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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Info/Wiki Screen — 3.1%

The Info/Wiki appears when they F12 key is pressed and a screen is open. Info/Wiki [...]

Item Master — 2.7%

[...] OHF Tab OHF tab is used to determine which items may be stored and/or distributed out of which warehouses. Click New to add a new Owner/Held For (This allows you to add this item to the warehouse) Enter the Owner of the item (Owners are set up in the Organization Screen with an attribute of Inventory Owner . ) Enter who the item is Held For (Inventory Holders are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen under Holders) Enter the Whse (Warehouse) the item is to be placed in, or come out of (Warehouses are set up in the

CID Setup Options — 2.7%

General Info CID Setup Options determine how Adjutant operates. They are maintained in the Company ID (CID) Maintenance . They may also be changed through Screen Setup Options . Setup Options and Definitions Numbers 45BOMCHK - Require users to enter 1 or 3 when asked to continue to use raw material that is not on a BOM. If setup option 45BOMCHK is set and scanned coil is not on BOM, show confirm message with 3 = continue and anything else loops back to scan PWO line. 45CALCCOMP - If set, system will compare qty to assemble vs qty open, and close line if [...]

AP Check Info — 2.2%

General Information Default Menu Location : Reports >> Accounts Payable >> AP Check Info Screen Name : CHECKINFO Function: The AP Check Info screen displays basic information about a check. You can select another check number by clicking [...]

Application Info — 2.2%

Default Menu Location Maintain ==> System ==> Application Info Application Info [...]

Warehouses — 2.2%

[...] Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> Item Control >> Warehouse Screen Name WHSELOCT Function The Warehouses screen is used to add/edit/delete any warehouse in Adjutant Each location can also be assigned stock items and inventory from the bottom left of each screen Warehouse Setup Item Screen Master Tab The Master tab allows users to add new warehouse locations and contact information Fields Whse Name: The code name of the warehouse. Description: A description of the warehouse. Company: The actual name of the warehouse. Address: The address [...]

Production Scheduling Warehouses — 2.2%

[...] Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance Function Allows users to define warehouses that can be included in the check for available material to complete production lines. If a PWO's production warehouse matches the LoctID in the Source LoctID field of the rule, the Production Scheduling screen will consider all of the inventory warehouses (by LoctID) listed in the Material LoctIDs list when determining whether there are enough raw materials to complete the [...]

Task Entry Tabs — 2.2%

[...] particular resources or users. For more information on assignments, please visit Assignments Tab Screen Info History: This tab is used to display the history of the task. It includes all updates, rescheduling, and notifications thathave been made and shows which User made the changes. Materials: this tab is used to view/add/edit/delete parts associated with the task. The grid shows all current parts associated with the task. To find out more information, please visit Materials Tab Info OS: This tab is primarily used for back-end/system set [...]

Go Live Checklist — 1.8%

[...] Inventory Quantities/Costs _ _ Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Coil quantities/costs/info _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Open AR _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Open AP _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Inventory Quantities/Costs _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Coil quantities/costs/info _ _ Mock Go Live Sort through all open transactions _ _ Mock Go Live Users key in open transactions _ _ Mock Go Live Export historical data for conversion _ _ Parallel Testing [...]

Purchase Order - Header — 1.8%

[...] Purchase Order Screen please see the following: Purchase Orders - Line Items / Purchase Orders - AP Info / Purchase Orders - Receipt History Fields/Filters Open/Close: Click this icon to open or close a purchase order. Copy: Select a previously entered purchase order and click this icon to copy it to a new purchase order. Recurring PO: Click the Recurring Purchase Order icon to setup a recurring sales order. The Template box must be checked in order to use this icon. Use the Generate Recurring Orders screen to generate and ship them. PO Receipt: Click this [...]

Update Blank Ship To Sales Tax Info — 1.8%

Default Menu Location Maintain >> Sales Tax >> Update Blank Ship To Sales Tax Info Click here for a screenshot General Description Update Ship To Sales Tax Info [...]

Purchase Order - AP Info — 1.8%

[...] Menu Location The Purchase Order Icon is located on the Tool Bar Screen Name POR3 Function The AP Info tab displays any related AP info [...]

Commission Plans — 1.8%

[...] the boxes. This option can only be used if the Commission Plan is set up to be Earned On Order. Warehouses Commission Plans can be applicable to certain Warehouses . Choose [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 35 - Change Warehouse — 1.3%

General Info Prompt 35 , Change Warehouse, allows you to change the terminal's warehouse location. This prompt will never be needed unless you are running multiple warehouses. You can also use this prompt to view which warehouse the scanner is currently [...]

Connection Info - Inspection Pass/Fail — 1.3%

General Description Default Menu Location Organization >> Connection Attribute >> Connection Info Screen Name CONNINFO Function The three [...]

Task Status HTML Report Info — 1.3%

[...] generated to and stored from the HTML Report button on the Task Status report. Task Status HTML Report Info Rule Rule Setup – Text Fields Web URL: [...]

Vendor Import — 1.3%

General Info Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Address Book >> Vendor Import Screen Name: IMPORTVEND Function: Import new vendors and update existing vendors. Vendor Import Screen File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed vendor import template file (in XLS format) Export Template: Generates a blank Vendor Import template file Map Fields: Fields must be mapped prior to importing. If no changes have been made to the column headings, the mapping screen should show all green, and you can click [...]

Customer Import — 1.3%

General Info Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Address Book >> Customer Import Screen Name: IMPORTCUST Function: Import new customers and update existing customers. This tool can also be used to import Ship To records. Customer Import Screen File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed customer import template file (in XLS format) Export Template: Generates a blank Customer Import template file Map Fields: Fields must be mapped prior to importing. If no changes have been made to the column headings, [...]

Shipped Sales Report — 0.9%

[...] Amount extstot Sales Tax exttax Invoice Total totamt Summary Total Buildings Mini Warehouses Component Buildings Component General Component Mini Warehouses [...]

SWI Custom Field Mapping — 0.9%

[...] SWI. Enter soc for a Configuration question. Other common tables to pass would be itemmaster (item info) and profilexrf (profile info) [...]

GL Groups — 0.9%

[...] more options in driving revenue and costs to the GL. GL Groups may be applied to: Sales Order Types, Warehouses, Departments, Account Managers, Salespeople, Resources, and Solution Codes. See the Journal Entry Architecture - Invoicing page for more information about how GL Groups are utilized. Click here for the GL Groups Screen. Fields Name : The name of the GL Group that will be used on other screens to specify which GL Group is being applied. 20 character maximum length. Description : A longer description of what the GL Group will be used for. Enter the segment [...]

Vendor Inquires - Line Items — 0.9%

[...] Date: The estimated date of receipt. Rec Whse: The warehouse the items are to be received into. Warehouses are set up in the Warehouses [...]

System Cash/Checking Accounts — 0.9%

[...] Name , Address , Account Number , Routing Number , and the Deposit Number fields are the corresponding info for the checking account. These must be filled out if Adjutant is printing the info [...]

Company ID (CID) Maintenance — 0.9%

[...] Default Costing Method : The costing method that Adjutant will use to value your inventory. Map/Password Info The Map/Password Info [...]

Screen Setup Options — 0.9%

The Screen Setup Options window is called from the Info button on the Forum/Info/Wiki [...]

General Info About Rule Maintenance — 0.9%

Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance Click here for screenshot General Description The icons at the top right corner of the screen are strictly for the use of programmers or system administrators. All Adding/Editing/Deleting of rules are done on this screen. Select a rule [...]

SWI Login Info Rule — 0.9%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance Function This rule needs to be set up to use SWI integration. The information provided should come from the SWI/Roper Whitney database installed on the machine. Rule Setup – Text Fields ODBC Name: Name of [...]

Inventory On Hand Report — 0.9%

[...] information, and the quantity. Fields/Filters Warehouse: Warehouse location or code Include Inactive Warehouses: Toggle checkbox to show inactive warehouses [...]

Purchase Order - Line Items — 0.9%

[...] Date: The estimated date of receipt. Rec Whse: The warehouse the items are to be received into. Warehouses are set up in the Warehouses [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 18 - Change Printer — 0.9%

General Info Prompt 18 , Change Printer, provides a way to switch to a new label printer. When prompted to enter a new printer name, you must enter the printer's Short Name in Adjutant. Adjutant Printer Info [...]

Adjutant Wiki via Screwturn version You are logged in as Guest. There are 921 pages in the Wiki. Learn More About Adjutant Enterprise Solutions