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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Cycle Count — 17.0%

General Information Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Warehouse Management System >> Cycle Count May also be found under: Transaction >> Item Control >> Cycle Count Screen Name : CYCLECOUNT Function: The Cycle Count screen is used to submit, review, and commit inventory cycle counts performed with a wireless barcode terminal or the virtual terminal program ( prompt 58 ). You can also [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 58 - Cycle Count — 13.8%

General Info Prompt 58 , Cycle Count, is used to count inventory according to the Cycle Count Control screen in Adjutant. To start a Cycle Count on the terminal, enter 58. Unless you are counting a specific Count Code and/or Bin Location, you can press Enter twice. Scan Count Code If a Cycle [...]

Pending Cycle Counts — 8.7%

General The Pending Cycle Count screen was developed in Adjutant 2.0 to have a lighter version of the full cycle count screen that technicians would be able to use to enter their truck counts on a tablet instead of writing their counts on printed paper. The logged in user's default warehouse is used to load the item codes that have been submitted for cycle counts. The warehouse dropdown cannot be changed unless the user has the proper security. To access [...]

Adjutant End of Year Guide — 7.3%

[...] with any of the topics presented in this guide.   PREPARATION FOR END OF YEAR PEFORM AN INVENTORY CYCLE COUNT ABIS recommends performing a full inventory physical count at least once a year. Performing a full inventory count at end of year is popular because it offers the opportunity to start the new year with a clean inventory. However, the timing of a full inventory cycle count is up to the individual customer’s operational [...]

Wireless Terminal Programs — 2.8%

[...] Consolidate Grouped Items into Cartons 8 staging0 SE RePack Consolidate SE Items into Cartons 9 invc0 Inv Count Inventory Status (P#) 10 movec0 Move Cart Change Carton Location 11 updatec0 Upd Cart Change Carton Details (Type Wt Dims) 12 mrpull0 MR Pull Directed MR Picking 13 shpull0 SE Pull Directed SE Picking 14 shcheck0 SE Check Carton Scan to verify all cartons at Stage Point 15 destroy0 Dest Box Destroy MatRec Box 16 whatis0 Contains Package/Carton Inventory (Location) 17 unloadg0 UnloadGrp Group Unloading Process 18 printer0 Chg Prnt Changes Barcode Printer [...]

CID Setup Options — 2.3%

[...] the linked sales order isn't on the shipping event. 79SHOWOPEN - If set then show open carton/line count during 79 processing. If count = 0, then show All Items Packed. 86MOVE1 - Changes the logic for Prompt 86 so that it will only move a quantity of one at a time instead of the whole Production Work Order line. This option also updates the display in Prompt 86 to show the line's Piece Mark and current quantity in the new station after a successful scan. A ACCTMGRBYORG - When enabled display account manager from parent company only. [...]

Task Count by Customer — 2.3%

General Description Default Menu Location: Reports >> Task Management >> Task Count by Customer Screen Name: SVRREPORT2 Function: Task Count by Customer [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 37 - Carton Count — 2.3%

General Info Prompt 37 is used for the Carton Count screen. Works similarly to [...]

Prompt List — 2.3%

[...] Prompt 34 – Change CID Prompt 35 – Change Warehouse Prompt 36 – Scan Document Prompt 37 – Carton Count Prompt 38 – Directed Cycle Count Prompt 39 – SP Load (for SE) Prompt 40 – Repack / Remove SP Prompt 41 – Bin Item Transfer Prompt 42 – Check Coil Allocation - this prompt will allow you to scan a coil to check if it has been allocated on a sales order or a quote. Prompt 43 - AMS Scrap Prompt 44 – N/A Prompt 45 – PWO (Single Item Production) Prompt 46 – PWO (Multiple Item Production) [...]

Item Detail (OHF) Import — 1.8%

[...] Consig - Enter 'Y' to mark the item OHF combination as a consignment item. f27 - CycleCode - Custom cycle count [...]

Task Count by Department — 1.8%

General Description Default Menu Location: Reports >> Task Management >> Task Count by Department Screen Name: SVRREPORT3 Function: Task Count [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 09 - Inventory — 1.8%

General Info Prompt 9 , Inventory, provides three functions: 1. Count an Item 2. Move an Item 3. Print a Label Count Inventory The Count [...]

Customer Pricing Import — 1.8%

[...] non-stock). Other filters are 'S' (Stock) and 'N' (Non-stock). f9 - StartQty - Starting quantity (low) count used to define different price breaks based on order quantity. f10 - EndQty - Ending quantity (high) count used to define different price breaks based on order quantity. f11 - Sale - Enter 'Y' to check the Sale box for the associated pricing record. Sale start and end dates should be defined in the following fields, if 'Y' is entered. f12 - SaleStart - Sale starting date in MM/DD/YY format f13 - SaleEnd - Saled ending date in MM/DD/YY [...]

Standard Tasks — 1.8%

[...] dropdown will change how the tasks get grouped/totaled on the PrintBS5 Billing Statement. Full will count the number of tasks and use solution code billing from contract setup, Full-Hours will count the number of tasks and total the amount of hours by billcode that were spent on that type of task, Address will count [...]

Cycle Count Screen — 1.8%

Order Entry Setup Options — 1.4%

[...] Line#, PMark, Item and Profile. Allow manual split and combine as wanted. Check for bundles over pcs count and lbs count on save. Check for unbundled/over bundled items. PWOSOORDER - Orders the Production Work Order form in the same order as the Sales Order. Default logic will sort the PWO by item code and then by length descending. PWOTASKDESC - Option to change task descrip to first 50 characters of item description of first line on the PWO (Last 10 chars is same logic from PWOQTYONTASK). PWOTOA - PWOTOA REQSHIPVIASO - Require ShipVia [...]

Route Maintenance — 1.4%

[...] ALAP will be scheduled as late as possible Fixed will be scheduled at a fixed time and not moved. Cycle: Select the cycle, to fire task from Line # Selected. Start-Start: Schedules the start of the task being entered to fire at the same time as the Line# entered Start-Finish: Schedules the start of the task being entered to fire once the Line# entered is completed Lag Time: [...]

PO Receipt (New) — 1.4%

[...] it will highlight that item. If there is more than one item of that type, clicking find again will cycle to the next one. Qty Rec: - The quantity of items received Country of Origin: - The country the items originated from Label Count: - Sets the number of coil tags that should be printed per received Coil or Coil-Like item Cost - Cost of items being received Thickness (Inches): - Used to calculate the footage based on the density. Will only display if 'Variable Width/Gauge' is selected on the Coil Defaults screen. This can be entered [...]

HOW TO - Change the Billing Cycle (Month and Year) of an Invoice — 1.4%

[...] Procedures Enter the Invoice Number you wish to change and press Enter. Click Edit In the Billing Cycle field, enter the correct month and year for [...]

Item Master — 1.4%

[...] items Held For: An entity that can reserve the items Whse: Warehouse that stores the items CC: Cycle count [...]

Item Master Q&A — 1.4%

[...] hit the GL. Product Group - Most will be labor. Item Class - Used in a lot of reporting and I believe cycle counts. Each item will belong in a Price Group as well. Price Groups are used in Adjutant to determine pricing in the Contract Master, calculate and setup customer pricing, and determine margins (mainly used to set up customer/contract pricing). OHF Tab Questions Q: What is "CC" for? [...]

Events — 0.9%

[...] event is created based on setup from the Project Events rule where you can assign a task and a day count. The event is created when the project goes beyond the designated day count [...]

Variable Quantity Item Set Up — 0.9%

[...] This is useful when stocking items that not only need weight and length information, but also piece count per bundle, such as for the pipe or tubing industry. Once set up, an item's lot will carry a weight, footage and piece count [...]

Request License Update — 0.9%

[...] would like to update using the radio toggle on the right hand side. 2. Enter the desired new license count value in the New Value field. 3. Click the Request License button when finished. Updating All License Types 1. Select the toggle next to the 'Set All Licenses To' box. 2. Enter the desired new license count [...]

Approve-Edit Billing — 0.9%

[...] will be sorted by Organization and Work Order number.) Invoice Date: Date invoice was created Bill Cycle: Billing cycle [...]

Production Setup Options — 0.9%

[...] Line#, PMark, Item and Profile. Allow manual split and combine as wanted. Check for bundles over pcs count and lbs count [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 41 - Bin Inventory Transfer — 0.9%

[...] for the bin (printed from the bin screen) which will display the items in the bin, along with their count, and allow users to transfer all or partial quantities of the item selected to any other bin. Bin Label Print The shelf label for bins can be printed from the BINS screen using the printer icon, then entering the label count. [...]

Opportunities Screen in Adjutant 2.0 — 0.9%

[...] Estimated Closing Date: Close percentage: Age: Date Won/Lost/Dead: Won/Lost: Winner: Sales Cycle: Next Sale Cycle: [...]

AR Invoice Master — 0.9%

[...] Sales/Service Order number Invoice Date: Invoice Date. Order Date: Entry date of the Sales Order Billing Cycle: Billing cycle [...]

HOW TO - Change the Billing Cycle (Month and Year) of an Invoice — 0.9%

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