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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Item Master — 2.9%

[...] makes the item completely unusable.) Track Length: There is a lot of logic behind this option. Click here to learn more. Pack Code: Used to signify what can be packed together, it is not very commonly used. Price Group: The item's Price Group Price Groups are used to determine pricing in the Contract Master and are also used to determine margins in the Margin Calculator Price Groups are maintained in the Rule Maintenance Screen by selecting Item Pricing Codes from the drop-down menu Comm Code: The item's Commodity Code Commodity Codes are used in the [...]

Import ItemID Data — 2.2%

[...] For example, if ID1 is Length and you want to import information to stock a 20-foot piece enter '20' here. f3 - ID2 - Value of the item's ID2 field. f4 - Minqty - The minimum qty for ordering (in eaches) f5 - Maxqty - The maximum qty for ordering (in eaches) f6 - Basecost - The base cost for the item (per each). f7 - wtval - The weight for the item (per each). f8 - Lenval - The length of the piece. (If ID1 is lenght then import the same value here as you did for ID1.) f9 - Sqftval - The square footage of the piece. f10 - Wtcalc [...]


[...] item with 'Track Length' selected should also be lot controlled. Settings Tab ID1: Enter a label here to define the primary way to track inventory for the selected item. 'Length' for example. ID2: Define a second measurement (if needed). For example, you can track 'Length' under ID1 and use ID2 for 'Width' to track different sizes of plate. When you select the 'Track Length' option on an item, the following fields on the Settings tab of the Item Master record aren't used anymore: Base Cost, Unit Weight, Sq. Ft. #Lot tab Lengths: This button is only [...]

Production Work Order - Yields — 1.8%

[...] Yields tab displays what has been produced for each line item on the PWO. PWO - Yields Tab Click here for a screenshot Fields/Filters The Yield and Line Item are virtually the same, however it is possible to have multiple yields for one line item. Along with completely assembling a line item, the Yields tab also allows you to reject, certify, and partially assemble any line. There are eight tabs on the Production Work Order screen. Links to the other seven tabs may be found here: Master Line Items Assign Non S/L Inventory [...]

Note Types — 1.5%

Default Menu Location Access to Note screen is located on most of the Adjutant screens. Here is an example of how to access to the Note screen, Click here for [...]

Note Status — 1.5%

Default Menu Location Access to Note screen is located on most of the Adjutant screens. Here is an example of how to access to the Note screen, Click here [...]

Credit Card Processing — 1.5%

[...] directly to Heartland**, our certified credit card processor. For more information about Heartland click here. Fields Credit Card Number: Enter the customer's credit card number here. If you are using a swipe device, make sure your cursor is in this field before you swipe the card. Expiration Date: The expiration date of the card in MMYY format. CVV2/CVC2/CID: The security code from the back of the card. Street Number: This is the street number from either the CCDATA screen (see more about that screen here [...]

CID Accounting Setup — 1.5%

[...] production, etc) must be executed with an accounting date that falls within the posting window. Click here for CID Accounting Backend Screen Fields Name: Name of the accounting software Backend Type: Server type Path to SYS Files: Location of accounting software on server Company ID: ID of the company in accounting software Database Name: Name of the accounting database WIP Account: Work in Process account number PR Clearing: Payroll Clearing account number Equip Clearing: Equipment Clearing account number Path to PR SYS Files: Location of payroll [...]

Point of Sale Cash Accounts — 1.5%

[...] term (details below). Rule Setup – Text Fields Cash Code (Text1,5) = There should be five entries here to match the payment methods on the POS screen: CASH, CC, CHECK, NSF (for insufficient funds processing), and OTHER. Cash GL Account (Text2,30) = Specify the default cash general ledger account for the selected POS Cash Code. AR GL Account (Text3,35) = The AR GL account specified here is intended for use ONLY with the NSF cash code to process insufficient funds transactions in either the POS Processing screen or the Apply Cash Receipts [...]

Contact Import — 1.5%

[...] FA for Fax, MO for Mobile, HO for Home. Check your rule setup to be sure of what should be entered here. f7 - Phone2Num - Second phone number. The import process will attempt to standardize all 10-digit numbers as (###) ###-####. f8 - Phone2Code - A two-digit code that defines the phone type. The code corresponds with the PHONECODE rule in Adjutant. Typical examples are OF for office, FA for Fax, MO for Mobile, HO for Home. Check your rule setup to be sure of what should be entered here. f9 - Phone3Num - Third phone number. The import [...]

Financial Report Writer — 1.5%

[...] create a roll up group. Right click the underline text to show your new roll up group and select. Click here for a screenshot Summarize Comes from the "GLsegments" rule which populates the segments screen. This is another type of roll up. Footer The text to print on the bottom of the report. Number of Columns Determines how many columns will be on the report. Current maximum number of columns is 17. Note: Changing the number of columns will over write the existing report. Account Range Enter the beginning account range. Enter the ending account range. Account [...]

Inventory Qty Import — 1.1%

[...] unit) for the associated item f9 - ID1 - If the item is a 'Track Length' item, enter the ID1 value here. You can learn more about the 'Track Length' feature here . f10 - ID2 - If the item is a 'Track [...]

FAQ — 1.1%

[...] 3. Who can contribute? Anyone with something interesting to say about Adjutant can create content here, as long as you comply with the Rules of Conduct . 4. What role do the moderators play? The mods are here to ensure that everyone abides by the Rules of Conduct , to remove pages that violate them (or are duplicative), and to move pages based on community recommendations. 5. Does ABIS Consulting Group [...]

PO Receipt (New) — 1.1%

[...] defaulted in by using a configuration question with an Rcode of 'TH'. More information on can be found HERE. Width (Inches): - Used to calculate the footage based on the density. Will only display if 'Variable Width/Gauge' is selected on the Coil Defaults screen. This can be entered when adding the line to a PO and defaulted in by using a configuration question with an Rcode of 'WI'. More information can be found HERE. AP Note: - A free text field to pass information to the AP Invoice PO line tab. Calculator - Adjusts the cost for theoretical [...]

Purchase Order - Header — 1.1%

[...] Adjustments screen. Mod: This button allows you to view details on a selecting processing charge. Click HERE to view more details about processing charge purchase orders. Notes: While in add or edit mode, click this icon to add notes to the header or a specific line item. Notes entered on the header will appear in the notes section of the printed purchase order. Notes entered on a line item will appear directly beneath the line item on the printed purchase order. Warning Note: If this icon is red, there is a comment or warning that should be read for the vendor [...]

Bill of Lading — 1.1%

[...] display the Message Control screen. Fields BOL Number: The bill of lading number. Enter a number here to view or print an existing bill of lading. Order#: The main Sales Order number linked to the BOL. You may also search this field to see all BOLs a SO is linked to. Date: The bill of lading date. From: The warehouse the SO is shipping from. At: The City/State of the warehouse. Consigned To: The customer on the SO. Ship To Whse: Enter a warehouse name here if the BOL is being used to transfer material from one warehouse to [...]

Production Work Order - Linked Tasks — 1.1%

Default Menu Location Transaction >> Production >> Production WO Master Click here for a screenshot . General Description The Linked Tasks tab displays any tasks that are required to complete the PWO. These tasks are generated based upon Routes that are attached to a line item's Bill of Material . There are eight tabs on the Production Work Order screen. Links to the other seven tabs may be found here: Master Line Items Yields Assign Non S/L Inventory Assign Serial/Lots Notes All Non S/L Inventory Columns [...]

Approve-Edit Billing — 1.1%

[...] edit, approve and print pending invoices. Fields/Filters Work Order: Enter a work order number here to load it into the Matching Data grid SvcOrd: Enter a service order number here to load it into the Matching Data [...]

Standard Tasks — 1.1%

[...] the drop-down menu. SvrOrd Form: If there is a default service order form for the task, enter it here. CSvrOrd Form: WrkOrd Form: If there is a default work order form for the task, enter it here. Inspect Letter: If there is an inspection letter [...]

Organization Attributes - Bill To — 1.1%

[...] Maintenance screen by selecting Terms Codes from the drop-down menu Credit Limit: Enter a dollar amount here to set the maximum open balance a customer may have If the DOCLIMITCHECK setup option is selected for your company, this amount will be checked in AR each time a new task or sales order is started for this customer. If the DOCLIMITCHECK setup option is enabled and the customer has 'Do Not Exceed' in their Bill To screen, users won't be able to add a sales order or quote until the customer is under the credit limit. If the open balance is over this amount, the [...]

Standard Task - Adjutant 2.0 — 1.1%

[...] the drop-down menu. SvrOrd Form: If there is a default service order form for the task, enter it here. CSvrOrd Form: WrkOrd Form: If there is a default work order form for the task, enter it here. Inspect Letter: If there is an inspection letter [...]

Production Work Order - All Non S/L Inventory — 0.7%

[...] displays all required non serial/lot inventory for all line items. PWO - All non S/L tab Click here for screenshot Fields/Filters The grid displays input items from the Bill of Material and input items that have been manually added. Lines highlighted in red have not met their required quantity (Qty Req) per the Bill of Material. Lines highlighted in green have met or exceeded their required quantity. The Auto-Assign button also allows you automatically assign all inventory for all line items. This button will only work if the BOM is set up perfectly and all [...]

Order Import Automation — 0.7%

[...] of the input item needed to make the finished product. If the input item is stocked in FT, use “1” here and enter the quantity needed in the slenin column. Swgt – Weight of the input item. Sleng – Length needed of the input item if stocked in FT (does not drive custom BOM Qty). Slenin – Length in inches needed of the input item if stocked in FT. This is the driving factor when determining how much qty to call out on the custom BOM. If 50 feet of coil is needed, then the value here [...]

Production Work Order - Notes — 0.7%

Default Menu Location Transaction >> Production >> Production WO Master Click here for a screenshot . General Description The Notes tab displays any notes/comments on the PWO. This tab is for display purposes only. To change the notes, edit the PWO and click the Notes icon . There are eight tabs on the Production Work Order screen. Links to the other seven tabs may be found here: [...]

Excel BOM Import — 0.7%

[...] importing. Choose a file to import Spreadsheet Format An example spreadsheet can be downloaded here . The spreadsheet should be formatted as follows: At least two worksheets, with the item list starting on Sheet2. Sheet1 can be left blank or act as a title page. Additional sheets after sheet2 can also contain items. The item list must start on Row 13. Column headers are not required. Column A = Qty (Make sure the column header for this is 'Quantity'. If the column header is something else - 'Qty', for example -- Adjutant will try to import the column headers [...]

Generate Finance Charges — 0.7%

[...] based off the Annual Rate entered on the Customer's BillTo attribute. Finance Charges - Click here for larger image Daily Interest Rate Interest is calculated on a daily basis according to the annual rate (converted to daily rate) and the daily balance of each invoice. To calculate the daily interest rate (R), the program divides the interest rate (I) by the number of days in the year (D). R = I / D For example, an annual rate of 18% is calculated as a .049315% daily rate (R = 18/365). Remember to enter the ANNUAL RATE on the Bill To screen. Finance Charge [...]

Task Entry Screen — 0.7%

[...] added/edited/deleted in the Rules area of Adjutant by selecting Task Priority Codes from the drop-down menu. Click here for a screen shot. Category: The category of work to be performed. This category is used to sort invoices/statements. Work Categories may be added/edited/deleted in the Rules area of Adjutant by selecting Task Work Type Categories from the drop-down menu. Area: The zone/region/area the work will be performed in. Check the box next to the field to allow all areas. Zones may be added/edited/deleted in the Rules area of Adjutant by selecting Zones from the drop-down [...]

Tap Setup — 0.7%

[...] screen. You can fill out the subdivision on the Connection Information screen or you can fill it out here. Please see the below videos for instructions on how to add builders and subdivisions to Adjutant. Payment The Payment tab/screen is used to apply a check/payment to a single or multiple taps. Select a Builder from the dropdown menu at the top and then click the ADD icon to enter a new payment. See the Instructions section on this page for more details on this tab. Addl Payment - This will display a grid that shows additional payment tasks that can [...]

Sales Order - Header — 0.7%

[...] Maintenance screen by selecting Freight Codes from the drop-down menu. FOB: Free on Board terms. Click here for a definition. FOB terms may be added/edited/deleted in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting FOB Codes from the drop-down menu. Ship Via: The method of shipping. Ship Via Codes may be added/edited/deleted in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Ship Via Codes from the drop-down menu. Custom SO#: The user has the ability to designate this SO with a custom number (anything other than the default/auto number) Confirm To: User-definable. Terms: [...]

'''Adjutant Wiki Main Page''' — 0.7%

[...] collaboratively create and share content about Adjutant-related subjects they are passionate about. Here is a list of a few frequently visited wiki pages: Contracts Related Create a new customer Create a new user Create a new vendor Create desktop shortcuts Contact screen Organization screen Why Adjutant Wiki? FAQ Rules of Conduct Page Editing Tutorial Disclaimer Opinions expressed by wiki authors or commentators are entirely their own and do not reflect the position of ABIS Consulting Group or Axsend. Any advice or recommendations [...]

Adjutant Wiki via Screwturn version You are logged in as Guest. There are 921 pages in the Wiki. Learn More About Adjutant Enterprise Solutions