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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Solution Code Import — 4.5%

Default Menu Location Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Tasks and Time Billing >> Solution Code Import General Information The olution Code Importer allows you to import and update Standard Task records in Adjutant. Solution Code Import screen Fields/Filters File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Solution Code Import template file (in XLS format). Export Template: Generates a blank Solution Code Import template file Map [...]

Solution Codes — 4.0%

General Description Default Menu Location: Maintain ==> Time and Materials ==> Solutions Codes Screen Name: SOLCODE Function: This screen is used to add/edit/delete solution codes. Solution Codes are used to standardize records of work performed and flat-rate a service order. Configuring Solution Codes SolCode: Enter the name of the solution code. In [...]

Item Master — 3.5%

[...] >> Item Master Screen Name JUMP2 Function Item Control is a scalable inventory and item management solution that tracks inventory levels, costs, prices, transaction history, inventory locations, and much more. Complex pricing for purchasing and sales is easily maintained through separate item pricing and product groups. The Item Control module also allows you to maintain costs on several levels and automatically update costs based on multiple variables. It handles an unlimited number of warehouse locations, serialized items, and lot-controlled items and allows for [...]

Standard Task - Adjutant 2.0 — 3.5%

[...] Management >> Standard Task Screen Name : STANDTASK Function: Create/Edit Standard Tasks (aka Trouble Codes). Standard Task Window When First Opened Standard Task Maintenance Screen with Task Displayed Main Fields Standard Task Main Fields Standard Task: The name/code of the task. The first field below this is for a short description of the task. The second field is for a full description of the task. Priority: The default priority of the task. Task Priorities are maintained in Rule Maintenance of Adjutant by selecting Task Priority Codes [...]

Standard Tasks — 3.3%

[...] Management >> Standard Task Screen Name : STANDTASK Function: Create/Edit Standard Tasks (aka Trouble Codes). Main Fields Standard Task: The name/code of the task. The first field below this is for a short description of the task. The second field is for a full description of the task. Priority: The default priority of the task. Task Priorities are maintained in Rule Maintenance of Adjutant by selecting Task Priority Codes from the drop-down menu. SvrOrd Form: If there is a default service order form for the task, enter it here. [...]

Cut Charge / Freight Charge Setup — 2.8%

[...] in length. ItemCat - Selecting ItemCat will load the grid below with the list of Item Transaction Codes established in your system. Item Transaction Codes are established in the ITEMCAT rule and tied to items in Item Master. Select the desired item transaction category codes with the Selected checkbox and establish the Min Length below which cutting charges should be calculated. ItemClass - Selecting ItemClass will load the grid below with the list of Item Class Codes established [...]

Time and Material Entry - Labor — 2.5%

[...] wish to enter time for. This should be the date that the work was actually performed. Sol Code: The Solution Code for the task. This field is left blank if there is no Solution Code for the service order. Solution Codes may be added/edited/deleted [...]

Customer ABC Code Update — 1.8%

[...] Transaction >> Address Book >> Customer ABC Update Screen Name : ABCCUST Function: Update the Customer ABC codes based on percentages of sales, profit, and average days to pay. Customer ABC Code What are ABC Customer Codes? ABC analysis is a business term used to define a technique used to categorize customers based on a specified criteria. ABC analysis provides a mechanism for identifying which customers provide the most business to an organization based on sales, profit, or average number of days to pay. When carrying out an ABC analysis, [...]

Purchase Order - Header — 1.8%

[...] Department from the drop-down menu. Remarks: User-definable. Ship Via: The method of shipping. Ship Via Codes may be added/edited/deleted in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Ship Via Codes from the drop-down menu. Freight: The method of freight payment. Freight codes may be added/edited/deleted in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Freight Codes from the drop-down menu. Order #: User-definable. Confirm To: User-definable. Terms: Terms of Payment. Terms codes [...]

CID Setup Options — 1.8%

[...] yellow, the Exit button red, and the Add to QB, Open PO, and Order buttons green. COLORBYDEPT - Color codes tasks by Department instead of by Priority. The Department Color Picker (Maintain >> Task Management >> Dept Color Picker) may be used to determine the color coding. COMMNOPLAN - Coded that to check every time a record needs to be written if that person has a plan, if not do not write their record to the report. COMMSELLPRICE - Commissions are based upon selling price; discounts from list are not factored. COMMSOGRP - If enabled, selected SO Types will be accounted [...]

Sales Order - Header — 1.8%

[...] The Sales Manager in charge of this Sales Order. Freight: The method of freight payment. Freight codes may be added/edited/deleted in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Freight Codes from the drop-down menu. FOB: Free on Board terms. Click here for a definition. FOB terms may be added/edited/deleted in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting FOB Codes from the drop-down menu. Ship Via: The method of shipping. Ship Via Codes may be added/edited/deleted in the Rule [...]

Vendor Inquiries - Header — 1.8%

[...] Department from the drop-down menu. Remarks: User-definable. Ship Via: The method of shipping. Ship Via Codes may be added/edited/deleted in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Ship Via Codes from the drop-down menu. Freight: The method of freight payment. Freight codes may be added/edited/deleted in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Freight Codes from the drop-down menu. Order #: User-definable. Confirm To: User-definable Terms: Terms of Payment. Terms codes [...]

Customer Transaction Codes — 1.5%

[...] Information Default Menu Location : Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance >> Customer Transaction Codes Screen Name : RULEM Function: Customer Transaction Codes are used to drive revenue to specific accounts in the general ledger. Customer Transaction Codes Customer Transaction [...]

Task Entry Assignments Tab — 1.5%

[...] available to assign to the task. Only Resources with the selected Skill Set will be available. Skill Codes are maintained in Rule Maintenance by selecting Skill Codes from the drop-down menu. For more information, please visit Skill Codes Page Bill Code: The billing code to be [...]

Item ABC Codes Update — 1.5%

[...] on user-selected criteria such as usage value, on hand value, or usage qty. What are ABC Item Codes? ABC analysis is a business term used to define a technique used to categorize inventory based on a specified criteria. ABC analysis provides a mechanism for identifying which items are most valuable based on usage and cost. In turn, these groupings allow companies to determine the amount of time, management, and control is spent on particular items. When carrying out an ABC analysis, inventory items are valued (item cost multiplied by quantity issued/consumed [...]

Item Transaction Codes — 1.5%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location : Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance >> Item Transaction Codes Screen Name : RULEM Function: Item Transaction Codes are used to drive revenue to specific accounts in the general ledger. Item Transaction Codes Item Transaction [...]

Resource Import — 1.5%

[...] Tab. *f6 - RName - Resource full name f7 - DefSkill - Default Skill Code from the Resource Skill Codes (SKILL) rule f8 - ShowSch - Enter a 'Y' to check the Show on Schedule box. Leave blank or enter 'N' to leave the box unchecked. f9 - IsSuper - Enter a 'Y' to check the Supervisor box. This defines the resource record as an available Supervisor in the Supervisor drop-down list. Leave blank or enter 'N' to leave the box unchecked. f10 - WOForm - Enter the complete form name and .FRX extension to default a specific work order form for the resource. f11 - EquipID [...]

Sales Order Configurator (SOC) Report Code Standards — 1.3%

General Information Sales Order Configurator (SOC) report codes can be entirely custom, but there are some report codes that have been established as standards for use with various Adjutant features or Adjutant integrations. Below are the established report codes that have been reserved for special features and integrations. Report Codes A - Piece Mark or Panel Area: Used in MBS and other building order interfaces. Standard forms are coded to assume 'A' is piece mark. B - [...]

GL Groups — 1.3%

[...] applied to: Sales Order Types, Warehouses, Departments, Account Managers, Salespeople, Resources, and Solution Codes. See the Journal Entry Architecture - Invoicing page for more information about how GL Groups are utilized. Click here for the GL Groups Screen. Fields Name : The name of the GL Group that will be used on other screens to specify which GL Group is being applied. 20 character maximum length. Description : A longer description of what the GL Group will be used for. Enter the segment override in the corresponding Revenue and [...]

Organization Attributes - Sold From — 1.3%

[...] organization. Territories are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Organization Territory Codes from the drop-down menu. Ship Via: Select the default shipping method for this vendor. Shipping methods are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Ship Via Codes from the drop-down menu. Freight: Select the default freight payment type for this vendor Freight methods are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Freight Codes from the drop-down menu. FOB: ' [...]

Item Detail (OHF) Import — 1.3%

[...] OHF records where the HeldFor column is left blank.. This list is populated from the Item Held For Codes (HOLDER) Rule Maintenance record. If a catch-all code such as 'DEF' is used, make sure the HOLDER rule is set up properly. Validate to TXT File: Generates a TXT file of errors that will prevent the import from completing. File Definitions Required fields are indicated with an * *f1 - Item - Item Master item code for the associated OHF record. The item code must exist in Adjutant, or it will fail validation. *f2 - Whse - Inventory warehouse name. This is required [...]

Organization Attributes - Sold To — 1.3%

[...] Organization Territories are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Organization Territory Codes from the drop-down menu Price Code: Price code for billing The price code will be used to determine pricing if no contract applies to customer Price Codes are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Organization Pricing Codes from the drop-down menu. Account Manager: Account manager for this customer Only people with the ACCTMGR attribute will be available for selection Default [...]

FOB Codes — 1.3%

General Information Default Menu Location : Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance >> FOB Codes Screen Name : RULEM Function: Maintain FOB Codes for use in Purchase Orders, Quotes, and Sales Orders. [...]

Item Commodity Codes — 1.3%

[...] are used in the procurement system to Generate Vendor Inquiries . Vendors may be assigned commodity codes in the Commodity Groups Attribute screen . Items may be assigned commodity codes [...]

Time & Materials Setup Options — 1.3%

[...] transaction date as today's date when entering materials in Time and Material entry. MATCHSOL - Only Solution Codes with the same starting number as the Standard Task may be used on the timesheet. MATPLOCK - Enables the Lock checkbox on the Material tab of the Time Entry screen. The Lock checkbox is used to byprass the pricing program in Adjutant. MATPRICE - Allows the user to change the price of material entered into Time and Material entry. MILTIME - Uses Military Time throughout the system. NEWLOOKUP - NEWLOOKUP NEWMSNNUM - If set, [...]

Questware to Adjutant Guide — 1.0%

[...] 5.0/95 Workbook (or earlier) 4. Use the 'BOM-Item Master Match Up' screen in order to map item codes from Questware to the item codes in Adjutant for the built up items. Items with existing cross references are displayed in Green, unmatched items are Red/Pink. Selecting the green disk saves the cross references made during the session. Both item code(Adjutant) and item description(Adjutant) are searchable. 5. Once all items have been matched, click the BLUE save disk in the upper right hand corner. The GREEN save button allows [...]

Coil Import — 1.0%

[...] the spreadsheet. If the coil is new (not in Adjutant already), you must also have linear feet. Item codes that are not matched to an existing Adjutant item code will be added to the Item Master as a placeholder item. Item codes/coil#s that match an existing item/lot# will be updated with the new data from the import. Coil Import Screen Item File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Coil import template file (in XLS format). Export Template: Generates a blank Coil import template file Map Fields: [...]

Connection Info - Inspection Pass/Fail — 1.0%

[...] passed and completed in the system. The system uses a rule to link and mark specific problem codes as a specific inspection type. Tap Installation The Install is linked by a rule named Tap Complete Codes (TAPCOMP). In the example below, problem code (standard task) that is linked is problem code 1.10. Click to open full image Click to open full image Sewer Inspection The Sewer Inspection is linked by a rule named Sewer Complete Codes (SEWERCOMP).In the example below, problem code (standard [...]

Configurable Item (SOC) Export — 1.0%

[...] and "blue" anywhere in the itemcode) Commodity Code - This field is a range of different commodity codes for items to pull SOC questions from HeldFor - This will pull SOC questions for any items with that specific HeldFor Owner - This will pull SOC questions for any items with that specific Owner Export Format 1 - This will export the data in the format needed for the SOCIMPORT screen. Export Format 2 - This will export the data in the format needed for the SOCIMPORT2 screen. Export/Import Template Fields Note: The column layout is slightly different between [...]

Tap Inspection Completion Codes — 1.0%

Customer Service Inspection Completion Code (CSICOMP) Sewer Inspection Completion Codes (SWRCOMP) In order for a Connection to be marked as UB Complete, a CSI and Sewer task must be completed and marked as passed inspection. Tap Completion Codes [...]

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