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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 4 results.

Asset Attributes - Vehicle — 50.0%

General Information Screen Name VEH Vehicle screen allows you to enter specific information about a vehicle [...]

Chart of Accounts — 20.0%

[...] account number are the indirect cost of sales accounts which can include marketing costs accounts, vehicle depreciation, and administrative costs. These accounts have normal debit balances. The ninth range of account numbers are the miscellaneous income and expenses. These accounts can include loss or gain on sale of an asset, repair costs for natural disasters, and lawsuit gains or losses. These accounts can have either debit or credit balances which is based on whether they are a gain or loss to the business. Example Simple Chart of Accounts Group headings Revenue [...]

Asset Information — 20.0%

[...] purposes ECR: An asset that requires the tracking of engineering change requests and notices Vehicle : An asset information on a vehicle [...]

Shipping Event Master — 10.0%

[...] this field come from organizations with the Carrier attribute. Truck Type: The type of truck (or vehicle) delivering the shipment. The values in this [...]

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