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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 79 - Load Shipping Event — 6.7%

[...] and pressing Enter. The Basics There are two main prompts in the Load SE function: 1. Scan Outer Carton 2. Scan C/B/L/P/T The first prompt allows you to scan the carton you want to pack. The second prompt allows you to pack items into the outer carton. You can also enter a '-' (dash/minus sign) character from the Scan C/B/L/P/T prompt to see a count of open, unpacked items. Load SE Directions 1. Scan the Shipping Event number. In the event the barcode will not scan, you can type in the shipping event [...]

CID Setup Options — 3.5%

[...] this option will show that you need to pack 40 total. 79LOCATION - Adds a prompt after scan outer carton to ask for carton location (prompt 79). 79LOCKSO - If enabled, the carton is locked to SO of the first item added to it (unable to add items from different SO). Only checked at the SO# line/ P# level. Loading cartons into cartons is not changed. 79NOTINSE - If enabled, users will be stopped and will need to select '3' to continue after they scan a carton onto a shipping event [...]

Wireless Terminal Programs — 3.3%

[...] Default Prompt # Program Name Prompt Name Short Desc 1 matrec1a MatRec Enters Material Receipt (Pre-Carton Step) 2 checkin0 CheckIn Converts MatRec Box to Carton 3 N/A N/A N/A 4 putaway0 PutAWay Updates Carton Details 5 pulling0 Pulling Directed Picking 6 agroup0 Grouping Picking Grouping Logic 7 packing0 GP Repack Consolidate Grouped Items into Cartons 8 staging0 SE RePack Consolidate SE Items into Cartons 9 invc0 Inv Count Inventory Status (P#) 10 movec0 Move Cart Change [...]

Load Shipping Event — 3.1%

[...] a specific sales order if more than one sales order are linked to the same shipping event. Current Carton: The selected carton. Lock: This will lock the current carton. If a carton is locked, items cannot be added to it. Click this again to unlock a carton. Ship: This will ship the current top level carton. N>: The name of the current carton. L>: The location of the current carton. [...]

Carton Details — 3.1%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> Shipping >> Carton Status Screen Name CARTSTATE Function The Carton Details screen provides history and content [...]

Project Control - Cartons — 2.4%

[...] When warehouse personnel group inventory or repack freight into cartons for shipping and then scan the Carton Labels ("C Labels"), the cartons appear under this tab in the Project Control window. The color of each row indicates the status of the carton, as described by the legend at the bottom of the window: Project Control- Cartons Tab Fields/Filters Yellow = not released for shipping Green = released for shipping Blue = shipped Orange = held for inspection ReAssign: Check this box to reassign the carton [...]

Purchase Order Import — 2.2%

[...] the completed Purchase Order Header import template file (in XLS format). Note - both the Header and Details files are required and must be imported at the same time. File Name(Details)/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Purchase Order Details import template file (in XLS format). Note - both the Header and Details files are required and must be imported at the same time. Export Template: Generates a blank Purchase Order Header or Details [...]

Sales Order Import — 2.1%

[...] select the completed Sales Order Header import template file (in XLS format). Note - both the Header and Details files are required and must be imported at the same time. File Name(Details)/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Sales Order Details import template file (in XLS format). Note - both the Header and Details files are required and must be imported at the same time. Export Template: Generates a blank Sales Order Header or Details [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 74 - Load SO — 2.1%

[...] entering from desktop, use the SO Keyno) 2. From here there are 3 options: Enter a pre-existing carton, enter + to create a carton, or enter * to put multiple items of the same L number together. If + is entered: a) Enter carton name b) Enter carton type c) Enter carton location If * is entered: a) Enter L number of item b) Enter number of cartons to make c) Enter number of items in each carton [...]

AR Invoice Import — 1.9%

[...] select the completed AR Invoice Header import template file (in XLS format). Note - both the Header and Details files are required and must be imported at the same time. File Name(Details)/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed AR Invoice Details import template file (in XLS format). Note - both the Header and Details files are required and must be imported at the same time. Export Template: Generates a blank AR Invoice Header or Details [...]

HOW TO - Release and Ship Freight Using a Material Receipt — 1.7%

[...] Type 8 and press Enter . STEP 24: The label printer prints out two copies of a new C Label for each carton to be shipped. STEP 25: Affix one copy of each C Label to each carton to be shipped. Affix the other copy to the Packing Form . STEP 26: Scan the barcode for the SE Number on the Packing Form, then scan all the attached C Labels that will go into that carton. STEP 27: Type $$ and press Enter to return to the scanner’s Main Menu . STEP 28: Type 11 and press Enter . STEP 29: Scan each carton's [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 37 - Carton Count — 1.7%

General Info Prompt 37 is used for the Carton Count screen. Works similarly to the cycle count screen, but for cartons. Shows details about contents of each carton [...]

Prompt List — 1.6%

[...] Prompt 7 – Packing Prompt 8 – Shipping Event Repack Prompt 9 – Package Status Prompt 10 – Move Carton / Container Prompt 11 – Update Carton / Container Prompt 12 – MR Pulling Prompt 13 – Shipping Event Pulling Prompt 14 – Shipping Event Check Prompt 15 – Destroy Box Prompt 16 – Contents (of carton/box) Prompt 17 – Unload Group Prompt 18 – Change Printer Prompt 19 – Shipping Event Load Prompt 20 – Copy Label Prompt 21 – Add Box to MR Prompt 22 – Where is (item) Prompt [...]

Project Checklist — 1.6%

[...] Checklist rule is most easily accomplished using the Rule Detail Import from a spreadsheet. Importing rule details is an advanced user function and should only be performed with the help of a support consultant. There is a high potential for data loss or data damage if the import is not performed correctly. Details on the setup and field by field definitions for the Project Checklist rule can be found in the Project Checklist Rule Wiki . Project Checklist Layout Project Checklist The color coding, visual layout, collapse and expand functionality, [...]

Picking Control — 1.4%

[...] selected from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the window. Fields/Filters Release: Whether the carton is released for shipping MRID: Number of Material Receipt to which the carton belongs (if no MR was used, the field displays "0") CartID: Carton ID Number Company: Company which the cartons belong Pulled: Whether the carton has been pulled from the warehouse for shipment Location: Location of the carton in the warehouse Queued Picks Tab [...]

Carton Unloader — 1.4%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location: This is a jump screen from the Shipping Event screen, the Carton Details screen, or the Load Shipping Event screen. Screen Name: UNLOADCART Function: The carton screen allows the user to unload a packed carton. Screen Walk-Through 1. Select the lines that need to be unpacked using the boxes in the "Select" column. The A button on the left of the grid will select all lines, and the N button will clear all selections. 2. Enter the [...]

Profile Import — 1.4%

[...] Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Profile Import Function This screen is used to import profile details for production items. The profile details are displayed in the Profile screen linked to the item's department attribute. The import will create profile records if they do not exist, or it can be used to updated existing profile details for matched item numbers. Screen Name IMPORTPROFILE Profile Import Screen Fields/Filters Item File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the [...]

Shipping Setup Options — 1.2%

[...] Approval/Edit Billing and Ship SO screens after creating the invoice. AUTOQUICKCART - Automatically creates a carton with settings from QUICKCARTON whenever a shipping event is created. If AUTOQUICKCART is enabled, make default QuickCart when SE is saved. BOLBYCARRIER - If enabled split up BOLs by shipto/carrier. If SE already has a linked FPO (pomast.sekyno), then fill out FPO PO number on new BOL. BOLBYCARTON - If set, make 1 BOL per top level carton. Flag Bol with carton (limits auto generation to 1 per carton). [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 10 - Move Carton / Container — 1.2%

General Info Prompt 10 is used to move a carton from one location to another. Prompt Walk-Through 1. Scan or enter the Carton [...]

Carton Packing List — 1.2%

General Information Default Menu Location Reports >> Shipping >> Carton Packing List Screen Name PRINTCART Function The Carton Packing List screen is used [...]

Profile Material Two — 1.0%

[...] to only rule entries from the corresponding numbered rule. For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with 'PRESS BRAKE' in the item description, only items from PCOLORTWO will show up in the drop-down as valid for 'PRESS BRAKE' items. If the associated item description does not have any text that matches any of the bulleted items above, the drop-down list will include ALL of the entries from ONE and TWO (and THREE for the Width drop-down). For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with the description [...]

SO Shipping Event Summary — 1.0%

[...] line item is packed in. The Linked SEs tab shows each line item on the SO, the SE it is linked to, the carton it is in, and who packed it. The Linked Cartons tab shows the carton [...]

Profile Width Two — 1.0%

[...] to only rule entries from the corresponding numbered rule. For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with 'PRESS BRAKE' in the item description, only items from PCOLORTWO will show up in the drop-down as valid for 'PRESS BRAKE' items. If the associated item description does not have any text that matches any of the bulleted items above, the drop-down list will include ALL of the entries from ONE and TWO (and THREE for the Width drop-down). For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with the description [...]

AP Invoice Import — 1.0%

[...] match an existing TERMS rule record, that entry will be added to the TERMS rule with no other rule details. This allows the import to complete, but could add unwanted records to the TERMS rule. f5 - PurAmt - Original AP invoice amount f6 - PaidAmt - Cumulative amount paid toward this invoice. If also importing an AP Check file, this amount should match the total of all non-void checks linked to the invoice. f7 - Balance - AP invoice open balance f8 - UDRef - AP invoice reference # f9 - APAcc - AP payable GL account stored in the APMAST table. This is used for [...]

Profile Rule — 1.0%

[...] to only rule entries from the corresponding numbered rule. For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with 'PRESS BRAKE' in the item description, only items from PCOLORTWO will show up in the drop-down as valid for 'PRESS BRAKE' items. If the associated item description does not have any text that matches any of the bulleted items above, the drop-down list will include ALL of the entries from ONE and TWO (and THREE for the Width drop-down). For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with the description [...]

Bill of Material (BOM) Import — 1.0%

[...] be used to update/replace existing records. The update function will replace all matched BOM record details with the data in the latest import file. Be aware, that if you have an existing BOM record with 10 input items and you import a new file with only a single input item, it will remove all previous input items. The BOM Import will also create the Bill of Material (BOM) attribute for the associated item, if it doesn't already exist. BOM Import Screen Filters/Fields Item File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed BOM import [...]

Profile Width One — 1.0%

[...] to only rule entries from the corresponding numbered rule. For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with 'PRESS BRAKE' in the item description, only items from PCOLORTWO will show up in the drop-down as valid for 'PRESS BRAKE' items. If the associated item description does not have any text that matches any of the bulleted items above, the drop-down list will include ALL of the entries from ONE and TWO (and THREE for the Width drop-down). For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with the description [...]

Profile Width Three — 1.0%

[...] to only rule entries from the corresponding numbered rule. For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with 'PRESS BRAKE' in the item description, only items from PCOLORTWO will show up in the drop-down as valid for 'PRESS BRAKE' items. If the associated item description does not have any text that matches any of the bulleted items above, the drop-down list will include ALL of the entries from ONE and TWO (and THREE for the Width drop-down). For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with the description [...]

Bill of Material (BOM) Export — 1.0%

[...] Material (BOM) Export Screen Name BOMEXPORT Function This screen generates an XLS export file of BOM details for items matching the filters. The exported file can be used as an import template for the BOM Import screen. BOM Export Screen Fields/Filters Class: Enter a single item class value or a range to filter the BOM Export results by Item Master class. Item Range: Enter an item code range to filter the BOM Export results by all item numbers that fall between the from and to values. Item Like Block: Enter up to 6 item-like searches to filter the BOM Export [...]

Profile Color One — 1.0%

[...] to only rule entries from the corresponding numbered rule. For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with 'PRESS BRAKE' in the item description, only items from PCOLORTWO will show up in the drop-down as valid for 'PRESS BRAKE' items. If the associated item description does not have any text that matches any of the bulleted items above, the drop-down list will include ALL of the entries from ONE and TWO (and THREE for the Width drop-down). For example, if editing the profile color details for an item with the description [...]

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