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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Bill of Material (BOM) Export — 15.7%

[...] General Description Menu Location: Transaction>>Importers/Exporters>>Item Control>>Bill of Material (BOM) Export Screen Name BOMEXPORT Function This screen generates an XLS export file of BOM details for items matching the filters. The exported file can be used as an import template for the BOM Import screen. BOM Export Screen Fields/Filters Class: Enter a single item class value or a range to filter the BOM Export results by Item Master class. [...]

Bill of Material (BOM) Import — 15.2%

[...] Description Default Menu Location Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Bill of Material (BOM) Import Screen Name BOMIMPORT Function This screen imports assembly items into the Item Master Bill of Material attribute. The BOM Import will add records if they do not exist, but can also be used to update/replace existing records. The update function will replace all matched BOM record details with the data in the latest import file. Be aware, that if you have an existing BOM [...]

MBS to Adjutant Guide — 6.8%

[...] Description Default Menu Location Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> MBS/QuestWare Integration >> Excel BOM Import/BOM to Excel Screen Name MBSGRID Step By Step Guide For Metal Building Creation (MBS to Adjutant) 1. Create Project for the Building using the Project Screen. 2. Create Sales Order from the Project screen for the building order by using the create SO button on the right side of the screen This sales order will have one line item. Line item will be "Metal Building" (additional line item with freight). Once added on the [...]

CID Setup Options — 6.3%

[...] 45BOMCHK - Require users to enter 1 or 3 when asked to continue to use raw material that is not on a BOM. If setup option 45BOMCHK is set and scanned coil is not on BOM, show confirm message with 3 = continue and anything else loops back to scan PWO line. 45CALCCOMP - If set, system will compare qty to assemble vs qty open, and close line if >=. 46BOMCHK - Require users to enter 1(y) or 2(n) when asked to continue to use raw material that is not on a BOM. If setup option 46BOMCHK is set and scanned coil is [...]

Questware to Adjutant Guide — 5.8%

[...] Description Default Menu Location Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> MBS/QuestWare Integration >> Excel BOM Import/BOM to Excel Screen Name MBSGRID The setup option MBSQW must be turned on for Questware to work with Adjutant There are a few key differences between MBS and Questware integration with Adjutant: Questware does not have to deal with the "BOM to Excel" screen Questware has 2 excel uploads to Adjutant instead of 1 Step By Step Guide For Metal Building Creation (Questware to Adjutant) 1. Create Project [...]

Bill of Material — 4.2%

[...] Screen Inputs Tab The components needed to create an assembly are entered in Inputs tab. BOM- Inputs Tab Fields/Filters BOM: Only items with a Bill of Material attribute in the Item Master are available in the drop-down menu Item/Task: Select the component item or Standard Task that is needed for the assembly Description: The description of the item as listed in the Item Master Qty: Enter the quantity needed Unit: The stock unit of measure is automatically populated Bubble #: The level of the input (You may have [...]

Item Master- Attributes — 3.7%

[...] every time you receive the item. An item with this attribute must be a stock item and serialized. BOM ( Bill of Material ): Select this attribute if the item contains a bill of material. The Bill of Material Master window will open. BUYINQB (Force to Buy in QB): This attribute will force the item to the Purchase module of Quick Buy, even if marked as produced. BUYCONFIG: This attribute can be put on an item that's on the BOM of a configurable part. This will order the BOM item (the one with the BUYCONFIG [...]

BOM to Excel — 3.7%

[...] Description Default Menu Location Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> MBS/QuestWare Integration >> BOM to Excel Screen Name MBSGRID BOM to Excel Screen Function The BOM to Excel interface links an externally created BOM [...]

Sales Order Q&A — 3.1%

[...] orders for reporting. In the steel industry, you may see order types such as: BUILDING, COMPONENT, BOM, Etc.. The orders can be tied to other entities in the system such as INVOICE STATUS (this is a way invoices are classified and reported on), and can be tied to custom forms. Your BUILDING order type would print on a completely different form than your COMPONENT order type. Q: What do the check boxes "Template" and "No Processing" do? A: Template is used to make a template for a recurring order. For example: A customer orders 7 pairs of gloves form a hardware [...]

Order Import Automation — 2.6%

[...] new MBSREAD service program in the Adjutant environment. General Process - The Header, Lines, and BOM files (outlined below) will need to be generated manually, or through a third party application. Once the files are complete, they will need to be sent to the designated email address. The Adjutant MBSREAD service will log in to the email account and check for new files every 30 seconds. If the proper files are found, the program will attempt to create an order. It will then send a confirmation email back to original sender letting them know if the import was successful, [...]

Excel BOM Import — 2.6%

[...] Description Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> MBS/QuestWare >> Excel BOM Import Please note that the name of this screen may be different in your menu tree. Screen Name : MBSGRID Function : Imports a specifically formatted Excel spreadsheet into Adjutant as either a quote or sales order. This spreadsheet is specifically geared towards metal building/component parts. When importing as a sales order, it is assumed that you are importing the "Bill of Material" or "Shipper List" for the building, thus you are required to select an existing [...]

Bill of Materials Report — 2.1%

[...] Netsteel, Rare, Steel, or Zee. Add Date Range: Date range that will limit the results to only show BOM data entered within the range entered. Current Only: If checked, the report results will only include the current BOM for each item. Exclude Custom: If checked, the report results will exclude all custom BOM's created during the Sales Order and Quote line item entry [...]

MWF Integration — 2.1%

[...] data to Eclipse and follow normal AMS integration procedures. Adjutant is configured to use a custom BOM item called "WALLPANEL". It should be configurable, contain a BOM attribute, be produced and have the resell check box. All units should be configured in EA. Adjutant will use this item when making the Assembled Panel order. Configuration questions will be filled in from the Panel tab in the MWF Excel format (see below). The custom BOM will be filled out according to the Member tab of the MWF Excel format (see [...]

Product List / Quote View — 1.6%

[...] MiscCode field is labeled as on the Item Master screen. Furnace: Bill of Material input item from the BOM attribute of the item in the Item column where Bubble is "1". Furnace Descrip: Description of the Furnace item. Coil: Bill of Material input item from the BOM attribute of the item in the Item column where Bubble is "2". Coil Descrip: Description of the Coil item. Condenser: [...]

BOM Item Used In Report — 1.6%

Default Menu Location Reports >> Item Control >> BOM Used In Report Click here for a screenshot [...]

Order Entry Setup Options — 1.6%

[...] (SO, RFQ, PO, PWO and Inv) LOCKCOSTONSHIP - If enabled, cost cannot be changed from screen, or via BOM change once line has been shipped (qtyshp 0). Add logic to PO screen to respect Lock Flag, if set and SO line has been shipped, do not push cost back to SO. LOTBYMSN - Auto-assigns the associated Project# on the purchase order as the LOT# during PO receipt. MRS - MRS MSNAUTOTASK - Automatically creates a default phase and task when a new project is created. MSNNEWDATELOGIC - If set, show the new ship datee and PWO due date fields on phases. NEWCOMM - NEWCOMM [...]

Production Setup Options — 1.6%

[...] PWOMATCHYIELD - Option that makes the ORIG qty on BuildForStk PWOs match the Default Yielded Qty from the BOM. PWONEWCOST - Recalc avgcost for SOTRAN based on assembled cost/qty and shipped costqty. Add logic to Wireless Assembly, and PWO Disassembly. CID Setup option PWONEWCOST enables. PWONEWCOST2 - Updates Production cost for all like items on same PWO (Same logic, Unshipped PWO cost / Unshipped Assem Qty used to find Unshipped Produced cost, then apply to all like lines (by item code). Test new costassembly logic using wireless terminals. PWONOAUTONON - PWONOAUTONON [...]

Changing the Asset Type and Asset RFID During Production — 1.0%

General Information BOM - Inputs: When an asset-type item is added to the BOM [...]

Project Grid Defaults — 1.0%

[...] Grid screen. TASK COLUMN SETUP: Rule Setup – Text Fields Code: The only valid entries are BOM TYPE and BU DEPT. These codes work with the corresponding value in the 'Value' field to specify the Sales Order type or Production Department that should update the weight totals in the grid. Value: Enter the Sales Order type (or types separated by a comma) that should feed the BOM [...]

Production Work Order - Assign Non S/L Inventory — 1.0%

[...] cost. Clear : Click this button to clear the Item, Description, and Qty fields when editing. Show Alternates : Click this button to display alternate items for the input item. Alternate items may be set up in the Bill of Material screen. Auto-Assign : Click this button to automatically assign all inventory for the selected Line Item. UnAssign All : Click this button to unassign all assigned material and put inventory back into stock. This button will only work if the BOM [...]

Production Work Order - Assign Serial/Lots — 0.5%

[...] Unit. Clear : Click this button to clear the Item, Description, and Qty fields when editing. Show Alternates : Click this button to display alternate items [...]

Production Q&A — 0.5%

[...] have enough on hand, it will show that line as under assigned/under allocated. Q: What does Show Alternates do? A: Adjutant allows you to put in alternate [...]

Production Work Order - All Non S/L Inventory — 0.5%

[...] allows you automatically assign all inventory for all line items. This button will only work if the BOM is set up perfectly and all assigned inventory [...]

Sales Order - Line Item Entry — 0.5%

[...] LotA: Show lot allocation for the item which opens the Current Allocations for that screen Custom BOM: Allows you to customize the bill of material [...]

Production Work Order - Line Items — 0.5%

[...] this button the reload the Bill of Material for each item. This button can be useful if the item's BOM was wrong when the item was entered on the [...]

PWO Usage Difference Reasons — 0.5%

[...] list of reasons the assigned material on a PWO would be different than the required material on the BOM. Rule Setup – Text Fields Description: [...]

Procurement Setup Options — 0.5%

[...] edited when entering line items. SOITEMBOXSKIP - Skips the List/Add/Re SOPOBOMNOTE - If set, include BOM line inote in PO line note for generated items. [...]

Production Services — 0.5%

[...] new item. Assign the Production Service attribute (PRODSERVICE) and the Bill of Material attribute (BOM). Also mark the item as "Active," "Resell," [...]

Drop Folder Rule Settings — 0.5%

[...] Vendno + Invoice Number + - BILLMAST AR Invoice Invoice Number + - BOL Bill of Lading BOL # + - BOM Bill of Material BPONO Bid Purchase Order [...]

Item Control Setup Options — 0.5%

[...] will be copied also. Table list assroute, catalog, cwinfo, hazmat, profile, udq, wirerope, amsprod, bom, dotnote, varunit, itemstdcost DEFAULTLOT [...]

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