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CID Setup Options — 6.5%

[...] with a quantity of 25, this option will show that you need to pack 40 total. 74CHKPWONS - Prevents user from packing a non-stock production item using prompt 74 that has not been marked as produced. 79_ALLQTY - Combines the quantity of duplicate items on a sales order when packing in prompt 79. For example, if you have item# 1234 on line # 1 with a quantity of 15 and the same item (#1234) on line # 19 with a quantity of 25, this option will show that you need to pack 40 total. 79LOCATION - Adds a prompt after scan outer carton to ask for carton location (prompt [...]

User in Adjutant — 6.2%

[...] The Users screen is a jump screen from the Contacts screen Contacts Icon >> Select/ Create Adjutant User >> Select User in Adjutant Attribute Screen Name USERS Function The Users screen contains all of the Security and Rights options for each user in Adjutant. The security tokens, log-in information, and email alerts can all be viewed and edited from these tabs. Video Walk-Through Details The Details tab contains general information about the User. [...]

Import User — 3.5%

General Info Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Address Book >> User Import Screen Name: IMPORTUSER Function: The Import User screen creates the User in Adjutant attribute record, links it to the Contact ID, and can complete all of the required fields in the User Details tab and the User Password Settings tab. The import program can even establish user security mimics. Many of the fields on [...]

Order Entry Setup Options — 1.9%

[...] controller (Eclipse Software) is being used. AMSBUNDLESET2 - Option to change layout of AMSBUNDLE user fields. Change layout of user fields to match new format (Pass Customer PO# to Eclipse in the User1 field, and pass the Job# to Eclipse). AMSPUNCHISP - If set, then use RCODE = P as leading punch question. AMSUSER2PROFILE - Change values in orderin.del file. AMSUSER5CUSTNO - Change to use profile profile instead of ams profile. AUTOQUICKCART - Automatically create a carton with settings from QUICKCARTON whenever a shipping event is [...]

HOW TO - Create a New User — 1.5%

[...] 1: Click the Contact icon located in the toolbar STEP 2: Click the Add button STEP 3: Enter the user's information in the corresponding fields STEP 4: Click Save STEP 5: Click the Edit Attributes button located at the bottom, right-hand portion of the screen STEP 6: Check the box located next to the User in Adjutant attribute. STEP 7: In the Users screen, enter the information into the corresponding fields and click Save STEP 8: Make sure to give the user the appropriate licenses in the Named

Adj 20/20 Default User Options — 1.5%

[...] Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance Function The Adjutant 20/20 Default User Option rule contains the default User in Adjutant User Options to select on ALL new User in Adjutant records. This rule helps define the Adjutant 20/20 Quick Launch icons [...]

Mimic/Copy User Security — 1.4%

General Description Default Menu Location : Maintain >> Address Book >> Contact >> User in Adjutant Screen Name : USERS Function : The function of Mimic/Copy allows you to copy one user's security rights to another user. How To Mimic/Copy User Security STEP 1: Open the Contact/User whose security you [...]

Sales Order - Header — 1.4%

[...] purchase order and click this icon to copy it to a new purchase order. S2P: This icon will allow user to submit the order to production. PO: Click this icon if the SO you are generating requires you to issue another item out of inventory for processing or modifications. Recur: Click the Recurring Sales Order icon to setup a recurring sales order. The Template box must be checked in order to use this icon. Use the Generate Recurring Orders screen to generate and ship them. Ship: This is the icon used to execute the shipping on the order. BOL: This is [...]

Contacts — 1.3%

[...] to the contact are visible in lower right-hand box. For details on editing see: Contact Attributes - Alerts & Editing All Fields Contacts- All Fields Screen All Fields tab is to review the information Information on this tab cannot be edited It shows how all of the fields in the Contact Screen are completed Details Contacts- Detail Screen Details tab contains additional information about the selected person. Fields/Filters Department: The department in which the person works Office: At which office, if there are branch offices, is the [...]

Task Alerts — 1.1%

Default Menu Location Transaction >> Task Management >> Task Entry Task Entry screen Task Alerts tab General Description The Alerts tab on the Task Entry Screen is used to add/edit/view the alerts sent for a specific task. This same setup is also shown on the Standard Task screen. To add a new person for alerts: 1. Click Edit 2. Enter the person's name in the field and click Add 3. Select the task events they need to be notified of and click Save Events Assign: [...]

Clear User Locks — 1.1%

General Information Default Menu Location : Transaction >> System >> Clear User Locks Screen Name : CLEARLOCK Function: If the Adjutant system is interrupted, forcing Users to exit without formally logging out, any orders or transactions currently opened or loaded for editing may be locked in the system. After restarting the system, an Administrator with the required security privilege must log into the system and clear the user locks. Certain screens/records are automatically locked when a user is in [...]

Purchase Order - Header — 1.0%

[...] added/edited/deleted in the Rules area of Adjutant by selecting Department from the drop-down menu. Remarks: User-definable. Ship Via: The method of shipping. Ship Via Codes may be added/edited/deleted in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Ship Via Codes from the drop-down menu. Freight: The method of freight payment. Freight codes may be added/edited/deleted in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Freight Codes from the drop-down menu. Order #: User-definable. Confirm To: User-definable. Terms: Terms [...]

Clear User Login Flags — 1.0%

Maintain ==> System ==> Clear User Logins Clear User Logins This screen is used to clear user login flags in Adjutant. Un-checking a [...]

How To Set Up Email in Adjutant — 0.9%

[...] screen, which is a jump screen from the Contacts screen Contacts Icon >> Select/ Create Adjutant User >> Select User in Adjutant Attribute Screen Name USERS Function These fields must be filled out in order to send out emails and alerts from Adjutant Email Setup Screen Step-by- Step Instructions 1. Select the Contacts icon in the toolbar. 2. Click the "User in Adjutant" attribute. 3. Find the contact that needs updating and click Edit 4. Fill out the SMTP Server/UserID/Password/Domain [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 88 - Production Cutting — 0.9%

[...] display. The scanner screen will also confirm the material name (I) and the part lot number (MC). The user will need to confirm the number of pieces they will be cutting initially. 4. The scanner screen will again confirm the item and material (I and MC) and will also give an estimate of the weight of the cut piece. Users can override the estimate with the actual weight of the piece. 5. The scanner will confirm the piece count for the cuts. The user will then confirm the number of pieces to make. 6. The user [...]

Company ID (CID) Maintenance — 0.9%

[...] Password Settings will apply to all NEW users! Require Letters: This box requires letters in the user's password Require Numbers: This box requires numbers in the user's password Require Other: This box requires characters other than numbers and letters in the user's password Max Length: Maximum number of allowable characters for the password Min Length: Minimum number of allowable characters for the password Expire In: Number of days the password will expire in Never Expire: Checking this box [...]

Pending Approvals for You — 0.9%

[...] 'Pending Approvals for You' screen will show all the transactions which need to be approved by the user currently logged in. To open the 'Pending Approvals' screen, follow the path 'Maintain >> Approval Management >> Pending Approvals For You', or use the Pending Approvals Shortcut located on the right side of your toolbar (at the top of the screen) NOTE: The bubble will be Gray if there are no pending approvals, and it will be Red with a number inside it if there are pending approvals. Using the Pending Approvals Screen From this screen, the

Email Template — 0.9%

[...] Contact types can be used in the CRM module. Task type Email Templates are typically auto-generated email alerts attached to Tasks. Fields/Filters Template Name: The name of the template Template Names ARPASTDUE - Used for past due reminders sent via the AR Past due screen. PRINTINV - Used when emailing invoices. PRINTPO - Used when emailing purchase orders PRINTPWO - Used when emailing production work orders. PRINTRFQ - Used when emailing customer quotes. PRINTSO - Used when emailing sales orders. PRINTSTATE - Used when emailing customer AR statements. Custom [...]

Quote Setup Options — 0.8%

[...] BLANKREQDATE - Set the matching date to blank if set. CHECKPROFILE - CHECKPROFILE CHKZEROPRICE - Notifies user if item has $0 price and SO line is submitted to production. COPYRFQDOCVAULT - If enabled, ask to copy docvault files from copy source RFQ to new RFQ. Ask during save process. DOCLIMITCHECK - System will check the Credit Limit on Bill To screen when entering new task or sales order. EDITSTKDESC - Allows the user to edit the description of a stock item on a Sales Order. EXTMARGIN - If set, then launch new shared margin screen. FINDITEMMATCH [...]

Email Setup Options — 0.8%

[...] approval screen. Enable to be able to approve in approval screen. BCCSELF - Blind Carbon Copies the user on all emails sent out of Adjutant. DIARSCSV - If set then attach xls file as csv file to emails and file saves generated from report set logic for diamond screen. EMAILERROR - Automatically emails error messages in Adjutant to tech support email address. EMAILSELF - Sends an email to a small woodland elf. Not really, it emails back to running user, or if no running user. EPSINGLEEMAIL [...]

Sales Order Timed Alerts Rule — 0.8%

[...] email customers that their order is ready for pick-up. The rule also allows for multiple levels of alerts based on the number of days that have passed since the items were packed. A final notice email (defined by the Final Step field) can be sent alerting the customer of how their order will be handled if it is not picked up. For each Sales Order, the auto-alert process will stop once the order has been marked as shipped/closed or once the final step event has been reached. Sales Order Timed Alerts Rule Rule Setup – Text Fields [...]

Adjutant End User Update Tool — 0.8%

General Information Default Menu Location : Transaction >> System >> End User Update Tool Screen Name : ADJAUTOUPDATE Function: The Adjutant End User Update Tool allows you to update your Adjutant installation with the latest available version of the software. New versions contain bug fixes, enhancements, customizations, and new developments. [...]

Purchasing Setup Options — 0.8%

[...] OrderInc is 0, and if the PO qty is in stk units. If not a multiple, reset to nearest multiple and alert user. CLEARPOMSN - Clears the Project ID and Phase fields on the Purchase Order for each new line item. COILLABELLOG - Add print button to display coil screen to print a one-off tag. Printed when COILLABELLOG CID option is set. COILLABELX2 - If set, default the copies on CoilReceipt screen to 2. COILPROFILE - Adds filters for Width, Color, Material, and Gauge. CONFUSER - User ID defaults into the Confirm To field on the Purchase Order [...]

Project Management Setup Options — 0.8%

[...] Job Cost tab is disabled unless project security token (MSN1) option VIEW JC TAB is enabled or unless user is admin. MSNLOADPHASEEXPAND - If set, expand all branches in phase tree. MSNLOCKPHASESTART - If set, enable a new Project S11 security token to control access to edit the Start Date on a phase. MSNMULTITASK - If set then show list of phases on task tab of project and allow selecting multiple ones. MSNNEWDATELOGIC - If set, show the new Ship Date and PWO Due Date fields on the phases tab of project control. MSNNOCHILD - If set, then don't ask if a phase is a [...]

HOW TO - Create Desktop Shortcuts — 0.8%

[...] outside of the new button and drag it to where you want it on your desktop. Copy Shortcuts from one User to another User STEP 1: Click the People icon located in the Adjutant Toolbar. STEP 2: Click the User in Adjutant attribute in the Attributes window. STEP 3: Go to the Desktop Shortcuts tab. STEP 4: Enter the Username (the User ID, not the person's name) in the Copy From field and click the Copy button. There's no need to click EDIT or SAVE when using this method. The [...]

New User Request Form — 0.8%

Please Provide the Following Information When Requesting ABIS to Add A New User Full Name: Job Title: Office Phone: Office Fax: Email Address: Email STMP User Name (if Different): [...]

User Trace Log — 0.8%

Report ==> System ==> User Trace Report User Trace Log The User [...]

Time & Materials Setup Options — 0.8%

[...] (no assignments necessary). CHKTSKPOLNK - Checks for Linked Purchase Orders on Tasks and warns the user to receive and close the purchase order before completing the task. ICNEWCOST - Change scrap screen to use Cost Tiers if ICNEWCOST enabled. LOCKTDATE - Locks the transaction date as today's date when entering materials in Time and Material entry. MATCHSOL - Only Solution Codes with the same starting number as the Standard Task may be used on the timesheet. MATPLOCK - Enables the Lock checkbox on the Material tab of the Time Entry screen. The Lock checkbox is [...]

Bulk Security Update — 0.8%

[...] Screen Name : BULKSEC Function : This screen is used to modify the security and permissions for a user, or multiple users at a time. Using the Bulk Security Update STEP 1: Select the User/Users which will be updated. STEP 2: From the 'Process Group' dropdown, select the Process Group of securities you wish to update (Address Book, Accounts Rec, Accounts Pay, etc). STEP 3: Select which securities the selected users will have from the list of 'tokens'. Tokens are essentially screens or modules. For each token, a user [...]

Security Profiles — 0.6%

How To Create A Security Profile STEP 1: Create a user in adjutant from the contact screen. For the 'Name' of the contact, type in the Security Profile you wish to use. For example, the name could be 'Client Billing Profile'. Give the Contact a 'User In Adjutant' attribute. STEP 2: On the 'User In Adjutant' screen, make [...]

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