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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Adjutant End of Year Guide — 14.5%

[...] procedures for preparing for and completing your end of year procedures in Adjutant. The guide assumes a calendar (January through December) year structure with December as the end of year month. For customers with a different fiscal calendar setup, simply adapt the procedures in this guide to your calendar. The guide is categorized by pre-end of year preparation steps and actual end of year closeout steps. Not all of the steps will apply to all customers. The steps presented are the best [...]

Drill Down Reports — 5.9%

[...] click Preview to create a drill down report. Drill Down Box Adding Drill Downs A Custom CID or other customized report/form can have drill downs added to it by adding some code into the expression's properties. 1. Select the custom form you want to customize and click the Customize button. 2. Double click the field you want to add a drill down to. 3. The code goes into the User Data section on the Other tab of Field Properties (the Field Properties screen pops up when you double click a field). 4. Click the Edit User data button to fill out the drill [...]

CID Accounting Setup — 5.9%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> CID Maintenance Screen Name CID Function The Company ID (CID) Maintenance Screen is used to maintain general system and accounting information for your company. For further detail on CID options throughout the set up see the CID Setup Options page. Accounting Backend The Accounting Backend tab contains information about a third party accounting package if one is in use. The Posting [...]

Company ID (CID) Maintenance — 5.5%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> CID Maintenance Screen Name CID Function The Company ID (CID) Maintenance Screen is used to maintain general system and accounting information for your company. For further detail on CID options throughout the set up see the CID Setup Options page. CID Maintenance Master The Master tab displays basic information about the company. This information [...]

CID Setup Options — 5.0%

General Info CID Setup Options determine how Adjutant operates. They are maintained in the Company ID (CID) Maintenance . They may also be changed through Screen Setup Options . Setup Options and Definitions Numbers 45BOMCHK - Require users to enter 1 or 3 when asked to continue to use raw material that is not on a BOM. If setup option 45BOMCHK is set and scanned coil is not on BOM, show confirm message with 3 = continue and anything else loops back to scan PWO line. 45CALCCOMP - If set, system will compare qty to assemble vs [...]

GL Budget Import — 3.1%

[...] existing budget name (and year), the import will update the existing budget records. *f4 - FISYEAR - Fiscal year for the budget details (YYYY) f5 - f19 - PERIOD### - Budget dollar amount for the corresponding fiscal period. The fiscal periods 1 through 15 correspond to the sequence of

Working Calendar — 2.4%

General Information Default Menu Location : Maintain >> Task Management >> Working Calendar Screen Name : WORKCAL Function: The Working Calendar specifies the working days for each warehouse. The calendar is used in Task Management as well as Production and Web-based reporting. Working Calendar Screen Instructions Green days are working days. Red days are non-working days. To edit the working days for a specific warehouse, select the Warehouse beneath the calendar, [...]

Production Setup Options — 1.9%

[...] DIRITEMDET ICNEWCOST - Change Scrap screen to use Cost Tiers if ICNEWCOST enabled. ICSEPBYOWNER - If CID option ICSEPBYOWNER is enabled, and item has MULTIOWNER attribute, then the cost by assembled part owner is captured in ITEMMOH,ITEMMOD. INCFREIGHT - Display freight as a line item on Sales Order and Invoice. INCPACKING - Display packing as a line item on sales order and invoice. LABELDIFF - New screen to allows setup of custom Inventory labels for Custom/Item pairs. Change InvLabel generation points to use custom label if found (LABELDIFF CID [...]

Close GL Period and Year — 1.7%

[...] period, year or to re-close prior year. The Current GL Period and Current GL Year are stored in the CID record and are automatically loaded onto the screen. Closing a Period changes the current fiscal period. You can still post entries into a closed period that is not locked. Locking a Period prevents any batches from being posted into that period. Closing a Year will move the fiscal year's profit/loss into the Retained Earnings account that's listed on the CID Maintenance screen. [...]

Freight In-Out Processing — 1.7%

[...] The Transfer tab allows the user to transfer a material receipt to another Company ID in Adjutant (CID) or another warehouse. Fields/Filters Current CID: List of current CID (Company using Adjutant) to which the MR belongs Current Warehouse: List of current warehouses in which the MR's freight is stored Transfer to CID: To transfer the MR to another CID, [...]

Order Entry Setup Options — 1.7%

[...] NEWCOUNTYMBM - Change logic to use only ZIPMBMA table. Add missing fields to ZIPMBMA table. NEWCOUNTYMBM CID option turns on. NEWITEMLOOKUP - If set, display first 500 items by item order if ? used in description field. NEWLOOKUP - NEWLOOKUP NEWMSNNUM - If set, then map project drop folders to Project Number instead of Project ID. NEWNOTE - NEWNOTE NEWSEADD - Newer logic for pulling the correct shipping event screen (SEADD2), will be auto for new customers "2015". NEWSHIP - Newer shipping logic for shipping event screen, will be auto added for new customers 2015 NEWSHIPEVENT [...]

Setting the AR GL account by sales order type — 1.4%

[...] Hierarchy The invoicing process will determine the AR GL account to use in the following order: 1. CID Maintenance - Accounts Tab - Accounts Receivable field GL account 2. Warehouse Maintenance - Invoice AR Account (if an entry exists for the matched warehouse, it will override the CID Maintenance account) 2. SO Type Overflow rule - AR GL account (if it exists, it will override the CID AR default and the Warehouse Invoice AR account) 3. Customer BillTo record - AR account (if it exists, it will override all [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 34 - Change CID — 1.4%

General Info Prompt 34 , Change CID, allows you to change the terminal's Company ID (CID). This prompt will never be needed unless you are running multiple companies out of the same Adjutant installation. Change CID [...]

Purchasing Setup Options — 1.4%

[...] COILLABELLOG - Add print button to display coil screen to print a one-off tag. Printed when COILLABELLOG CID option is set. COILLABELX2 - If set, default the copies on CoilReceipt screen to 2. COILPROFILE - Adds filters for Width, Color, Material, and Gauge. CONFUSER - User ID defaults into the Confirm To field on the Purchase Order Header. CONSUMABLE - CONSUMABLE DIRITEMDET - DIRITEMDET HIDEVENDOR - Removes the Vendor Code/Name from the Inventory Labels. HOLDREC - Marks all PO Receipts with the Hold flag. ICNEWCOST - Change Scrap screen to use Cost Tiers if ICNEWCOST [...]

Print Sales Order — 1.4%

[...] to print both the Sales Orders and Packing List Standard Report Fields(Page Header) Company a_cid.address1 alltrim(a_

Item Control Setup Options — 1.4%

[...] COILLABELLOG - Add print button to display coil screen to print a one-off tag. Printed when COILLABELLOG CID option is set. COILLABELX2 - If set, default the copies on CoilReceipt screen to 2. COILPROD - If set, coils must have color and gauge filled out in profile table. PWOs are grouped by GAUGE and COLOR. COILPROFILE - Adds filters for Width, Color, Material, and Gauge. CONSUMABLE - CONSUMABLE COPYATTRIBVAL - If set and item is copied, all underlying tables will be copied also. Table list assroute, catalog, cwinfo, hazmat, profile, udq, wirerope, amsprod, bom, dotnote, [...]

XLS Update Tool — 1.2%

[...] update that follows. N means that if the preceding fields are false, then use the update that follows. CID - This is the CID to apply the update to. FieldName# - The column you want to update in the SQL database. FieldValue# - The new value you want to take place of the old value. In the example below, the item ABC123 will have its description updated to be A Big Coil 123 Examples Case 1 - You have the values for all the filters. In this case, TableName = Table to Update KeyName 1-4 = Names of the Fields to Filter On KeyValue 1-4 [...]

Consolidated Billing Statement — 1.2%

[...] Clients: Check this box to Print Monthly Billing Clients . Standard Report Fields(Header) Company a_cid.address1 alltrim( [...]

Journal Entry Architecture - Invoicing — 1.2%

[...] the program. Accounts Receivable The AR account can be one of two accounts: The AR account on the CID Maintenance Screen or the AR account listed on the Bill To Screen of the customer being invoiced. The account listed on the Bill To screen will always override the CID Maintenance screen. If left blank, the CID Maintenance AR Account will always be used. Revenue Revenue accounts are figured on an item-by-item basis; each item on the Sales Order may go to a different Revenue account. The Revenue account is [...]

Auto Process Schedule — 1.0%

[...] run. You can scroll through each week by using the corresponding forward and backward buttons. The CID drop down will filter the schedule by the CID you select. Otherwise, it will show all CIDs. Double-click on any Report Set record on the screen to view more details about it. Right-click on any Report Set or AutoBatch to delete it. You are also presented with the option to delete all future events. Add Auto Batch To schedule an Auto Batch, enter the Start/End Dates and the Time you want the batch to run. You should schedule the batch [...]

Quote Setup Options — 1.0%

[...] NEWCOUNTYMBM - Change logic to use only ZIPMBMA table. Add missing field to ZIPMBMA table. NEWCOUNTYMBM CID option turns on. NEWITEMLOOKUP - If set, then map project to drop folders to Project Number instead of Project ID. NEWNOTE - NEWNOTE NEWTAX - NEWTAX NOLISTBEST - NOLISTBEST OACCMGR - The account manager on the Sales Order may be changed. PFORCED - Requires a project to be linked to a sales order before it can be submitted to production. PWOSOORDER - Orders the Production Work Order form in the same order as the Sales Order. Default logic will sort the PWO by [...]

Time & Materials Setup Options — 1.0%

[...] has been billed, Time/Mat/Equip cannot be added to timesheet. TASKNEWSEQ - Uses the TASK counter in CID Maintenance instead of the SONO counter. TSADD - Time and Material Entry screen opens in ADD mode. TSCHECKHOURS - Checks time entries against Block Contracts (prepaid hours or dollars). If exceeded or approaching, warns the user. TSCHECKONHAND - Checks current on hand quantities when entering material in the Time and Material Entry screen. Warns user if qty entered is greater than qty on hand. TSCHECKPOLOCK - If enabled, require all linked POs to be received or [...]

User in Adjutant — 1.0%

[...] Printer: The default printer for the User Laser: The default Laser Printer for the User Default CID: The default Company ID for the User Default Menu: The default menu bar for the User Default WHSE: The default warehouse for the User Default Language: The language used in Adjutant for the User Default Screen: The first screen the User will see when logging in to Adjutant POS Refund Limit: Maximum refund the user is allowed to process through the POS screen. Email and Contact Information Pease see How- To Set Up Email in Adjutant for more detailed [...]

Item Detail (OHF) Import — 1.0%

[...] bin for produced items f13 - CtrlAcct - Inventory GL account for the OHF combination. Overrides the CID Master and Warehouse Item Control account. f14 - POAcct - PO Clearing GL account for the OHF combination. Overrides the CID Master and Warehouse PO Clearing account. f15 - ICCAcct - Inventory Clearing GL account. Overrides the CID Master [...]

Import User — 0.7%

[...] the file definitions section. The Password Settings fields must be filled in on the import file. CID password setting defaults are not loaded during the import. Import User File Screen File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed user record import template file (in XLS format) Export Template: Generates a blank User Import template file Map Fields: Fields must be mapped prior to importing. If no changes have been made to the column headings, the mapping screen should show all green, and you can click OK to continue. If any [...]

Financial Report Writer — 0.7%

[...] available are: This, Next, Last, Last Year and Period Offset. The next data element selections are: Fiscal Period, Fiscal [...]

Bid Purchase Order (BIDPO) API — 0.7%

[...] the APICHECK process, or in the header record and will need to be provided by Adjutant personnel. CID: The destination CID name for the BIDPO interface. Bid PO Type: The code value(s) (text2) from the POBTYPE rule that will be used for Bid POs created through the interface. The Bid PO Type must be a valid code from the rule, or it will fail validation. Vendor Code: The vendor organization ID(s) that will be used for Bid POs created through the interface. The vendor(s) must exist in Adjutant, the API will not create vendor records. The [...]

Task Management Setup Options — 0.7%

[...] Column to Task Grid. Sum of all durations for a given task. Filled Out if RTGRIDTOTALDUR is enabled (CID option). SCHEDCONFMOVE - SCHEDCONFMOVE SCHEDMONTHLY - Opens schedule screen in monthly view. SCHEDMULTI - Opens schedule screen in multi-stack view. SCHEDPROFESSION - Show vcontact.profession underneath Resource Name on Schedule screen. If set, append profession from contact screen to end of current resource name, hours string. SCHEDPROJID - Displays ProjID as first characters on task bar (instead of shortcust). Option to set bartext to projjid instead of shortcust. [...]

Resource Schedule — 0.7%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Task Management >> Schedule. Or click the calendar icon Screen Name SCHEDULEN2 Function This screen shows the schedule of tasks assigned to all resources in the system with "Show on Schedule" checked in their resource attribute Fields & Buttons View Filter - This will switch between day view, week view, and month view depending on what is selected Date Filter - This will allow selection of the day to show the scheduled tasks for CID [...]

XLS Update Tool — 0.7%

[...] the Fields to Filter On KeyValue 1-4 = Filter Values IsKey = y KeyType = (Blank) If the table has a CID, you can enter the CID code, and set UseCID = 'y' as another filter FieldName 1-4 = Fields to Update FieldValue 1-4 = Data to Update With Case 2 - You have Item or Custno TableName = Table to Update KeyName1 = The custID or ItemID field in the Table to Update (entid/vendid/custid or ikey in almost all cases) KeyValue1 = The Custno/Vendno or Item Code Keyname2-4 = Other Filters Keyname2-4 = Filter Values IsKey = 'n' Keytype = CUSTNO or [...]

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