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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

CID Setup Options — 2.5%

[...] process each pwo scan thru process (assume + entered each time) 48LABEL - Will print coil/coil-like tags for items assembled using Prompt 48. 74ALLOCMATCH - Validates loaded coil through 74/79 against SO Allocations and prevents loading if the lot# for the scanned P# is not already allocated to the SO. 74_ALLQTY - Combines the quantity of duplicate items on a sales order when packing in prompt 74. For example, if you have item# 1234 on line # 1 with a quantity of 15 and the same item (#1234) on line # 19 with [...]

Item Master — 1.9%

[...] inventory levels, costs, prices, transaction history, inventory locations, and much more. Complex pricing for purchasing and sales is easily maintained through separate item pricing and product groups. The Item Control module also allows you to maintain costs on several levels and automatically update costs based on multiple variables. It handles an unlimited number of warehouse locations, serialized items, and lot-controlled items and allows for the inclusion of freight in/out, direct, and indirect costs of the item. Attach notes to any item [...]

Adjutant End of Year Guide — 1.4%

OVERVIEW This guide contains the recommended procedures for preparing for and completing your end of year procedures in Adjutant. The guide assumes a calendar (January through December) year structure with December as the end of year month. For customers with a different fiscal calendar setup, simply adapt the procedures in this guide to your calendar. The guide is categorized by pre-end of year preparation steps and actual end of year closeout steps. Not all of the steps will apply to all customers. The [...]

Sales Order Q&A — 0.9%

SO Header Questions Q: What are "Global ShipTos" and what are they used for? A: A global ship to is used to signify a ship to location that can be used for ANY sold to in the CID. Most commonly used for "CUSTOMER PICKUP (CPU)". Q: What is the "Rev#"? A: Rev# is revision number. You will see this on a lot of our transactional screens, although a lot of the coding has been counted out for this on most screens. It is traditionally used to track changes in a transaction, such [...]

Order Entry Setup Options — 0.9%

[...] Ship To address per driving directions from Yahoo. Enabling this option will slow down order entry for new Ship To locations. CCAPPROVE - Option to not block save of SO if using approvals. CHECKPACKQTY - Check entered qty vs system packqty. It Qty isnt a multiple, round to nearest multiple and notify user. CHECKPROFILE - CHECKPROFILE CHKZEROPRICE - Notifies user if item has $0 price and SO line is submitted to production. COILPROD - If set, coils must have color and gauge filled out in profile table. PWOs are grouped by GAUGE and COLOR. CPARTBILLTO - CPARTBILLTO [...]

Item Master Import — 0.8%

[...] and then double-click the desired mapped field in the right column to complete the mapping. Repeat for any red lines on the left that should be mapped. If there are additional columns in the source file that should NOT be mapped, they can be left unmapped (displayed in red). Mandatory fields will require that they be mapped before clicking OK. Default Warehouse: Sets the warehouse location for any imported items where the WHSE column on the import file is left blank. This list is populated by Warehouse Control records that have been created. [...]

AR Invoice Import — 0.8%

[...] and then double-click the desired mapped field in the right column to complete the mapping. Repeat for any red lines on the left that should be mapped. If there are additional columns in the source file that should NOT be mapped, they can be left unmapped (displayed in red). Mandatory fields will require that they be mapped before clicking OK. Validate to TXT file: Selecting this box will create a TXT errors file listing any rows that would create errors such as invalid data, or duplicate records. If no errors are found in the file, the import will still process and [...]

Cut Charge / Freight Charge Setup — 0.8%

[...] Charge Setup screen allows user to implement and control the automatically calculated cutting charges for material sales that fall below a specific length requirement. The setup screen allows length controls to be established by one of four different criteria called Process Filters. The pricing and format of the cut charges can also be customized. Once the charges are set up and tied to an item code, the calculations are handled automatically on both Sales Orders and Quotes. These automatic calculations require the SOCUTCHARGE / SOFRTCHARGE setup options to be enabled. [...]

Configurable Item (SOC) Export — 0.8%

[...] (SOC) Export Screen Name SOCEXPORT Function This screen will export the SOC questions and answers for the specified items. This screen is used to generate the import template for the Configurable Item (SOC) Import. Fields Class - This field is a range of alphabetically based item classes Item Range - This field is a range of items to export from Item Like Block - This field is for searching with multiple "contains" statements. (Example: PR in the first box followed by %BLUE in the second would bring [...]

Cost Tier Import — 0.7%

[...] Name : ITEMIMPORTSBS1 Function: The Cost Tier Import program allows you to create cost tier tables for recently imported inventory quantities. Cost Tiers are used to accurately track cost for all system cost methods. Receiving both lot-controlled and non lot-controlled items on purchase order receipts will automatically create cost tier data for all system cost methods. It is critical to import cost tier data after all quantity imports because the imports will not create the needed cost tier data. Cost [...]

Implementing the 1099-NEC Form for 2020 — 0.6%

Implementing the New 1099-NEC Changes for Tax Year 2020 Overview This guide will cover the actions required in Adjutant to update the 1099 Reporting software to accurately report nonemployee compensation amounts on the new 1099-NEC form required by the IRS for tax year 2020. The steps included in this guide are intended for a Systems Administrator level user or a user that has experience updating Rule Maintenance records. The Rule Maintenance screen is a powerful, system-level control screen with the potential [...]

Contract Master — 0.6%

[...] contact person inside your company regarding this particular contract Bill To: The company being billed for this contract Active: Check this box to make the contract active (Only active contracts may be selected in the Task Entry Screen in the Contract # field) Default: Check this box to make it the default contract for the organization (The contract will automatically appear in the Contract # field when filling out the Task Entry Screen.) Working Times Contract- Working Times Tab Working Times tab determines the billing rate for [...]

MWF Integration — 0.6%

[...] Info Adjutant is able to import files generated by the MWF (aka StrucSoft) program. It is mainly used for light gauge steel member and wall/floor panel production. The integration is able to take files with thousands of lines and create a full order within a few minutes or less. MWF Integration is intended to be used in conjunction with AMS/Eclipse, and is a necessary part of integration today. Importing the files will create two new sales orders, attached by a project, one for assembled panels (SO Type = "S") and one for [...]

Vendor Import — 0.6%

[...] and then double-click the desired mapped field in the right column to complete the mapping. Repeat for any red lines on the left that should be mapped. If there are additional columns in the source file that should NOT be mapped, they can be left unmapped (displayed in red). Mandatory fields will require that they be mapped before clicking OK. Try To Match Existing Orgs: Check this box to turn on additional logic that looks through your existing organizations in Adjutant and tries to match each record in the spreadsheet with one in Adjutant. If the import program [...]

Project Budgeting — 0.6%

General The Budgeting tab of Project Control allows setting predefined budgets for each project. Costs are grouped into each budget category based on how the rule is set up. The Purchase Order Cost, Actual Cost, and Committed Cost columns are updated based on transaction data. The Purchase Order Cost column will display the dollar value of unreceived items on PO's for each category. The Actual Cost column will display the actual cost for items shipped out for each category. The [...]

Purchase Order Import — 0.6%

[...] and then double-click the desired mapped field in the right column to complete the mapping. Repeat for any red lines on the left that should be mapped. If there are additional columns in the source file that should NOT be mapped, they can be left unmapped (displayed in red). Mandatory fields will require that they be mapped before clicking OK. Validate to TXT file: Selecting this box will create a TXT errors file listing any rows that would create errors such as invalid data, or duplicate records. If no errors are found in the file, the import will still process and [...]

Company ID (CID) Maintenance — 0.6%

[...] The Company ID (CID) Maintenance Screen is used to maintain general system and accounting information for your company. For further detail on CID options throughout the set up see the CID Setup Options page. CID Maintenance Master The Master tab displays basic information about the company. This information is commonly used on reports and forms. Click to open full image Fields CID: Company ID Company: Company name Address, Country, Phone, Fax, Email: Company address and contact numbers (These fields appear on several forms, [...]

Configurable Item (SOC) Import — 0.6%

[...] or update SOC details. Use the Configurable Item (SOC) Export screen to generate the template file for this screen. The SOC Import will add records if they do not exist, but can also be used to update existing records. The SOC Import will also create the Configurable Item (SOC) attribute for the associated item, if it doesn't already exist. Configurable Item (SOC) Import Screen Filters/Fields Item File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed SOC import template file (in XLS format). Import Template [...]

Customer/Vendor Part Import — 0.6%

[...] The Customer/Vendor Parts Import is used to set the alternate vendor or customer part number details for Adjutant item codes on the C/V Part tab. The Customer/Vendor Parts Import is most commonly used to set the vendor associations for items ordered through the QuickBuy application, and to set the default order source for items. Most of the order calculation criteria has been moved to the item OHF tab, which offers more control over the order calculations used for QuickBuy procurement. [...]

Customer Import — 0.6%

[...] and then double-click the desired mapped field in the right column to complete the mapping. Repeat for any red lines on the left that should be mapped. If there are additional columns in the source file that should NOT be mapped, they can be left unmapped (displayed in red). Mandatory fields will require that they be mapped before clicking OK. Try To Match Existing Orgs: Check this box to turn on additional logic that looks through your existing customers in Adjutant and tries to match each record in the spreadsheet with one in Adjutant. If the import program finds [...]

Sales Order Import — 0.6%

[...] and then double-click the desired mapped field in the right column to complete the mapping. Repeat for any red lines on the left that should be mapped. If there are additional columns in the source file that should NOT be mapped, they can be left unmapped (displayed in red). Mandatory fields will require that they be mapped before clicking OK. Validate to TXT file: Selecting this box will create a TXT errors file listing any rows that would create errors such as invalid data, or duplicate records. If no errors are found in the file, the import will still process and [...]

Connection Import/Match (Water District Match Import) — 0.6%

[...] Import/Match Screen Name : WATERMATCH2 Function : Imports or updates service address/connection information for addresses within a district based on an excel spreadsheet. The following Organization Attributes need to exist in the Organization Attributes (ATT_ENT) rule before creating Districts, Builders, Subdivisions, and Connections: Standard Customer attributes (BILLTO, SOLDTO, SHIPTO) - The SOLDTO attribute description is commonly relabeled as 'District' Builder attribute (with BUILDERDEP form name) Subdivision attribute Connection attribute (with CONNECTION form name) [...]

Profile Import — 0.6%

[...] Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Profile Import Function This screen is used to import profile details for production items. The profile details are displayed in the Profile screen linked to the item's department attribute. The import will create profile records if they do not exist, or it can be used to updated existing profile details for matched item numbers. Screen Name IMPORTPROFILE Profile Import Screen Fields/Filters Item File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Profile import template [...]

Task Import — 0.5%

[...] Other > Task Import Screen Name: IMPORTTS2 Function: This screen can be used to import several tasks for several customers using a single file. The template can be downloaded here . Options Import as Unbilled: This checkbox will import the tasks in an un-billed / un-transferred status. Import Template Columns *Soldto: Adjutant organization ID for the customer of the task. *Billto: Adjutant organization ID for the entity responsible for paying for [...]

Item Detail (OHF) Import — 0.5%

[...] Function: The OHF Import, also known as the ITEMDET import is used to add new Warehouse, Owner, Held For (OHF) records or to update the order control details on existing OHF records. Item Import (DET) Screen Fields/Filters Item File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Item OHF Min/Max import template file (in XLS format). Export Template: Generates a blank Item OHF Min/Max template file Map Fields: Fields must be mapped prior to importing. If no changes have been made to the column headings, the mapping screen should show [...]

Task Entry Screen — 0.5%

[...] erase everything you have entered. Open/Completed Tasks - Left click to view all open/active tasks for the organization. Right click to view all completed tasks for the organization. Customer (Sold To): The customer this task is being performed for. Click on the Customer link to go to the Organization Screen for the information regarding this organization. Only the organizations assigned with a Sold To attribute will be available for selection. [...]

Contact Import — 0.5%

[...] and then double-click the desired mapped field in the right column to complete the mapping. Repeat for any red lines on the left that should be mapped. If there are additional columns in the source file that should NOT be mapped, they can be left unmapped (displayed in red). Mandatory fields will require that they be mapped before clicking OK. Contact Attributes: Select any attributes that should be assigned to ALL contact records in the import file. Overwrite Duplicates Selecting this box will attempt to match import records to existing records using the contact [...]

Project Checklist — 0.5%

[...] work through a checklist of customizable, predefined steps. The Project Checklist is ideally suited for projects that have a repeatable, standardized process to follow and can help make sure your personnel are following the same procedures every time. The Project Checklist is an ADJ2020 exclusive feature. The Project Checklist is accessed from the Checklist tab in the Project Control screen. The Project Checklist will only display if a checklist has been set up in the Project Checklist rule that matches the project type of the selected project record. Some of the built-in [...]


[...] on the Item Master screen is a way of tracking different subsets of inventory under one item code. For example, you could have an item called FLATBAR12 for 1/2 inch thick flat bar and track all the different length and width combinations under that one item code. Any item with 'Track Length' selected should also be lot controlled. Settings Tab ID1: Enter a label here to define the primary way to track inventory for the selected item. 'Length' for example. ID2: Define a second [...]

CID Accounting Setup — 0.5%

[...] The Company ID (CID) Maintenance Screen is used to maintain general system and accounting information for your company. For further detail on CID options throughout the set up see the CID Setup Options page. Accounting Backend The Accounting Backend tab contains information about a third party accounting package if one is in use. The Posting Window field controls when transactions can be posted in the system. Any transaction (invoice, cash receipt, check, inventory transfer, production, etc) must be executed with an accounting date that [...]

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