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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Apply Cash Receipts — 5.3%

General Information Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Accounts Receivable >>Apply Cash Receipts Screen Name: CASHREC Function: The Apply Cash Receipts screen is used to enter cash receipts and apply them against open AR invoices. To apply cash [...]

Cash Receipt Import — 5.3%

General Information Default Menu Location Transactions >> Importers/Exporters >> Accounting >> Cash Receipts Import Screen Name IMPORTCASHREC Function The Cash Receipt Import screen will import and apply Cash Receipts towards open AR invoices or create deposit/open credit receipt records. Cash Receipts Import Screen File Name/Browse: [...]

CID Setup Options — 4.3%

[...] lines that were sent to AMS. AMSBLANKITEMID - This option is used in AMS integration. If set, will apply the usage of a line without an Item ID in the AMS Product table to the line with the last valid item ID. This is used to account for additional material run outside of a job sent by Adjutant against the most recent job. AMSBUNDLE - AMSBUNDLE AMSBUNDLE1 - If set, move data from bundlecode to bundlecode2 in amsproduce table. AMSBUNDLESET2 - Option to change layout of AMSBUNDLE user fields. Change layout of user fields to match new format (Pass Customer PO# to Eclipse [...]

Point of Sale Cash Accounts — 4.3%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location : Maintain >> System Manager >> Rule Maintenance >> POS Cash Accounts (POSACCT) Screen Name : RULEM Function: This rule will automatically change the 'Cash Acct' on the POS screen and the Apply Cash Receipts Screen to match the account tied to the selected payment method. How to link the POS Cash Accounts to Payment Methods 1. Open the Rule Maintenance Screen (Maintain--> [...]

Setting the AR GL account by sales order type — 3.5%

[...] Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance Function The accounts receivable (AR) GL account used during the invoicing/shipping process and the point-of-sale (POS) can be established based on the sales order type. To utilize this feature, you need to update the Sales Order Type Overflow rule with the sales order type(s) and AR GL accounts you want to post against. Once the rule is updated properly, all orders with a matching SO Type will post the AR amounts to the specified GL account. [...]

System Cash/Checking Accounts — 3.1%

General Information Default Menu Location : Maintain >> Accounts Payable >> Cash/Checking Accounts Screen Name: APCHKACCT Function: Add/Maintain checking accounts for the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable modules. System Check Accounts Check Numbers Checking Accounts are defined once in the Checking Accounts screen. Other information entered on this screen such as Bank Name, Address, Routing Number, and Account Number may be printed on the check. The next check number that Adjutant will use is also defined on the System Cash/Checking [...]

AR Invoice Import — 3.1%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Accounting >> AR Invoice Import Screen Name : IMPORTINV Function: This screen imports a header and detail Excel file (XLS) into Adjutant to load the AR invoice tables. AR Invoice Import Screen File Name(Header)/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed AR Invoice Header import template file (in XLS format). Note - both the Header and Details files are required and [...]

Cash Receipts Report — 2.5%

General Description Default Menu Location Reports >> Accounts Receivable >> Cash Receipts Report Screen Shot PRINTCASHAR Function The Cash Receipts Report is used to show payments received into the company. The report has various filters that are used to report on specific customers, accounts, dates, or invoices. Report Filters Custno: The Company ID in the field Company: The Company name (long name) [...]

CID Accounting Setup — 2.2%

[...] Posting Window field controls when transactions can be posted in the system. Any transaction (invoice, cash receipt, check, inventory transfer, production, etc) must be executed with an accounting date that falls within the posting window. Click here for CID Accounting Backend Screen Fields Name: Name of the accounting software Backend Type: Server type Path to SYS Files: Location of accounting software on server Company ID: ID of the company in accounting software Database Name: Name of the accounting database WIP Account: Work in Process account number [...]

Bank Reconciliation — 2.2%

[...] BANKREC Function : The Bank Reconciliation screen provides an interface to reconcile Adjutant AP and AR transactions to your bank's current balance. The Bank Rec screen may also be used to enter Manual Cash Adjustments. Filters The Filter tab of the Bank Rec screen controls what is displayed on the Checks/Deposits/Adjustments tab. The user may select a Checking Account, Date Range, and Status. Leaving the Date Range blank will return all records for the selected checking account and status. The Group By Deposit Code/Date option [...]

Reverse and Credit a Closed Invoice — 2.2%

[...] already been paid. Create a positive credit for your customer for the amount of the order, using the Apply Cash Receipts Screen. This does not need to be matched with an invoice. AR Invoice Master - Click for full size Apply Cash Receipts and Adjustments - Click for full size Step Two Create a second credit to your customer for the negative amount of the invoice. Apply [...]

Company ID (CID) Maintenance — 2.2%

[...] Posting Window field controls when transactions can be posted in the system. Any transaction (invoice, cash receipt, check, inventory transfer, production, etc) must be executed with an accounting date that falls within the posting window. Click to open full image Fields Name: Name of the accounting software Note: Can not be left blank, must have one of the drop down options selected. Backend Type: Server type Note: Can not be left blank, must have one of the drop down options selected. Path to SYS Files: Location of accounting software on server [...]

Non-AR Cash Receipt — 2.1%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Accounts Receivables >> Non-AR

Auto Apply Cash Receipts — 2.0%

General Information Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Accounts Receivable >>Auto Apply Cash Receipts [...]

Customer Cash Receipts - Annually — 1.7%

General Description Default Menu Locator Reports >> Accounts Receivable >> Cash Receipts - Annually Screen Name CASHCUSTAN Cash Receipts-Annually Sreen Function Customer Cash Receipts- Annually generates a list of annual report for every customer. Report Filter Year: Choose the correct year you want the report to generate. Order Type: Choose a report type from the menu -- Bid Order, Change Order, One Time [...]

Go Live Checklist — 1.7%

[...] Process/Event Comment Complete Date _ MOCK GO LIVE Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Open AR _ _ Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Open AP _ _ Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Inventory Quantities/Costs _ _ Mock Go Live Export files from legacy system: Coil quantities/costs/info _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Open AR _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Open AP _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: Inventory Quantities/Costs _ _ Mock Go Live Import files into Adjutant: [...]

Apply Credits — 1.5%

General Description Default Menu Location Transaction >> Accounts Receivable >> Apply Credits Apply Credits Screen Screen Shot ARAPPLYCRED Function The Apply Credits screen is used to apply open credits in [...]

Accounts Receivable Setup Options — 1.4%

[...] option is set. ARCREDITDISC - Calculates available discounts on invoices when applying a credit in the Apply Credits screen. ARFULLDISC - Shows the full discount offered in the Cash Receipt screen, regardless of what the paid amount is. Discount is calculated on balance if set, not paid amt. ARNODEFPOST - Leaves the Post Mark Date blank (does not default to today when tabbed through). ARSTATECR1ST - Alter the Customer Statement report to allow the Invoices to be sorted by the grouping with negative balances first and then positive balances. [...]

Cash Receipts Distribution — 1.4%

General Information Default Menu Location Reports >> Accounts Receivable >> Cash Receipts [...]

HOW TO - Refund a Customer Credit — 1.4%

General Information Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Accounts Receivable >> AR Invoice Master Screen Name : AP2AR Function : The Create AP Invoice from AR Invoice screen allows a refund check to be issued from a credit or deposit on a customer's account. The AR2AP button is only accessible when the invoice has a credit balance (a negative amount). AR to AP The customer MUST be setup as a Vendor in order to pay them (must have SOLDFROM and REMITTO attributes). If you see the message 'Not [...]

Adjutant End of Year Guide — 1.4%

[...] pre-end of year preparation steps and actual end of year closeout steps. Not all of the steps will apply to all customers. The steps presented are the best practice procedures for most customers and may not reflect every customer’s end of year needs. This guide is also not meant to be an all-inclusive guide for every customer. Some customer’s unique required end of year reporting procedures may not be included. ABIS Consultants are available to help with any of the topics presented in this guide.   PREPARATION FOR END OF YEAR PEFORM AN INVENTORY CYCLE COUNT ABIS [...]

Apply Debits — 1.4%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Accounts Payable >> Apply AP Credit Screen Name APAPPLYCRED Apply AP Debits Function The Apply Debits screen is used to add a debit ( vendors credit ) to an invoice they have already issued To apply an open debit, click New and enter the customer ID or customer name. Enter a Paid Date and select the open invoices to apply [...]

AR Aging Report — 1.3%

General Description Default Menu Location Reports >> Accounts Receivable >> AR Aging Screen Shot ARAGING Function The AR Aging report displays Accounts Receivable aged into four different periods. The time period groups will default to 30-60-90-120 days, but can be changed by the user. Fields/Filters Customer No/Company: Enter a Customer Number or name to run the report for only one customer, otherwise leave these fields blank. Aging Groups (Days): Number of days for the different groups on the report. Age From: The report [...]

District Cash Receipts — 1.3%

Reports ==> Tapping ==> District Cash [...]

Approval Setup — 1.1%

[...] will be able to select a specific type in the list. Leave this field blank if you want the approval to apply to all document types. Process : Select the process that must be approved. Whse : Allows approvals to route to different resources based on the header-level warehouse chosen on the PO, SO, RFQ, or BID PO transaction. For AP invoices, the default warehouse from the adding user's User attribute will control the approval. For Expense Reports, the default warehouse from the resource's Resource attribute will control the approval. Min Val : Enter a minimum value to [...]

Processing of Point of Sale (POS) Cash Received — 1.0%

[...] will reflect the payment made. Transaction Amount: The amount received in the transaction Check #/Cash: The number of the check received, or the total cash received Cash Acct: This is to ensure the payment hits the correct cash account. This account can automatically change based on the selected payment method. For more information, please refer to the 'Rule Maintenance: Point of Sale Account' page here . Back Dep#: The deposit number Note This is for any additional information [...]

Organization Air Hammer — 1.0%

[...] and allows filtering/searching by PO Status, PO Type, Item Code, and Item Description. Invoices: AR Invoices issued to the organization. Offers Summary and Detail views and allows filtering/searching by Invoice Status, Item Code, and Item Description. Sales Orders: Sales orders issued to the organization. Offers Summary and Detail views and allows filtering/searching by SO Status, SO Type, Item Code, and Item Description. Projects: Projects where the organization is the customer. The Date Range filter is applicable to the Start Date of the Project. Parents: [...]

AR Past Due Emails — 0.8%

General Information Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Accounts Receivable >> AR Past Due Emails Screen Name : ARPASTUDE Function: Sends emails or faxes, along with a Customer Statement attachment, to customers that have past due invoices. AR Past Due Emails Fields Cust# / Company : Enter a Customer ID or Name to filter the emails to a single customer. Leave these fields blank to send emails to all customers with past due invoices. Invoice Status : Filter by invoice status or leave as "All" to send emails for all invoices. [...]

Unbilled PO Receipts report — 0.8%

General Information Default Menu Location Reports >> Accounts Payable >> Unbilled PO Receipts Screen Name UNBILLEDPOREC Function An Unbilled PO Receipt is defined as a line that has been received on a PO, but has not been invoiced in AP. The report displays all unbilled PO receipts by PO number. Both the summary and detail versions are grouped and sorted by PO number. PO receipts will fall off this report [...]

Save Report Options — 0.8%

[...] Aging Report AP Check Register AP Distribution Report AP Invoice Report Vendor Comparative Report AR Aging Report AR Credit Report AR Cash Receipts Report Daily Coil Production GL Balance Sheet GL Income Statement Financial Report Writer Gross Margin by Profile (Invoices) Gross Margin (Invoices) Gross Margin (Sales Order) [...]

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