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CID Setup Options — 10.1%

[...] asked to continue to use raw material that is not on a BOM. If setup option 45BOMCHK is set and scanned coil is not on BOM, show confirm message with 3 = continue and anything else loops back to scan PWO line. 45CALCCOMP - If set, system will compare qty to assemble vs qty open, and close line if >=. 46BOMCHK - Require users to enter 1(y) or 2(n) when asked to continue to use raw material that is not on a BOM. If setup option 46BOMCHK is set and scanned coil is not on BOM, show confirm message with 3 = continue and anything else loops back [...]

Coil Import — 8.5%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Coil Import Screen Name : ITEMIMPORTSBS1 Function: The Coil Import program allows you to import your lot-controlled coil inventory into Adjutant. Logic behind import program: You must have item code, coil number, and actual weight filled out in the spreadsheet. If the coil is new (not in Adjutant already), you must also have linear feet. Item codes [...]

PO Processing — 8.2%

PO Processing General Information The main function of PO Processing is to allow users to put processed material along with a processing charge onto a special purchase order type. Upon receipt of the processed material, users can modify in the raw material and processing fees into the value of the processed material. This is ideal for users who send coil, or similar raw materials to outside vendors for painting or shearing. The Purchase Order features [...]

Coil Receipt Form — 4.6%

[...] PO Receipt screen Screen Name: COILRECEIPT Function: This jump screen will appear when receiving a coil from a PO. It is used to enter in the details of the individual coil lot being received. Fields Coil # - Coil number of the coil being received Date Received - Date the coil was received Received By - Resource receiving the coil CurrWhse - Warehouse receiving the coil [...]

Coil Receipt Defaults Import (COILJUMP) — 4.4%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Coil Receipt Defaults Import Screen Name : IMPORTCOILJUMP Function: The Coil Receipt Defaults screen sets the default values that prompt on coil tags as coils are received from purchase orders. The details in the attribute jump screen are defaults only, and can be overridden during the receiving process. The Coil Receipt Defaults import program allows you to import the details for [...]

Coil Finder — 4.4%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Item Control >> Coil Finder Screen Name FINDCOIL Function The Coil Finder allows you to search current and past coil inventory using all data fields related to a coil. Filters Tab The Filters Tab provides multiple fields to search by to find coils location and status The scroll box on the bottom left allows the user to narrow which warehouses to search in When relevant fields are filled in press the Find button and [...]

Processing PO — 3.7%

How to set up a processing charge for a purchase order Overview Items can be designated as processing charges. When an item set up as a processing charge is added to a sales order, the Modification Processor screen will display after the item has been added to a purchase order. This allows you to specify the inputs and outputs expected from the process. Once the item is received, Modification Processor will display with the saved entries displayed, [...]

Modification Processing — 3.1%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Item Control >> Modification Processing Screen Name MODBOWL Function The Modification Processor (or "Coil Processor") is used to associate processing costs back to an item and to create new items. The Modification Processor can also: Create new items from existing stock items Transfer new inventory items from one warehouse to another Print new coil [...]

Item Control Setup Options — 2.2%

[...] show total band, default is off. CLEANSCRAP - CLEANSCRAP COILLABELLOG - Add print button to display coil screen to print a one-off tag. Printed when COILLABELLOG CID option is set. COILLABELX2 - If set, default the copies on CoilReceipt screen to 2. COILPROD - If set, coils must have color and gauge filled out in profile table. PWOs are grouped by GAUGE and COLOR. COILPROFILE - Adds filters for Width, Color, Material, and Gauge. CONSUMABLE - CONSUMABLE COPYATTRIBVAL - If set and item is copied, all underlying tables will be copied also. Table list assroute, catalog, [...]

Coil Finder Cost vs. Inventory On Hand Moving Average Cost — 1.9%

Explanation of Variance in Value The total cost/value on the Inventory On Hand report and Coil Finder report will most likely NEVER match when your inventory costing method is Moving Average. The reason is that the Inventory On Hand report displays the Moving Average Cost of the item and the Coil Finder displays the actual cost of each coil in stock. Moving Average Cost is changed each time inventory is added. It is never changed when inventory is relieved. For example, if you have zero inventory of a certain [...]

Freight In-Out Processing — 1.7%

[...] destination, using a Material Receipt ("MR") packaged with the shipment. Adjutant's main screen for processing freight is the Freight In/Out Processing window. Most freight information is entered on the Master tab. Fields/Filters MRID: The Material Receipt ID Number of the shipment. This is normally found printed on the paper MR, and it is used to track the shipment in Adjutant and in the warehouse. Supplier : The supplier providing the shipment. Enter the organization code in the first blank, then press Enter and the full name of [...]

Item Master- Attributes — 1.5%

[...] clicking on a lot in the #Lot tab of Item Master) that holds specific information about that lot. Coil Lot Activates a jump sreen to Coil Defaults when attribute is saved. Coil Defaults screen is used to catagorize in detail the specifics of each coil type CW (Catch-Unit Item): Select this attribute if the item has a catch unit associated with it, must be a stock item. Do Not Update BCost on Receipt: Select this attribute if you want the base cost of the item to remain fixed, [...]

PO Receipt (New) — 1.5%

[...] received Country of Origin: - The country the items originated from Label Count: - Sets the number of coil tags that should be printed per received Coil or Coil-Like item Cost - Cost of items being received Thickness (Inches): - Used to calculate the footage based on the density. Will only display if 'Variable Width/Gauge' is selected on the Coil Defaults screen. This can be entered when adding the line to a PO and defaulted in by using a configuration question with an Rcode of 'TH'. [...]

Coil Setup Options — 1.4%

[...] from PO Receipt screen. LASERCOIL1 - If this and LASERCOIL are on, only print 1 laser label for each coil (default is 2) from Coil Finder. POCOILLBS - Stocks coil inventory in lbs and catches linear feet (as opposed to stocking in linear feet and catching lbs). RESETMILLCOIL [...]

Adjutant Services — 1.4%

[...] Adjutant has some services that can be installed to offload some of the background work, and do some other processing. They all are installed using a program named Service Mill that allows standard Windows EXEs to run as Windows Services. Service Summary Service Restart - Restarts the Service Checker every 15 minutes. (AdjFoxRS.exe) Service Checker - Monitors the status of the other services and restarts as needed. (AdjFoxSrvCheck.exe) Event Processor - Processes Web Events, and runs other Event based processes. (Foxprocess.exe) Note Reader - Reads an email mailbox using [...]

System Generated Double Entry — 1.4%

[...] logic that does not exist, an account that was setup at one time,and was deleted or is now not active Modification Processor The Modification Processor (or "Coil [...]

System Cash/Checking Accounts — 1.4%

[...] multi-currency systems. Refer to the Accounts-Payable-ACH-Setup-Process page for information on setting up ACH Processing through Accounts Payable. ACH Name - The name of the Bank. ACH ID - The associated ACH ID Number used to process the transactions. Next ACH Check Number - Enter the first check number to begin with. This will increase automatically as checks are processed. The Default Warehouse option should generally only be filled out in systems where there are multiple companies operating in the same CID environment, and using the User's Default Warehouse to prompt [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 55 - Print Coil Tag — 1.2%

General Info Prompt 55 prints a new Coil Tag using the coil number or the P# (Package ID): Prompt Walk-Through Prompt 55 allows you to print a new coil [...]

Issue Modifications — 1.2%

STEP 1: Issue a purchase order for the modifications or processing that is to be performed. Make sure to issue the purchase order so that it is received into the correct warehouse. If the processing is going to be performed in a warehouse other than your own, then this should be the receiving warehouse. STEP 2: Enter the line item(s) on the purchase order. The item must be flagged with the Modify, Add-in attribute in the Item Master . STEP 3*: If you are transferring an item from one warehouse to another for this transaction, do [...]

Purchase Order - Header — 1.2%

[...] receive the contents on this PO. Select the PORECFAST setup option to open the Quick PO Receipts screen. Modification Processing Transfer: Click this icon to open up the Transfers and Adjustments screen. Mod: This button allows you to view details on a selecting [...]

Purchasing Setup Options — 1.0%

[...] Phase fields on the Purchase Order for each new line item. COILLABELLOG - Add print button to display coil screen to print a one-off tag. Printed when COILLABELLOG CID option is set. COILLABELX2 - If set, default the copies on CoilReceipt screen to 2. COILPROFILE - Adds filters for Width, Color, Material, and Gauge. CONFUSER - User ID defaults into the Confirm To field on the Purchase Order Header. CONSUMABLE - CONSUMABLE DIRITEMDET - DIRITEMDET HIDEVENDOR - Removes the Vendor Code/Name from the Inventory Labels. HOLDREC - Marks all PO Receipts with the Hold flag. [...]

Price Matrix — 1.0%

[...] to create custom pricing based on mark ups on an estimated cost of materials, freight, and various processing. Set Up Users will need to create the PRICEMATRIX item attribute that points to the pmsetup form. This will allow the price matrix to function based on any item having the attribute. Users will also need to set up the PRICEMATRIXDEF rule which will create the mark up types that can be linked to items and GL accounts. This will establish the sort, and can default a base cost mark up or margin amount. On the item attribute jump screen, users can [...]

Coil Receipt - Transfer — 1.0%

General Description This Coil Receipt screen is accessible when transferring coils. There are two methods of transferring. Moving coils can occur using the Transfer and Adjustments screen or the Modification [...]

Coil Defaults — 1.0%

General Description Default Location The Coil Default screen is a jump screen from the Coil Lot Attribute in Item Master Screen Name COILJUMP Function: The coil defaults screen is an itemmaster attribute specific to coils. Density: If 'Variable Width/Gauge' is selected then the width, [...]

Credit Card Processing — 1.0%

[...] Heartland Integration Disclaimer ** ABIS has created a third-party interface for the Heartland credit card processing communication protocols and hardware. ABIS [...]

Accounts Receivable Setup Options — 1.0%

[...] Project ID. GRPSHIPBYSHIPTO - Groups Invoices by Bill To + Ship To. HOLDINV - Option for the Skip Processing flag to prevent the invoice from being built in order to hold off invoicing until order has completely shipped. ICNEWCOST - Change Scrap screen to use Cost Tiers if ICNEWCOST enabled. INCFREIGHT - Display Freight as a Line Item on Sales Order and Invoice. INCPACKING - Display Packing as a Line Item on Sales Order and Invoice. INVALTTERMS1 - INVALTTERMS1 INVDATEBATCH - Allows user to assign invoice date on batch screen instead of on shipment screen. If [...]

Go Live Checklist — 0.9%

[...] files from legacy system: Inventory Quantities/Costs _ _ Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Coil quantities/costs/info _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Open AR _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Open AP _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Inventory Quantities/Costs _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Coil quantities/costs/info _ _ Mock Go Live Sort through all open transactions _ _ Mock Go Live Users key in open transactions _ _ Mock Go Live Export historical data for conversion _ _ [...]

Item Master Import — 0.9%

[...] (maximum 10 characters, alphanumeric) f38 - StdCost - Item’s standard cost per pricing unit f39 - Coil - Y if the item is a coil. [...]

Warehouse Setup Options — 0.7%

[...] set and count diff is less than one, then do not make any inventory changes. NOT make adjustments to coil when adjusted amount is less than 1. LABELDEFPRINT - If enabled, print coil tags to user's default printer. Skip Whse Coil tag printer logic. MSNTRANSDAYS - If set, show new transday field on Project Control. Trans days are calculated using drive time from project whse to main shipto using 10 hour drive days. MSNUSERWHSE - If set, use users default whse as shipping whse for generated SO. CalcPlant Logic [...]

Variable Quantity Item Set Up — 0.7%

[...] quantities is done through Prompt 88 for cutting lengths. Detailed instructions can be found here . Modification Processing Users are able to produce, change, and update the variable [...]

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