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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Journal Entry Architecture - Invoicing — 7.9%

[...] Revenue account. The Revenue account is derived based on nine different factors: 1. Item Transaction Category (aka ItemCat) 2. Customer Transaction Category (aka CustCat) The ItemCat and CustCat are combined to create a Transaction Category . The Transaction Category provides the starting point for the Revenue and COGS accounts. These accounts will be overridden by GL Groups attached to the last 7 factors. 3. Sales Order Type - The Sales Order Type (SOTYPE) may have a GL Group attached [...]

Project Budgeting — 6.9%

[...] Project Control allows setting predefined budgets for each project. Costs are grouped into each budget category based on how the rule is set up. The Purchase Order Cost, Actual Cost, and Committed Cost columns are updated based on transaction data. The Purchase Order Cost column will display the dollar value of unreceived items on PO's for each category. The Actual Cost column will display the actual cost for items shipped out for each category. The Committed Cost column will show the cost of assigned or produced [...]

Approve-Edit Billing — 5.9%

[...] Org (Org/WorkCat/WrkOrd): One invoice per customer (Invoices will be sorted by Organization, Work Category, and Work Order number.) Org/Project (Org/Project/WrkOrd): One invoice per project and customer (Invoices will be sorted by Organization, Project, and Work Order number.) Org/Project/Phase (Org/Project/Phase/WorkOrd): One invoice per phase and customer (Invoices will be sorted by Organization, Project, Phase, and Work Order number.) Org/WrkOrd (Org/WrkOrd): One invoice per work order number (Invoices will be sorted by Organization and Work Order number.) [...]

Item Transaction Codes — 5.0%

[...] Adjutant processes an order, the first 'question' is what are we selling (this is determined by the Item Category)? The Item Category will determine how the cost/revenue from specific items will hit the general ledger. (Item category will be set up on an item level, in the ITEM MASTER). In order to generate an invoice, there must be at [...]

Category Sales by Warehouse — 5.0%

Default Menu Location Report >> Warehouse Management System >> Category Sales By Warehouse Click here for screenshot General Description Category Sales by Warehouse report shows you a sales report broken down by account managers and warehouse locations. Fields/Filters Date Range: Specific time frame for the report Warehouse: Warehouse location SO Type: Sales Order type for the report SO Priority: Sales Order priority Acct Manager: Account Manager Sales Person: Sales person Standard Report Fields(Group Header) AcctMgr accmgr [...]

Item Master Q&A — 4.0%

[...] Accessory, Coldform, Steel, Coil, Fastener, Flashing, Panel, etc". Item cat - This is your item transaction category. Every order has a transaction category (this is made [...]

Item Master Import — 4.0%

[...] items using a cost-plus method. f29 - ProdLine - This field is no longer used *f30 - ItemCat - Item’s category for creating transaction categories. Item Categories are combined with Customer Categories to create a Transaction Category that is used to drive revenue and cost to the correct GL accounts. DEF should be entered for most items, unless a specific accounting model has been established based on item category. Review the revenue and cost accounting procedures carefully to determine the [...]

Go Live Checklist — 4.0%

CHECKLIST Mock Go Live Category Process/Event Comment Complete Date _ MOCK GO LIVE Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Open AR _ _ Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Open AP _ _ Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Inventory Quantities/Costs _ _ Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Coil quantities/costs/info _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Open AR _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Open AP _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Inventory Quantities/Costs _ _ Mock Go Live Import [...]

Project Budget Map — 3.0%

[...] Billcode: This field should match the 2 character code from the Billcode rule record that this budget category should be tied to. Rule Setup – Number Fields No Number Fields In Use Rule Setup – Logic Fields Labor: Used to indicate that a budget category should be looking at Labor instead of Materials. Sales [...]

Organization Attributes - Bill To — 3.0%

[...] is used to maintain billing information such as, Payment Terms, Credit Limits, Customer Transaction Category, etc. Fields/Filters Terms: The agreed terms of payment Payment Terms are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Terms Codes from the drop-down menu Credit Limit: Enter a dollar amount here to set the maximum open balance a customer may have If the DOCLIMITCHECK setup option is selected for your company, this amount will be checked in AR each time a new task or sales order is started for this customer. If the DOCLIMITCHECK [...]

Customer Transaction Codes — 3.0%

[...] processes an order, the first 'question' is who are we selling to (this is determined by the Customer Category)? In order to generate an invoice, there must be at least one Customer Category setup (DEF). Code: The code used for the name. Description: The [...]

Task Entry Screen — 3.0%

[...] of Adjutant by selecting Task Priority Codes from the drop-down menu. Click here for a screen shot. Category: The category [...]

Transaction Categories — 2.0%

[...] Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Item Transaction Codes from the drop-down menu. Transaction Category Setup To set up a new transaction category, [...]

Adjtuant Wiki - Page Editing — 2.0%

[...] share the same general syntax, but the number of fields changes. 1.02.2 - Categories You can link a Category by using the following syntax: [c:CategoryName] For example, you can link the Help category [...]

Task Work Categories — 2.0%

[...] Work Categories are used to sort invoices and for reporting purposes. NAME: Enter the name of the category. CODE: Enter the code for the name of the category. [...]

MWF Integration — 2.0%

[...] Column B - This field is not imported * Column C - This field is put into R-Code CAT (Text type), for Category * Column D - This field is not imported * Column E - appended to the end of Column A and used for the item description and the piece mark (R-Code A, Text type) * Column F - This is the Quantity produced of this part on the line. * Column G - This field is put into R-Code TY (Text type), for Type. * Column H - This field is not imported, but does show whether part is a subassembly or not. This is a Yes/No column. * Column I - This field is not imported, [...]

Customer Import — 2.0%

[...] miscellaneous code entry for reporting. Allows 6 alphanumeric digits. f16 - CustCat - Customer Transaction Category. This must match a value in the CUSTCAT rule. f17 - CommentCode - Customer Comment Code. Must match a value in the CUSTCOMM rule. f18 - DNECredit - Enter a 'y' if nobody is allowed exceed the customer's credit limit. This checks the 'Do Not Exceed' box in the BillTo record. f19 - Credit Hold - Enter a 'y' if the customer is currently on credit hold. This checks the 'Credit Hold' box in the BillTo record. f20 - ShipVia - Shipping method. This is only applicable [...]

Standard Task Import — 2.0%

[...] Task Priority Codes (TASKCLASS) rule. Must be a valid class/priority code. *f5 - WCode - Task Work Category Code from the Task Work Categories (WORKCAT) rule. Must be a valid work category [...]

Item Detail (OHF) Import — 2.0%

[...] Work in progress GL account. Overrides the CID Master and Warehouse WIP account. f17 - ItemCat - Item category from the ITEMCAT rule. If left blank, the item category [...]

Item Master — 2.0%

[...] Price group for this item Product Group: Product group for this item Item GL Code: Item Transaction Category for this item Base Cost: Base cost for this item List Sale Price: List sale price for this item Sale Pricing Unit: The unit this item is priced by Projected: (On Hand + On Order) - Allocated Available: On Hand - Allocated Settings Settings tab is used to maintain the item's main properties. Fields/Filters Lot #: Used for tracking of inventory. Also used to look up items for recall if an item is bad. Unit Group: The unit of measure group for [...]

HOW TO - Create a New Bill Code — 2.0%

[...] Price Group , Commodity Code , and Product Group from the drop-down menus. STEP 6: Select the Item Category from the drop-down menu. STEP 7: Click Save . STEP 8: Click the OHF (Owner Held For) tab and click New . STEP 9: Select your company as the Owner and Held For . STEP 10: Select a Warehouse and the appropriate Item Category [...]

Standard Tasks — 1.0%

[...] Inspect Letter: If there is an inspection letter formatted for this task, enter it here. Work Cat: The category of work for the task. Work Categories are [...]

Standard Task - Adjutant 2.0 — 1.0%

[...] Inspect Letter: If there is an inspection letter formatted for this task, enter it here. Work Cat: The category of work for the task. Work Categories are [...]

Organization Attributes - Ship To — 1.0%

[...] location Click the MAP button to see a map of the location based on the coordinates entered Work Category: Default type of work performed at this location [...]

Sales Order Configurator (SOC) Report Code Standards — 1.0%

[...] integrations to place items in the same bundle. Also used for shipping/packing forms and loading. CAT - Category: E - Trailing Punch Code: Used in MBS and [...]

Task Count by Customer — 1.0%

[...] name Start Date: Starting date End Date: Ending date Dept: Department for the report WorkCat: Work category Trouble Code: Trouble code

Task Management Setup Options — 1.0%

[...] resource to be specfied in Task Assignment area before the Task can be saved. REQWORKCAT - Require Work Category on Task. RTGRIDMATERIAL - Adds a 'Has Material' [...]

HOW TOs: Contract Management — 1.0%

[...] the ADD button to add any additional charges that do not already appear in your grid Select Work Category and Department in the fields Leave the Bill [...]

Cut Charge / Freight Charge Setup — 1.0%

[...] established in the ITEMCAT rule and tied to items in Item Master. Select the desired item transaction category codes with the Selected checkbox and establish [...]

Task Count by Department — 1.0%

[...] Starting date for the report End Date: Ending date for the report Dept: Department WorkCat: Work Category Trouble Code: Trouble code

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