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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Notes Import — 6.0%

[...] Address Book >> Notes Import Screen Name: IMPORTNOTES Function: The Import Notes screen creates Note file entries tied to Organizations, Projects, and Project Opportunities. The Notes Import does not have an Export Template option. You can find a copy of the Notes Import Template in the ABIS FTP site in \Implementation Files\Import Templates. The Notes Import does not use the f1-f999 row and has the data field names in row 1. The import routine starts importing records on row 2 of the XLS file. The Note1 through Note4 data fields in the XLS file will be joined [...]

Item Notes Import — 4.4%

[...] Orders. Notes There is a limit of 255 characters per Excel field that may limit the size of the note being imported. Excel will allow entry of more than 255 characters in a cell, but the spreadsheet will not save anything over 255 characters per cell. The Adjutant note field does not have the same character limit, it is capable of handling much larger notes. You can manually add notes to the Item notes screen that exceed 255 characters. The Item Notes Import replaces any existing notes upon import. It will not append, or add to existing [...]

CID Setup Options — 3.7%

[...] If enabled, suspect screen is launched after save of new Org, adding suspect attribute to new Org. NOTE: Orgs created from other screens will not auto populate a suspect attribute. ADDTODROPS - Add 1 to all drops with higher drop by 1 on change of drop number. ADJ2.0 - ADJ2.0 ADJAP - Adjutant Accounts Payable module is installed. ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed. ADJCCREQ1 - Requires an address and zip code to be entered before processing a credit card transaction. ADJCCUSETOKEN - Allows users to save an encrypted token instead of the [...]

MailReader and Email Tags — 3.4%

Info About the MailReader The sender of the email will be listed as the Owner of the note if the sender is a Note Owner (attribute on the contact record) and the email address is listed on their contact record (one of the two email addresses). Otherwise, the owner will be blank. The sender of the email will be listed as the Add User of the note if the sender is a User in Adjutant (attribute on the contact record) and the email address is listed on their contact record (one of the two email addresses). Otherwise, [...]

Note Types — 2.9%

Default Menu Location Access to Note screen is located on most of the Adjutant screens. Here is an example of how to access to the Note screen, Click here for screenshot Types of Notes Click here for Note Types screenshot Here is a list of Note Types: Campaign Cold Call Collections [...]

Notes in Adj 2.0 — 2.6%

[...] This is located in the top center of the screen. You will only access notes that you are the note owner of from those two buttons. When you access the notes screen from the organization screen, you will be able to see all notes made for that organization including notes that you are not note owner of. Note Details Below the list of notes. There is the notes details. Select a note from the list of notes and the details of the notes will appear. Note [...]

Note Status — 2.3%

Default Menu Location Access to Note screen is located on most of the Adjutant screens. Here is an example of how to access to the Note screen, Click here for screenshot Status List Click here for Status List screenshot Here is a list of status: Closed Open [...]

Organization Attributes - Warning — 2.1%

General Description The Warning Note attribute is used to enter a note or comment that users of the system should be notified of when entering a Task, Sales Order, or Purchase Order. If the SHOWWARNING [...]

Adjtuant Wiki - Page Editing — 1.8%

[...] produces striked bold and italic 1.02 - Links Links are identified with [ and ] . Note : since version 1.0.10, links also work with 2 brackets, for example [[Link]] . To insert a link to an internal page just write [PageName] , that produces PageName (if the linked Page doesn't exist, the link will have a different color) You can add a title to the link: [PageName|This is a Link] produces This is a Link Email links are detected automatically, for example [] produces [...]

Widget - Memo Block — 1.6%

General Information The memo widget allows you to create a note on the fly. Widget Memo Box The data type identifies whether the note is for a contact, organization, project or project opportunity. The "Parent Record" is where you identify the contact, organization, project or project opportunity to connect the note to. Below is [...]

Project Review Report UDF Questions — 1.6%

[...] Enter '1' or '2' to indicate which UDF answer should display on the report. Notelist Type 1: Enter a note type code from the NOTETYPE rule to filter the 'notelist' expression. Up to 3 note type filters can be set on the same rule line. Notelist Type 2: Enter a note type code from the NOTETYPE rule to filter the 'notelist' expression. Up to 3 note [...]

Campaigns in Adjutant 2.0 — 1.6%

[...] Generate Tab Once you've created a campaign and saved it, you can select the campaign drop down for each note to keep track of the communication made in the notes function. As you can see, you will see which organizations have been contacted under the campaign in the campaign master screen. Campaign Name: Name of the campaign Type: Method communication for the campaign. Note Type: Type of communication for the campaign. Priority: The priority of the note. Created date: Date the campaign has been created. It can [...]

Note Priority — 1.6%

[...] Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance Function This rule allows users to define note priority names and codes and set the default priority. Note Priority Rule Rule Setup – Text Fields Name: The priority name that displays in the Notes application drop-down list of Note Priority. Code: The two character code used for setting the priority code in the [...]

Allocate Inventory to Projects — 1.0%

[...] Held For (rule is HOLDER) record for any new project that has the Allocate Inventory box checked. NOTE: If you are going to allocate inventory to projects, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that this setup option is turned on. The CID Setup Option, PROJALLOCINV, automatically checks the Allocate Inventory box on the Project Control screen for new projects. NOTE: If you are going to allocate inventory to projects, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that this setup option is turned on. Program Logic Item GL Accounts The OHF tab of the Item Master [...]

Drop Folders for Document Vault — 1.0%

[...] Production Work Order RFQ Request For Quote (Customer Quote) ROUTE Route RTASSET Asset RTNOTES Note SEN Shipping Event SONO Sales Order SO # STASK Standard Task TASK Service Order VCONTACT Contact (Person) VOUCHER Incoming AP Invoice Document Management in Adjutant - Email Instructions Document Management in Adjutant – Email Instructions All AP Invoices can be sent to . There are no tags needed for this address; all attachments will be moved into the AP Voucher folder. Please note that this email address [...]

Tap Setup — 1.0%

[...] Click the ADD icon. STEP 3 : Fill out as much information as possible and then click SAVE. Please note that all information from the previously selected address will remain in the fields when you start adding. This is done on purpose so that you only have to change a few fields when adding many street addresses at the same time (all on one street for example). You can specify the address's ID or you can leave that field blank and let the system assign an ID for you. The ID will be validated against others in the system so that you do not create a duplicate. The [...]

Time & Materials Setup Options — 1.0%

[...] tasks to be completed with open POs. TSCHKOVERLAP - Use smin and emin to check for overlaps. Change warning to option to cancel entry and change. TSCOMP - Cursor starts in Completed By field on Time and Material Entry screen. TSCOPYTASKNOTE - If set, copy the task note into the timesheet notes box. [...]

Purchasing Setup Options — 1.0%

[...] is entered, regardless if there are other items that may be a partial match. ITEMMULTINOTE - Change note screen to have 5 notes (SO, RFQ, PO, PWO and Inv) LABELDEFPRINT - If enabled, print coil tags to user's default printer. Skip Whse Coil tag printer logic. LABELDIFF - New screen to allows setup of custom Inventory labels for Custom/Item pairs. Change InvLabel generation points to use custom label if found (LABELDIFF CID option enables). LASERCOIL - Allows printing of laser coil tag labels from PO Receipt screen. LOCKCOSTONSHIP - If enabled, cost cannot be changed [...]

Procurement Setup Options — 1.0%

[...] the Req Date on a PO to today's date. The default is today plus three days. PORRNOTE - If set use Note from SOLDFROM Screen as PO Header note. POSHOWBECOST - Add new becost field to PO/Bid PO. Field prints on PO/BID PO (pontran.becost and pobtran.becost are database fields). becost on PO Report. POSHOWCONFIG - POSHOWCONFIG POSHOWCONFIGBID - POSHOWCONFIGBID POSHOWCONFIGORD - POSHOWCONFIGORD POSWITCHWHSE - Automatically updates all PO line items with new Receiving Warehouse when it is changed on the PO Header. POUSERISBUYER - If set [...]

Task Management Setup Options — 1.0%

[...] Color Picker) may be used to determine the color coding. EDITPROJNOTE - If enabled, then the project note can be edited from the grid. The project is updated on lost focus on the note field in the grid. HIDECOMP - Hide Completed option on Schedule screen also hides the completed tasks for today. MILTIME - Uses Military Time throughout the system. NEWLOOKUP - NEWLOOKUP NEWMSNNUM - If set, then map project drop folders to Project Number instead of Project ID. QSUPHIDE1 - If enabled, hide contact, contract and status fields from Quick Task [...]

Pending API Organizations — 0.8%

[...] filled in on the Organization record. Follow Up Date: Allows user to set a date to follow up with the note created once organization is processed. Priority: Allows user to set a priority for the note created once organization is processed. Special Functions All columns are red and editable to allow users to update and manipulate date into desired formats. After making edits, hit "Update All" to apply the changes Adjutant will scan for possible duplicate organizations based on name and address, which will be flagged as red. User can drill [...]

Commission Plans — 0.8%

[...] Invoice or Payment, then payment on the commission will not be due until the invoice is fully paid. Note that the commission is still calculated, but the payment will not be calculated as "Ready to Pay" until the corresponding conditions have been met. Calculated On: The value the commission is calculated on (Gross Amount or Margin). Max Eligible: Allows you to cap the base commission (Gross or Margin) at a specific dollar amount. Order/Project: Applies to the Max Eligible field; the maximum can be calculated by individual order, or by all orders linked to a [...]

Commission Plans — 0.8%

[...] but the salesperson will not be due that commission until the order is invoiced and/or paid. Please note: The Sales Order Type criteria isn't used on commission plans that are earned on Payment. In-Full: Applies to the Earned On field and is applicable to Invoices and Payments. The commission will not be earned until the order is invoiced or paid in full. Calculated On: The value the commission is calculated on (Gross Amount or Margin). Max Eligible: Allows you to cap the base commission (Gross or Margin) at a specific dollar amount. Order/Project: Applies [...]

AP Invoice Import — 0.8%

[...] Browse button to locate and select the completed AP Invoice Header import template file (in XLS format). Note - both the Header and Distributions files are required and must be imported at the same time. File Name(Dists)/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed AP Invoice Distributions import template file (in XLS format). Note - both the Header and Distributions files are required and must be imported at the same time. Export Template: Generates a blank AP Invoice Header or Distributions template file Map Fields: Fields [...]

Company ID (CID) Maintenance — 0.8%

[...] supply network directory information for folders that Adjutant commonly uses. Adjutant will display a warning message at login if it cannot locate these folders. Accounting Backend The Accounting Backend tab contains information about a third party accounting package if one is in use. The Posting Window field controls when transactions can be posted in the system. Any transaction (invoice, cash receipt, check, inventory transfer, production, etc) must be executed with an accounting date that falls within the posting window. Click to open full image Fields [...]

Implementing the 1099-NEC Form for 2020 — 0.8%

[...] rule in the Rule Maintenance screen. Below is an example of the rule: TYPE1099 Rule Example NOTE - If the 1099 Types rule does not include the 1096 Forms Box field, it will need to be added to the rule control (header) record. If you are unfamiliar with making changes to the rule control records, contact your Strategist for assistance with this step. The Type descriptive names (first column in the lower grid) will be unique for every organization and may not match the example images. In this example, the ‘Misc-NonempComp-Box 7’ type is highlighted, but your [...]

How To - Display 'Check SqFt' warning when the customer PO is changed — 0.8%

How to display a warning when the customer PO is changed Overview [...]

Production Setup Options — 0.8%

[...] PWOCMPXBOM - PWOCMPXBOM PWOCUTLIST - Build CutList during sub generation, and add back to PWO Header note. CID option PWOCUTLIST enables option. PWODATEIN - Change adddate of ItemTrack record to oldest add date of used lot controlled material. CID option PWODATEIN enables change. PWODDREQ - Will use Header ReqDate as the source for the PWO duedate calculations (system will still use existing rule setup, but will use ReqDate as the base not Load Date). PWODELAMS - If set, send Deletes to AMS if PWO is deleted from AMS if non PWOSETBUNDLE system. PWOFLAGLABEL - PWOFLAGLABEL [...]

MBS to Adjutant Guide — 0.8%

[...] Sales Order, system will ask configuration questions for the building (sizes, footage, etc.) NOTE Do not enter any costs on this Sales Order (cost will come from the BOM Sales Order, which is discussed below) 3. Open up the BOM to Excel screen in Adjutant: TRANSACTION --> IMPORTERS/EXPORTERS --> MBS QUESTWARE INTEGRATION --> BOM TO EXCEL 4. Click on the option "Select Existing BOM_SHP.INI file". This is the file which has been created from MBS (have this file saved either inside the doc vault for the project or on your desktop) 5. Enter the Sales Order [...]

Organization Attributes - Sold From — 0.8%

[...] ID Code for accounting A/P software. This is an alphanumeric code, six characters maximum. Vendor Note: Free text field. This note will be displayed on the Stock [...]

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