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CID Setup Options — 3.3%

General Info CID Setup Options determine how Adjutant operates. They are maintained in the Company ID (CID) Maintenance . They may also be changed through Screen Setup Options . Setup Options and Definitions Numbers 45BOMCHK - Require users to enter 1 or 3 when asked to continue to use raw material that is not on a BOM. If setup option 45BOMCHK is set and scanned coil is not on BOM, show confirm message with 3 = continue and anything else loops back to scan PWO line. 45CALCCOMP - If set, system will [...]

Order Entry Setup Options — 1.8%

[...] log4 flag. DIRITEMDET - DIRITEMDET DOCLIMITCHECK - System will check the Credit Limit on Bill To screen when entering new task or sales order. EDITSTKDESC - Allows the user to edit the description of a stock item on a Sales Order. EXTMARGIN - EXTMARGIN FINDITEMMATCH - Uses "find near" logic when searching for items in Item Master, Sales Order, Purchase Order. ICNEWCOST - Change Scrap screen to use Cost Tiers if ICNEWCOST enabled. INCFREIGHT - Display Freight as a Line Item on Sales Order and Invoice. INCPACKING - Display Packing [...]

Drill Down Reports — 1.1%

[...] click Preview to create a drill down report. Drill Down Box Adding Drill Downs A Custom CID or other customized report/form can have drill downs added to it by adding some code into the expression's properties. 1. Select the custom form you want to customize and click the Customize button. 2. Double click the field you want to add a drill down to. 3. The code goes into the User Data section on the Other tab of Field Properties (the Field Properties screen pops up when you double click a field). 4. Click the Edit User [...]

Adjutant End of Year Guide — 1.1%

[...] ‘as-of’ mode Many customers have a slow period in the last week of the calendar year The Cycle Count screen can be used with wireless scanners to complete a paperless count, or it can be used to generate count sheets for a manual count. Pending counts can be completed in batches or all at the same time. Once counts have been entered, either by entry on the ‘Pending Counts’ tab, or by entry via wireless scanners, the counts must be finalized, or committed. Once the counts are committed from the ‘Completed Counts’ tab, an accounting batch is [...]

CID Accounting Setup — 1.1%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> CID Maintenance Screen Name CID Function The Company ID (CID) Maintenance Screen is used to maintain general system and accounting information for your company. For further detail on CID options throughout the set up see the CID Setup Options page. Accounting Backend [...]

Company ID (CID) Maintenance — 1.0%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> CID Maintenance Screen Name CID Function The Company ID (CID) Maintenance Screen is used to maintain general system and accounting information for your company. For further detail on CID options throughout the set up see the CID Setup Options page. CID Maintenance [...]

Purchasing Setup Options — 1.0%

[...] module is installed. CFSSHOWTOTAL - Option to show total band, default is off. CHECKORDERINC - For PO screen, and if enabled, force the OrdQty to be multiple of the the OHF orderinc value. Only check if OrderInc is 0, and if the PO qty is in stk units. If not a multiple, reset to nearest multiple and alert user. CLEARPOMSN - Clears the Project ID and Phase fields on the Purchase Order for each new line item. COILLABELLOG - Add print button to display coil screen to print a one-off tag. Printed when COILLABELLOG CID [...]

Quote Setup Options — 0.9%

[...] to new RFQ. Ask during save process. DOCLIMITCHECK - System will check the Credit Limit on Bill To screen when entering new task or sales order. EDITSTKDESC - Allows the user to edit the description of a stock item on a Sales Order. EXTMARGIN - If set, then launch new shared margin screen. FINDITEMMATCH - Uses "find near" logic when searching for items in Item Master, Sales Order, Purchase Order. INCFREIGHT - Display freight as a line item on Sales Order and Invoice. INCPACKING - Display packing as a line item on Sales Order and Invoice. [...]

Task Entry Screen — 0.7%

The Task Entry Screen is used to add/edit/delete tasks (service orders). There are two sections in this screen. The bottom section contains detailed information about the task entered in the top section. The icons, fields, buttons, and tabs in this screen are described below. If this service order is to be billed as a $0 charge, check the NonBill box BEFORE you enter any information. Clicking it after you enter any information will erase everything you have entered. Open/Completed Tasks - Left click [...]

Task Management Setup Options — 0.7%

[...] ALTPROBCODE - Allows the user to edit the description of the Standard Task used in the Task Entry Screen. CHTSKPOLNK - Checks for Linked Purchase Orders on Tasks and warns the user to receive and close the purchase order before completing the task. COLORBYDEPT - Color codes tasks by Department instead of by Priority. The Department Color Picker (Maintain >> Task Management >> Dept Color Picker) may be used to determine the color coding. EDITPROJNOTE - If enabled, then the project note can be edited from the grid. The project is updated on lost focus on the note [...]

Connection Import/Match (Water District Match Import) — 0.7%

[...] Location : Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Tasks and Time Billing >> Connection Import/Match Screen Name : WATERMATCH2 Function : Imports or updates service address/connection information for addresses within a district based on an excel spreadsheet. The following Organization Attributes need to exist in the Organization Attributes (ATT_ENT) rule before creating Districts, Builders, Subdivisions, and Connections: Standard Customer attributes (BILLTO, SOLDTO, SHIPTO) - The SOLDTO attribute description is commonly relabeled as 'District' Builder attribute (with [...]

Freight In-Out Processing — 0.7%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> WMS >> Freight In-Out Process Screen Name INOUT Freight- Master Screen Function Freight , as opposed to inventory, is not bought and sold with Purchase Orders and Sales Orders. Rather, it is received , stored in a warehouse, then shipped to its next destination, using a Material Receipt ("MR") packaged with the shipment. Adjutant's main screen for processing freight is the Freight In/Out Processing window. Most freight information is entered [...]

Item Master — 0.7%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> Item Control >> Item Master Screen Name JUMP2 Function Item Control is a scalable inventory and item management solution that tracks inventory levels, costs, prices, transaction history, inventory locations, and much more. Complex pricing for purchasing and sales is easily maintained through separate item pricing and product groups. The Item Control module also allows you to maintain costs on several levels and automatically update costs based on multiple variables. It handles an unlimited number of warehouse [...]

User in Adjutant — 0.6%

General Information Default Menu Location The Users screen is a jump screen from the Contacts screen Contacts Icon >> Select/ Create Adjutant User >> Select User in Adjutant Attribute Screen Name USERS Function The Users screen contains all of the Security and Rights options for each user in Adjutant. The security tokens, log-in information, and email alerts can all be viewed and edited from these tabs. Video Walk-Through Details The [...]

Item Control Setup Options — 0.6%

[...] ADJTRANSACTION - ADJTRANSACTION ALLRES - Post time to any resource on the Time and Material Entry screen (no assignments necessary). AMS - Integration with an AMS roll former controller (Eclipse Software) is being used. CCBINSORT - If enabled handles bins special (left pads 99 blocks to two chars each to make number sorts work correctly. CCNITEINV2 - Option to generate niteinv2 records after commits complete. Records made for each item/loctid committed. CCOUNTCHNGWHSE - CCOUNTCHNGWHSE CCOUNTWHSECHNG - Without setup option, scanner will flag scans in [...]

Schedule Screen — 0.6%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Task Management >> Schedule Screen Name SCHEDULEN2 Function The Schdule allows users to add/edit/view the tasks assigned to individuals and departments, as well as choosing the time period day/week/month. The schedule is also accessible from the Adjutant Toolbar . Schedule Master Screen Fields and Filters Schedule tabs along the top of the screen are labeled with classifications of resources that may be scheduled for use. Schedule tab names [...]

Screen Setup Options — 0.6%

The Screen Setup Options window is called from the Info button on the Forum/Info/Wiki screen. It displays system and security information about a screen. Add Security for Users An administrator may use this tab to update security rights related to the screen for multiple users. The grid on the left side of the screen lists all of the Security Rights applicable to the screen. The grid on the right side of the screen [...]

Tap Setup — 0.5%

General Description Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Tapping >> Tap Setup Screen Name: TAPENTRY Function: The Tap Setup Screen is used to create new tap and inspection service orders, enter builder payments, and maintain legal (S-B-L-T) locations of addresses. Physical/Legal/Tap The first tab on the Tap Entry screen will display all addresses (linked SHIPTO children) in the District you select at the top of the screen. You can edit existing addresses and add [...]

System Generated Double Entry — 0.5%

[...] CONSTRUCTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION UNDER CONSTRUCTION General Information In the double-entry accounting system, each accounting entry records related pairs of financial transactions for asset, liability, income, expense, or capital accounts. Recording of a debit amount to one account and an equal credit amount to another account results in total debits being equal to total credits for all accounts in the general ledger. If the accounting entries are recorded without error, the aggregate balance of all [...]


Item Master The 'Track Length' selection on the Item Master screen is a way of tracking different subsets of inventory under one item code. For example, you could have an item called FLATBAR12 for 1/2 inch thick flat bar and track all the different length and width combinations under that one item code. Any item with 'Track Length' selected should also be lot controlled. Settings Tab ID1: Enter a label here to define the primary way to track inventory for the selected item. 'Length' for example. ID2: Define a second measurement (if needed). For example, you can [...]

Shipping Setup Options — 0.5%

[...] built in order to hold off invoicing until order has completely shipped. ICNEWCOST - Change scrap screen to use Cost Tiers if ICNEWCOST enabled. INVDATEBATCH - Allows user to assign invoice date on batch screen instead of shipment screen. If found, use new invdate field as source of invoice dates. If not found, disable field. MARKALLSHIP - Marks all line items as selected when using the Manual Ship SO screen. MOVEPACK - MOVEPACK MSCHECKBINQTY - If set, then verify bin has qty [...]

Time and Material Entry - Labor — 0.5%

[...] Location: From a task, click the Service Order Timesheet (clock symbol) button on the bottom right of the screen, then click the Labor tab. Screen Name: QUICKTIIME Function: The Time and Material Entry screen is used to post time to a previously entered task. This screen is centered around the task/service order number. It allows you to post time for multiple resources and dates to the same task. Associating Labor With a Service Order/Task An easy way to post time to a specific task [...]

Time & Materials Setup Options — 0.5%

Setup Options & Definitions ALLRES - Post time to any resource on the Time and Material Entry screen (no assignments necessary). CHKTSKPOLNK - Checks for Linked Purchase Orders on Tasks and warns the user to receive and close the purchase order before completing the task. ICNEWCOST - Change scrap screen to use Cost Tiers if ICNEWCOST enabled. LOCKTDATE - Locks the transaction date as today's date when entering materials in Time and Material entry. MATCHSOL - Only Solution Codes with the same starting number as the Standard Task may [...]

Standard Task Import — 0.5%

[...] Importer allows you to import and update Standard Task records in Adjutant. Standard Task Import screen Fields/Filters File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Standard Task Import template file (in XLS format). Export Template: Generates a blank Standard Task Import template file Map Fields: Fields must be mapped prior to importing. If no changes have been made to the column headings, the mapping screen should show all green, and you can click OK to continue. If any of the Input Field Name columns [...]

AP Invoice Master — 0.5%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Accounts Payable >> Add/Edit AP Invoice Screen Name APMAST Function The AP Invoice Screen has many uses. From this screen you can: 1. Create a new AP Invoice. 2. Create an AP Invoice from a PO Receipt, or several PO Receipts. 3. Edit an existing AP Invoice. 4. Void an existing AP Invoice. 5. Mark an invoice as approved. 6. Print a Manual Check for an invoice. 7. Set up Recurring Payables . 8. Create a "Pass-Thru" that creates an AR Invoice from an AP [...]

Purchase Order - Header — 0.5%

General Information Default Menu Location The Purchase Order Icon is located on the Tool Bar Screen Name POR3 Function The Purchase Orders Screen is used to add, edit, and void purchase orders. The Header tab is used to enter the basic information that starts a purchase order. Related Tabs For more information about individual Tabs in the Purchase Order Screen please see the following: Purchase Orders - Line Items / Purchase Orders - AP Info / Purchase Orders - Receipt History Fields/Filters [...]

Production Setup Options — 0.5%

Setup Options & Definitions ALLRES - Post time to any resource on the Time and Material Entry screen (no assignments necessary). AMS - Integration with an AMS roll former controller (Eclipse Software) is being used. AMSUSEMACHNUM - Option to copy machine number to AMS_ORDERIN table during AMS process. AMSPUNCHISP - If set, then use RCODE = P as leading punch question. AMSUSER2PROFILE - Change values in orderin.del file. AMSUSER5CUSTNO - Change to use profile profile instead of ams profile. COLORBYDEPT - Color codes tasks by Department instead of by Priority. [...]

Contacts — 0.4%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> Address Book >> Contact Screen Name CONTACT Contacts- Main Screen Function Contact screen is used to view, edit, and add new users/contacts. Click here to see Contact Icon Fields/Filters Full Name: Full name of the contact person Job Title: Contact’s official job title Company: Company where the contact person works (Companies may be added/edited/deleted in the Organization Screen) Address: Addresses for the [...]

Connection Information — 0.4%

General Information Screen Name: CONNINFO Function: This screen displays all connection, payment, and inspection information for each address. The information is derived from the Tapping Setup screen and the information that is entered when the service orders are updated/completed.This is an attribute screen located in the Organization attributes. The attribute's code is CONNECTION. Master Tab Subdivision: The subdivision selected based on what district/city the address is [...]

Cut Charge / Freight Charge Setup — 0.4%

[...] Maintain >> Order Entry >> Cut/Freight Charge Setup Cut Charge Setup Function The Cut Charge Setup screen allows user to implement and control the automatically calculated cutting charges for material sales that fall below a specific length requirement. The setup screen allows length controls to be established by one of four different criteria called Process Filters. The pricing and format of the cut charges can also be customized. Once the charges are set up and tied to an item code, the calculations are handled automatically on both Sales [...]

Adjutant Wiki via Screwturn version You are logged in as Guest. There are 921 pages in the Wiki. Learn More About Adjutant Enterprise Solutions