Here you can search through the pages of this Namespace, their attachments and the files uploaded to the system.
Note: the results will only display the items you have permissions to read.
General Information
Default Menu Location Maintain >> Item Control >> Item Master Screen Name JUMP2 Function Item Control is a scalable inventory and item management solution that tracks inventory levels, costs, prices, transaction history, inventory locations, and much more. Complex pricing for purchasing and sales is easily maintained through separate item pricing and product groups. The Item [...]
[...] the quantity of duplicate items on a sales order when packing in prompt 74. For example, if you have item# 1234 on line # 1 with a quantity of 15 and the same item (#1234) on line # 19 with a quantity of 25, this option will show that you need to pack 40 total. 74CHKPWONS - Prevents user from packing a non-stock production item using prompt 74 that has not been marked as produced. 79_ALLQTY - Combines the quantity of duplicate items on a sales order when packing in prompt 79. For example, if you have item# [...]
General Description
Default Menu Location Maintain >> Item Control >> Item Master Item Attributes are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen under Item Attributes. Item Attribute screens Fields/Filters
Asset: Select this attribute if you want an asset to be created in the Asset Information screen every time you receive the item. [...]
General Description
Default Menu Location Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Item Master Import Screen Name ITEMIMPORT Function The Item Import screen allows you to import Item Master records into Adjutant. Item Import screen
Filters/Fields Item File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Item [...]
[...] pricing and format of the cut charges can also be customized. Once the charges are set up and tied to an item code, the calculations are handled automatically on both Sales Orders and Quotes. These automatic calculations require the SOCUTCHARGE / SOFRTCHARGE setup options to be enabled.
Cut Charge Setup Screen
Fields / Filters Cut Charge Item: Enter a non-stock item code from Item Master. All cut charges are controlled and set by a single item [...]
[...] to nearest multiple and notify user. CHECKPROFILE - CHECKPROFILE CHKZEROPRICE - Notifies user if item has $0 price and SO line is submitted to production. COILPROD - If set, coils must have color and gauge filled out in profile table. PWOs are grouped by GAUGE and COLOR. CPARTBILLTO - CPARTBILLTO DEPTPROD - Add new logic to S2P to break up PWO by Gauge/Color. Process logic by department based on log4 flag. DIRITEMDET - DIRITEMDET DOCLIMITCHECK - System will check the Credit Limit on Bill To screen when entering new task or sales order. EDITSTKDESC - Allows [...]
General Information
Default Menu Location Transaction >> Production >> Production WO Master Screen Name: WOMAST Function: The Yields tab displays what has been produced for each line item on the PWO. PWO - Yields Tab Click here for a screenshot Fields/Filters
The Yield and Line Item are virtually the same, however it is possible to have multiple yields for one line item. Along with completely assembling a line item, the Yields tab also allows [...]
General Information
Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Coil Import Screen Name : ITEMIMPORTSBS1 Function: The Coil Import program allows you to import your lot-controlled coil inventory into Adjutant. Logic behind import program: You must have item code, coil number, and actual weight filled out in the spreadsheet. If the coil is new (not in Adjutant already), you must also have linear feet.
Item codes that are not matched to an existing Adjutant item [...]
General Information
The Line Item Entry Tab is where one would input the items being sold. Sales Order Line Item Entry Tab Line Item Entry Input
L#: Line number Item: Item with item code and description below Customer Part #: Customer Part #, manual input Use: DropShip: Rev#: Sell Unit: The unit used that the item is being sold by QtyOrd: The quantity of that line item [...]
General Information
Default Menu Location Transactions >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Profile Import Function This screen is used to import profile details for production items. The profile details are displayed in the Profile screen linked to the item's department attribute. The import will create profile records if they do not exist, or it can be used to updated existing profile details for matched item numbers.
Profile Import Screen [...]
General Information
Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Item OHF Min/Max Import (ITEMDET) Screen Name : ITEMIMPORTDET Function: The OHF Import, also known as the ITEMDET import is used to add new Warehouse, Owner, Held For (OHF) records or to update the order control details on existing OHF records. Item Import (DET) Screen Fields/Filters
Item File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Item [...]
[...] invoice. Salesperson entries should exactly match an existing Contact record set up with the Salesperson attribute. If they do not match, the entry will be imported to the datatable, but it will not display in AR Invoice Master. f9 - PoNum - Customer PO number from the original order f10 - HeldFor - Held For organization ID. This field is not required on the header file. f11 - SoType - Sales Order type. This field is no longer in use. f12 - TaxRate - Tax rate percentage. This value is imported to the datatable, and can be used for custom [...]
General Description
Menu Location: Transaction>>Importers/Exporters>>Item Control>>Bill of Material (BOM) Export Screen Name BOMEXPORT Function This screen generates an XLS export file of BOM details for items matching the filters. The exported file can be used as an import template for the BOM Import screen.
BOM Export Screen
Class: Enter a single item class value or a range to filter the BOM Export results by Item Master class. Item [...]
[...] order to produce recommended restock quantities. First, the following must be true in order for an item to even show up in Quick Buy: 1. The item must be a stock item. 2a. The Projected Qty must be less than or equal to the minimum qty AND the Order Qty must be greater than zero. OR 2b. The Projected Qty must be less than zero AND the Allocated Qty must be greater than zero.
The exceptions to these rules are items that are manually pushed to Quick Buy from the Sales Order screen.
Buy [...]
General Information
Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Customer/Vendor Part Import Screen Name : IMPORTVPART Function : The Customer/Vendor Parts Import is used to set the alternate vendor or customer part number details for Adjutant item codes on the C/V Part tab. The Customer/Vendor Parts Import is most commonly used to set the vendor associations for items ordered through the QuickBuy application, and to set the default order source for items. Most of the order calculation criteria has [...]
General Description
Default Menu Location Transaction >> Item Control >> Transfers & Adjustments Screen Name ITEMXFER Function The Transfer and Adjustment screens allow users to change incoming and on-hand inventory by: Location - Transfer inventory between warehouses Quantity - Adjust inventory to match physical counts Identification numbers - Correct lot or serial number to a previously entered stock item Cost - Change current stock and weight unit values Transfer Tab
The Transfer tab is used to transfer stock inventory [...]
General Description
Default Menu Location Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Bill of Material (BOM) Import Screen Name BOMIMPORT Function This screen imports assembly items into the Item Master Bill of Material attribute. The BOM Import will add records if they do not exist, but can also be used to update/replace existing records. The update function will replace all matched BOM record details with the data in the latest import file. Be aware, that if you [...]
[...] Purchase Order Buyer. Buyer entries should exactly match an existing Contact record set up with the Buyer attribute. If they do not match, the entry will not be imported. f14 - FOB - Free on Board value for the selected sales order. Valid FOB names from the FOB rule should be used. If an entry is found during import that doesn't match an existing FOB rule record, that entry will be added to the FOB rule with no other rule details. This allows the import to complete, but could add unwanted records to the FOB rule. f15 - ShipVia - Ship Via value for the selected sales order. [...]
[...] Lines file must be a CSV file with the following columns: Qty – Quantity of the finished product item. Pcmk – Piece mark of the item. This gets matched to the Piece Mark Configuration question for the item code (Rep Code A). This is also how the finished product item is matched up to the BOM inputs. Descr – Description of the finished product item. Clrname – Color Name. Can be left blank. Dwg – Drawing reference. Can be left blank. Sleng – Length [...]
General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> Item Control >> Customer Pricing
Function The Maintain Pricing screen is used to create and maintain item pricing rules.
Setting Up a Price for a Specific Customer To set up a new pricing matrix, follow these steps:
NOTE: For this example we will set up a new pricing rule for a specific customer and item.
STEP 1: In the Filter section on the bottom half of the screen, select which type of pricing matrix you want [...]
[...] correctly. CCNITEINV2 - Option to generate niteinv2 records after commits complete. Records made for each item/loctid committed. CCOUNTCHNGWHSE - CCOUNTCHNGWHSE CCOUNTWHSECHNG - Without setup option, scanner will flag scans in otherwhse as invalid. CCOUNTWHSECHNG - Without setup option, scanner will flag scans in otherwhse as invalid. CFSHOWTOTAL - Option to show total band, default is off. CLEANSCRAP - CLEANSCRAP COILLABELLOG - Add print button to display coil screen to print a one-off tag. Printed when COILLABELLOG CID option is set. COILLABELX2 - If set, default [...]
General Information
Default Menu Location Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Item Base Cost/List Price Price Update Screen Name UPDATECP Function The Item Base Cost/List Price Update is used to update Item Master price/cost fields, vendor quoted cost values, and can also be used to update Sales Order Configuration (SOC) controlling price/cost values. The Base Cost/List Price Update has three functions: Item [...]
[...] user. CLEARPOMSN - Clears the Project ID and Phase fields on the Purchase Order for each new line item. COILLABELLOG - Add print button to display coil screen to print a one-off tag. Printed when COILLABELLOG CID option is set. COILLABELX2 - If set, default the copies on CoilReceipt screen to 2. COILPROFILE - Adds filters for Width, Color, Material, and Gauge. CONFUSER - User ID defaults into the Confirm To field on the Purchase Order Header. CONSUMABLE - CONSUMABLE DIRITEMDET - DIRITEMDET HIDEVENDOR - Removes the Vendor Code/Name from the Inventory Labels. [...]
[...] Screen Name: QUOTEVIEW.scx Function: The Quote View (or Product List) screen will display Equipment item details from a quote linked to a task.
Item: Item Code from the linked quote that has the "Equipment" product group selected. Description: [...]
[...] the Generate PO button from a linked Sales Order.
The new process will use a combination of a new item attribute, a MISC Processing item, new PO Type logic and the modification processor screen. Set up is detailed below.
Set Up The first step is to set up a new item attribute in the Item Attribute Rule. The attribute name must be 'POPOST', but can have a customized [...]
General Information
Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Production >> Production WO Master Screen Name: WOMAST Function: The Assign Non S/L Inv tab allows you to assign inventory (that is not serialized or lot controlled) to a line item on the PWO. Fields/Filters
The grid on the bottom of the screen displays items from the Bill of Material. It will also display any additional items that have been assigned. Lines highlighted in red have not met their required quantity (Qty Req) per the Bill of Material. Lines highlighted in [...]
[...] Account Manager entries should exactly match an existing Contact record set up with the Account Manager attribute. If they do not match, the entry will not be imported. *f18 - HeldFor - Inventory Held For name f19 - PONum - Sales order Cust PO# field value (max 30 characters) f20 - SP - Sales order Salesperson field value. Salesperson entries should exactly match an existing Contact record set up with the Salesperson attribute. If they do not match, the entry will not be imported. f21 - FOB - Free on Board value for the selected sales order. [...]
General Info
A Production Service is an item with an attached route (set of tasks) that is submitted to production along with another production item. The resulting Production Work Order will have one or more tasks associated with it. Set up a Production Service Item
To set up a production service item, open the Item Master and create a new item. Assign the Production Service attribute [...]
Default Menu Location
Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >>Item Notes Import General Information
Imports item notes for use as line notes in other application records, such as Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, Production Work Orders, and Purchase Orders. Notes
There is a limit of 255 characters per Excel field that may limit the size of the note being imported. Excel will allow entry of more than 255 characters in a cell, but the spreadsheet will not save anything over 255 characters per [...]
[...] Info
Prompt 45 , Production WO, provides three functions: 1. Assign Inventory to a Production Line Item 2. Certify a Production Line Item 3. Assemble a Production Line Item 4. Assemble All Lines Assign Inventory to a Production Line Item
1.Scan a barcode or enter the PL number from the PWO.
2. Scan the barcode or enter the PackID of the item that is being used.
3. Once a successful scan of an item is completed, [...]