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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

CID Setup Options — 3.2%

General Info CID Setup Options determine how Adjutant operates. They are maintained in the Company ID (CID) Maintenance . They may also be changed through Screen Setup Options . Setup Options and Definitions Numbers 45BOMCHK - Require users to enter 1 or 3 when asked to continue to use raw material that is not on a BOM. If setup option 45BOMCHK is set and scanned coil is not on BOM, show confirm message with 3 = continue and anything else loops back to scan PWO line. [...]

Order Entry Setup Options — 2.2%

Setup Options & Definitions ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed. AMS - Integration with an AMS roll former controller (Eclipse Software) is being used. AMSBUNDLESET2 - Option to change layout of AMSBUNDLE user fields. Change layout of user fields to match new format (Pass Customer PO# to Eclipse in the User1 field, and pass the Job# to Eclipse). AMSPUNCHISP - If set, then use RCODE = P as leading punch question. AMSUSER2PROFILE - Change values in orderin.del file. AMSUSER5CUSTNO - Change to use profile profile instead of ams profile. AUTOQUICKCART [...]

Sales Order Import — 1.8%

[...] Description Default Menu Location Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Purchase and Sales Orders >> Sales Order Import Screen Name IMPORTSO Function The Sales Order Import screen allows you to import external Sales Order records into Adjutant. Sales Order Import Screen Import Screen Filters/Fields File Name(Header)/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Sales Order Header import template file (in XLS format). Note - both [...]

Purchase Order Import — 1.7%

[...] Description Default Menu Location Transaction>>Importers/Exporters>>Purchase and Sales Orders>>Purchase Order Import Screen Name IMPORTPO Function The Purchase Order Import screen allows users to import external Purchase Order files into Adjutant. Purchase Order Import Screen Fields/Filters File Name(Header)/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Purchase Order Header import template file (in XLS format). Note - both [...]

Service Order Lookup Tool — 1.1%

[...] Menu Location: Found on toolbar (magnifying glass/checkmark) Screen Name: LOADTASK Function: The Service Order Lookup Tool is used to find and edit a service order when you know the service order number. [...]

Sales Order - Header — 1.1%

General Information Default Menu Location The Sales Order Icon is located on the Toolbar Screen Name SOR3 Function The Sales Orders Screen is used to add, edit, and void sales orders. The Header tab is used to enter the basic information that starts a sales order. Icons Add/Create ShipTo: Click the button in order to create a new ShipTo for the associated Client. Open/Close: Click this icon to open or close a purchase order. Copy: Select a previously entered [...]

Cut Charge / Freight Charge Setup — 1.1%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> Order Entry >> Cut/Freight Charge Setup Cut Charge Setup Function The Cut Charge Setup screen allows user to implement and control the automatically calculated cutting charges for material sales that fall below a specific length requirement. The setup screen allows length controls to be established by one of four different criteria called Process Filters. The pricing and format of the cut charges [...]

Quote Setup Options — 0.9%

Quote Setup Options ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed. AVAILRED - AVAILRED BLANKESTDATE - Set the matching date to blank if set. BLANKREQDATE - Set the matching date to blank if set. CHECKPROFILE - CHECKPROFILE CHKZEROPRICE - Notifies user if item has $0 price and SO line is submitted to production. COPYRFQDOCVAULT - If enabled, ask to copy docvault files from copy source RFQ to new RFQ. Ask during save process. DOCLIMITCHECK - System will check the Credit Limit on Bill To screen when entering new task or sales order. [...]

AR Invoice Import — 0.8%

[...] select the completed AR Invoice Header import template file (in XLS format). Note - both the Header and Details files are required and must be imported at the same time. File Name(Details)/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed AR Invoice Details import template file (in XLS format). Note - both the Header and Details files are required and must be imported at the same time. Export Template: Generates a blank AR Invoice Header or Details [...]

Item Master — 0.8%

[...] sale price for this item Sale Pricing Unit: The unit this item is priced by Projected: (On Hand + On Order) - Allocated Available: On Hand - Allocated Settings Settings tab is used to maintain the item's main properties. Fields/Filters Lot #: Used for tracking of inventory. Also used to look up items for recall if an item is bad. Unit Group: The unit of measure group for this item Purchase Unit: The default unit of measure for purchase Stock Unit: The unit of measure the item stocked Sell Unit: The default unit of measure for sale Units of measure [...]

Connection Import/Match (Water District Match Import) — 0.7%

[...] and Time Billing >> Connection Import/Match Screen Name : WATERMATCH2 Function : Imports or updates service address/connection information for addresses within a district based on an excel spreadsheet. The following Organization Attributes need to exist in the Organization Attributes (ATT_ENT) rule before creating Districts, Builders, Subdivisions, and Connections: Standard Customer attributes (BILLTO, SOLDTO, SHIPTO) - The SOLDTO attribute description is commonly relabeled as 'District' Builder attribute (with BUILDERDEP form name) Subdivision attribute Connection [...]

Adjutant Services — 0.7%

[...] of the background work, and do some other processing. They all are installed using a program named Service Mill that allows standard Windows EXEs to run as Windows Services. Service Summary Service Restart - Restarts the Service Checker every 15 minutes. (AdjFoxRS.exe) Service Checker - Monitors the status of the other services and restarts as needed. (AdjFoxSrvCheck.exe) Event Processor - Processes Web Events, and runs other Event based processes. [...]

MBMA Monthly Report — 0.7%

[...] Report Overview The MBMA Monthly Report produces either a detail or a summary report showing the MBMA order items processed in the specified reporting month. Sales Order line items show in the appropriate reporting sections based on their sales order date and the types of activities during the specified reporting month. The Summary report produces a single page report with the MBMA totals expressed in the format and layout similar to the online MBMA submission screen. The Detail report shows the full detail of [...]

Purchasing Setup Options — 0.7%

Setup Options & Definitions ADJAP - Adjutant Accounts Payable module is installed. CFSSHOWTOTAL - Option to show total band, default is off. CHECKORDERINC - For PO screen, and if enabled, force the OrdQty to be multiple of the the OHF orderinc value. Only check if OrderInc is 0, and if the PO qty is in stk units. If not a multiple, reset to nearest multiple and alert user. CLEARPOMSN - Clears the Project ID and Phase fields on the Purchase Order for each new line item. COILLABELLOG - Add print button to display coil screen to print [...]

Production Setup Options — 0.7%

Setup Options & Definitions ALLRES - Post time to any resource on the Time and Material Entry screen (no assignments necessary). AMS - Integration with an AMS roll former controller (Eclipse Software) is being used. AMSUSEMACHNUM - Option to copy machine number to AMS_ORDERIN table during AMS process. AMSPUNCHISP - If set, then use RCODE = P as leading punch question. AMSUSER2PROFILE - Change values in orderin.del file. AMSUSER5CUSTNO - Change to use profile profile instead of ams profile. COLORBYDEPT - Color codes tasks by Department instead of by Priority. [...]

Approve-Edit Billing — 0.6%

[...] Selection filter screen is used to edit, approve and print pending invoices. Fields/Filters Work Order: Enter a work order number here to load it into the Matching Data grid SvcOrd: Enter a service order number here to load it into the Matching Data grid Organization: Enter a customer here to load all of their service orders into the Matching Data grid (after they have been transferred) SPerson: Filter by salesperson Project: Filter by Project [...]

Sales Order Types (Overflow) — 0.6%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance Function The Sales Order Types (Overflow) rule contains additional sales order type rule settings that do not fit in the original Sales Order Types rule. Rule Setup – Text Fields SO Type Code: Enter the SO Type letter code that matches the code from the Sales Order Types rule. AR GL Account: Enter GL Account to use for AR transactions for this sales order [...]

Connection Information — 0.6%

[...] connection, payment, and inspection information for each address. The information is derived from the Tapping Setup screen and the information that is entered when the service orders are updated/completed.This is an attribute screen located in the Organization attributes. The attribute's code is CONNECTION. Master Tab Subdivision: The subdivision selected based on what district/city the address is located in. This information will be populated through the Tapping Setup [...]

Service Order Update Tool — 0.6%

General Description Default Menu Location Transaction >> Task Management >> Service Order Update Tool Screen Name TASKRES Service Order Update Screen Function The Service Order Update Tool is used to update and reassign previously entered service orders. Changes can be made to project, phase, and contract. Service orders can be edited within the grid by simply [...]

Purchase Order - Header — 0.6%

General Information Default Menu Location The Purchase Order Icon is located on the Tool Bar Screen Name POR3 Function The Purchase Orders Screen is used to add, edit, and void purchase orders. The Header tab is used to enter the basic information that starts a purchase order. Related Tabs For more information about individual Tabs in the Purchase Order Screen please see the following: Purchase Orders - Line Items / Purchase Orders - AP Info / Purchase Orders - Receipt History Fields/Filters [...]

Sales Order Q&A — 0.6%

[...] screens. It is traditionally used to track changes in a transaction, such as revisions made to a sales order. Q: What do the different "Types" of SOs mean? A: Type of Sales Order is used for many things, but most commonly to classify orders for reporting. In the steel industry, you may see order types such as: BUILDING, COMPONENT, BOM, Etc.. The orders can be tied to other entities in the system such as INVOICE STATUS (this is a way invoices are classified and reported on), and can be tied to custom forms. Your [...]

Work Order Updater — 0.6%

Default Menu Location Transaction >> Time and Material >> Work Order Updater General Information The Work Order Updater is used to update multiple service orders of the same nature that have been generated under the same work order number. This screen can update the labor (time), material, equipment, and assets on a work order. In addition, it can also complete, lock, or void a work order. Time This tab is used to [...]

Tap Setup — 0.6%

General Description Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Tapping >> Tap Setup Screen Name: TAPENTRY Function: The Tap Setup Screen is used to create new tap and inspection service orders, enter builder payments, and maintain legal (S-B-L-T) locations of addresses. Physical/Legal/Tap The first tab on the Tap Entry screen will display all addresses (linked SHIPTO children) in the District you select at the top of the screen. You can edit existing addresses and add [...]

Item Master- Attributes — 0.6%

[...] BUYCONFIG: This attribute can be put on an item that's on the BOM of a configurable part. This will order the BOM item (the one with the BUYCONFIG attribute) when the user selects the 'PO' button from a sales order containing the configurable part. The raw materials from the BOM will be combined on the PO (one line per item). This is meant to work with items that are stocked in the same way they are configured (driven by the controlling quantity on the configuration screen). So if the item on the BOM is controlled by the Length question, [...]

Project Checklist — 0.6%

[...] matches the project type of the selected project record. Some of the built-in features include: Flexible setup for multiple project types Flexible navigation with collapse/expand controls, page jumps, and footer filters Project Phase date integration with start and end dates End Date color-coded warnings Quick Task feature with time tracking Ability to link to web-based resources from each line Ability to add custom lines ‘on the fly’ Ability to create custom templates for variations on the standard checklist Project Checklist Setup Project [...]

Production Services — 0.6%

General Info A Production Service is an item with an attached route (set of tasks) that is submitted to production along with another production item. The resulting Production Work Order will have one or more tasks associated with it. Set up a Production Service Item To set up a production service item, open the Item Master and create a new item. Assign the Production Service attribute (PRODSERVICE) and the Bill of Material attribute (BOM). Also mark [...]

Questware to Adjutant Guide — 0.5%

[...] Importers/Exporters >> MBS/QuestWare Integration >> Excel BOM Import/BOM to Excel Screen Name MBSGRID The setup option MBSQW must be turned on for Questware to work with Adjutant There are a few key differences between MBS and Questware integration with Adjutant: Questware does not have to deal with the "BOM to Excel" screen Questware has 2 excel uploads to Adjutant instead of 1 Step By Step Guide For Metal Building Creation (Questware to Adjutant) 1. Create Project for the Building using the Project Screen. 2. Create Sales Order from [...]

AR Invoice Master — 0.5%

[...] change a field on the header. Click the Select button to also enable searching by Customer PO, Sales Order#, or Invoice Amount. Fields/Filters/Buttons CC Credit Card Processing: Click the Credit Card icon to process a credit card transaction for the invoice. An integrated credit card processing software package is required. TxCr Sales Tax Credit: Click this icon to issue a sales tax credit for this invoice. The Taxable Sales Amount that is reported on the Sales Tax Due report will not be changed by a Tax Credit. Credit the entire invoice and reissue [...]

Commission Plans — 0.5%

[...] characters in length and can be changed at any time. Earned On: The source of the base commission amount (Order, Invoice, or Payment). Determines when the commission is actually calculated/earned. A commission can be earned at one point and due to be paid at another. For example, the commission may be earned at time of order, but the salesperson will not be due that commission until the order is invoiced and/or paid. In-Full: Applies to the Earned On field and is applicable to Invoices and Payments. Allows you to [...]

Order Import Automation — 0.5%

[...] General Program Name - MBSREAD Text File - mbstext Function - This program is designed be set up as a service to automatically import Sales Orders and Quotes using a specific set of CSV templates. A new email account will need to be set up by the customer's email provider. The name of the email does not matter, but the account will need to be able to send emails through SMTP and connect through IMAP. This process also requires the setup of a new MBSREAD service program in the Adjutant environment. General Process [...]

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