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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Cycle Count — 7.2%

General Information Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Warehouse Management System >> Cycle Count May also be found under: Transaction >> Item Control >> Cycle Count Screen Name : CYCLECOUNT Function: The Cycle Count screen is used to submit, review, and commit inventory cycle counts performed with a wireless barcode terminal or the virtual terminal program [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 58 - Cycle Count — 5.2%

General Info Prompt 58 , Cycle Count, is used to count inventory according to the Cycle Count Control screen in Adjutant. To start a Cycle Count on the terminal, enter 58. Unless you are counting a specific Count Code and/or Bin Location, you can press Enter twice. Scan Count [...]

CID Setup Options — 4.0%

[...] the linked sales order isn't on the shipping event. 79SHOWOPEN - If set then show open carton/line count during 79 processing. If count = 0, then show All Items Packed. 86MOVE1 - Changes the logic for Prompt 86 so that it will only move a quantity of one at a time instead of the whole Production Work Order line. This option also updates the display in Prompt 86 to show the line's Piece Mark and current quantity in the new station after a successful scan. A ACCTMGRBYORG - When enabled display account manager from parent company only. [...]

Pending Cycle Counts — 3.5%

General The Pending Cycle Count screen was developed in Adjutant 2.0 to have a lighter version of the full cycle count screen that technicians would be able to use to enter their truck counts on a tablet instead of writing their counts on printed paper. The logged in user's default warehouse is used to load the item codes that have been submitted for cycle counts. The warehouse dropdown cannot be changed unless the user has the proper security. To access [...]

Adjutant End of Year Guide — 2.7%

[...] with any of the topics presented in this guide.   PREPARATION FOR END OF YEAR PEFORM AN INVENTORY CYCLE COUNT ABIS recommends performing a full inventory physical count at least once a year. Performing a full inventory count at end of year is popular because it offers the opportunity to start the new year with a clean inventory. However, the timing of a full inventory cycle count is up to the individual customer’s operational [...]

Item Master — 2.2%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> Item Control >> Item Master Screen Name JUMP2 Function Item Control is a scalable inventory and item management solution that tracks inventory levels, costs, prices, transaction history, inventory locations, and much more. Complex pricing for purchasing and sales is easily maintained through separate item pricing and product groups. The Item Control module also allows you to maintain costs on several levels and automatically update costs based on multiple [...]

Prompt List — 1.3%

[...] – Copy Label Prompt 21 – Add Box to MR Prompt 22 – Where is (item) Prompt 23 – Inspection Control Prompt 24 – Destroy Carton Prompt 25 – Copy CheckIn Prompt 26 – MR Repack Prompt 27 – MR Unpack Prompt 28 – Picklist Control Prompt 29 – Packing Status Prompt 30 – What is Here Prompt 31 – Physical Inventory Prompt 32 – Carton Inventory Prompt 33 – Unload Picks Prompt 34 – Change CID Prompt 35 – Change Warehouse Prompt 36 – Scan Document Prompt 37 – Carton Count [...]

Item Detail (OHF) Import — 1.3%

General Information Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Item OHF Min/Max Import (ITEMDET) Screen Name : ITEMIMPORTDET Function: The OHF Import, also known as the ITEMDET import is used to add new Warehouse, Owner, Held For (OHF) records or to update the order control details on existing OHF records. Item Import (DET) Screen Fields/Filters Item File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Item OHF Min/Max import template file (in XLS format). Export Template: [...]

Journal Entry Architecture - PO Receipt — 1.3%

General Information A PO Receipt will debit the Item Control account and credit PO Clearing (aka Accrued AP). The credit to PO Clearing will be cleared when the receipt is invoiced in AP. If the invoice is created without clearing the receipt(s), the Clear Unbilled PO Receipts screen can be used to clear the credit. Please note that your PO Clearing Account in the GL should reconcile to your Unbilled PO Receipts report. If it doesn't, then the most likely cause is an AP invoice that was distributed to the PO Clearing account without actually clearing a PO receipt. [...]

System Generated Double Entry — 1.2%

[...] Payable Account Credit to the Cash in Bank Account When a stock item is received, the Inventory Control account is determined by the Control Account listed on the OHF tab of the Item Master . If that account is blank or invalid, then the Control Account listed on the Warehouse screen will be used. If that account is blank or invalid, then the Control Account listed on the CID Maintenance screen will be used. Non-Stock items follow the same rules, however the user may enter a [...]

Printer Control — 1.2%

General Information Default Menu Location : Maintain >> System >> Printer Control Screen Name : PRINTCON Function: Each networked label printer must be set up in the Printer Control screen of Adjutant. Adjutant will not properly communicate with the printer without it being set up in this screen first. Laser Printers used in auto-processing Production Work Orders and laser form labels must also be set up here. Printer Control Master The Short Name must be a number. The UNC Name is the name of the [...]

Wireless Terminal Programs — 1.2%

[...] Consolidate Grouped Items into Cartons 8 staging0 SE RePack Consolidate SE Items into Cartons 9 invc0 Inv Count Inventory Status (P#) 10 movec0 Move Cart Change Carton Location 11 updatec0 Upd Cart Change Carton Details (Type Wt Dims) 12 mrpull0 MR Pull Directed MR Picking 13 shpull0 SE Pull Directed SE Picking 14 shcheck0 SE Check Carton Scan to verify all cartons at Stage Point 15 destroy0 Dest Box Destroy MatRec Box 16 whatis0 Contains Package/Carton Inventory (Location) 17 unloadg0 UnloadGrp Group Unloading Process 18 printer0 Chg Prnt Changes Barcode Printer [...]

Project Control - Master — 1.2%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> Project Control >> Projects Screen Name MSN1 Function Project Control Screen is used to add/edit/delete all internal and external projects for your organization. The Master tab is used to enter general information about the project. Project Control Master screen Fields/Filters/Buttons Project #: Enter the project name of the project Shipping Dates: Enter valid project/shipping dates Whse: The default warehouse used for shipping items [...]

Implementing the 1099-NEC Form for 2020 — 1.0%

[...] experience updating Rule Maintenance records. The Rule Maintenance screen is a powerful, system-level control screen with the potential to cause major issues if changes are not handled properly. If you have any concerns about following the steps in this guide, or have any questions along the way, contact your Strategist (aka Consultant) for assistance. Step 1 - January 2021 Desktop Release The January 2021 Desktop Software Release, available on Monday, January 18, contains the updated forms and the development needed to support the changes and produce the 1099-NEC [...]

Project Management Setup Options — 1.0%

[...] all branches in phase tree. MSNLOCKPHASESTART - If set, enable a new Project S11 security token to control access to edit the Start Date on a phase. MSNMULTITASK - If set then show list of phases on task tab of project and allow selecting multiple ones. MSNNEWDATELOGIC - If set, show the new Ship Date and PWO Due Date fields on the phases tab of project control. MSNNOCHILD - If set, then don't ask if a phase is a child of selected phase when a new phase is being created. MSNNODELTASK - MSNNODELTASK MSNNOENDDATE - If set, ending shipping [...]

Journal Entry Architecture - GL Mapping — 1.0%

Stock Inventory Inventory Control Account: is determined by the Control Account listed on the OHF tab of the Item Master. If that account is blank or invalid, then the Control Account listed on the Warehouse screen will be used. If that account is blank or invalid, then the Control Account listed on the CID Maintenance screen will be used. Accounting of Stock Item Purchase Order Receipt: A Debit is made to Stock Inventory account and a Credit is made to Accrued AP (P.O. [...]

AP Invoice Import — 1.0%

[...] invoice records by payable account on some reports. This value should match the account flagged as the control account in the AP Invoice Distribution import. f10 - PurDate - AP Invoice Date value. Generally the date marked on the invoice. (MM/DD/YYYY) f11 - TranDte - AP invoice Post Date value, or the date that the invoice was posted. (MM/DD/YYYY) f12 - DueDate - AP invoice Due Date value. Due Date should be manually set for all imported records, it will not calculate from the terms during import. (MM/DD/YYYY) f13 - DisDate - AP invoice Discount Date value. This is [...]

Generate Batches — 1.0%

[...] visual display of the Journal Entry Architecture . Purchase Order Receipts into GL: Debits the Item Control account and credits the PO Clearing account. These accounts are listed on the OHF tab of the Item Master. See this page for more info. WO Work In Progress Sales Order: Debits item WIP account and credits Item Control account for Sales Order shipments. Service Order: Debits item WIP account and credits Item Control account for Service Order billings. Production: For inventory that was used: Debits [...]

Project Control - Cartons — 0.8%

General Description Default Menu Location Maintain >> Project Management >> Project Control Screen Name MSN1 Function When warehouse personnel group inventory or repack freight into cartons for shipping and then scan the Carton Labels ("C Labels"), the cartons appear under this tab in the Project Control window. The color of each row indicates the status of the carton, as described by the legend at the [...]

Task Count by Customer — 0.8%

General Description Default Menu Location: Reports >> Task Management >> Task Count by Customer Screen Name: SVRREPORT2 Function: Task Count by Customer [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 37 - Carton Count — 0.8%

General Info Prompt 37 is used for the Carton Count screen. Works similarly to [...]

Picking Control — 0.8%

TOC} General Description Default Menu Location Maintain >> WMS >> Picklist Control Screen Name PICKCON Picking Control [...]

Order Entry Setup Options — 0.7%

[...] Line#, PMark, Item and Profile. Allow manual split and combine as wanted. Check for bundles over pcs count and lbs count on save. Check for unbundled/over bundled items. PWOSOORDER - Orders the Production Work Order form in the same order as the Sales Order. Default logic will sort the PWO by item code and then by length descending. PWOTASKDESC - Option to change task descrip to first 50 characters of item description of first line on the PWO (Last 10 chars is same logic from PWOQTYONTASK). PWOTOA - PWOTOA REQSHIPVIASO - Require ShipVia [...]

Cut Charge / Freight Charge Setup — 0.7%

[...] Cut/Freight Charge Setup Cut Charge Setup Function The Cut Charge Setup screen allows user to implement and control the automatically calculated cutting charges for material sales that fall below a specific length requirement. The setup screen allows length controls to be established by one of four different criteria called Process Filters. The pricing and format of the cut charges can also be customized. Once the charges are set up and tied to an item code, the calculations are handled automatically on both Sales Orders and Quotes. These automatic calculations require the [...]

Item Control Setup Options — 0.7%

[...] then the cost by assembled part owner is captured in ITEMMOH, ITEMMOD. IGNORELESSONE - If set and count diff is less than one, then do not make any inventory changes. NOT make adjustments to coil when adjusted amount is less than 1. IMITEMCAT - Require the Item Transaction Category in Item Master. The desired reflex is when adding a new item, ITEMCAT should be empty and require user to make an entry. IMNOZERO - Option to remove zero qty on hand lots from lot tab (They appear if WIP Qty 0 right now). If set, remove onhand = 0 lots from Lot Tab. ITEMEXACT - Displays [...]

Company ID (CID) Maintenance — 0.7%

[...] GL Account. Over/Under Billing : Revenue contra account for draw billing transactions from Project Control. Retainage : Clearing account for retainage billings from Project Control. Retained Earnings : Earnings account for year end close. Accounts Payable Payables : The default AP account for all AP Invoices. This account is always used unless another account is specified on the Sold From screen. Discounts : Discounts taken on AP invoices. Adjustments : Adjustments made to AP invoices. Checking : Default checking/cash account when [...]

Customer Pricing Import — 0.7%

[...] non-stock). Other filters are 'S' (Stock) and 'N' (Non-stock). f9 - StartQty - Starting quantity (low) count used to define different price breaks based on order quantity. f10 - EndQty - Ending quantity (high) count used to define different price breaks based on order quantity. f11 - Sale - Enter 'Y' to check the Sale box for the associated pricing record. Sale start and end dates should be defined in the following fields, if 'Y' is entered. f12 - SaleStart - Sale starting date in MM/DD/YY format f13 - SaleEnd - Saled ending date in MM/DD/YY [...]

Terminal Control in Hosted Setup — 0.7%

[...] from. 2) Update the termconfilenames.txt file with the new exe name. 3) Exit out of the Terminal Control Program in the session. 4) Start the Terminal Control [...]

Standard Tasks — 0.7%

[...] dropdown will change how the tasks get grouped/totaled on the PrintBS5 Billing Statement. Full will count the number of tasks and use solution code billing from contract setup, Full-Hours will count the number of tasks and total the amount of hours by billcode that were spent on that type of task, Address will count [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 09 - Inventory — 0.7%

General Info Prompt 9 , Inventory, provides three functions: 1. Count an Item 2. Move an Item 3. Print a Label Count Inventory The Count [...]

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