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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

CID Setup Options — 2.3%

[...] through Screen Setup Options . Setup Options and Definitions Numbers 45BOMCHK - Require users to enter 1 or 3 when asked to continue to use raw material that is not on a BOM. If setup option 45BOMCHK is set and scanned coil is not on BOM, show confirm message with 3 = continue and anything else loops back to scan PWO line. 45CALCCOMP - If set, system will compare qty to assemble vs qty open, and close line if >=. 46BOMCHK - Require users to enter 1(y) or 2(n) when asked to continue to use raw material that is not on a BOM. If setup [...]

System Cash/Checking Accounts — 1.9%

[...] Add/Maintain checking accounts for the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable modules. System Check Accounts Check Numbers Checking Accounts are defined once in the Checking Accounts screen. Other information entered on this screen such as Bank Name, Address, Routing Number, and Account Number may be printed on the check. The next check number that Adjutant will use is also defined on the System Cash/Checking Accounts screen. Please note that the Next Check [...]

Standard Task Import — 1.5%

[...] scheduled date. Valid date codes are ##d (for days), ##w (for weeks), or ##m (for months). f8 - Admin - Enter a 'Y' to check the Admin box on the Options tab of the Standard Task screen. Leave blank or enter 'N' to leave the box unchecked. f9 - NonBill - Enter a 'Y' to check the Non-Billable Task box on the Options tab of the Standard Task screen. Leave blank or enter 'N' to leave the box unchecked. [...]

Import User — 1.4%

[...] Scanner terminal ID f7 - Freq - Scanner frequency setting *f8 - Defloctid - Default Warehouse name. Enter the Warehouse name, not the LOCTID value. *f9 - Defcid - Default CID name f10 - DefLaser - Default Laser Printer name f11 - DefLaserNo - Default Laser Printer ID *f12 - Lang - User's default language. Use ENG for English. *f13 - Active - Sets the Active field in the USERID datatable. Should be Y for all new user imports. f14 - Ext - Phone extension f15 - DefScreen - Blank will default to 'CID Pulldown for Menu'. In order to set a different screen default, [...]

Configurable Item (SOC) Import — 1.4%

[...] question. Some other standard report codes are S=Roof Slope, Q=Square Feet, and W=Weight. CalcVal - Enter 'Y' to indicate this is a calculated value, which sets the CALC checkbox. Enter 'N' otherwise. CalcExp - Enter a custom formula using report codes, numerical values, and Excel-style formula codes. An example of the formula structure would be (B/2) + 100. DecQty - Updates the Dec. Quantity for the associated question. Valid entries are 0 through 5. InOnly - Enter 'Y' to check [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 45 - Production Work Order — 1.4%

[...] Production Line Item 4. Assemble All Lines Assign Inventory to a Production Line Item 1.Scan a barcode or enter the PL number from the PWO. 2. Scan the barcode or enter the PackID of the item that is being used. 3. Once a successful scan of an item is completed, the terminal will display the quantity required of that item. Enter the quantity (always in Stock Unit) you are using and press Enter. The terminal will accept your entry and ask you to scan the next barcode. [...]

Configurable Item (SOC) Export — 1.4%

[...] question. Some other standard report codes are S=Roof Slope, Q=Square Feet, and W=Weight. CalcVal - Enter 'Y' to indicate this is a calculated value, which sets the CALC checkbox. Enter 'N' otherwise. CalcExp - Enter a custom formula using report codes, numerical values, and Excel-style formula codes. An example of the formula structure would be (B/2) + 100. DecQty - Updates the Dec. Quantity for the associated question. Valid entries are 0 through 5. InOnly - Enter 'Y' to check [...]

User in Adjutant — 1.3%

[...] The user's ID on the SMTP server SMTP Password: The user's password on the SMTP server ESMTP: Check this box if the user is on an Extended SMTP setup FaxPress Name: Fax Server system name Fax User ID: Fax User ID Fax Password: Fax Password RSS Feed: Enter a valid RSS Feed to display feeds on the user desktop Active User: Check this box if the user is currently active and uses the system Locked Out: Check this box to lock a user out of the system Uncheck this box [...]

Bill of Material (BOM) Export — 1.2%

[...] as an import template for the BOM Import screen. BOM Export Screen Fields/Filters Class: Enter a single item class value or a range to filter the BOM Export results by Item Master class. Item Range: Enter an item code range to filter the BOM Export results by all item numbers that fall between the from and to values. Item Like Block: Enter up to 6 item-like searches to filter the BOM Export results by custom item number searches. Commodity Code: Enter a single commodity [...]

Tap Setup — 1.1%

[...] Name: TAPENTRY Function: The Tap Setup Screen is used to create new tap and inspection service orders, enter builder payments, and maintain legal (S-B-L-T) locations of addresses. Physical/Legal/Tap The first tab on the Tap Entry screen will display all addresses (linked SHIPTO children) in the District you select at the top of the screen. You can edit existing addresses and add new addresses from this screen. Underneath the District ID and Name fields are two other fields that will filter the list of addresses: Builder : A list [...]

HOW TO - Release and Ship Freight Using a Material Receipt — 1.1%

STEP 1: TRANSACTION >> LOGISTICS >> IN-OUT PROCESS STEP 2: Enter the Material Receipt Number from the MR Label on the paper Material Receipt into the MRID blank (or scan the barcode on the MR Label with a light pen). Press Enter . STEP 3: Type or scan the code for the organization to which the package was sold into the Sold To: blank. Press Enter . The name of the Sold To organization appears in the blank to the right and the cursor advances to the next row. STEP 4: Type or scan the code for the organization [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 79 - Load Shipping Event — 1.1%

[...] your company's preference, but you can always access the Load SE function by typing "79" and pressing Enter. The Basics There are two main prompts in the Load SE function: 1. Scan Outer Carton 2. Scan C/B/L/P/T The first prompt allows you to scan the carton you want to pack. The second prompt allows you to pack items into the outer carton. You can also enter a '-' (dash/minus sign) character from the Scan C/B/L/P/T prompt to see a count of open, unpacked items. Load SE Directions 1. Scan the Shipping Event number. In the event the [...]

Bill of Material (BOM) Import — 1.0%

[...] BOM. If there is no match found, a new BOM with the new rev level will be created. f3 - IsPhantom - Enter 'Y' to check the 'Phantom' box in the BOM Details tab f4 - INote - BOM-level input note. There is not a way to import detail-level input notes. f5 - ONote - BOM-level output note. There is not a way to import detail-level output notes. f6 - Custom - Enter 'Y' to check the 'Custom' box in the BOM Details tab f7 - Current - Enter 'Y' to check [...]

Resource Import — 1.0%

[...] name f7 - DefSkill - Default Skill Code from the Resource Skill Codes (SKILL) rule f8 - ShowSch - Enter a 'Y' to check the Show on Schedule box. Leave blank or enter 'N' to leave the box unchecked. f9 - IsSuper - Enter a 'Y' to check the Supervisor box. This defines the resource record as an available Supervisor in the Supervisor drop-down list. Leave blank or enter 'N' to leave the box unchecked. f10 - WOForm - Enter [...]

Import AP Checks — 1.0%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Accounting >> AP Check Import Screen Name: IMPORTAPCHK Function: This screen imports historical AP Check payment records tied to AP Invoice numbers in Adjutant. Import AP Checks Screen File Name(Header)/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed AP Check Header import template file (in XLS format). Note - both the Header and Distributions files are required and must be imported at the same time. [...]

Item Master — 1.0%

[...] Dec: The quantity of decimal places allowed when entering a quantity of the item Allocate at Order: Check this box if the item is lot controlled and you want to be able to allocate specific lots when entering a Sales Order. Master-Track: This assigns a different PackID to items receipted under the same lot number. For example, if you receipt 1000 feet of coil under lot# 1234, then perform a separate receipt of 500 feet under the same lot number (1234), then these receipts will display on separate lines in the #Lot tab of Item Master. Each line will have a separate [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 46 - Production Work Orders — 0.9%

[...] the complete question is asked. Assign Inventory to a Production Line Item 1. Scan the barcode or enter the P Number/ Item Number of the input item. 2. Scan the individual line on the PWO that the input item will make. Assemble a Production Line Item The Assemble function allows you to fully assemble and complete a production line item once the steps from the "Assign" process have been completed. 1. Enter the qty to make. 2. If the line will be completed from making the full qty above, press "Enter". [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 74 - Load SO — 0.8%

[...] General Info Prompt 74 is used to load sales orders into cartons. Prompt Walk-Through 1. Scan or enter the Sales Order barcode (if entering from desktop, use the SO Keyno) 2. From here there are 3 options: Enter a pre-existing carton, enter + to create a carton, or enter * to put multiple items of the same L number together. If + is entered: a) Enter carton name b) Enter carton type c) Enter [...]

Sales Order Configurator Setup — 0.8%

[...] exclude and direct questions/answers on a printed form and for calculated values (see below) Calc: Check this box if the question/answer is to be a calculated value Enter the formula to be used to calculate the value in the Formula field Dec Qty: The number of decimal places allowed in the answer (for Number type questions) Inch: Check this box if the number is to be displayed in inches Ft-Inch: Check this box if the number is to be displayed in feet and inches Min: [...]

Non Check Payments — 0.8%

General Information Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Accounts Payable >> Non Check Payments Screen Name: APNONCHECK Function: The non-check payment screen allows you to mark AP Invoices as paid without issuing a check. [...]

Print AP Checks — 0.8%

[...] are typically printed from the the Print Checks screen in Accounts Payable. Print Checks A single check may be issued for a single invoice from the Manual Check screen. There are several options available to you on the Print Checks screen, such as: Vendor AP Invoice Due Date AP Invoice Discount Date Payment Priority These options allow you to print checks for specific invoices that have been approved, instead of all approved invoices. After printing checks, the program will ask if you want to "Reprint All Checks?" Clicking [...]

Contract Master — 0.8%

[...] the upper left hand box: 2. Click the 'New' button on the right side of the screen: 3. Enter in the appropriate contract info, then click the save button: From here, you can then enter in the rest of the contract details in the following tabs. Fields/Filters Contract #: The name of the contract Start Date: The date contract takes effect End Date: The date contract ends Customer Contact: The contact person inside the company regarding this particular contract Internal Contact: The contact person inside your company [...]

Order Entry Setup Options — 0.8%

[...] Ship To locations. CCAPPROVE - Option to not block save of SO if using approvals. CHECKPACKQTY - Check entered qty vs system packqty. It Qty isnt a multiple, round to nearest multiple and notify user. CHECKPROFILE - CHECKPROFILE CHKZEROPRICE - Notifies user if item has $0 price and SO line is submitted to production. COILPROD - If set, coils must have color and gauge filled out in profile table. PWOs are grouped by GAUGE and COLOR. CPARTBILLTO - CPARTBILLTO DEPTPROD - Add new logic to S2P to break up PWO by Gauge/Color. Process logic by department based on log4 [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 48 - Quick Assembly — 0.7%

[...] attribute, and the attribute must be filled out with what items to make. Prompt Walk-Through (non lot-controlled items) 1. Enter the P Number/Item of the input item being used. 2. Enter the corresponding number of the item being produced. If the item to produce is not on the first page, press Enter to move to the next page. The number in parentheses after Quick Assem at the top represents the page number (up to 4). 3. Enter the quantity [...]

Apply Cash Receipts — 0.7%

[...] >>Apply Cash Receipts Screen Name: CASHREC Function: The Apply Cash Receipts screen is used to enter cash receipts and apply them against open AR invoices. To apply cash to an invoice, select the invoice(s) that is/are being paid and click Add button. The system will automatically allocate the amount of the payment across the invoice(s) selected. The allocated amount can be change by editing the PaidAmt column in the bottom grid. To enter an open credit, enter the amount of the credit and click Save. Any [...]

HOW TO - Receive and Store Freight Using a Material Receipt — 0.7%

[...] STEP 2: Log on to the wireless hand-held scanner. The Main Menu appears. STEP 3: Type 1 and press Enter . STEP 4: Enter the Reference Number from the Material Receipt and press Enter . STEP 5: Enter the Purchase Order Number from the Material Receipt and press Enter . STEP 6: If the shipment is pre-paid, type 1 and press Enter . STEP 7: Type the number of packages received under this Material Receipt and press

Approval Setup — 0.7%

[...] screen allows you to create, edit, and delete approval processes. Fields Customer/Company : Enter an organization name or ID if the approval is limited to only one organization Document : Select the document from the list. Type : If there are multiple types of the document you selected, you will be able to select a specific type in the list. Leave this field blank if you want the approval to apply to all document types. Process : Select the process that must be approved. Whse : Allows approvals to route to different resources based on the header-level warehouse [...]

Print Invoices — 0.7%

[...] Function : Print/Email/Fax/EDI Customer Invoice(s). Fields and Filters Invoice Numbers : Enter a single invoice number or a range of numbers. A range can be entered by using a colon and several specific invoices can be entered by using commas. For example: 100,103,105:108 will print invoice number 100, 103, 105, 106, 107, and 108. All Unprinted: Check this box to print ALL invoices that have not yet been printed/processed. Checking this box will make the program ignore the invoice number range. All: Check [...]

Bank Reconciliation — 0.7%

[...] Adjutant AP and AR transactions to your bank's current balance. The Bank Rec screen may also be used to enter Manual Cash Adjustments. Filters The Filter tab of the Bank Rec screen controls what is displayed on the Checks/Deposits/Adjustments tab. The user may select a Checking Account, Date Range, and Status. Leaving the Date Range blank will return all records for the selected checking account and status. The Group By Deposit Code/Date option is checked by default. Unchecking this option will display a Cash Receipt record for every invoice, instead of grouping [...]

Time and Material Entry - Labor — 0.7%

[...] Approve/Edit Billing screen (Matching Data grid). To add labor time to the task, click the New icon and enter the resource you wish to post time for. The only resources you may enter are the those that have the task assigned to them in the Task Entry Screen under the Assignments tab. This control may be overridden by selecting the ALLRES setup option in CID Maintenance. The fields and buttons in this screen are described below. SVR/Task: The service order number. The field below the service order number is the description of the task performed. [...]

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