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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Organizations in Adjutant 2.0 — 6.3%

General Information Function: The Organization screen lists all organizations’ key information. Users can also edit existing and add new organizations. (An organization is defined in Adjutant as any customer, vendor, supplier, company, prospect, address, location, etc that has a relationship with your company.) Organization Master Screen Organization Icon in the Toolbar Fields/Filters ID: ID # of the organization (Leave this blank when entering a new organization, Adjutant automatically assigns the ID.) Name: Name of [...]

Vendor Import — 5.2%

[...] To Match Existing Orgs: Check this box to turn on additional logic that looks through your existing organizations in Adjutant and tries to match each record in the spreadsheet with one in Adjutant. If the import program finds a match, it will update that organizations's information with the info in the spreadsheet. The program matches on vendno, then the first 5 characters of company name and the first 5 characters of address1, then city. This feature can be used to update organization information other than the company name and address [...]

Organization — 5.2%

General Description Default Menu Location : Maintain >> Address Book >> Organizations The Organization screen is also accessible from the Adjutant Toolbar Screen Name : ENT Function : The Organization screen lists all organizations’ key information. Users can also edit existing and add new organizations. (An organization is defined in Adjutant as any customer, vendor, supplier, company, prospect, address, location, etc that has a relationship with your company.) Organization Screen Fields/Filters [...]

Hubspot API Integration — 5.2%

[...] Maintenance Wiki for details on setting up this rule. Pending Organization Screen: The Pending API Organizations screen is the holding ground for Hubspot organizations once they are pulled in from the API process. On this screen, organization can be reviewed, information edited, Account Managers and assign follow ups to them. This screen can be used to add the Organization into Adjutant as a Suspect in Sales, which can be converted to a customer. Hubspot API Service: The Foxprocess service runs to pull the Organizations [...]

Pending API Organizations — 5.2%

General Screen Name: ORGTEMP Function: The Pending API Organizations screen shows all organization submissions that have been filled out on the new Public API screen. From here, people can review and edit entries before pushing them through to Adjutant to be created as a live Organization with the Suspect attribute. Buttons & Fields Ignore Selected: Removes all selected entries from this list without creating Organization records in Adjutant. Add Selected: Adds all selected entries as Organizations in Adjutant. Update All: [...]

Merge Duplicate Organizations — 4.2%

General Information Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Address Book >> Merge Duplicate Organizations Screen Name : CLEANENT Function : This screen is used to merge the records of an organization that has been duplicated. Instructions THERE IS NO UNDOING A MERGE. THIS IS A PERMANENT CHANGE. All records linked to the Deleted organization are moved to the Main organization, including contacts. You should review the contact records after merging to verify that duplicate contacts weren't created. If they were, you should be able to delete the dup [...]

CID Setup Options — 3.1%

[...] Generates separate approvals for both the Sold From and Remit To organization on AP invoices - provided the organizations have separate approvals set up. APPREMAILDEL - Controls sending of emails through the approval screen. Enable to be able to decline in approval screen. APPREMAILOK - Controls sending of emails through the approval screen. Enable to be able to approve in approval screen. APPRPOREMITTO - Generates separate approvals for both the Sold From and Remit To organization on purchase orders - provided the organizations have separate [...]

Customer Import — 3.1%

[...] details, which will not be changed. This box should be checked if you are attempting to update existing organizations with an import file that has custnos entered. If this box is unchecked, and the import file contains custnos that already exist, the import process will create new organizations for the duplicates using the default org numbering logic. Validate Custnos: Checking this box will validate each custno in your spreadsheet and verify it does not currently exist in Adjutant. Leave this box unchecked if you have Custnos (Customer Numbers) [...]

Task Entry Screen — 3.1%

[...] Customer link to go to the Organization Screen for the information regarding this organization. Only the organizations assigned with a Sold To attribute will be available for selection. Bill To: This is where the invoice is sent. Click the Bill To link to go to the Organization Screen for the information regarding this organization. Only the organizations assigned with a Bill To attribute will be available for selection. Location: The specific location the task will be performed. Click on the Location link to go to the Organization Screen [...]

Freight In-Out Processing — 3.1%

[...] of the organization appears in the second blank. Click on the underlined word to bring up a list of organizations. Bill To : The organization billed for the shipment. Enter the organization code in the first blank, then press Enter and the full name of the organization appears in the second blank. Click on the underlined word to bring up a list of organizations. Ship To : The organization, location or office receiving the shipment. Enter the organization code in the first blank, then press Enter and the full name of the organization [...]

Campaigns in Adjutant 2.0 — 2.1%

[...] note to keep track of the communication made in the notes function. As you can see, you will see which organizations have been contacted under the campaign in the campaign master screen. Campaign Name: Name of the campaign Type: Method communication for the campaign. Note Type: Type of communication for the campaign. Priority: The priority of the note. Created date: Date the campaign has been created. It can be pre dated or post dated. Owner: Assign to: Start Date: Start date of the Campaign End Date: End date of the Campaign Projected Until: The date that the [...]

Organization Air Hammer — 2.1%

[...] the customer. The Date Range filter is applicable to the Start Date of the Project. Parents: Parent organizations of the selected organization. Children: Children organizations [...]

Call Log Report — 2.1%

This report displays phone calls made and filters the data using Organizations, Dates, and Extensions. Account #: The code of the Organization the phone calls were made to. Client: The name of the Organization the phone calls were made to. Organizations [...]

HOW TO - Create a New Customer — 2.1%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> Address Book >> Organizations How to Create a New Customer STEP 1: Click the Organizations [...]

Purchase Order - Header — 2.1%

[...] selected. Click this icon to view the comment. Vendor: The company you are purchasing items from. Organizations with a Sold From attribute are available for selection. Remit To: The company being paid for the purchased items. Organizations [...]

Transfer To Billing — 2.1%

[...] the date you wish to process through and click the Reload button Click the A button to select ALL organizations listed Click the N button to select NONE of the organizations [...]

Remit To — 1.0%

[...] The Remit To screen stores default information related to creating and paying AP invoices for vendor organizations. Fields Tax Rate: Default Tax rate [...]

Resource Screen — 1.0%

[...] number of hours per day the resource can work on many tasks. This field is useful for resources that are Organizations or Teams/Squads. Allow Overlap : Check this [...]

Adjutant End of Year Guide — 1.0%

[...] action can improve load times and generally offers a cleaner experience. MERGE ANY DUPLICATE ORGANIZATIONS The following items are recommended but [...]


[...] Fields Default: Required: Import Prg: Controls whether this attribute is available when importing Organizations. Hide if Child: Will hide the Less Retainage: [...]

Connection Import/Match (Water District Match Import) — 1.0%

[...] clicking OK. Add All: Select the Add All box to bypass the matching logic and add all connections as new organizations Add if No Match: Select Add if No Match to [...]

User Trace Log — 1.0%

[...] things (ADD, EDIT, VIEW, VOID, PRINT) a user does in the system. Screens that are currently tracked are: Organizations, People, Tasks, Assets, Items, RFQ, SO, PO, [...]

Shipping Event Master — 1.0%

[...] Carrier: The freight carrier responsible for delivering the shipment. The values in this field come from organizations with the Carrier attribute. Truck Type: [...]

Organization Attributes - Sold To — 1.0%

[...] Default Note: Type a default note to appear on the customer's sales order ABC Codes: Display the Organizations ratings based on the set up of this screen [...]

Tap Setup — 1.0%

[...] fields are two other fields that will filter the list of addresses: Builder : A list of all builders (organizations with the BUILDER attribute) will appear in [...]

HOW TO - Add a BillTo Child to a customer — 1.0%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> Address Book >> Organizations Organization screen Procedures STEP 1: [...]

HOW TO - Add Shipping or Work Locations to a customer — 1.0%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> Address Book >> Organizations Organization screen Procedures STEP 1: [...]

HOW TO - Create A New District — 1.0%

General Description Default Menu Location Maintain --> Address Book --> Organizations Function A district will be created using [...]

HOW TO - Create a New Vendor — 1.0%

[...] Address Book >> Organization Click here for screenshot Step by Step Instruction STEP 1: Click the Organizations icon located in the Adjutant toolbar. This [...]

AP Invoice Master — 1.0%

[...] can be saved. Setting Default Accounts You may set a default account for any vendor by going to the Organizations screen and clicking on the Sold From attribute [...]

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