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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Recurring Journal Entries — 9.4%

General Information Default Menu Location : Maintain >> General Ledger >> Recurring Journal Entries Screen Name : GLENTRY Function: Setup recurring journal entries either as a standard entry or as a distribution from a single account. GL Recurring Entries Fields Name - Your name for the recurring entry. Description - A description of the journal entry (what it does, why it's there, etc). Type - Standard or [...]

Payroll/Various Journal Entry Import — 7.7%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> General Ledger >> GL Journal Entry >> Import Batch Screen Name GLJEBATCH Function The Journal Entry Batch Importer can be used to make payroll adjustments in the Accounting system in Adjutant. Importing Payroll Entries Payroll entries, just like any other journal entry, can be imported into Adjutant using the Import Batches Tab The Import Batches Tab (located on the GL Journal [...]

CID Setup Options — 3.3%

[...] however the Check/Deposit/Adjustment grid is sorted. BANKCRECPOST - If set, will use the Post Date of Journal Entries as the transaction date in bank reconciliation instead of the add date of the journal entry when transactions are "Added to Bank Rec" from the journal entry screen. BANKRECPURGEC - If set, will flag cleared items to never appear in bank rec screen again. Setup option sets checkbox, which sets PURGEC = 'y' in tables. PurgeC records are not loaded into grid. BANKRECUPERGEC [...]

Asset Importer — 3.0%

[...] to add the Depreciation Schedule attribute for this record Dept - Department name for this asset. Entries must exactly match the name value from the Departments (DEPT) rule. BasedOn - Item code that the asset records is based on. Must be an existing item code from Item Master. TagID - Asset Tag ID (30 characters max, alphanumeric) Serial - Serial Number 1 for the asset (30 characters max, alphanumeric). If no serial number is available, copy the TagID value to this column. Name - Asset Name (30 characters max, alphanumeric) Descrip - Longer description of asset [...]

Warehouses — 2.3%

[...] used to set up the default control and clearing accounts for the warehouse selected. The GL account entries in the Warehouse Accounts tab generally override their corresponding entries in CID Maintenance. If an Inventory Owner has one differing account (i.e. Stock Inventory) that is filled in on the accounts tab, then all of the accounts need to be filled out for that record. The GL Group gives you the ability to filter revenue and costs into the general ledger according to warehouse. Warehouse Accounts Tab Item Control - Stock: [...]

GL Journal Entry Screen — 2.3%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> General Ledger >> GL Journal Entry Screen Name GLJEBATCH Function The General Ledger module is completely integrated with all modules and is the key to maximizing the efficiency and accuracy of your financial data. Batch Header Tab Journal Entry Batch Header Tab Batch Number Posting Year/Period Control Total The total amount for the specific entry, to ensure debits and credits balance. Reference Notes Reverse Rev Year/Period Batch Entries [...]

Configurable Item (SOC) Import — 2.0%

[...] number Question - SOC question text (maximum 50 characters) QType - SOC question type code. Valid entries are LIST, TEXT, NUM, and CAL. RCode - Report code for the associated question. Question 1 should always be report code A. The Length question is always report code B and generally the second question. Some other standard report codes are S=Roof Slope, Q=Square Feet, and W=Weight. CalcVal - Enter 'Y' to indicate this is a calculated value, which sets the CALC checkbox. Enter 'N' otherwise. CalcExp - Enter a custom formula using report codes, numerical values, [...]

Configurable Item (SOC) Export — 2.0%

[...] number Question - SOC question text (maximum 50 characters) QType - SOC question type code. Valid entries are LIST, TEXT, NUM, and CAL. RCode - Report code for the associated question. Question 1 should always be report code A. The Length question is always report code B and generally the second question. Some other standard report codes are S=Roof Slope, Q=Square Feet, and W=Weight. CalcVal - Enter 'Y' to indicate this is a calculated value, which sets the CALC checkbox. Enter 'N' otherwise. CalcExp - Enter a custom formula using report codes, numerical values, [...]

Journal Entry Architecture - PO Receipt — 1.7%

[...] Maintenance screen will be used. PO Receipt >> AP Invoice >> AP Check The following is a list of typical journal entries that would be recorded from time of PO Receipt through issuing payment to the vendor. Transaction Debit Credit PO Receipt Inventory Control Accrued AP AP Invoice Accrued AP Accounts Payable AP Check Accounts Payable Cash Please note that the Cost of Goods entry is made when the item you received is shipped to a customer (not when you receive it). [...]

Sales Order Import — 1.7%

[...] button is used. *f9 - SOType - Sales Order Type code from the SOTYPE rule. Blank or invalid import entries will use the first entry from the SOTYPE rule. *f10 - ShipTo - Ship To organization number f11 - Notes - Sales order header notes f12 - Status - Sales order status code. Valid entries are 'O' (Open), 'C' (Closed), and 'V' (Void). If Status is blank or invalid, the sales order will be set to 'O'pen status. f13 - OrdDate - This field is no longer in use f14 - EstDate - Sales Order Load Date (MM/DD/YY format) f15 - ConfirmTo - Sales [...]

Journal Entry Architecture - Invoicing — 1.7%

General Information The Batch Generator can make several batch journal entries. One of the options is the batch for Invoicing (Sales Order shipment or Time Entry billing). Many things affect which GL accounts will be debited or credited when creating an invoice. There are typically 5 accounts affected during invoicing: 1. Accounts Receivable - AR is debited in the amount of the invoice. 2. Revenue - Revenue is credited in the amount of the invoice less sales tax. 3. Sales Tax - Sales Tax is credited in the amount of the tax on the [...]

Journal Entry Basics — 1.7%

[...] is used to create batches that can be posted to the General Ledger. Generate Batches Screen Journal Entry Architecture For additional information on using the Generate Batch screen click here This section will describe how each fully qualified account is determined by the program. Journal Entry Architecture - Invoicing A PO Receipt will debit the Item Control account and credit [...]

System Generated Double Entry — 1.7%

[...] total debits being equal to total credits for all accounts in the general ledger. If the accounting entries are recorded without error, the aggregate balance of all accounts having positive balances will be equal to the aggregate balance of all accounts having negative balances. Accounting entries that debit and credit related accounts typically include the same date and identifying code in both accounts, so that in case of error, each debit and credit can be traced back to a journal and transaction source document, [...]

Inventory Journal Report — 1.7%

General Description Default Menu Location Reports >> Item Control >> Inventory Journal Report Screen Name STOCKJOURNAL Function Inventory Journal Report screen allows [...]

AR Invoice Import — 1.3%

[...] could add unwanted records to the FOB rule. f8 - SP - Salesperson name on the invoice. Salesperson entries should exactly match an existing Contact record set up with the Salesperson attribute. If they do not match, the entry will be imported to the datatable, but it will not display in AR Invoice Master. f9 - PoNum - Customer PO number from the original order f10 - HeldFor - Held For organization ID. This field is not required on the header file. f11 - SoType - Sales Order type. This field is no longer in use. f12 - TaxRate - Tax rate percentage. This value is [...]

Print Tap Journal — 1.3%

General Information Default Menu Location: Reports>> Tapping >> Print Tap Journal Screen Name: PRINTTAP Function: Print Tap Journal- [...]

Purchase Order Import — 1.3%

[...] remit to record. *f9 - POType - Purchase Order Type code from the POTYPE rule. Blank or invalid import entries will use the default entry from the POTYPE rule. *f10 - HeldFor - Inventory Held For name f11 - ConfirmTo - Purchase Order Confirm to field value (max 60 characters) f12 - Remarks - Purchase Order Remarks field value (max 100 characters) f13 - Buyer - Purchase Order Buyer. Buyer entries should exactly match an existing Contact record set up with the Buyer attribute. If they do not match, the entry will not be imported. f14 - FOB [...]

Close GL Period and Year — 1.3%

[...] automatically loaded onto the screen. Closing a Period changes the current fiscal period. You can still post entries into a closed period that is not locked. Locking a Period prevents any batches from being posted into that period. Closing a Year will move the fiscal year's profit/loss into the Retained Earnings account that's listed on the CID Maintenance screen. Click here for Close GL Period/Year FAQ Q: Can you post batches into a period that's been closed. A: Yes, you can post batches into a closed period as long as the period has not been locked. Q: Once a period [...]

General Ledger Setup Options — 1.3%

[...] the current invoice, and applies them if found. BGAUTOJC - Automatically generates the matching WIP entries for Job Cost when an Invoicing batch is created. BGAUTOSO - Automatically generates the matching WIP entries for Sales Orders when an Invoicing batch is created. BGAUTOSVR - Automatically generates the matching WIP entries for Tasks (service orders) when an Invoicing batch is created. BGREQPROJID - Requires a Project ID to be entered before any shipped sales orders that are linked to a project can be [...]

Timesheet Importer — 1.3%

General Screen Name: IMPORTTIME1 Function: The Timesheet Importer screen allows importing time entries to existing tasks. The import screen also has the ability to complete the tasks that the time entries get imported to. The Time Sheet Import process will also check for costs for Time and Equipment entries and apply them towards the task. Time Entry costs are pulled from the resource's Cost Factor. Equipment line costs are pulled from the equipment item's Average Cost. Template: Timesheet Import Template [...]

Item List Price and Base Cost Update (Import) — 1.3%

[...] import file. C/V Part quoted cost update: With the UpVPart column flagged as 'Y', and the appropriate entries filled in, matched C/V Part data can be updated with new quoted cost values and dates. The UpVPart features can be used on the same import file along with the Item Master Settings updates. SOC cost/price update: With the SOCUpdate column flagged as 'Y', the Base Cost and List Price fields will update any matching SOC controlling quantity questions with the new values. When the SOCUpdate column is 'Y', the update will only affect SOC values. It will not affect [...]

Journal Entry Architecture - GL Mapping — 1.3%

[...] non-stock inventory control account. For more information on the WIP functionality please see the Journal Entry Invoicing page Ship SO: A Debit is made to WIP and a Credit is made to the same Inventory Control account used at the end of production. Work in Progress is used again to signify that the inventory can not be used for another order and we have not yet invoiced for it. For more information on orders not yet invoiced please see the Shipped and Not Invoiced page Invoice: A Debit is made to COGS and a Credit is made to WIP For more information on the [...]

Profile Gauge Two — 1.0%

[...] exactly matches any of the bulleted items above, the profile drop-down list will be limited to only rule entries from the corresponding numbered rule. For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with 'PRESS BRAKE' in the item description, only items from PCOLORTWO will show up in the drop-down as valid for 'PRESS BRAKE' items. If the associated item description does not have any text that matches any of the bulleted items above, the drop-down list will include ALL of the entries from ONE and TWO (and THREE for the Width drop-down). [...]

Profile Gauge One — 1.0%

[...] exactly matches any of the bulleted items above, the profile drop-down list will be limited to only rule entries from the corresponding numbered rule. For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with 'PRESS BRAKE' in the item description, only items from PCOLORTWO will show up in the drop-down as valid for 'PRESS BRAKE' items. If the associated item description does not have any text that matches any of the bulleted items above, the drop-down list will include ALL of the entries from ONE and TWO (and THREE for the Width drop-down). [...]

Daily Time Viewer — 1.0%

[...] Daily Time Viewer Screen Name DAYVIEW Function  The Daily Time Viewer allows you to view all time entries for any given week, showing daily and weekly totals of hours logged. Fields and Filters The resource dropdown provides a list of all contacts with a resource attribute. Selecting a resource and clicking load  will load any time entries for that resource for the week selected in the Week Of  box Navigation Arrows: Click these arrows to change the selected week Double clicking a task will bring up the daily time edit screen [...]

Profile Material Two — 1.0%

[...] exactly matches any of the bulleted items above, the profile drop-down list will be limited to only rule entries from the corresponding numbered rule. For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with 'PRESS BRAKE' in the item description, only items from PCOLORTWO will show up in the drop-down as valid for 'PRESS BRAKE' items. If the associated item description does not have any text that matches any of the bulleted items above, the drop-down list will include ALL of the entries from ONE and TWO (and THREE for the Width drop-down). [...]

Customer Pricing Import — 1.0%

[...] File Definitions Required fields are indicated with an * *f1 - PGrp - Pricing matrix code. Valid entries are GG, GI, EG, and EI. See above for detailed explanation. *f2 - EntCode - Pricing Group name for GG and GI matrix setups. Organization number (customer or vendor) for EG and EI matrix setups. *f3 - ItemCode - Item Group name for GG and EG matrix setups. Item number for GI and EI matrix setups. f4 - Factor - Factor type. Defines how the factor amount entry is used to calculate pricing. Valid entries are 'F' (Fixed Price), 'P' (Percentage), [...]

Pending API Organizations — 1.0%

[...] submissions that have been filled out on the new Public API screen. From here, people can review and edit entries before pushing them through to Adjutant to be created as a live Organization with the Suspect attribute. Buttons & Fields Ignore Selected: Removes all selected entries from this list without creating Organization records in Adjutant. [...]

Profile Rule — 1.0%

[...] exactly matches any of the bulleted items above, the profile drop-down list will be limited to only rule entries from the corresponding numbered rule. For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with 'PRESS BRAKE' in the item description, only items from PCOLORTWO will show up in the drop-down as valid for 'PRESS BRAKE' items. If the associated item description does not have any text that matches any of the bulleted items above, the drop-down list will include ALL of the entries from ONE and TWO (and THREE for the Width drop-down). [...]

Profile Import — 1.0%

[...] matches any of the bulleted items above, the profile screen drop-down list will be limited to only rule entries from the corresponding numbered rule. For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with 'PRESS BRAKE' in the item description, only items from PCOLORTWO will show up in the drop-down as valid for 'PRESS BRAKE' items. If the associated item description does not have any text that matches any of the bulleted items above, the drop-down list will include ALL of the entries from ONE and TWO (and THREE for the Width drop-down). [...]

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