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CID Setup Options — 1.7%

[...] changes AMS process when running reclaim. Works with setup of AMSSCRAP rule. AMSUSEMACHNUM - Option to copy machine number to AMS_ORDERIN table during AMS process. AMSUSER2PROFILE - Change values in orderin.del file. AMSUSER5CUSTNO - Change to use profile profile instead of ams profile. AMSUSER5SPEC1 - Insert Answers to configurable questions with rep code F and ST into user 5 field of AMS_ORDERIN table to allow visibility on Eclipse software. AMSUSER3ROUTE - If set, the default delivery route name from the Ship To will be passed to the User 3 field of the AMS_ORDERIN/AMSORDER [...]

Project Checklist — 1.4%

[...] accomplished using the Rule Detail Import from a spreadsheet. Importing rule details is an advanced user function and should only be performed with the help of a support consultant. There is a high potential for data loss or data damage if the import is not performed correctly. Details on the setup and field by field definitions for the Project Checklist rule can be found in the Project Checklist Rule Wiki . Project Checklist Layout Project Checklist The color coding, visual layout, collapse and expand functionality, and the reflexes around time entry totals are [...]

Mimic/Copy User Security — 1.3%

[...] Default Menu Location : Maintain >> Address Book >> Contact >> User in Adjutant Screen Name : USERS Function : The function of Mimic/Copy allows you to copy one user's security rights to another user. How To Mimic/Copy User Security STEP 1: Open the Contact/User whose security you will be updating, and then click the 'User [...]

Contract Master — 1.0%

[...] Maintain >> Contract Management >> Contract Master Screen Name CONT1 Contract Master Screen Function General tab is used to add/edit/delete all contracts with other customers. Creating New Contracts To create a new contract: 1. Type in the Organization associated with the contract into the upper left hand box: 2. Click the 'New' button on the right side of the screen: 3. Enter in the appropriate contract info, then click the save button: From here, you can then enter in the rest of the contract details in the following tabs. Fields/Filters [...]

HOW TOs: Contract Management — 0.9%

[...] the organization Click Save when you are finished and move on to the next tab or go straight to the Copy From tab Copy a Contract Create a new contract by copying from an existing contract Maintain >> Contract Management >> Contract Master Open Contract Master screen Enter the customer's name. Please note that the customer must be setup in the Organization screen and must have a SOLDTO attribute. Click the ADD button Fill out the Contract Name, Start/End Date, Customer Contact, Internal Contact (contract manager), and [...]

Item Notes Import — 0.7%

[...] There is a 255 character limit per field in Excel. Spaces count as characters. RFQ - Enter a 'Y' to copy the note detail to the RFQ Note (Quote) screen in Item Master. SO - Enter a 'Y' to copy the note detail to the SO Note (Sales Order) screen in Item Master. PWO - Enter a 'Y' to copy the note detail to the PWO Note (Production Work Order) screen in [...]

HOW TO - Create Desktop Shortcuts — 0.6%

[...] STEP 4: Click just outside of the new button and drag it to where you want it on your desktop. Copy Shortcuts from one User to another User STEP 1: Click the People icon located in the Adjutant Toolbar. STEP 2: Click the User in Adjutant attribute in the Attributes window. STEP 3: Go to the Desktop Shortcuts tab. STEP 4: Enter the Username (the User ID, not the person's name) in the Copy From field and click the Copy button. There's no need to click EDIT or SAVE when using this [...]

Adjutant End of Year Guide — 0.6%

[...] amounts from the appropriate year before producing the final 1099 reports and forms. The ‘Recalc Amounts’ function runs through all AP transaction data for the selected year and updates the 1099 final numbers. If this step is skipped, final 1099 data can be incorrect. The ‘Recalc Amounts’ function will also replace any manually entered 1099 YTD values in the Remit To screen with the amounts calculated from A/P. If any 1099 Amounts have been manually updated in the Remit To screen, those will need to be re-entered after each ‘Recalc Amounts’

Wireless Terminal Programs — 0.6%

[...] printer0 Chg Prnt Changes Barcode Printer 19 shload0 LoadShp Directed SE Loading Process 20 copylabel Copy Label Reprint Carton Label 21 addmr AddMR Box Adds new MR Box to Material Receipt 22 whereis Where Is Shows location of Boxes/Cartons linked to scan (MR or SE) 23 inspect0 InspectCon Clear/Set Inspection Flag 24 destroyc0 Dstry Cbox Destroy C Carton 25 copycheck0 CopyChkIN Copy CheckIN Status to another MatRec Carton 26 mrrepack0 MR RePack Allow Repacking of MR 27 mrunpack0 MR UnPack Allow Unpacking of MR 28 pickcon0 Pick Con [...]

Sales Order - Header — 0.6%

[...] Information Default Menu Location The Sales Order Icon is located on the Toolbar Screen Name SOR3 Function The Sales Orders Screen is used to add, edit, and void sales orders. The Header tab is used to enter the basic information that starts a sales order. Icons Add/Create ShipTo: Click the button in order to create a new ShipTo for the associated Client. Open/Close: Click this icon to open or close a purchase order. Copy: Select a previously entered purchase order and click this icon to copy [...]

Message Control — 0.6%

[...] Menu Location The Message Control screen is accessible when printing any form or report in Adjutant. Function The Message Control screen allows users to send emails, faxes, attach documents, preview reports, print, etc. Fields/Filters Customize: To customize a report Create New: Create a new report Preview: Preview an existing report (Must choose a report from drop down menu) Print: To print a report Email: To email a report Fax: To fax a report Save As: To save a copy of the form/report. Attach: To attach a file to the email/fax [...]

HOW TO - Release and Ship Freight Using a Material Receipt — 0.6%

[...] printer prints out two copies of a new C Label for each carton to be shipped. STEP 25: Affix one copy of each C Label to each carton to be shipped. Affix the other copy to the Packing Form . STEP 26: Scan the barcode for the SE Number on the Packing Form, then scan all the attached C Labels that will go into that carton. STEP 27: Type $$ and press Enter to return to the scanner’s Main Menu . STEP 28: Type 11 and press Enter . STEP 29: Scan each carton's C Label , then enter the correct dimensions and gross weight of the carton [...]

User in Adjutant — 0.6%

[...] Contacts Icon >> Select/ Create Adjutant User >> Select User in Adjutant Attribute Screen Name USERS Function The Users screen contains all of the Security and Rights options for each user in Adjutant. The security tokens, log-in information, and email alerts can all be viewed and edited from these tabs. Video Walk-Through Details The Details tab contains general information about the User. Location and Adjutant Settings User ID: The username used to log in to Adjutant Password: The password used to log in to Adjutant Name: The actual name of the User [...]

Prompt List — 0.6%

[...] 17 – Unload Group Prompt 18 – Change Printer Prompt 19 – Shipping Event Load Prompt 20 – Copy Label Prompt 21 – Add Box to MR Prompt 22 – Where is (item) Prompt 23 – Inspection Control Prompt 24 – Destroy Carton Prompt 25 – Copy CheckIn Prompt 26 – MR Repack Prompt 27 – MR Unpack Prompt 28 – Picklist Control Prompt 29 – Packing Status Prompt 30 – What is Here Prompt 31 – Physical Inventory Prompt 32 – Carton Inventory Prompt 33 – Unload Picks Prompt 34 – Change CID Prompt 35 – Change Warehouse [...]

Order Entry Setup Options — 0.4%

[...] Person in by organization attribute and not by the user. SOMANUALNUM - If set, suppresses autonumber function when saving a SO. Users will always have to manually key in a SO number if this option is turned on. SOMCSTDCOST - SOMCSTDCOST SOMULTIWHSEALERT - SO lines that are shipping from a warehouse different than the SO Header warehouse will be highlighted in yellow. SOMUSTSAVEHEADER - Forces the SO Header to be saved before continuing on to the Line Items tab. SONEXT - Add button to SO screen to allow generation of order with next items in chain. Next item is saved [...]

Purchase Order - Header — 0.4%

[...] Information Default Menu Location The Purchase Order Icon is located on the Tool Bar Screen Name POR3 Function The Purchase Orders Screen is used to add, edit, and void purchase orders. The Header tab is used to enter the basic information that starts a purchase order. Related Tabs For more information about individual Tabs in the Purchase Order Screen please see the following: Purchase Orders - Line Items / Purchase Orders - AP Info / Purchase Orders - Receipt History Fields/Filters Open/Close: Click this icon to open or close a purchase order. Copy: [...]

General Info About Rule Maintenance — 0.4%

[...] icons on the RIGHT-HAND side of the screen , below the line, to make changes on this screen. To copy a single rule to another CID, select the CID in the Copy To drop-down menu located at [...]

Quote Setup Options — 0.4%

[...] if item has $0 price and SO line is submitted to production. COPYRFQDOCVAULT - If enabled, ask to copy docvault files from copy source RFQ to new RFQ. Ask during save process. DOCLIMITCHECK - System will check the Credit Limit on Bill To screen when entering new task or sales order. EDITSTKDESC - Allows the user to edit the description of a stock item on a Sales Order. EXTMARGIN - If set, then launch new shared margin screen. FINDITEMMATCH - Uses "find near" logic when searching for items in Item Master, Sales Order, Purchase Order. [...]

Print Invoices — 0.4%

[...] Default Menu Location : Reports >> Accounts Receivable >> Print Invoices Screen Name : PRINTINV Function : Print/Email/Fax/EDI Customer Invoice(s). Fields and Filters Invoice Numbers : Enter a single invoice number or a range of numbers. A range can be entered by using a colon and several specific invoices can be entered by using commas. For example: 100,103,105:108 will print invoice number 100, 103, 105, 106, 107, and 108. All Unprinted: Check this box to print ALL invoices that have not yet been printed/processed. Checking this box will make the [...]

Campaign List Adjutant 2.0 — 0.4%

General Information Function: Provide a list of campaigns for the CID. Campaign List Function Screen It will list the Campaign Name , Description , Owner , Add Date , [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 09 - Inventory — 0.4%

[...] functions: 1. Count an Item 2. Move an Item 3. Print a Label Count Inventory The Count Inventory function allows you to scan a barcode and enter a new inventory count for the scanned item. Once a successful scan is completed, the terminal will display the item's current on hand quantity. It allows you to enter a new quantity. If a new quantity is entered, an inventory adjustment will be made in Adjutant. Move Inventory The Move Inventory function allows you to scan a barcode and move the item from one bin to another. To move an item, [...]

GL Groups — 0.3%

[...] Information Default Menu Location : Maintain >> General Ledger >> GL Groups Screen Name : TRANCAT Function: GL Groups are used to drive revenue and costs to sub-accounts in the general ledger. Working hand in hand with Transaction Categories , the GL Group will mask over a particular part of the account number to offer more options in driving revenue and costs to the GL. GL Groups may be applied to: Sales Order Types, Warehouses, Departments, Account Managers, Salespeople, Resources, and Solution Codes. See the Journal Entry Architecture - Invoicing page for more [...]

Time & Materials Setup Options — 0.3%

[...] service, code = B). Make new subtotal values (extcostB and extpriceB). SUPRESSBNOTES - Suppresses the "Copy to Billing Notes" question on the Time Entry screen. SVRORDLOCKBILL - If set and srvord has been billed, Time/Mat/Equip cannot be added to timesheet. TASKNEWSEQ - Uses the TASK counter in CID Maintenance instead of the SONO counter. TSADD - Time and Material Entry screen opens in ADD mode. TSCHECKHOURS - Checks time entries against Block Contracts (prepaid hours or dollars). If exceeded or approaching, warns the user. TSCHECKONHAND - Checks current on hand quantities [...]

Work Order Updater — 0.3%

[...] serial numbers added. You may enter the serial numbers inside the grid in the Serial column. Click Copy to Add Serial to copy [...]

Positive Pay — 0.3%

[...] Information Default Menu Location : Transaction>> Accounts Payable >> Positive Pay Screen Name : APMAKEPP Function : Adjutant will generate a Positive Pay .csv file based on check payments made in the system that can be sent to a bank. Once generated, the Positive Pay csv file will be saved in the AP_PP_Exports folder contained in the Adjutant Folder. Format There are three formats used: OLDPP - The traditional positive pay format containing transaction type, routing number, check date, number, amount and vendor. NEWPP - The new format containing the account number, [...]

Campaigns in Adjutant 2.0 — 0.3%

General Information The Campaign Function is to keep track of communication under different marketing campaigns. Generate Tab Campaign Master Screen Generate Tab Once you've created a campaign and saved it, you can select the campaign drop down for each note to keep track of the communication made in the notes function. [...]

Task/Time Import — 0.3%

General Screen Name: IMPORTTIME2 Function: The Task/Time Import function [...]

Bill of Material (BOM) Import — 0.3%

[...] Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Bill of Material (BOM) Import Screen Name BOMIMPORT Function This screen imports assembly items into the Item Master Bill of Material attribute. The BOM Import will add records if they do not exist, but can also be used to update/replace existing records. The update function [...]

PO Receipt — 0.3%

[...] Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Purchase Order >> PO Receipt Screen Name POREC Function The PO Receipt Screen is used to receive the items listed on open purchase orders. This screen is also frequently accessed from the Purchase Orders screen by clicking the PO Rec button. PO Receipt Screen How To Receive Enter the purchase order number in the PO Number field. Enter a Packing List number in the PL # field. Enter the quantities received for each line item and any required serial/lot numbers. For lines that require several serial/lot numbers, [...]

Quick Punch — 0.3%

General Information Quick Punch is an Adjutant 20/20 right click function accessible from any task block, task grid, time sheet, or anywhere task right-click functions exist for a task record. Function [...]

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