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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Item Master — 5.3%

[...] Complex pricing for purchasing and sales is easily maintained through separate item pricing and product groups. The Item Control module also allows you to maintain costs on several levels and automatically update costs based on multiple variables. It handles an unlimited number of warehouse locations, serialized items, and lot-controlled items and allows for the inclusion of freight in/out, direct, and indirect costs of the item. Attach notes to any item that automatically print on purchase orders, quotes, sales orders, and invoices. Easy-to-use search features make finding [...]

Project Checklist — 4.8%

[...] Level establishes the indentation level of the line item. Node Levels are -1 for headers, 0 for sub-groups, and then 1 through 3 for increasing levels of indentation for the line items. Creating a new checklist in the Project Checklist rule is most easily accomplished using the Rule Detail Import from a spreadsheet. Importing rule details is an advanced user function and should only be performed with the help of a support consultant. There is a high potential for data loss or data damage if the import is not performed correctly. Details on the setup and field by field [...]

Organization Attributes - Commodity Groups — 4.3%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> Address Book >> Organization Commodity Group Screen Click Edit Attributes All items that are purchased have a specific Commodity Code/Group assigned to them in the Item Master. The vendors for those items are determined in this screen, by selecting the commodities they offer. Commodity [...]

Item Commodity Codes — 3.7%

[...] Commodity Codes are used in the procurement system to Generate Vendor Inquiries . Vendors may be assigned commodity codes in the Commodity [...]

Clean Price Groups — 3.7%

General Information Screen Name: CLEANPG Function: The Clean Price Groups screen will look for invalid price groups made with [...]

GL Groups — 3.7%

General Information Default Menu Location : Maintain >> General Ledger >> GL Groups Screen Name : TRANCAT Function: GL Groups are used to drive revenue and costs to sub-accounts in the general ledger. Working hand in hand with Transaction Categories , the GL Group will mask over a particular part of the account number to offer more options in driving revenue and costs to the GL. GL Groups may be applied to: Sales Order Types, Warehouses, Departments, Account Managers, Salespeople, Resources, and Solution [...]

Item Master Import — 2.7%

[...] import) f26 - Pgroup - The item’s pricing group. Customer pricing may be broken into item pricing groups; e.g. customer XYZ gets 40% off PANELS, 50% off COLDFORM, and 30% off ACCESSORIES, for component sales. Leaving this field blank can cause pricing issues if pricing is based on price group breakdowns. f27 - ComCode - The item’s commodity code. Commodity codes are used in procurement and determine which suppliers can bid on which items. Commodity Codes can also be used as filters [...]

Project Budget Map — 2.7%

[...] Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance Function The Project Budget Map rule controls the Item Commodity Codes and user-defined project budget codes linked to Project Types to define budgets on the Project Budgeting tab. Rule Setup – Text Fields Project Type: This field references the two character Project Type code from the Project Types rule. This is used to set up budgets for each specific Project Type. Item CommCode: This field references the Item Commodity Code to use when grouping transactions into budget categories. [...]

Commission Plans — 2.7%

[...] applies to the warehouse on the Sales Order header, not on each individual line item. Commission Groups Commission Plans can be applicable to certain Commission Groups. Commission Groups are defined within the COMMGROUP rule [...]

Item Master Q&A — 2.7%

[...] commonly used. Q: What does Lot Controlled mean? A: Lot controlled means that the item is sold in groups or heats. So, if a company sells a bunch of cable wire to someone, they will sell it in huge strands. The strand itself has a lot number. The company would track the inventory of this lot number as it depleted from inventory. It is heavily used in the metal and steel industry. Q: What does checking the "Consumable" box do? A: Consumable means the item is purchased for overhead or internal use and will not be sold. When you mark something as consumable, it will [...]

GL Rollup Groups — 2.7%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> General Ledger >> GL Roll-up Groups Screen Name GLROLL Function The GL Rollup Groups are used as part of the Financial Report Writer . When creating a new rollup group check off the GL Account Codes which should be included in the rollup. For ease of selection, type a partial account code in the filter text and select the [...]

CID Setup Options — 2.7%

[...] column on expense reports. EXPGLGROUP - Copy Exp Report Desc to AP Invocie Descrip. Add logic to use GL Groups from resource to change Exp accts if EXPGLGROUP setup option is enabled EXPORTAMS - EXPORTAMS EXPORTSMART - EXPORTSMART EXPRPTPOSTDATE - If set, use last date of exp report as invoice/post date if within CID posting window. If outside window, use today. EXTMARGIN - If set, then launch new shared margin screen (between SO and RFQ) Ask if pricing per lbs. Based on answer show correct columns. Pass new pricing info back into SO/RFQ. F FAXCOVER - Automatically [...]

Financial Report Writer — 2.7%

[...] Sequence Number - Uses the sequence number assigned on the GL Account Maintenance screen. Roll Up Groups Double click the underline text to create a roll up group. Right click the underline text to show your new roll up group and select. Click here for a screenshot Summarize Comes from the "GLsegments" rule which populates the segments screen. This is another type of roll up. Footer The text to print on the bottom of the report. Number of Columns Determines how many columns will be on the report. Current maximum number of columns is 17. Note: Changing the [...]

Project Budgeting — 2.1%

[...] used to set up budgets for each specific Project Type. Item CommCode: This field references the Item Commodity Code to use when grouping transactions into budget categories. A commodity code should not be matched with multiple budget codes. Budget Code: This field references the budget code (budcode column) used on the Budget Import Template. A budget code [...]

Contract Master — 2.1%

[...] Pricing Group Pricing tab is used to setup standard pricing rates for a group of billable items. Price Groups are maintained in Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Item Price Groups from the drop-down menu. Adding a Price Group To add rules for a price group: Click New Select Price Group from the drop-down menu Select Factor Type from the drop-down menu Select Origin from the drop-down menu Select Stock Status from the drop-down menu Enter the Factor amount (the amount to factor in when calculating the invoice; enter a negative number for [...]

Sell Price Discount Minimums — 2.1%

[...] >> Rule Maintenance Function: This rule allows users to set minimum discount thresholds by Item Commodity Code. This logic runs during the Order Entry process for both Quotes and Sales Orders and will prevent users from discounting lines more than the allowed percentage. Rule Setup – Text Fields Commodity Code: The Item Commodity Code that the corresponding discount percentage minimum should apply to. Rule Setup – Number Fields Percentage: Discount percentage value. Rule Setup – Logic [...]

GL Report Groups — 2.1%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> General ledger >> GL Report Groups Screen Name GLRANGE Function The GL Report Groups [...]

Price Groups — 2.1%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance Function Price Groups are used in Adjutant to: determine pricing in the Contract Master, calculate and setup customer pricing, and determine margins. How to set up Price Groups [...]

AP Aging Report — 1.6%

[...] Screen Name : APAGING Function: The AP Aging (or Aged Payables) report displays open AP invoices in 4 groups of aged days. To see a current aged payables report, simply open the screen and click Output. Enabling the DrillDown View check box will drill into the Vendor and AP Invoice while the report is still open. AP Aging Report Fields/Filters/Options Vendor ID/Name : Enter an ID or Name to run the report for a single vendor. Leave this field blank to run the report for all vendors. AP Account : Enter a GL Account to run the report for a single Accounts Payable [...]

Customer Price Groups — 1.6%

Customer Pricing Codes may be used to set up pricing rules for specific groups of customers. Group: Enter the name of the [...]

Accounts Receivable Setup Options — 1.6%

[...] checked, then exclude all paid invoices from FC generation. FCITEMINT - FCITEMINT GRPSHIPBYCPO - Groups Invoices by Bill To + Cust PO. GRPSHIPBYPROJ - Groups Invoices [...]

Bill of Material (BOM) Export — 1.6%

[...] Enter up to 6 item-like searches to filter the BOM Export results by custom item number searches. Commodity Code: Enter a single commodity code or a range to filter the [...]

General Ledger Setup Options — 1.6%

[...] result set from this query. GLPOSTDATE - GLPOSTDATE GLRNOCLOSEENT - GLRNOCLOSEENT GRPSHIPBYCPO - Groups Invoices by Bill To + Cust PO. GRPSHIPBYPROJ - Groups Invoices [...]

AR Aging Report — 1.6%

[...] The AR Aging report displays Accounts Receivable aged into four different periods. The time period groups will default to 30-60-90-120 days, but can be changed by the user. Fields/Filters Customer No/Company: Enter a Customer Number or name to run the report for only one customer, otherwise leave these fields blank. Aging Groups (Days): [...]

Cut Charge / Freight Charge Setup — 1.6%

[...] charges should be calculated. Comm Code - Selecting CommCode will load the grid below with the list of Commodity Codes established in your system. Commodity Codes are established in the COMMCODE rule and tied to items [...]

Min-Max Report — 1.1%

[...] Merchandise class Beginning Item: Beginning item for the report Ending Item: Ending item for the report Commodity Code: The Commodity [...]

Billed Commodity Code Summary — 1.1%

General Information Default Menu Location Reports >> Screen Name invpgroup Billed CommCode Summary Screen Function

Inventory On Hand Report — 1.1%

[...] Beginning to Ending item for the report PurSel Code: Stk Code: Stock number for items on the report Commodity Code: The commodity [...]

GL Groups Screen — 1.1%

Job Cost by SO Type Report — 1.1%

[...] The Job Cost tab of the Project displays the average cost of the item. 2. The Job Cost by SO Type groups items by department (indicated by an attribute in the Item Master record). The Job Cost tab of the Project groups [...]

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