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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 13 results.

Item Master — 29.7%

[...] Maintenance screen by selecting Pricing for Basics from the drop-down menu. Fields/Filters Default Supplier: Default supplier/vendor for this item Supplier Part#: Default supplier's part number for this item Unit Group: Unit group for this item Stock Unit: Stocking unit for this item Price Group: Price group for this item Product Group: Product group for this item Item GL Code: Item Transaction Category for this item Base Cost: Base cost for this item List Sale Price: List [...]

Freight In-Out Processing — 18.9%

[...] found printed on the paper MR, and it is used to track the shipment in Adjutant and in the warehouse. Supplier : The supplier providing the shipment. Enter the organization code in the first blank, then press Enter and the full name of the organization appears in the second blank. Click on the underlined word to bring up a list of suppliers. Sold To : The organization that purchased the shipment. Enter the organization code in the first blank, then press Enter and the full name of the organization appears in the second blank. Click on the [...]

HOW TO - Receive and Store Freight Using a Material Receipt — 8.1%

[...] Receipt. STEP 14: In Adjutant, choose TRANSACTION >> LOGISTICS >> IN-OUT PROCESS STEP 15: Enter the supplier’s organization code in Adjutant into the Supplier blank. Press Enter . STEP 16: Enter the freight carrier or method of shipment into the Carrier blank. [...]

Lost Sales Report — 5.4%

[...] Fields(Page Header) Company company From mday1 - mday2 Standard Report Fields(Line Items) Supplier supplier [...]

Organization Attributes - HOW TO Edit Attributes — 5.4%

[...] hyperlinks provided below. Remember that an organization is defined in Adjutant as any customer, vendor, supplier, company, prospect, etc that you have a relationship with. Bill To Ship To Sold To Sold From Remit To Resource Commodity Groups Warning Note Carrier: A shipping company or carrier that is used to transport goods Consignment Vendor: An owner of inventory in your warehouse, who is paid each time their inventory is used Inventory Owner: An owner of inventory in your warehouse, who is not paid each time their inventory is used Prospect: [...]

Vendor Part Numbers — 5.4%

[...] Number Report Function Vendor Part Numbers screen allows users to see a list of parts number, the supplier, the item descriptions, price group, and the cost. Fields/Filters Vendno: Vendor number Vendor: Vendor name Item: Item code Vendor Part Number: This could be- Supplier [...]

Bid Purchase Order (BIDPO) API — 5.4%

[...] the API Keys Rule Maintenance Wiki for details on setting up this rule. Item Codes: The API uses the Supplier Part# from the Item Master C/V Part tab to match against the item code in Adjutant. Verify that all items in Adjutant that will be used through the API have the correct venndor and Supplier [...]

Non Stock Sales — 5.4%

[...] you decide to starting keeping them in your inventory you will know what to stock. Fields/Filters Supplier: The supplier [...]

Item Master Import — 5.4%

[...] if it is not (all coils are lot controlled). f14 - Vendno - The vendor code of the item’s default supplier f15 - Vpartno - The default supplier’s [...]

Item List Price and Base Cost Update (Import) — 2.7%

[...] must be flagged 'Y' to process quoted cost values. f2 - VPartNo - Vendor part number, also known as Supplier part number. The entries in this field are [...]

Organization — 2.7%

[...] existing and add new organizations. (An organization is defined in Adjutant as any customer, vendor, supplier, company, prospect, address, location, etc [...]

Organizations in Adjutant 2.0 — 2.7%

[...] existing and add new organizations. (An organization is defined in Adjutant as any customer, vendor, supplier, company, prospect, address, location, etc [...]

Organization Attributes - Sold From — 2.7%

[...] Fields/Filters Misc Code: User-definable Buyer: The person who normally works with this vendor/supplier. Only people with the BUYER attribute will [...]

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