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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Asset Information — 19.7%

General Information Default Menu Location : Maintain >> Asset Tracking >> Asset Information OR click the Assets icon in the toolbar. Screen Shot : RTASSET Function : Setup and maintain information to track assets. Master Tab The first tab is used to add/edit/view assets. The New Task button (green checkmark) will open the Task Master in Add Mode with the Asset and Current Location already filled out. Fields/Filters Asset Tag: Specific code for the asset [...]

Asset Importer — 11.8%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction>> Importers/Exporters>> Item Control>> Asset Import Screen Name IMPORTASSET Function The Asset Import screen allows the user to import asset records. Fields/Filters File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Asset Import template file (in XLS format). Export Template: Generates a blank Asset Import template file Map Fields: Fields must be mapped prior [...]

Depreciation Information — 8.9%

General Information Default Menu Location : Maintain >> Asset Tracking >> Asset Information OR the Assets icon in the toolbar The Depreciation Information screen is a jump screen (a screen launched from an attribute) launched from the Asset Information screen. Screen Name : ASSETDEP Function: Setup fixed asset depreciation information. Click here for the Depreciation Information Screen There are four separate tracking/reporting tools (Federal, State, Book, AMT) and you [...]

Asset Replacements — 4.9%

[...] HVAC industry. The setup option enables the following screen to pop up in the Material Tab when an asset with an asset type selected is added. Note - The Serial2 and RFID fields have been re-labeled for the HVAC industry in the image below. Asset Update Screen Process 1. Add an item code that has the asset attribute to the Material Tab of the Time Entry screen (be sure to select an Asset Type during the entry). After the save button is clicked, [...]

Changing the Asset Type and Asset RFID During Production — 3.9%

General Information BOM - Inputs: When an asset-type item is added to the BOM - Inputs tab two fields will open up: Asset [...]

Monthly Asset Depreciation — 3.4%

General Information Default Menu Location : Reports >> Fixed Assets >> Monthly Asset Depreciation Screen Name : DEPSS Function : Produces a depreciation schedule for fixed assets in a given year. This report is commonly exported to Excel for data validation and manipulation. Monthly Depreciation Screen Fields/Filters Asset TagID: Asset ID or Asset Name Book Type: The set of depreciation books to use in the [...]

Chart of Accounts — 3.4%

[...] department, the type of account, etc. As you will see, the first digit might signify if the account is an asset, liability, etc. For example, if the first digit is a "1" it is an asset. If the first digit is a "5" it is an operating expense. A gap between account numbers allows for adding accounts in the future. The following is a partial listing of a sample chart of accounts. How to Number the Accounts The first range of account numbers are current asset accounts and they are generally organized by the most current/liquid [...]

Time and Material Entry - Labor — 3.0%

[...] with the same total time. Equip Bill Code: Select the bill code for the equipment that was used. Asset Tag: Enter the asset tag/id, if applicable. Any

Time and Material Entry - Assets — 2.5%

[...] enter any assets that were added, removed, or worked on during the job. Status: The status of the asset; what was done. Tag ID: The asset's ID/Code. Desc: [...]

Asset Air Hammer — 2.5%

General Description Default Menu Location Maintain >> Asset Tracking >> Asset Information Screen Name RTASSETAIRHAMMER Function The Air Hammer is a drill-down tool that displays information about selected items. Click on any of the tabs to display information correlating to the item and the tab you've selected Double-click on any item you wish to see more [...]

Task Grid — 2.5%

[...] Filter by Phase. Phases associated with the selected project will be available in the drop-down menu. Asset: Filter by [...]

Task Entry Screen — 2.5%

[...] add a contact. Right-click the Contact link to refresh the list of contacts in the drop-down menu. Asset ID: The asset being worked on for this task. This ID is a specific item #, but not a specific serial # for the item. Click the

Asset Depreciation Posting — 2.0%

General Description Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Fixed Assets >> Asset Depreciation Posting Screen Name DEPPOSTING Function : This screen is used to post depreciation expenses to the General Ledger. Asset [...]

Fixed Assets Report — 2.0%

General Description Default Menu Location : Reports >> Fixed Assets >> Fixed Asset Report Screen Name : FIXEDASSET Function : The Fixed Assets Report generates a summary report with asset tag, description, cost, salvage value, book value, total depreciation, depreciation method, and in-service date. Fixed Asset [...]

Drop Folders for Document Vault — 1.5%

[...] folder. List of Codes Code Description Prefix APMAST AP Invoice Vendno + - + Invoice Number + - ASSET Asset Custno + - + TagID + - BILLMAST AR Invoice Invoice Number + - BOL Bill of Lading BOL # + - BOM Bill of Material BPONO Bid Purchase Order Bid PO Number + - COIL Coil Coil Lot + - CONTRACT Contract ENT Organization Custno + - ETEMP Email Template EXPRPT Expense Report GLBATCHH Journal Batch Batch Number + - INBOX Used for Inbox Email process ITEM Inventory Item Item Code + - LOTITEM Lot Number (on hand) for an Item [...]

Resource Screen — 1.5%

[...] Resource Name : The name of the resource. This may be different than the Name of the Person/Organization/Asset. RID : The Resource's ID. This may be left blank. Supervisor : The supervisor for this resource. Check the supervisor box if this resource is a supervisor to someone else. WO Form : If there is a custom work order form for this resource, enter it here. Def Equip : Default equipment; if the resource has equipment (an asset) that is always used when [...]

Organization Attributes - Resource — 1.5%

[...] attribute jump screen from the Organization Screen; a resource is defined as a person, organization, or an asset that is used to conduct business and/or generate revenue. Resource Attribute Fields/Filters Schedule Tab: Determines which tab the resource goes under in the Scheduling Screen Schedule Tab may be added/edited/deleted from the drop-down menu Resource Name: Name of the resource RID: Resource's ID Supervisor: Supervisor for this resource, if any. Check the Supervisor box if this resource is a supervisor to someone else Email: Resource email [...]

Time and Material Entry - Equipment — 1.5%

[...] equipment that was used during the completion of the task. Equipment Equipment is maintained in the Asset Information screen . Click New to add a piece of equipment. Equip. ID: The equipment's (Asset) ID. Equip Bill Code: The bill code for the equipment. This is an item set up in the Item Master with a Product Group of Equipment . This field should default [...]

Yearly Depreciation Summary — 1.5%

General Information Default Menu Location : Reports >> Fixed Assets >> Asset Depreciation Summary Screen Name : DEPSCH Function: The Yearly Depreciation Summary displays past, present, and future depreciation expenses for a specific depreciable asset or all [...]

Asset Attributes - Vehicle — 1.5%

[...] Information Screen Name VEH Vehicle screen allows you to enter specific information about a vehicle as an asset you have selected. Vehicle Attribute [...]

Item Master- Attributes — 1.5%

[...] the Rule Maintenance screen under Item Attributes. Item Attribute screens Fields/Filters Asset: Select this attribute if you want an asset [...]

Meter Change Report — 1.0%

General Screen Name: METERCHANGE Function: The Meter Change Report will show asset information for tasks where a Remove and an Add asset [...]

Quick Search — 1.0%

[...] Adjutant toolbar . It allows you to quickly find different records in Adjutant. You can search by: Asset Name Asset [...]

Asset Attributes- Resource — 1.0%

Events — 1.0%

[...] used, and the code, which mainly use Create (CR) or edited (ED) Event Set Up ADDASSET (Type = ASSET Code = CR) Creates an event when a new asset [...]

Drill Down Reports — 1.0%

[...] MSN - Project Control *:URL = vfps://do showscreen with <<msnid>>,'MSN' ASSET - Asset [...]

Task Import — 1.0%

[...] Work Categories rule. Contract: Contact linked to the task. Contact: Contact linked to the task. Asset: Asset [...]

Resource Import — 1.0%

[...] .FRX extension to default a specific work order form for the resource. f11 - EquipID - Enter a valid Asset Tag ID to associate a default piece of equipment for the resource. The Asset [...]

Asset Attributes - Engineering Change Request (ECR) — 1.0%

General Description Screen Name PCR The Engineering Change Request(ECR) screen allows requests for changes, assigning the request, tracking completed changes, testing and importing ECR records. ECR- Click for full size

Organization Air Hammer — 1.0%

[...] organizations of the selected organization. Assets: Assets owned by the selected organization. Search by Asset Tag, Asset [...]

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