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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Apply Credits — 10.2%

General Description Default Menu Location Transaction >> Accounts Receivable >> Apply Credits Apply Credits Screen Screen [...]

CID Setup Options — 8.9%

[...] lines that were sent to AMS. AMSBLANKITEMID - This option is used in AMS integration. If set, will apply the usage of a line without an Item ID in the AMS Product table to the line with the last valid item ID. This is used to account for additional material run outside of a job sent by Adjutant against the most recent job. AMSBUNDLE - AMSBUNDLE AMSBUNDLE1 - If set, move data from bundlecode to bundlecode2 in amsproduce table. AMSBUNDLESET2 - Option to change layout of AMSBUNDLE user fields. Change layout of user fields to match new format (Pass Customer PO# to Eclipse [...]

Generate Batches — 7.6%

[...] Journal Entry Architecture . Purchase Order Receipts into GL: Debits the Item Control account and credits the PO Clearing account. These accounts are listed on the OHF tab of the Item Master. See this page for more info. WO Work In Progress Sales Order: Debits item WIP account and credits Item Control account for Sales Order shipments. Service Order: Debits item WIP account and credits Item Control account for Service Order billings. Production: For inventory that was used: Debits item WIP account and [...]

Apply Debits — 6.4%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Accounts Payable >> Apply AP Credit Screen Name APAPPLYCRED Apply AP Debits Function The Apply Debits screen is used to add a debit ( vendors credit ) to an invoice they have already issued To apply an open debit, click New and enter the customer ID or customer name. Enter a Paid Date and select the open invoices to apply [...]

Apply Cash Receipts — 5.7%

General Information Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Accounts Receivable >>Apply Cash Receipts Screen Name: CASHREC Function: The Apply Cash Receipts screen is used to enter cash receipts and apply them against open AR invoices. To apply cash to an invoice, select the invoice(s) that is/are being paid and click Add button. The system will automatically allocate the amount of the payment across the invoice(s) selected. The allocated amount can be change by editing the [...]

Reverse and Credit a Closed Invoice — 5.7%

[...] already been paid. Create a positive credit for your customer for the amount of the order, using the Apply Cash Receipts Screen. This does not need to be matched with an invoice. AR Invoice Master - Click for full size Apply Cash Receipts and Adjustments - Click for full size Step Two Create a second credit to your customer for the negative amount of the invoice. Apply it directly to the invoice. If you do not see the invoice to apply it to, make sure you have the [...]

Approval Setup — 3.8%

[...] will be able to select a specific type in the list. Leave this field blank if you want the approval to apply to all document types. Process : Select the process that must be approved. Whse : Allows approvals to route to different resources based on the header-level warehouse chosen on the PO, SO, RFQ, or BID PO transaction. For AP invoices, the default warehouse from the adding user's User attribute will control the approval. For Expense Reports, the default warehouse from the resource's Resource attribute will control the approval. Min Val : Enter a minimum value to [...]

Cash Receipt Import — 3.8%

[...] Receipts Import Screen Name IMPORTCASHREC Function The Cash Receipt Import screen will import and apply Cash Receipts towards open AR invoices or create deposit/open credit receipt records. Cash Receipts Import Screen File Name/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed Cash Receipts import template file (in XLS format). Export Template: Generates a blank Cash Receipt import template file Map Fields: Fields must be mapped prior to importing. If no changes have been made to the column headings, the mapping screen should show all green, [...]

Accounts Receivable Setup Options — 3.8%

[...] option is set. ARCREDITDISC - Calculates available discounts on invoices when applying a credit in the Apply Credits screen. ARFULLDISC - Shows the full discount offered in the Cash Receipt screen, regardless of what the paid amount is. Discount is calculated on balance if set, not paid amt. ARNODEFPOST - Leaves the Post Mark Date blank (does not default to today when tabbed through). ARSTATECR1ST - Alter the Customer Statement report to allow the Invoices to be sorted by the grouping with negative balances first and then positive balances. [...]

Auto Apply Cash Receipts — 3.2%

General Information Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Accounts Receivable >>Auto Apply Cash Receipts Screen Name: AUTOCASHREC Function: The Auto Apply Cash Receipts screen allows the user to upload Lockbox or ACH/Wire 820 files from their bank and match them up [...]

Go Live Checklist — 2.5%

[...] Events using scanners _ _ Parallel Testing Usesr can create Invoices _ _ Parallel Testing Users can apply cash to Invoices _ _ Parallel Testing Users can create and apply AR Credits _ _ Parallel Testing Users can create and reschedule tasks _ _ Parallel Testing Users can create Projects [...]

Commission Plans — 2.5%

[...] button to start adding your tiers and applicable rates for each. The Commission Rate field does not apply to Tiered Plans. The rate always comes from the tiers. Blanket Plans A Blanket Plan can be set up if a salesperson receives commission regardless of whether they are on the Sales Order. This is particularly used in conjunction with a specific Sales Order Type and/or Customer. Please Note: A person must have the COMMBLANKET attribute in order to be set up on a Blanket Plan. Blanket Plan: Check this box to flag the plan as a Blanket Plan. Customer No: The [...]

Cut Charge / Freight Charge Setup — 1.9%

[...] Customer Pricing to set the cut charges. Charge Basis-Charge Per Cut: The Charge Per Cut option will apply the cut charge to each item quantity that requires cutting according to the setup. For example, if I sell 5 items on a single line that all need cutting, the cut charge will be 5 X the charge amount. Charge Basis-Charge Per Line Item: The Charge Per Line Item option will calculate a single charge per line item that requires cutting, regardless of the quantity sold on that line. For example, if I sell 5 items on a single line that all need cutting, the cut charge [...]

Point of Sale Cash Accounts — 1.9%

[...] Name : RULEM Function: This rule will automatically change the 'Cash Acct' on the POS screen and the Apply Cash Receipts Screen to match the account tied to the selected payment method. How to link the POS Cash Accounts to Payment Methods 1. Open the Rule Maintenance Screen (Maintain--> System --> Rule Maintenance) 2. Select 'POS Cash Accounts' from the drop down menu. 3. Click the ADD button, and fill in corresponding fields and link the cash code to a valid payment term (details below). Rule Setup – Text Fields Cash Code (Text1,5) = There should be [...]

XLS Update Tool — 1.3%

[...] to search in the SQL database. KeyValue# - The specific record in the column you want the update to apply to. IsKey - This acts like an IF statement. Y means if the preceding fields are true, then use the update that follows. N means that if the preceding fields are false, then use the update that follows. CID - This is the CID to apply [...]

AR Invoice Master — 1.3%

[...] to view a customer invoice. You can also edit Header information, credit unpaid invoices, issue tax credits, issue refunds, pay by credit card, and print the invoice. Enter the invoice number and click Edit button to change a field on the header. Click the Select button to also enable searching by Customer PO, Sales Order#, or Invoice Amount. Fields/Filters/Buttons CC Credit Card Processing: Click the Credit Card icon to process a credit card transaction for the invoice. An integrated credit card processing software package is required. TxCr Sales Tax [...]

Adjutant End of Year Guide — 1.3%

[...] pre-end of year preparation steps and actual end of year closeout steps. Not all of the steps will apply to all customers. The steps presented are the best practice procedures for most customers and may not reflect every customer’s end of year needs. This guide is also not meant to be an all-inclusive guide for every customer. Some customer’s unique required end of year reporting procedures may not be included. ABIS Consultants are available to help with any of the topics presented in this guide.   PREPARATION FOR END OF YEAR PEFORM AN INVENTORY CYCLE COUNT ABIS [...]

General Ledger Setup Options — 1.3%

[...] Receivable module is installed. ADJGL - Adjutant General Ledger module is installed. AUTOAPPLYCC - Apply CC credits [...]

Tap Setup — 0.6%

[...] on how to add builders and subdivisions to Adjutant. Payment The Payment tab/screen is used to apply a check/payment to a single or multiple taps. [...]

Solution Codes — 0.6%

[...] to Billing Notes?" prompt on the Time Entry Screen. Eq Hours: Enter a default number of hours to apply to the Scorecard Report hours report. Item: [...]

Sales Order - Header — 0.6%

[...] the approval process. Approvals will be enforced when this is unchecked. CPU: This checkbox will apply taxes based on the tax table linked to the [...]

Update MIN/MAX Records — 0.6%

[...] The following filters represent item attributes that must exist on the item where the filter should apply. The option in the screen to Include represents [...]

Task Entry Screen — 0.6%

[...] will be automatically populated. Contract #: The applicable contract for this task. This is used to apply the correct billing rate. Click the hotlink [...]

HOW TO - Issue a Sales Tax Credit — 0.6%

[...] to view a customer invoice. You can also edit Header information, credit unpaid invoices, issue tax credits, issue refunds, pay by credit card, and print [...]

HOW TO - Create a Freight or Packing Credit Invoice — 0.6%

[...] Generate . STEP 10: Print the invoice. It will appear with no line items, but the freight and/or packing credits will be displayed at the bottom.

Production Setup Options — 0.6%

[...] PWO (Same logic, Unshipped PWO cost / Unshipped Assem Qty used to find Unshipped Produced cost, then apply to all like lines (by item code). Test new [...]

Organization Air Hammer — 0.6%

[...] the organization. Search by UserID, Screen, and Action. Cash Receipts: AR Cash Receipts and Applied Credits from the organization. Search by Invoice number, [...]

Email Setup Options — 0.6%

[...] multiple users instead of same email to each user (from auto-alert). LINKACCTBAL - Prints Payments/Credits and current Balance on Adjutant invoice. If [...]

Clear Unbilled PO Receipts — 0.6%

[...] account that was used during the PO Receipt. What GL Accounts does it affect? Debits PO Clearing. Credits the account you specify as your Offset Account. [...]

GL Journal Entry Screen — 0.6%

[...] Number Posting Year/Period Control Total The total amount for the specific entry, to ensure debits and credits balance. Reference Notes Reverse Rev Year/Period [...]

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