule setup only allow limited edits. Add Row Above – This pops up a line edit window that allows you to quickly add a custom line to the checklist above the selected line. These lines are saved to the displayed checklist only, and do not update the rule setup. Add Row Below [...]

Freight In-Out Processing — 2.0%

[...] Supplier Tab Freight- Supplier Screen It is a view-only screen; to change the supplier, edit the Master tab. Supplier tab displays information about the current shipment's supplier, including address, phone number, fax number and e-mail address. Click "Email" link to send an e-mail message to the organization. ShipTo Tab Freight- ShipTo Screen It is a view-only screen; to change Ship To organization, edit the Master tab. Ship To tab displays information about the organization receiving the shipment, including address, [...]

User in Adjutant — 1.6%

[...] rights to more than one company. To copy the same security rights from one user to another: 1. Click Edit 2. Enter the user's name in the User to Copy box 3. Press Enter on your keyboard 4. Click Copy The screen consists of a grid containing all of the security tokens, and different ways to set security for each: Token: This is the system name of the security token Description: This is a brief description/name of the security token View/Add/Edit/Del/Deny: These checkboxes determine what security permissions the particular user will [...]

Sales Order - Header — 1.6%

[...] is located on the Toolbar Screen Name SOR3 Function The Sales Orders Screen is used to add, edit, and void sales orders. The Header tab is used to enter the basic information that starts a sales order. Icons Add/Create ShipTo: Click the button in order to create a new ShipTo for the associated Client. Open/Close: Click this icon to open or close a purchase order. Copy: Select a previously entered purchase order and click this icon to copy it to a new purchase order. S2P: This icon will allow user to submit the order to production. PO: Click [...]

How To - Split/Edit/Change Commissions — 1.6%

[...] lines which HAVE NOT been committed in the Commission Calculator 1. To split a commission, first edit the person/role that is being split. Select the line (or add a new line) and key in the percentage of commission you wish to allocate to this salesperson. For example, if two Salespeople are splitting an order 50/50, edit [...]

Task Management Setup Options — 1.6%

[...] with an existing scheduled task. ALLOWTASKQUOTE - ALLOWTASKQUOTE ALTPROBCODE - Allows the user to edit the description of the Standard Task used in the Task Entry Screen. CHTSKPOLNK - Checks for Linked Purchase Orders on Tasks and warns the user to receive and close the purchase order before completing the task. COLORBYDEPT - Color codes tasks by Department instead of by Priority. The Department Color Picker (Maintain >> Task Management >> Dept Color Picker) may be used to determine the color coding. EDITPROJNOTE - If enabled, then the project note can be edited [...]

Creating A Customer Quote/Vendor Bid — 1.2%

[...] checked, the user is prevented from accessing the 'Taxable' checkbox in Line Item Entry. Special 18 - EDIT PGROUP: If checked, the user is allowed access to edit the Customer Price Group drop down in Line Item Entry. Step By Step Instructions for Creating a Vendor Bid from a Customer Quote Step 1: Open Add/Change/Void Customer Quotes screen Step 2: Fill in Sold To and corresponding info Step 3: Save and fill in line items Step 4: Click the Generate Bids Button . Step 5: In the Generate Vendor Bids Screen , check the boxes for corresponding [...]

Asset Information — 1.2%

[...] Function : Setup and maintain information to track assets. Master Tab The first tab is used to add/edit/view assets. The New Task button (green checkmark) will open the Task Master in Add Mode with the Asset and Current Location already filled out. Fields/Filters Asset Tag: Specific code for the asset Name: Name of the asset Owner: Owner of the asset Serial: Serial number of the asset, if applicable Seral2: Second serial number, if applicable Entry Date: Enter the date the asset was entered into the system. This field will be populated by the system [...]

Purchase Order - Line Item View — 1.2%

[...] for that Purchase Order. Additional Functions Cost Edits Users have the ability to quickly edit costs for each line item from this tab. First, put the order into Edit [...]

HOW TO - Issue a Sales Tax Credit — 1.2%

[...] Master Screen Name INVMAST Function This screen is used to view a customer invoice. You can also edit Header information, credit unpaid invoices, issue tax credits, issue refunds, pay by credit card, and print the invoice. Enter the invoice number and click Edit button to change a field on the header. [...]

Shipping Setup Options — 1.2%

[...] number. ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed. ASKEDITNOTE - Allows the user to edit the Invoice Header note in the Approval/Edit Billing and Ship SO screens after creating the invoice. AUTOQUICKCART - Automatically creates a carton with settings from QUICKCARTON whenever a shipping event is created. If AUTOQUICKCART is enabled, make default QuickCart when SE is saved. BOLBYCARRIER - If enabled split up BOLs by shipto/carrier. If SE already has a linked FPO (pomast.sekyno), then fill out FPO PO number on new BOL. BOLBYCARTON [...]

Task Alerts — 1.2%

[...] screen Task Alerts tab General Description The Alerts tab on the Task Entry Screen is used to add/edit/view the alerts sent for a specific task. This same setup is also shown on the Standard Task screen. To add a new person for alerts: 1. Click Edit 2. Enter the person's name in the field and click Add 3. Select the task events they need to be notified of and click Save Events Assign: When a resource (any resource) is assigned to the task. Assign (Resource): When you are assigned to the task. Billed: When [...]

Organizations in Adjutant 2.0 — 1.2%

[...] Information Function: The Organization screen lists all organizations’ key information. Users can also edit existing and add new organizations. (An organization is defined in Adjutant as any customer, vendor, supplier, company, prospect, address, location, etc that has a relationship with your company.) Organization Master Screen Organization Icon in the Toolbar Fields/Filters ID: ID # of the organization (Leave this blank when entering a new organization, Adjutant automatically assigns the ID.) Name: Name of the organization being adding or editing (Click [...]

Time Billing Setup Option — 1.2%

[...] Option ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed. ASKEDITNOTE - Allows the user to edit the Invoice Header note in the Approve/Edit Billing and Ship SO screens after creating the invoice. BS2GROUP - If enabled, add new Group filter checkbox list to the Bill Cycle Billing Statement screen. ICNEWCOST - Change Scrap screen to use Cost Tiers if ICNEWCOST enabled. INSERTMATDATE - Inserts work date into material descriptions on timesheet material lines. INSERTNOTE - Inserts work date and resource on timesheet invoices. MILTIME [...]

Approval Management Setup Options — 1.2%

[...] approval screen. Enable to be able to approve in approval screen. ASKEDITNOTE - Allows the user to edit the Invoice Header note in the Approve/Edit and Ship SO screens after creating the invoice. CCAPPROVE - Option to not block save of SO if using approvals. INSERTMATDATE - Inserts work date into material descriptions on timesheet material lines. INSERTNOTE - Inserts work date and resource on timesheet invoices. MILTIME - Use military time throughout the system. NEWMSNNUM - If set, then map project drop folders to Project Number instead [...]

Approval Setup — 1.2%

[...] current approvals that have been created. The Fields on the top have of the screen allows you to create, edit, and delete approval processes. Fields Customer/Company : Enter an organization name or ID if the approval is limited to only one organization Document : Select the document from the list. Type : If there are multiple types of the document you selected, you will be able to select a specific type in the list. Leave this field blank if you want the approval to apply to all document types. Process : Select the process that must be approved. Whse : Allows [...]

Adjutant End of Year Guide — 1.2%

[...] and make any adjustments for holidays, or other non-working days as needed. To adjust days, click ‘Edit’ on the displayed month, and click on any calendar days that should be changed. Clicking on a date will toggle it between working (green) and non-working (red). Click ‘Save’ for each month if changes are made. REVIEW POSTING WINDOW CONTROLS The Posting Window controls are used to prevent general ledger posting transactions outside of the approved posting months. The Posting Window can be set to a short range of just a month or two, or it can be set to include [...]

AP Invoice Master — 1.2%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Accounts Payable >> Add/Edit AP Invoice Screen Name APMAST Function The AP Invoice Screen has many uses. From this screen you can: 1. Create a new AP Invoice. 2. Create an AP Invoice from a PO Receipt, or several PO Receipts. 3. Edit an existing AP Invoice. 4. Void an existing AP Invoice. 5. Mark an invoice as approved. 6. Print a Manual Check for an invoice. 7. Set up Recurring Payables . 8. Create a "Pass-Thru" that creates an AR Invoice from an AP Invoice. AP Invoice [...]

Menu Prompts — 0.8%

[...] Function Menu Prompts can be changed to change the look of your menu bar and the prompts inside of it. To edit a menu prompt, click Edit [...]

Procurement Setup Options — 0.8%

[...] Purchase Order Header. CONSUMABLE - CONSUMABLE DIRITEMDET - DIRITEMDET EDITSTKDESC - Allows the user to edit the description of a stock item on a Sales Order. FINDITEMMATCH - Uses "find near" logic when searching for items in Item Master, Sales Order, Purchase Order. ITEMEXACT - Displays item in item master when an exact match is entered, regardless if there are other items that may be a partial match. MMEXPORTONLY - Option to autocheck 'Export Only' box as a default on UPDATEMINMAX. MSNNEWDATELOGIC - If set, show the new Ship Date and PWO Due Date fields on phases. [...]

Purchase Order - Header — 0.8%

[...] is located on the Tool Bar Screen Name POR3 Function The Purchase Orders Screen is used to add, edit, and void purchase orders. The Header tab is used to enter the basic information that starts a purchase order. Related Tabs For more information about individual Tabs in the Purchase Order Screen please see the following: Purchase Orders - Line Items / Purchase Orders - AP Info / Purchase Orders - Receipt History Fields/Filters Open/Close: Click this icon to open or close a purchase order. Copy: Select a previously entered purchase order and click this [...]

PO Receipt Cost Update Options on the SO — 0.8%

[...] PO Receipt will update the unit cost on the SO. This option will also update the linked SO cost upon edit of the linked PO line cost if the item codes match. This option will also keep the PO quantity linked to the SO line quantity ordered in sync by updating the SO line quantity when the PO quantity is changed. PORECUPCOST2 This option is only to be used in very specific types of operations. The PORECUPCOST2 option requires that the PORECUPSOCOST option ALSO is enabled. With these options both enabled, the extended cost of all received quantities on the linked PO [...]

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