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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

CID Setup Options — 4.1%

[...] General Info CID Setup Options determine how Adjutant operates. They are maintained in the Company ID (CID) Maintenance . They may also be changed through Screen Setup Options . Setup Options and Definitions Numbers 45BOMCHK - Require users to enter 1 or 3 when asked to continue to use raw material that is not on a BOM. If setup option 45BOMCHK is set and scanned coil is not on BOM, show confirm message with 3 = continue and anything else loops back to scan PWO line. 45CALCCOMP - If set, system will compare qty to assemble vs qty open, and close line if >=. [...]

Approve-Edit Billing — 2.8%

[...] the billing process and allow them to be edited/deleted in the Time Entry Screen. Invoice Grouping Org (Org/WorkCat/WrkOrd): One invoice per customer (Invoices will be sorted by Organization, Work Category, and Work Order number.) Org/Project (Org/Project/WrkOrd): One invoice per project and customer (Invoices will be sorted by Organization, Project, and Work Order number.) Org/Project/Phase (Org/Project/Phase/WorkOrd): [...]

Organizations in Adjutant 2.0 — 2.3%

[...] company.) Organization Master Screen Organization Icon in the Toolbar Fields/Filters ID: ID # of the organization (Leave this blank when entering a new organization, Adjutant automatically assigns the ID.) Name: Name of the organization being adding or editing (Click Company to perform a Google search on the organization's name) Address: Street address of the organization (Click Address to perform a Google Maps search for the organization's address) City: City the organization is in State: [...]

Customer Import — 2.3%

[...] already exist, the import process will create new organizations for the duplicates using the default org numbering logic. Validate Custnos: Checking this box will validate each custno in your spreadsheet and verify it does not currently exist in Adjutant. Leave this box unchecked if you have Custnos (Customer Numbers) in your spreadsheet and you want to update your existing customer records based on ID. This is commonly used if you export your customer database to do some mass updates in Excel and then want to import that data back in to [...]

AR Invoice Import — 2.1%

[...] Master. f9 - PoNum - Customer PO number from the original order f10 - HeldFor - Held For organization ID. This field is not required on the header file. f11 - SoType - Sales Order type. This field is no longer in use. f12 - TaxRate - Tax rate percentage. This value is imported to the datatable, and can be used for custom reporting, but is not used for tax calculations. *f13 - Terms - Payment terms for the selected invoice. Valid terms from the TERMS rule should be used. If an entry is found during import that doesn't match an existing TERMS rule record, that entry [...]

Company ID (CID) Maintenance — 1.9%

[...] Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> CID Maintenance Screen Name CID Function The Company ID (CID) Maintenance Screen is used to maintain general system and accounting information for your company. For further detail on CID options throughout the set up see the CID Setup Options page. CID Maintenance Master The Master tab displays basic information about the company. This information is commonly used on reports and forms. Click to open full image Fields CID: Company ID Company: Company name Address, Country, [...]

Vendor Import — 1.7%

[...] already exist, the import process will create new organizations for the duplicates using the default org numbering logic. Validate Vendnos: Checking this box will validate each vendno in your spreadsheet and verify it does not currently exist in Adjutant. Leave this box unchecked if you have Vendnos (Vendor Numbers) in your spreadsheet and you want to update your existing vendor records based on ID. This is commonly used if you export your vendor database to do some mass updates in Excel and then want to import that data back in to Adjutant. [...]

Import User — 1.7%

[...] Function: The Import User screen creates the User in Adjutant attribute record, links it to the Contact ID, and can complete all of the required fields in the User Details tab and the User Password Settings tab. The import program can even establish user security mimics. Many of the fields on the Import User Records template are mandatory. Required fields are noted below in the file definitions section. The Password Settings fields must be filled in on the import file. CID password setting defaults are not loaded during the import. Import User File Screen File [...]

Tap Setup — 1.5%

[...] You can edit existing addresses and add new addresses from this screen. Underneath the District ID and Name fields are two other fields that will filter the list of addresses: Builder : A list of all builders (organizations with the BUILDER attribute) will appear in this list. Builders are linked to an address via the Connection Information screen. You will be forced to choose a builder when entering payment for an address on the Payment tab. Subdivision : : A list of all subdivisions (linked SUBDIV children) in the District you select at the top of the screen. [...]

Lead Importer — 1.5%

[...] numbers and which ones should have new numbers generated, and update the import file accordingly. The 'Org ID Root' field can be used during the import process to assign up to 3 characters as a leading Custno value. Organization Attributes - The lead import process can attach additional customer attributes to imported records. If additional attributes need to be assigned during import, the attribute must be flagged to display on the Import screen in the ATT_ENT rule. Rule Maintenance Records - Below are the Rule Maintenance details that should [...]

User in Adjutant — 1.3%

[...] The Details tab contains general information about the User. Location and Adjutant Settings User ID: The username used to log in to Adjutant Password: The password used to log in to Adjutant Name: The actual name of the User Phone Extension: The phone extension of the User Terminal Printer: The default printer for the User Laser: The default Laser Printer for the User Default CID: The default Company ID for the User Default Menu: The default menu bar for the User Default WHSE: The default warehouse for the User Default [...]

CID Accounting Setup — 1.1%

[...] Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> CID Maintenance Screen Name CID Function The Company ID (CID) Maintenance Screen is used to maintain general system and accounting information for your company. For further detail on CID options throughout the set up see the CID Setup Options page. Accounting Backend The Accounting Backend tab contains information about a third party accounting package if one is in use. The Posting Window field controls when transactions can be posted in the system. Any transaction (invoice, cash receipt, check, inventory transfer, [...]

Connection Import/Match (Water District Match Import) — 1.1%

[...] Characters in the Street Name' value to update matched records, and add unmatched records Use UB Acct# as Org ID: If checked, and the Account column is empty, the import will use the UB/AVR Acct# value in the file as the connection customer number Create Subdiv/Builders: If checked, the import process will assign the SUBDIV and BUILDER attributes to the organization records, and create the required parent links to the associated Districts Match X Characters in Street Name: Set the number of characters the matching logic should use to scan for [...]

Drop Folders for Document Vault — 1.1%

[...] Inventory Item Item Code + - LOTITEM Lot Number (on hand) for an Item Lot Number + - MSN Project Project ID or Project Number + - PCR Program Change Request (ECR) ECR # PONO Purchase Order PO # PROJOPP Project Opportunity WOH Production Work Order RFQ Request For Quote (Customer Quote) ROUTE Route RTASSET Asset RTNOTES Note SEN Shipping Event SONO Sales Order SO # STASK Standard Task TASK Service Order VCONTACT Contact (Person) VOUCHER Incoming AP Invoice Document Management in Adjutant - Email Instructions Document Management in Adjutant – Email Instructions [...]

AMS Ignore Rule — 1.1%

[...] bundled Rule Setup – Text Fields No Text Fields In Use Rule Setup – Number Fields Machine ID: The AMS machine id [...]

Drill Down Reports — 1.1%

[...] <<keyno>>,'TYPE',<<docno>>,<<cid>> Example *:URL = vfps://do showscreen with <<c_apr.custid>>,'ORG' In that example the last two variables are not needed because custid (the keyno) is unique. The expression for the keyno (or docno or cid) is the same as it is in the report. If you do not have the keyno in the report, then you can use a zero in the keyno placeholder and fill out the other two variable with the corresponding expressions from the report. It would be formatted as: *:URL = vfps://do showscreen with 0,'ORG',<<c_apr.custno>>,<<c_cid.cid>> [...]

Hubspot API Integration — 1.1%

[...] Name Lead Score which will be put in the Suspect attribute under DUNS number Hubspot keyno for the Org Custno (to prevent duplicate organizations from coming over) Organizations will be brought in with the Hubspot Organization Attribute Updated versions of the Hubspot integration will check for the import_into_adjutant property to be = "true". If it is false or does not exist, Adjutant will skip the import. Updating the Company Owner in Hubpot with the Account Manager Adjutant will pass the Organization Account Manager back into Hubspot as the Company Owner. Any [...]

Inventory Costing Methods — 1.1%

[...] maintained at a Warehouse, Inventory Owner, and Held For level (aka OHF). A combination of Specific ID and one of the other three costing methods may be used to value inventory. Unit costs are maintained at a 4 decimal places (hundredths of a penny). Specific Identification The specific identification method refers to the tracking and costing of inventory based on the movement of specific, identifiable inventory items in and out of stock. This method is applicable when individual items can be clearly identified, such as with a serial number or lot number. An example [...]

Picking Control — 1.1%

[...] Material Receipt to which the carton belongs (if no MR was used, the field displays "0") CartID: Carton ID Number Company: Company which the cartons belong Pulled: Whether the carton has been pulled from the warehouse for shipment Location: Location of the carton in the warehouse Queued Picks Tab Queued Picks Screen The Queued Picks tab displays all parts and cartons queued for picking in the warehouse selected from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the window. Fields/Filters Pick List#: Picklist is a list which the parts or cartons belong Order#: Order [...]

Resource Import — 1.1%

[...] * *f1 - Custno - Organization customer number for the target contact record f2 - ContID - Contact ID from the VCONTACT table. This field is no longer used. *f3 - FirstName - First name for the target contact record. This must exactly match the first name of an existing contact record in Adjutant. *f4 - LastName - Last name for the target contact record. This must exactly match the last name of an existing contact record in Adjutant. *f5 - TabCode - Schedule Tab code from the Schedule Tab Names (TABS) rule to populate the Schedule Tab. *f6 - RName - Resource full [...]

Task Import — 1.1%

[...] in an un-billed / un-transferred status. Import Template Columns *Soldto: Adjutant organization ID for the customer of the task. *Billto: Adjutant organization ID for the entity responsible for paying for the task. *Shipto: Adjutant organization ID for the entity where the work needs to be done / was done. Task: Text field to serve as a title for the task. Usually a combination of the Standard Task Code and Standard Task Description. Projnum: Project number linked to the task. Phase: Phase of the linked [...]

Item ID Calculations for Track Length — 0.9%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance Function The Item ID Calculations rule controls the calculations available on the Item ID [...]

Accounts Receivable Setup Options — 0.9%

[...] - Will exclude deposit payment records from AR Statement report. BGREQPROJID - Requires a Project ID to be entered before any shipped sales orders that are linked to a project can be invoiced. Only one Project may be invoiced at a time. CALCSHIPSHIP - Allows the user to enter freight and packing charges during the Sales Order shipping process. CASHREQNOTE - CASHREQNOTE CASHSKIPREF - Allows you to leave the Reference field blank when apply cash receipts in the Apply Cash Receipts. CHANGEDISCACCT - Enables pop-up window on AP Invoice and Cash Receipt screen to allow [...]

API Task/Time Defaults — 0.9%

[...] must be filled out with a valid HeldFor. Rule Setup – Number Fields Def OwnerID: Default Owner ID for the task and time entry. This value is not visible to the front end user but must be filled out with a valid Owner ID. Def Loctid: Default Warehouse ID for the task and time entry. [...]

MailReader and Email Tags — 0.9%

[...] to the records you specify. Please note that all email tags use brackets before and after the code/ID you're specifying and that no spaces should ever be used in an email tag. Using spaces will cause the MailReader to ignore the tag. CUSTNO[X] - Organization, where X is the Organization ID. FL[X] - Follow Up Date of the note, where X is the Date. The date MUST be formatted as XX/YY/ZZ, where X is the month, Y is the day, an Z is the year. Using this tag sets the Note Status as Open. PRI[XX] - Note [...]

Bid Purchase Order (BIDPO) API — 0.9%

[...] must be a valid code from the rule, or it will fail validation. Vendor Code: The vendor organization ID(s) that will be used for Bid POs created through the interface. The vendor(s) must exist in Adjutant, the API will not create vendor records. The text3 value in the APIKEY rule can be configured to only accept a specific vendor code by entering the vendor Org ID, or it can be configured to allow any valid vendor by entering an '*' in text3. Warehouse Code: The warehouse name(s) that will be used for Bid POs [...]

Invoice Register Report — 0.9%

[...] territory, status, order type, salesperson, and account manager. Report Filters Customer ID: The Company ID in the field Company: (field is blank) The Company name (long name) to report on Start Date: The start date for the report End Date: The end date for the report Terr: The territory which the invoice was generated from (sales) Invoice Status: The invoice status the report will be filtered on Order Type: The type of order the invoice was generated from Sales Person: The salesperson associated with the invoice Account [...]

Tax Credit Report — 0.9%

[...] Credit InvDate ttod(invdate) Tax Table taxtable Cr Amt totamt Original Inv# oinvno Org InvDate ttod(oinvdate) Orderno Orderno Org Amt ototamt Group Footer [...]

Water District Update — 0.9%

[...] LOC001.dat EQQ001.dat Browse and select each file according to each field on the screen. The District ID will default to a value based on the files. You can change it to something else, but it is only used for the resulting file you are going to make at this point. Click the Make Water Import File button to create the spreadsheet file. It will be named the same thing as the District ID and will placed in the root of your Adjutant folder. Update District To update connections that have already been imported, you only need the location and [...]

Contacts in Adjutant 2.0 — 0.6%

[...] date of marriage Nick Name: Nick name for the contact Spouse’s Name: Person’s spouse Reference ID: A reference ID that can be used for integration into another software [...]

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