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Generate Batches — 4.3%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> General Ledger >> Generate Batches Screen Name SUPERBATCH Function The Generate Batches screen is used to create batches that can be posted to the General Ledger. Generate Batches Screen The Organization field allows you to process batches by [...]

Auto Batch Options — 3.3%

[...] Auto Batch Options Screen Name : RULEM Function: The AutoBatch rule defines what will be processed (batches, postings, and invoices), where invoices will be printed (if not emailed or faxed), and who the summary email will go to. The Summary email contains a list of invoices and batches that were processed. AutoBatch Rule - Click for full size Fields Printer Code : The two digit printer ID as defined in Printer Control . Invoices that are not emailed or faxed will print on this printer. Email Address : The Email Address of the [...]

Journal Entry Basics — 2.7%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> General Ledger >> Generate Batches Screen Name SUPERBATCH Function The Generate [...]

CID Setup Options — 2.3%

[...] DC = Discover, AE = Amex) followed by the last 4 digits of the card number. CCNITEINV2 - Option to generate niteinv2 records after commits complete. Records made for each item/loctid committed. CCNODISCOUNT - Correct issue with batch out of balance if fields not tabbed thru, and discount is used. If set, do not calc discount. CCOUNTCHNGWHSE - CCOUNTCHNGWHSE CCOUNTNEWCOST - If set and increasing count of item, get cost from SI Tier if Serial/Lot, else OHF Avg, else ItemMaster.Avg. If no cost can be found, don't allow commit for that item CCOUNTWHSECHNG - Without [...]

Generate Recurring Orders — 2.0%

General Description Default Menu Location Transaction >> Order Entry >> Generate Recurring Orders Screen Name RECGEN Generate Recurring Function This screen is used to create recurring purchase and sales orders that have been previously set up. Fields/Filters Type: Type of order you wish to create (purchase orders or sales orders) End Date: Cut-off date for the orders to be created Customer/Vendor [...]

Convert TBatch — 2.0%

[...] - The Update TBatches screen is used to find and correct GL Distribution lines linked to Temporary Batches (T Batches). During the General Ledger batching process, the GL Distribution records are created first, then the Batches are created, then the Distributions and Batches get matched together. In between the process of creating the GL Distribution records and creating the Batch records, the GL Distribution records are assigned a Temporary Batch Number (T Batch). If any errors [...]

Accounts Payable ACH Setup Process — 2.0%

[...] involved, and the required setup. Screens Involved - Rule Maintenance - Checking Accounts - Contacts - Generate AP EFT File Required Setup Rule Maintenance : First requirement is to setup the ACH Data Setup rule. GL Account - Here you will specify the checking account from which payments will be made. File Name - This is where you will specify the name of the file that is generated. Format - This is currently built to handle Amegy Bank's format. Contact your consultant to discuss what is needed to generate a format for your specific [...]

Adjutant End of Year Guide — 2.0%

[...] Count screen can be used with wireless scanners to complete a paperless count, or it can be used to generate count sheets for a manual count. Pending counts can be completed in batches or all at the same time. Once counts have been entered, either by entry on the ‘Pending Counts’ tab, or by entry via wireless scanners, the counts must be finalized, or committed. Once the counts are committed from the ‘Completed Counts’ tab, an accounting batch is created for any inventory value adjustments and the inventory records are updated with the current [...]

Generate Bid PO — 1.7%

[...] from another screen, the Buyout Sheet Screen . Transaction >> Procurement >> Buyout Sheet (Click on "Generate Vendor Bids" button) Generate Vendor [...]

Generate AP EFT File — 1.7%

General Description Default Menu Location Transaction >> Accounts Payable >> Generate AP EFT File Screen Name PRINTEFT Generate [...]

Generate PO — 1.7%

[...] Information Default Menu Location: Jump Screen from Sales Order Screen Name: GENPOQUEST2 Function: The Generate PO look allows a user to create a PO from line items on a Sales Order. Generate PO screen Special Security Tokens S1 - QBONLY: This will only allow users to send material to Quick Buy using Gen PO (POGEN, [...]

Recurring Task Generator — 1.7%

[...] Task Management >> Task Entry Screen Name : TASKREC General Description : This screen allows you to generate recurring service, tasks and work orders; tasks may be set up weekly, monthly, or yearly. Recurring Task Generator Screen Recurring Task Generator screen is accessible from the Task Entry Screen Recurring Task Jump Screen Fields/Filters Start Date: Select the date the recurring tasks to start End Date: Select the date the recurring tasks to end (Click the "Plus" button to add one year to the end date.) Unassigned: Check this box to leave the [...]

Retransfer Temporary Batches — 1.7%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> General Ledger >> Retransfer Temp GL Batches Screen Name GLTRANS Function The Retransfer GL Batch screen allows you to transfer any batch that was not successfully transferred to your GL during the Generate [...]

HOW TOs: Contract Management — 1.3%

[...] Click the Copy button Edit the contract details accordingly How To Video: Copy a Contract Generate Other Charges Transaction >> Contract Master >> Generate Other Charges Select a Contract the charges are coming from (Click here to learn where to setup a contract) Edit the Quantities inside the grid (Default quantities, previously set up in the contract, will be displayed) Click the ADD button to add any additional charges that do not already appear in your grid Select Work Category and Department in the fields Leave [...]

Pending Postings — 1.3%

[...] Postings - Click for full size Fields/Filters The postings are broken into the 9 different types of batches. Click the Reload button to view the number of pending postings for each batch type. Click the Batch Generator button to launch the

GL Journal Entry Screen — 1.3%

[...] Account The account number Note Debit Debit amount Credit Credit amount Project Phase UnPosted Batches Tab Unposted Journal Entry Tab lists the batches that have not yet been posted. [...]

Creating A Customer Quote/Vendor Bid — 1.3%

[...] Step 2: Fill in Sold To and corresponding info Step 3: Save and fill in line items Step 4: Click the Generate Bids Button . Step 5: In the Generate Vendor Bids Screen , check the boxes for corresponding vendors you would like to send bid to and press GENERATE Step 6: Once Vendors have responded to the bids with costs/pricing, open the bid back up, and click the Update Bids Button . Step 7: In the Update Vendor Bids Screen , enter in the costs vendors submitted(double click inside the cost box to edit costs) [...]

Generate Finance Charges — 1.3%

General Information Default Menu Location: Transaction>> Accounts Receivable>> Generate Finance Charges Screen Name: GENFC Function: This screen will allow users to generate [...]

Generate Vendor Inquiry — 1.3%

[...] Location Transaction >> Procurement >> Vendor Inquiry General Description This screen is used to generate vendor inquiries (Bid PO) for stock items or for items specifically on open customer quotes. Check the line items you wish to receive quotes for and click Generate [...]

Application Work Order Generator — 1.3%

[...] into different categories such as Cutoffs or Delinquents. Users can then select multiple addresses and generate multiple work orders from the same service order group. Template: AVR Import Template Process 1. Using the excel template from Adjutant, fill out District, PhyAdd, Source, Subdivision, Serial, Last Read, Task Notes, Manual Address, Manual Address2, Manual Zip information, Sequence Number, and Serial2 (endpoint). Rules need to be setup for the source code to work properly. Contact your ABIS consultant for more information. 2. On the new AVR Import [...]

Nite Inventory Reports — 1.3%

[...] values, inventory usage, and GL Balances on a given day in history. This allows users or consultants to generate a snapshot of the data as it was that night. This archived historical data can be useful in case of audits or researching reconciliation for inventory accounts. The Nite Inventory process is a system service that must be set up by ABIS personnel in order to start tracking nightly inventory and GL reconciliation data. Contact your ABIS consultant if you want the Nite Inventory process set up and running. Setup Required There are two rules that must be set up [...]

Stock Replenishment (Quick Buy) — 1.3%

[...] that meet the basic guidelines and items that have been manually pushed to Quick Buy. When you click Generate, you will be asked to generate Vendor Bids or Purchase Orders. You will also be asked to select a PO type. Drop Ship lines will be processed in a second pass so that you can specify the correct type of PO to create. Drop Ship lines are always broken out onto a separate PO for each vendor (they'll never be combined with standard stock purchases coming into your warehouse). Drop Ship lines are always separated by Sales Order. If [...]

Auto Process Schedule — 1.3%

[...] Screen Name : AUTOSCHVIEW Function: The Auto Process Schedule screen is used to set up automatic batches and report sets. Auto Process Schedule - Click for full size Schedule The Schedule shows a daily view of each report set and batch that is scheduled to run. You can scroll through each week by using the corresponding forward and backward buttons. The CID drop down will filter the schedule by the CID you select. Otherwise, it will show all CIDs. Double-click on any Report Set record on the screen to view more details about it. Right-click on any Report [...]

AVR Importer — 1.3%

[...] into different categories such as Cutoffs or Delinquents. Users can then select multiple addresses and generate multiple work orders from the same service order group. Template: AVR Import Template Process 1. Using the excel template from Adjutant, fill out District, PhyAdd, Source, Subdivision, Serial, Last Read, Task Notes, Manual Address, Manual Address2, and Manual Zip information. Rules need to be setup for the source code to work properly. Contact your ABIS consultant for more information. 2. On the new AVR Import screen, select the Import button. Browse [...]

Convert Quote and Generate Orders — 1.3%

General Description Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Quotes >> Customer Quotes >> Generate Orders Screen Name: RFQ Function: This screen is used once you have received and updated all of your costs on the Customer Quote and have won some or all of the line items on the quote. Customer Quote Screen Header Tab Customer Quote Screen Line Item Tab Customer Quote Screen Line Item View Tab Process Check the line items you won and lost and any that are still pending. Choose a Shipping Event or create a new one by clicking Shipping Event . Click [...]

Shipping Event Master — 1.0%

[...] Shipping Event screen. MkSh: This will mark the shipping even as complete. Top Printer Button: This will generate the Pre-Load Report. Bottom Printer Button: This will generate the Post-Load Report. Estimated LBS: This field is automatically calculated by the system, but it can be manually overwritten at any time. The calculation of the system is: the weight from linked Sales Orders with a Ship Warehouse or Production Plant equal to the SE Warehouse. Estimated Value: This field is automatically calculated by the system, but it can be manually [...]

Sales Order - Header — 1.0%

[...] setup a recurring sales order. The Template box must be checked in order to use this icon. Use the Generate Recurring Orders screen to generate and ship them. Ship: This is the icon used to execute the shipping on the order. BOL: This is the icon used to create a BOL associated to the order. Comm: This icon will show the commissions associated with the order. Margain: This icon shows the Margain Percentage for all of the items on the order. Warn: This icon will warn a user of any alerts associated with the order. This is [...]

Print 1099s — 1.0%

[...] reporting year based on AP Check transactions. Then, use the Print tab filters and settings to generate a List Report for review for each 1099 Type. After reviewing the list report, leave all three output checkboxes unchecked and click Output to produce the 1099 forms for the indicated 1099 Type. You can perform an alignment test before this step to confirm the form layout. To produce the 1096 Summary form for the indicated 1099 Type, check the 1096 Report box and click Output. If you need to also check box 7 of the 1096 form to indicate that the 1096 form [...]

Work Order Generator — 1.0%

[...] >> Item Work Order Generator Screen Name WOGEN Function The Work Order Generator allows a user to generate multiple service orders (of different types if needed) for multiple addresses, all at once. How To Generate Orders Step 1: Enter the specified District in the District field. Step 2: Select the Problem Group from the drop-down menu. This filters the Problem Codes seen below. Step 3: Select the Problem Code you wish to create a work order for by checking the box located in the Selected column. Only Problem Codes created [...]

Payroll/Various Journal Entry Import — 1.0%

[...] Payroll entries, just like any other journal entry, can be imported into Adjutant using the Import Batches Tab The Import Batches Tab (located on the GL Journal Entry Screen ) allows the selection of an Excel file to be imported. Journal Entry Import Template Use the 'Export [...]

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