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CID Setup Options — 6.3%

[...] be used when Enter or yes is selected. 46SCRAP - Allow entry of scrap after processing items made from coil. 46SINGLE - Prompt users to enter footage used on scanner after each line is completed. If enabled, process each pwo scan thru process (assume + entered each time) 48LABEL - Will print coil/coil-like tags for items assembled using Prompt 48. 74ALLOCMATCH - Validates loaded coil through 74/79 against SO Allocations and prevents loading if the lot# for the scanned P# is not already allocated to the SO. 74_ALLQTY - Combines the quantity of duplicate items [...]

Inventory Costing Methods — 1.5%

[...] at a cost of $10/ea. New average cost in Houston is $10.00 On Jan 3rd, ABC Supply sells 8 widgets from its Houston warehouse. Widgets are relieved from inventory and posted to COGS at $10/ea. Total widget inventory value in Houston is: (10-8)*$10.00 = $20.00 On Jan 3rd, ABC Supply receives 50 widgets into the Austin warehouse at a cost of $9/ea. New average cost in Austin is $9.00 On Jan 10th ABC Supply sells 20 widgets from its Austin warehouse. Widgets are relieved from [...]

Order Entry Setup Options — 1.5%

[...] profile profile instead of ams profile. AUTOQUICKCART - Automatically create a carton with settings from QUICKCARTON whenever a shipping event is created. If AUTOQUICKCART is enabled, make default QuickCart when SE is saved. AVAILRED - AVAILRED BLANKESTDATE - Set the matching date to blank if set. BLANKREQDATE - Set the matching date to blank if set. CALCDRIVETIME - Automatically calculates driving distance from the Sales Order warehouse to the Ship To address per driving directions from Yahoo. Enabling this [...]

Stock Replenishment (Quick Buy) — 1.1%

[...] orders for items based on inventory availability and min/max settings. You can also transfer items from one warehouse to another from Quick Buy. Quick Buy - Click for full image Basic Guidelines for Items in Quick Buy The Quick Buy screen follows some basic guidelines in order to produce recommended restock quantities. First, the following must be true in order for an item to even show up in Quick Buy: 1. The item must be a stock item. 2a. The Projected Qty must be less than or equal to the minimum qty AND the Order Qty must [...]

AP Invoice Master — 1.0%

[...] Accounts Payable >> Add/Edit AP Invoice Screen Name APMAST Function The AP Invoice Screen has many uses. From this screen you can: 1. Create a new AP Invoice. 2. Create an AP Invoice from a PO Receipt, or several PO Receipts. 3. Edit an existing AP Invoice. 4. Void an existing AP Invoice. 5. Mark an invoice as approved. 6. Print a Manual Check for an invoice. 7. Set up Recurring Payables . 8. Create a "Pass-Thru" that creates an AR Invoice from an AP Invoice. AP Invoice Master Screen Invoice Details Tab [...]

Production Setup Options — 0.9%

[...] Picker) may be used to determine the color coding. CUSTLABEL - CUSTLABEL CUSTOMPWO1 - Created 2 forms from EXCEL samples. Created new Rule PWOFORMS (Text1 is DeptCode char(2), Text2 is report form name char(20). Change PrintPWO logic to check this table. If dept match is found, use new form. Must have SINGLEPWO turned off. DIRITEMDET - DIRITEMDET ICNEWCOST - Change Scrap screen to use Cost Tiers if ICNEWCOST enabled. ICSEPBYOWNER - If CID option ICSEPBYOWNER is enabled, and item has MULTIOWNER attribute, then the cost by assembled part owner is captured in ITEMMOH,ITEMMOD. [...]

Customer Import — 0.9%

[...] child organization entered in this field. f67 - SoldToCI - Organization ID (Custno) of child customer (Sold To). This will make the line record a Sold To parent of the child organization entered in this field. f68 - ShipToCI - Organization ID (Custno) of child customer (Ship To). This will make the line record a Ship To parent of the child organization entered in this field. f69 - BillToPI - Organization ID (Custno) of parent customer (Bill To). This will make the line record a Bill To child of the parent organization entered in this field. [...]

Organization Attributes - Sold From — 0.9%

[...] Address Book >> Organization Screen Name SOLDFROM Function: Organization screen is also accessible from the Adjutant Toolbar . Sold From is an attribute jump screen from the Organization Screen. Fields/Filters Misc Code: User-definable Buyer: The person who normally works with this vendor/supplier. Only people with the BUYER attribute will be available for selection in the drop-down menu. Def Receiving Location: Select the default warehouse you will receive items into [...]

AR Invoice Import — 0.9%

[...] encountered. AR Invoice Import Header File Definitions *f1 - InvNo - AR Invoice number *f2 - CustNo - Sold To customer number in Adjutant *f3 - BillTo - Bill To customer number in Adjutant *f4 - ShipTo - Ship To customer number in Adjutant f5 - ShipWhse - Warehouse name in Adjutant for shipping location. This field is not required on the header file. f6 - ShipVia - Ship Via from original order. Valid ship via names from the SHIPVIA rule should be used. If an entry is found during import that doesn't match an [...]

Contract Master — 0.9%

[...] side of the screen: 3. Enter in the appropriate contract info, then click the save button: From here, you can then enter in the rest of the contract details in the following tabs. Fields/Filters Contract #: The name of the contract Start Date: The date contract takes effect End Date: The date contract ends Customer Contact: The contact person inside the company regarding this particular contract Internal Contact: The contact person inside your company regarding this particular contract Bill To: The company being billed for this contract Active: Check [...]

Item Master — 0.8%

[...] rules for pricing display is maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Pricing for Basics from the drop-down menu. Fields/Filters Default Supplier: Default supplier/vendor for this item Supplier Part#: Default supplier's part number for this item Unit Group: Unit group for this item Stock Unit: Stocking unit for this item Price Group: Price group for this item Product Group: Product group for this item Item GL Code: Item Transaction Category for this item Base Cost: Base cost for this item List Sale Price: List sale price for this item Sale Pricing [...]

Project Checklist — 0.8%

[...] every time. The Project Checklist is an ADJ2020 exclusive feature. The Project Checklist is accessed from the Checklist tab in the Project Control screen. The Project Checklist will only display if a checklist has been set up in the Project Checklist rule that matches the project type of the selected project record. Some of the built-in features include: Flexible setup for multiple project types Flexible navigation with collapse/expand controls, page jumps, and footer filters Project Phase date integration with start and end dates End Date color-coded warnings Quick [...]

Purchasing Setup Options — 0.8%

[...] Header. CONSUMABLE - CONSUMABLE DIRITEMDET - DIRITEMDET HIDEVENDOR - Removes the Vendor Code/Name from the Inventory Labels. HOLDREC - Marks all PO Receipts with the Hold flag. ICNEWCOST - Change Scrap screen to use Cost Tiers if ICNEWCOST enabled. ITEMEXACT - Displays item in item master when an exact match is entered, regardless if there are other items that may be a partial match. ITEMMULTINOTE - Change note screen to have 5 notes (SO, RFQ, PO, PWO and Inv) LABELDEFPRINT - If enabled, print coil tags to user's default printer. Skip Whse Coil tag printer logic. [...]

Shipping Event Master — 0.7%

[...] want and edit that name later if need be. Type: The type of SE. The values in this drop-down come from the Shipping Event Types rule . Ship Date/Time: The date and time the shipment will leave the warehouse. Cutoff Date/Time: The date and time that no more Sales Orders will be automatically linked to the SE. This field is used for Delivery Routes and for reference when manually linking Sales Orders. On Site Date/Time: The date and time the shipment will arrive on site. Ship Via: The shipping method. The values in this drop-down come from [...]

Production Work Order - Master — 0.6%

[...] ID : The customer's Organization ID. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO. Name : The customer's name. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO. Build For Stock : Check this box if you are creating a new PWO and the Yields will be used to replenish stock inventory. There is no customer in this case. Plant : The Production Plant. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO. Whse : The Warehouse. This field is automatically [...]

Resource Import — 0.6%

[...] before clicking OK. Validate to XLS File: Generates an XLS file of errors that will prevent the import from completing. The file will only be created if there are errors. Resource Import File Definitions Required fields are indicated with an * *f1 - Custno - Organization customer number for the target contact record f2 - ContID - Contact ID from the VCONTACT table. This field is no longer used. *f3 - FirstName - First name for the target contact record. This must exactly match the first name of an existing contact record in Adjutant. [...]

Shipping Setup Options — 0.6%

[...] SO screens after creating the invoice. AUTOQUICKCART - Automatically creates a carton with settings from QUICKCARTON whenever a shipping event is created. If AUTOQUICKCART is enabled, make default QuickCart when SE is saved. BOLBYCARRIER - If enabled split up BOLs by shipto/carrier. If SE already has a linked FPO (pomast.sekyno), then fill out FPO PO number on new BOL. BOLBYCARTON - If set, make 1 BOL per top level carton. Flag Bol with carton (limits auto generation to 1 per carton). BOLCHECKCOD - If enabled, and cod amount >0, then Cashier or Company Check must [...]

Notes Import — 0.6%

[...] contact record with the Note Owner attribute. Phase - Project Phase name Priority - Note priority value from the NOTEPRIORITY rule name field. Do not use the priority code. If left blank, or if there is no match to the rule, the system will use '??' ProjID - Project ID. This is the MSNID (keyno) value from the MSN table. ProjNum - Project number ProjOppNo - Project Opportunity number Status - Note status value from the NOTESTATUS rule name field. Do not use the status code value. If left blank, or if there is [...]

Go Live Checklist — 0.6%

[...] Live Category Process/Event Comment Complete Date _ MOCK GO LIVE Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Open AR _ _ Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Open AP _ _ Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Inventory Quantities/Costs _ _ Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Coil quantities/costs/info _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Open AR _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Open AP _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into [...]

Picking Control — 0.6%

[...] List Tab Pick List Screen The Pick Lists tab displays all pick lists in the warehouse selected from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the window. Fields/Filters PickList#: Pick list number TermID: RF terminal to which the picklist is assigned UserID: The user of the assigned RF terminal % Pulled: The percentage of the picklist's contents that has already been pulled from the warehouse Held: Whether the picklist is held SE: Shipping Event Number associated with the picklist MR: Material Receipt associated with the picklist [...]

Sales Order - Header — 0.6%

[...] icon will add PDFs to the Print SO screen using the Attach Linked function. PDFs are set up to display from the Sales Order PDF Rule and can be defaulted to be checked. Item attributes can also be used to default a PDF to be checked. The PDF button will only be available once the SOPDF rule has been set up. SOb: This icon will add specific messages populated from the SO Bullet List Rule . When selected, it will launch a jump screen that will allow you to populate and edit a list of disclaimers based on text in the rule, or a linked .txt [...]

Shipping Event Link (SE Link) — 0.6%

[...] allow users to split orders, hold back certain lines during shipping, backorder, and suspend lines from shipping. The main benefits to using SE Link is that it allows users to modify the pre-load report to only show what will be packed on the specific shipping event, providing accurate paperwork and weights for only those lines. Set Up The SELINK5 Set up option is the only option needed to begin using SE Link. With the option on, users will begin to link lines to the Shipping Event manually. Using SE Link If the Shipping Event is not automatically being created [...]

Purchase Order - Header — 0.6%

[...] have selected. Click this icon to view the comment. Vendor: The company you are purchasing items from. Organizations with a Sold From attribute are available for selection. Remit To: The company being paid for the purchased items. Organizations with a Remit To attribute are available for selection. Ship To: The warehouse receiving the purchased items. Warehouses are maintained in the Warehouses screen. Deliver To: For drop-ship purposes, you may enter any organization here that has a Ship To attribute. [...]

Transfer Request — 0.6%

[...] to filter results on the Transfer Request Processor. Warehouse - This field shows up twice in the "From:" and "To:" sections. In the "From:" section, this is the Warehouse that will be used to transfer inventory from when the Transfer Request is processed. In the "To:" section, this is the Warehouse that the inventory will be transferred to. This will also be defaulted to the logged in user's default warehouse and can be changed as needed. Owner - This field shows up twice in the "From:" [...]

Warehouse Setup Options — 0.6%

Setup Options & Definitions CALCDRIVETIME - Automatically calculates driving distance from the Sales Order warehouse to the Ship To address per driving directions from Yahoo. Enabling this option will slow down order entry for new Ship To locations. CCBINSORT - If enabled handles bins special (left pads 99 blocks to two chars each to make number sorts work correctly). CCNITEINV2 - Option to generate niteinv2 records after commits complete. Records made for each item/loctid committed. CCOUNTCHNGWHSE - CCOUNTCHNGWHSE CCOUNTWHSECHNG [...]

Bid Purchase Order (BIDPO) API — 0.6%

[...] built into the API to prevent invalid vendors, warehouses, terms of payment, item codes, and units from being imported. Adjutant Setup Required APIKEY Rule: The API Keys rule holds the custom string used as an Application Program Interface (API) validation key for custom interfaces. The API Key rule is set up and maintained by ABIS personnel when establishing a new API at a customer site. The API Key is typically set once during implementation and generally does not need to be changed. Refer to the API Keys Rule Maintenance Wiki for details on setting up this [...]

HOW TO - Release and Ship Freight Using a Material Receipt — 0.6%

STEP 1: TRANSACTION >> LOGISTICS >> IN-OUT PROCESS STEP 2: Enter the Material Receipt Number from the MR Label on the paper Material Receipt into the MRID blank (or scan the barcode on the MR Label with a light pen). Press Enter . STEP 3: Type or scan the code for the organization to which the package was sold into the Sold To: blank. Press Enter . The name of the Sold To organization appears in the blank to the right and the cursor advances to the next row. STEP 4: Type or [...]

Sales Order Import — 0.6%

[...] Date (MM/DD/YY format) f6 - Freight - Freight terms for the selected sales order. Valid freight terms from the FREIGHT rule should be used. If an entry is found during import that doesn't match an existing FREIGHT rule record, that entry will be added to the FREIGHT rule with no other rule details. This allows the import to complete, but could add unwanted records to the FREIGHT rule. f7 - Terms - Payment terms for the selected sales order. Valid terms from the TERMS rule should be used. If an entry is found during import that doesn't match [...]

Cut Charge / Freight Charge Setup — 0.5%

[...] enabled. Cut Charge Setup Screen Fields / Filters Cut Charge Item: Enter a non-stock item code from Item Master. All cut charges are controlled and set by a single item code. This screen will not allow more than one item code for tracking cut charges. Price Source-Fixed: The Fixed option will use the fixed per unit charge amount in the associated field (set as 1.00 in the image above) to determine the cut charge rate. Price Source-Customer Pricing: The Customer Pricing option will use the pricing in Item Master for the Cut Charge Item, along with the rules [...]

Sales Order Delayed Alerts — 0.5%

[...] Sales Order Delayed Alerts Rule Rule Setup – Fields SOTYPE: Enter in a Sales Order Type Code from the SOTYPE rule. This designates which SO Type will trigger the auto-email. Offset: Enter the time offset from when the order is shipped/invoiced to when the email is sent. This can be done using w (week), d (day), h (hour) or m (min). For example, 1d will offset the email delivery by 1 day. Putting a number with no unit will default to minutes. Template Name: Enter the name of the email template to be used. These templates can be [...]

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