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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Chart of Accounts — 14.2%

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A chart of accounts ( COA ) is a created list of the accounts used by a business entity to define each class of items for which money or the equivalent is spent or received. It is used to organize the finances of the entity and to segregate expenditures, revenue, assets and liabilities in order to give interested parties a better understanding of the financial health of the entity. The list can be numerical, alphabetic, or alpha-numeric. The structure and headings of accounts [...]

Inventory vs. GL Dump Accounts — 3.0%

[...] Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance Function The Inventory vs. GL Dump Accounts rule controls which general ledger accounts are included in the overnight inventory reporting and reconciliation features, commonly referred to as the Nite Inventory process. Each GL account set up in this rule will be processed nightly, and will have account balances and transaction details stored in the data tables used for the Nite Inventory and Nite Usage reports. This rule controls which accounts [...]

GL Accounts for Inventory — 3.0%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance Function The GL Accounts for Inventory rule controls is a companion rule with the Inventory vs. GL Dump Accounts (INVDUMP) rule. Both rules together control which general ledger accounts are included in the overnight inventory reporting and reconciliation features, commonly referred to as the Nite Inventory process. This rule controls which GL accounts have their data sent to the nightly historical [...]

System Cash/Checking Accounts — 3.0%

General Information Default Menu Location : Maintain >> Accounts Payable >> Cash/Checking Accounts Screen Name: APCHKACCT Function: Add/Maintain checking accounts for the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable modules. System Check Accounts Check Numbers Checking Accounts are defined once in the Checking Accounts screen. [...]

Journal Entry Architecture - Invoicing — 2.8%

[...] is the batch for Invoicing (Sales Order shipment or Time Entry billing). Many things affect which GL accounts will be debited or credited when creating an invoice. There are typically 5 accounts affected during invoicing: 1. Accounts Receivable - AR is debited in the amount of the invoice. 2. Revenue - Revenue is credited in the amount of the invoice less sales tax. 3. Sales Tax - Sales Tax is credited in the amount of the tax on the invoice. 4. Cost of Goods Sold - COGS is [...]

Setting the AR GL account by sales order type — 2.4%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance Function The accounts receivable (AR) GL account used during the invoicing/shipping process and the point-of-sale (POS) can be established based on the sales order type. To utilize this feature, you need to update the Sales Order Type Overflow rule with the sales order type(s) and AR GL accounts you want to post against. Once the rule is updated properly, all orders with a matching SO Type will post the AR amounts to the specified [...]

AR Recap — 2.2%

General Description Default Menu Locator Reports >> Accounts Receivable >> AR Recap Screen Name ARRECAP AR Recap Screen Function AR Recap screen shows the balances of Major Accounts and Small Accounts; and it also displays over 90 days balances of the accounts. Report Filters Major Account (Balance > $xxxx): Balances higher than the amount entered in the field will be displayed on the report. Major Over Days: A list of major accounts [...]

Generate Batches — 2.2%

[...] through a specific accounting date. The Project fields allow you to process Invoicing, PO Receipt, Accounts Payable, SO WIP, and Inventory transactions for a specific Project. The SO field allows you to process Invoicing transactions for a specific Sales Order. Select the processes you wish to run and click Generate . The processes are described below. Ask your Adjutant implementation consultant for a visual display of the Journal Entry Architecture . Purchase Order Receipts into GL: Debits the Item Control account and credits the PO Clearing account. These

Adjutant End of Year Guide — 2.0%

[...] year, it is important to perform a deep-clean of the report and remove any lingering purchase order or accounts payable issues that have remained on the report throughout the year and need attention. This end of year deep clean can have several benefits: Helps start the new year off with cleaner reports Forces you to reconcile, write-off, or otherwise adjust items that need a resolution Keeps any related accounting adjustments in the correct year Prevents issues from getting so old that the details are no longer remembered Run the Unbilled PO Receipts report without [...]

System Generated Double Entry — 1.8%

[...] entry records related pairs of financial transactions for asset, liability, income, expense, or capital accounts. Recording of a debit amount to one account and an equal credit amount to another account results in total debits being equal to total credits for all accounts in the general ledger. If the accounting entries are recorded without error, the aggregate balance of all accounts having positive balances will be equal to the aggregate balance of all accounts having negative balances. [...]

CID Accounting Setup — 1.8%

[...] here. Default Costing Method : The costing method that Adjutant will use to value your inventory. Accounts The Accounts tab contains the system default GL accounts for many different transactions. It also allows you to setup the GL Mask and Number of Periods in a Fiscal Year. The GL Mask determines the account structure (how many segments and how many digits within each segment). You must set up the GL Mask before doing anything else in the General Ledger. You will not be able to change the mask or number [...]

Company ID (CID) Maintenance — 1.6%

[...] Order TASK: Service Order (if TASKNEWSEQ setup option is selected) WONO: Production Work Order Accounts The Accounts tab contains the system default GL accounts for many different transactions. It also allows you to setup the GL Mask and Number of Periods in a Fiscal Year. The GL Mask determines the account structure (how many segments and how many digits within each segment). You must set up the GL Mask before doing anything else in the General Ledger. You will not be able to change the mask or number [...]

Nite Inventory Reports — 1.4%

[...] archived historical data can be useful in case of audits or researching reconciliation for inventory accounts. The Nite Inventory process is a system service that must be set up by ABIS personnel in order to start tracking nightly inventory and GL reconciliation data. Contact your ABIS consultant if you want the Nite Inventory process set up and running. Setup Required There are two rules that must be set up in order to generate the data used in the Nite Inventory process. Both rules should be set up with the same GL accounts in order [...]

Chart of Accounts Import — 1.4%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Accounting >> Chart of Accounts Import Screen Name IMPORTGL Function Imports the Chart of Accounts for the General Ledger . Chart of Accounts Import Screen Contact your Implementation Consultant for a copy of the most current Chart of Accounts [...]

CID Setup Options — 1.4%

[...] Add 1 to all drops with higher drop by 1 on change of drop number. ADJ2.0 - ADJ2.0 ADJAP - Adjutant Accounts Payable module is installed. ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed. ADJCCREQ1 - Requires an address and zip code to be entered before processing a credit card transaction. ADJCCUSETOKEN - Allows users to save an encrypted token instead of the full credit card data. Users must process a charge from the hand entered or swiped number. Once a charge is processed, the token will be received [...]

Warehouses — 1.4%

[...] Setup Item Codes button to set up all stock items for receipt/distribution in the warehouse selected. Accounts Tab The Accounts tab is used to set up the default control and clearing accounts for the warehouse selected. The GL account entries in the Warehouse Accounts tab generally override their corresponding entries in CID Maintenance. If an Inventory Owner has one differing account (i.e. Stock Inventory) that is filled in on the [...]

Accounts Payable ACH Setup Process — 1.4%

General Description A new Accounts Payable ACH process has been developed that sends an ACH formatted file per AP check paid. This process can also send a formatted email to the AP Contact of the check recipient, or a default email address of your choice. Below is a breakdown of the screens involved, and the required setup. Screens Involved - Rule Maintenance - Checking Accounts - Contacts - Generate AP EFT File Required Setup Rule Maintenance : First requirement is to setup the ACH Data Setup rule. GL Account - Here you will [...]

Allocate Inventory to Projects — 1.2%

[...] projects, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that this setup option is turned on. Program Logic Item GL Accounts The OHF tab of the Item Master contains the GL accounts (Inventory Control, PO Clearing, Inventory Clearing, WIP) for each Owner/Warehouse/Held For record. Since the Project will be a new Held For record, it will also need GL accounts. A rule named PROJHELDFOR tells the program which Held For record to use when copying the accounts. If the rule is blank then it will [...]

Accounts Receivable Setup Options — 1.2%

Setup Options & Definitions ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable [...]

Apply Cash Receipts — 1.2%

General Information Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Accounts Receivable >>Apply Cash Receipts Screen Name: CASHREC Function: The Apply Cash Receipts screen is used to enter cash receipts and apply them against open AR invoices. To apply cash to an invoice, select the invoice(s) that is/are being paid and click Add button. The system will automatically allocate the amount of the payment across the invoice(s) selected. The allocated amount can be change by editing the PaidAmt column in the bottom grid. To enter an open credit, [...]

Chart of Accounts Report — 1.2%

General Information Default Menu Location Reports >> General Ledger >> Chart of Accounts Report Screen Name GLCOA Chart of Accounts Report screenshot Function [...]

General Ledger Setup Options — 1.0%

Setup Options & Definitions ADJAP - Adjutant Accounts Payable module is installed. ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed. ADJGL - Adjutant General Ledger module is installed. AUTOAPPLYCC - Apply CC credits to matching invoices during superbatch processing. CC screen changed to save SO Keyno into CCLINK field. Function looks for CCLINKS matching the current invoice, and applies them if found. BGAUTOJC - Automatically generates the matching WIP entries for Job Cost when an Invoicing batch [...]

Point of Sale Cash Accounts — 1.0%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location : Maintain >> System Manager >> Rule Maintenance >> POS Cash Accounts (POSACCT) Screen Name : RULEM Function: This rule will automatically change the 'Cash Acct' on the POS screen and the Apply Cash Receipts Screen to match the account tied to the selected payment method. How to link the POS Cash Accounts to Payment Methods 1. Open the Rule Maintenance Screen (Maintain--> System --> Rule [...]

AP Invoice Master — 0.8%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Accounts Payable >> Add/Edit AP Invoice Screen Name APMAST Function The AP Invoice Screen has many uses. From this screen you can: 1. Create a new AP Invoice. 2. Create an AP Invoice from a PO Receipt, or several PO Receipts. 3. Edit an existing AP Invoice. 4. Void an existing AP Invoice. 5. Mark an invoice as approved. 6. Print a Manual Check for an invoice. 7. Set up Recurring Payables . 8. Create a "Pass-Thru" that creates an AR Invoice from an AP Invoice. AP Invoice Master Screen Invoice Details [...]

GL Groups — 0.8%

[...] >> GL Groups Screen Name : TRANCAT Function: GL Groups are used to drive revenue and costs to sub-accounts in the general ledger. Working hand in hand with Transaction Categories , the GL Group will mask over a particular part of the account number to offer more options in driving revenue and costs to the GL. GL Groups may be applied to: Sales Order Types, Warehouses, Departments, Account Managers, Salespeople, Resources, and Solution Codes. See the Journal Entry Architecture - Invoicing page for more information about how GL Groups are utilized. Click here for [...]

Accounts Payable Setup Options — 0.8%

Setup Options & Definitions ADJAP - Adjutant Accounts Payable module is installed. ADJGL - Adjutant General Ledger module is installed. AP20CHKNO - Create new check number and manual check number fields in apchkacct table (16 characters). Use as check number fields if AP20CHKNO setup option is enabled. Change screens to use 15 char numbers. APAGEPOLIST - Add POs linked to AP Invoice to polist field in cursor. Only works in detail mode. APAPRPPAYZERO - Makes 0 show up in grid. APCHECK48 - Allows 48 invoices on a check without printing an overflow stub. To use, [...]

AR Adjustments Report — 0.8%

General Description Default Menu Location Reports >> Accounts Receivable >> AR Adjustments Report Print AR Adjustment Report Screen Screen Name PRINTADJAR [...]

AR Aging Report — 0.8%

General Description Default Menu Location Reports >> Accounts Receivable >> AR Aging Screen Shot [...]

Non-AR Cash Receipt — 0.8%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Accounts Receivables >> Non-AR Cash Receipts Screen Name NONARCASH Non-AR Cash Receipts Screem Function This screen is used to enter non-accounts receivable cash receipts. To enter a non-AR cash receipt, click the New button on the top-right of the screen. Select the Cash Account to debit, enter a Reference [...]

Cash Receipts Distribution — 0.8%

General Information Default Menu Location Reports >> Accounts Receivable >> Cash Receipts Distribution Screen Name CKDISTSUM Cash Receipts Distribution Screen Function From the [...]

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