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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 27 results.

Project Summary — 76.3%

[...] phase Customer company Phase Notes descrip Estimate - Total Cost tcest Estimate - Total Revenue trest Estimate - Labor Cost lcest Estimate - Labor Revenue lrest Estimate - Equipment Cost ecest Estimate - Equipment Revenue erest Estimate - Overhead Cost ocest Estimate - Overhead Revenue orest Budget - Total Cost tcbud Budget - Total Revenue trbud Budget - Labor Cost lcbud Budget - Labor Revenue [...]

Revenue by Project — 3.5%

General Description Default Menu Location Reports >> Project Management >> Revenue by Project Screen Name REVBYJOB Function The Revenue by Project generates a report based on a date range and project type. Click here for a screenshot Report Filters Start Date End date Project Type Warehouse Summary/Detail Standard Report Fields Summary - revbyjob Page Header - revbyjob company: company Date and time: datetime() Page Number: "Page # " + alltrim(str(_pageno)) Warehouse Name: whsename Selected Filters: lc_filt [...]

Journal Entry Architecture - Invoicing — 3.1%

[...] affected during invoicing: 1. Accounts Receivable - AR is debited in the amount of the invoice. 2. Revenue - Revenue is credited in the amount of the invoice less sales tax. 3. Sales Tax - Sales Tax is credited in the amount of the tax on the invoice. 4. Cost of Goods Sold - COGS is debited based upon the cost of the items on the Sales Order. 5. Work in Process - WIP is credited based upon the cost of the items on the Sales Order. WIP has already been debited when the SO was shipped, so this account is always a wash (not affected). [...]

Chart of Accounts — 2.7%

[...] spent or received. It is used to organize the finances of the entity and to segregate expenditures, revenue, assets and liabilities in order to give interested parties a better understanding of the financial health of the entity. The list can be numerical, alphabetic, or alpha-numeric. The structure and headings of accounts should assist in consistent posting of transactions. Each nominal ledger account is unique to allow its ledger to be located. The list is typically arranged in the order of the customary appearance of accounts in the financial statements, balance [...]

Accrued Revenue by Project Report — 1.6%

Default Menu Location Reports >> Project >> Accrued Revenue by Project Click here for a screenshot. General Description The Accrued Revenue [...]

Item Master Import — 1.2%

[...] Categories are combined with Customer Categories to create a Transaction Category that is used to drive revenue and cost to the correct GL accounts. DEF should be entered for most items, unless a specific accounting model has been established based on item category. Review the revenue and cost accounting procedures carefully to determine the desired entries for each item . If left blank, the item record will not be usable until the category is filled in. f31 - SqFt - The item's square footage per stocking unit f32 - WarLen - If the item has [...]

Resource Scorecard — 1.2%

[...] a screenshot General Description The Resource Scorecard report generates a report showing hours, revenue, cost, profit and margin. Standard Report Fields (Header) Resource: lc_resource Start and End Dates selected for the report: lc_sdate + " - " + lc_edate Standard Report Fields Group Header1 (resid1) Item: text1 Actual Hours: actqty Invoiced Hours: billqty Invoiced Revenue: itotal Average Rev/Unit: avgprice Direct Cost: tcost Weighted Cost: wcost Gross Profit: gp Margin: margin Sales [...]

GL Groups — 1.2%

[...] Maintain >> General Ledger >> GL Groups Screen Name : TRANCAT Function: GL Groups are used to drive revenue and costs to sub-accounts in the general ledger. Working hand in hand with Transaction Categories , the GL Group will mask over a particular part of the account number to offer more options in driving revenue and costs to the GL. GL Groups may be applied to: Sales Order Types, Warehouses, Departments, Account Managers, Salespeople, Resources, and Solution Codes. See the Journal Entry Architecture - Invoicing page for more information [...]

Item Transaction Codes — 0.8%

[...] >> Item Transaction Codes Screen Name : RULEM Function: Item Transaction Codes are used to drive revenue to specific accounts in the general ledger. Item Transaction Codes Item Transaction Categories are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Item Transaction Codes from the drop-down menu. When Adjutant processes an order, the first 'question' is what are we selling (this is determined by the Item Category)? The Item Category will determine how the cost/revenue [...]

Generate Batches — 0.8%

[...] Credits to the GL. Invoicing Transfer to Accounting: Debits Cost of Goods Sold account, credits Revenue account, credits Sales Tax, debits Accounts Receivable, and credits WIP account. Transfer Draw Billing: Debits Accounts Receivable, Debits/Credits Over/Under Billing (depending on completion status), Debits Retainage, Credits Revenue [...]

Transaction Categories — 0.8%

[...] Transaction Categories Screen Name : CUSTCAT Function: Transaction Categories are used to determine where revenue and costs are coded in the general ledger according the customer and item transaction categories. Click here for transaction categories screen. Customer Transaction Codes are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Customer Transaction Codes from the drop-down menu. Item Transaction Codes are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Item Transaction Codes from the drop-down menu. Transaction Category Setup To set up a new [...]

CID Setup Options — 0.4%

[...] separate PO system in a 3rd Party accounting package. CREDITTOPLANT - Uses the Plant Location's Cost/Revenue account segments based on the GL Group assigned [...]

Resource Screen — 0.4%

[...] A resource is defined as a person, place, or thing that is used to conduct business and/or generate revenue. Resources may be assigned to tasks and post [...]

Warehouses — 0.4%

[...] the accounts need to be filled out for that record. The GL Group gives you the ability to filter revenue and costs into the general ledger according [...]

Sales Order Types (SOTYPE) — 0.4%

[...] Invoicing. Types allow you to separate orders, change the SO and Invoice form, prefixes, invoice status, revenue and COGS coding, etc. How to add a new [...]

Customer Transaction Codes — 0.4%

[...] Customer Transaction Codes Screen Name : RULEM Function: Customer Transaction Codes are used to drive revenue to specific accounts in the general ledger. [...]

Organization Attributes - Resource — 0.4%

[...] is defined as a person, organization, or an asset that is used to conduct business and/or generate revenue. Resource Attribute Fields/Filters [...]

Go Live Checklist — 0.4%

[...] and Cash Receipt Reports _ _ Parallel Testing Users have verified GL routing to the correct cost and revenue accounts _ _ Parallel Testing User security [...]

Inventory Costing Methods — 0.4%

[...] reporting standards (though it is still allowed in the United States under the approval of the Internal Revenue Service). In Adjutant, the LIFO inventory [...]

An Explanation of People Attributes — 0.4%

[...] resource is defined as a person, company, or asset that is used to conduct business and/or generate revenue. User in Adjutant: A User in Adjutant possesses [...]

Company ID (CID) Maintenance — 0.4%

[...] used if the batch generator cannot match a transaction to a valid GL Account. Over/Under Billing : Revenue contra account for draw billing transactions [...]

CID Accounting Setup — 0.4%

[...] used if the batch generator cannot match a transaction to a valid GL Account. Over/Under Billing : Revenue contra account for draw billing transactions [...]

Journal Entry Architecture - PO Receipt — 0.4%

[...] the item you received is shipped to a customer (not when you receive it). This aligns your cost and revenue entries by recognizing the corresponding cost [...]

Organization Attributes - HOW TO Edit Attributes — 0.4%

[...] not paid each time their inventory is used Prospect: A qualified Suspect that has the potential for revenue Ship From: A Vendor/Supplier ships merchandise [...]

Job Cost by SO Type Report — 0.4%

[...] Project Control >> Job Cost by SO Type Screen Name JOBCOST2 Function Determine the cost versus the revenue on a specific project. Report Filter [...]

Item Master Q&A — 0.4%

[...] up of the CUSTOMER CATEGORY found in the soldto and the ITEM CATEGORY), this combination is tied to revenue and cost accounts that tell the system where [...]

Job Cost by SO Type Report (New) — 0.4%

[...] Control >> Job Cost by SO Type (New) Screen Name JOBCOST2NEW Function Determine the cost versus the revenue on a specific project. Report Filter [...]

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