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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 9 results.

Depreciation Information — 39.0%

[...] Location : Maintain >> Asset Tracking >> Asset Information OR the Assets icon in the toolbar The Depreciation Information screen is a jump screen (a screen launched from an attribute) launched from the Asset Information screen. Screen Name : ASSETDEP Function: Setup fixed asset depreciation information. Click here for the Depreciation Information Screen There are four separate tracking/reporting tools (Federal, State, Book, AMT) and you may use different methods for each asset. The Book tab has two [...]

Asset Importer — 16.9%

[...] for 50% business use, enter '50'. Note - This field is not in use AssetDep - Enter 'y' to add the Depreciation Schedule attribute for this record Dept - Department name for this asset. Entries must exactly match the name value from the Departments (DEPT) rule. BasedOn - Item code that the asset records is based on. Must be an existing item code from Item Master. TagID - Asset Tag ID (30 characters max, alphanumeric) Serial - Serial Number 1 for the asset (30 characters max, alphanumeric). If no serial number is available, copy the TagID value to this column. [...]

Chart of Accounts — 11.7%

[...] the property, plant, and equipment. These accounts include land, buildings, equipment, vehicles, and accumulated depreciation for those assets. These accounts have normal debit balances. The third range of account numbers are current liabilities accounts. These accounts include accounts payable, interest payable, unearned revenues, and notes payable. These accounts have normal credit balances. The fourth range of account numbers are long-term liabilities. These accounts include mortgage loan payable, bonds payable, and discount on bonds payable. [...]

Monthly Asset Depreciation — 9.1%

General Information Default Menu Location : Reports >> Fixed Assets >> Monthly Asset Depreciation Screen Name : DEPSS Function : Produces a depreciation schedule for fixed assets in a given year. This report is commonly exported to Excel for data validation and manipulation. Monthly Depreciation Screen Fields/Filters Asset TagID: Asset [...]

Asset Depreciation Posting — 9.1%

General Description Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Fixed Assets >> Asset Depreciation Posting Screen Name DEPPOSTING Function : This screen is used to post depreciation expenses to the General Ledger. Asset Depreciation Screen Instructions Enter the Posting Period in the format shown (YYYYMM) Check the Preview Postings box if you wish to view a summary or detailed report of what the postings will be To post to the GL, select the report type you wish to generate [...]

Yearly Depreciation Summary — 7.8%

General Information Default Menu Location : Reports >> Fixed Assets >> Asset Depreciation Summary Screen Name : DEPSCH Function: The Yearly Depreciation Summary displays past, present, and future depreciation expenses [...]

Depreciation Information Screen — 2.6%

Fixed Assets Report — 2.6%

[...] Report generates a summary report with asset tag, description, cost, salvage value, book value, total depreciation, depreciation [...]

Asset Information — 1.3%

[...] was put into service Business Use: Percentage the asset is used for business purposes Life (Years): Depreciation lifespan of the asset Click the Edit Attributes [...]

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