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CID Setup Options — 3.1%

[...] operates. They are maintained in the Company ID (CID) Maintenance . They may also be changed through Screen Setup Options . Setup Options and Definitions Numbers 45BOMCHK - Require users to enter 1 or 3 when asked to continue to use raw material that is not on a BOM. If setup option 45BOMCHK is set and scanned coil is not on BOM, show confirm message with 3 = continue and anything else loops back to scan PWO line. 45CALCCOMP - If set, system will compare qty to assemble vs qty open, and close line if >=. 46BOMCHK - Require users to enter 1(y) or 2(n) when asked [...]

AP Invoice Import — 2.5%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Accounting >> AP Invoice Import Screen Name IMPORTAPINV Function The AP Invoice Import screen allows users to import external Account Payable invoices into Adjutant. AP Invoice Import Screen File Name(Header)/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate [...]

AP Invoice Master — 2.3%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Accounts Payable >> Add/Edit AP Invoice Screen Name APMAST Function The AP Invoice Screen has many uses. From this screen you can: 1. Create a new AP Invoice. 2. Create an AP Invoice from a PO Receipt, or several PO Receipts. [...]

AR Invoice Import — 1.6%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Accounting >> AR Invoice Import Screen Name : IMPORTINV Function: This screen imports a header and detail Excel file (XLS) into Adjutant to load the AR invoice tables. AR Invoice Import Screen File Name(Header)/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed AR Invoice Header import template [...]

Order Entry Setup Options — 1.3%

[...] log4 flag. DIRITEMDET - DIRITEMDET DOCLIMITCHECK - System will check the Credit Limit on Bill To screen when entering new task or sales order. EDITSTKDESC - Allows the user to edit the description of a stock item on a Sales Order. EXTMARGIN - EXTMARGIN FINDITEMMATCH - Uses "find near" logic when searching for items in Item Master, Sales Order, Purchase Order. ICNEWCOST - Change Scrap screen to use Cost Tiers if ICNEWCOST enabled. INCFREIGHT - Display Freight as a Line Item on Sales Order and Invoice. [...]

Approve AP Invoices for Payment — 1.0%

General Information Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Accounts Payable >> Approve AP Invoices Screen Name : APAPRPAY Function: Every AP invoice must be approved to pay before a payment may be issued for it. An AP Invoice may be approved on the Approve to Pay screen or directly from the AP Invoice screen [...]

AR Invoice Master — 0.9%

General Description Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Accounts Receivable >> AR Invoice Master Screen Name : INVMAST Function : This screen is used to view a customer invoice. You can also edit Header information, credit unpaid invoices, issue tax credits, issue refunds, pay by credit card, and print the invoice. Enter the invoice number and click Edit button to change a field on the header. Click the Select button [...]

Import AP Checks — 0.8%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Accounting >> AP Check Import Screen Name: IMPORTAPCHK Function: This screen imports historical AP Check payment records tied to AP Invoice numbers in Adjutant. Import AP Checks Screen File Name(Header)/Browse: Use the Browse button to locate and select the completed

Adjutant End of Year Guide — 0.8%

[...] ‘as-of’ mode Many customers have a slow period in the last week of the calendar year The Cycle Count screen can be used with wireless scanners to complete a paperless count, or it can be used to generate count sheets for a manual count. Pending counts can be completed in batches or all at the same time. Once counts have been entered, either by entry on the ‘Pending Counts’ tab, or by entry via wireless scanners, the counts must be finalized, or committed. Once the counts are committed from the ‘Completed Counts’ tab, an accounting batch is created for any inventory value [...]

Generate Finance Charges — 0.8%

[...] Information Default Menu Location: Transaction>> Accounts Receivable>> Generate Finance Charges Screen Name: GENFC Function: This screen will allow users to generate finance/interest charges on outstanding AR invoices based off the Annual Rate entered on the Customer's BillTo attribute. Finance Charges - Click here for larger image Daily Interest Rate Interest is calculated on a daily basis according to the annual rate (converted to daily rate) and the daily balance of each invoice. To calculate [...]

Invoice Register Report — 0.7%

General Description Default Menu Location Reports >> Account Receivable >> Invoice Register Report Screen Name INVOICESUM Invoice Register Report Screen Function This screen generates Invoice Register Report with the Order Number, Invoice Date, and the Invoice Amount for all the customers by a specific time frame. Report Filters Customer ID: Customer ID. [...]

Accounts Receivable Setup Options — 0.7%

[...] ARCREDITDISC - Calculates available discounts on invoices when applying a credit in the Apply Credits screen. ARFULLDISC - Shows the full discount offered in the Cash Receipt screen, regardless of what the paid amount is. Discount is calculated on balance if set, not paid amt. ARNODEFPOST - Leaves the Post Mark Date blank (does not default to today when tabbed through). ARSTATECR1ST - Alter the Customer Statement report to allow the Invoices to be sorted by the grouping with negative balances first and then positive balances. Will flag [...]

Quote Setup Options — 0.7%

[...] to new RFQ. Ask during save process. DOCLIMITCHECK - System will check the Credit Limit on Bill To screen when entering new task or sales order. EDITSTKDESC - Allows the user to edit the description of a stock item on a Sales Order. EXTMARGIN - If set, then launch new shared margin screen. FINDITEMMATCH - Uses "find near" logic when searching for items in Item Master, Sales Order, Purchase Order. INCFREIGHT - Display freight as a line item on Sales Order and Invoice. INCPACKING - Display packing as a line [...]

Purchasing Setup Options — 0.6%

[...] module is installed. CFSSHOWTOTAL - Option to show total band, default is off. CHECKORDERINC - For PO screen, and if enabled, force the OrdQty to be multiple of the the OHF orderinc value. Only check if OrderInc is 0, and if the PO qty is in stk units. If not a multiple, reset to nearest multiple and alert user. CLEARPOMSN - Clears the Project ID and Phase fields on the Purchase Order for each new line item. COILLABELLOG - Add print button to display coil screen to print a one-off tag. Printed when COILLABELLOG CID option is set. COILLABELX2 [...]

Task Entry Screen — 0.6%

The Task Entry Screen is used to add/edit/delete tasks (service orders). There are two sections in this screen. The bottom section contains detailed information about the task entered in the top section. The icons, fields, buttons, and tabs in this screen are described below. If this service order is to be billed as a $0 charge, check the NonBill box BEFORE you enter any information. Clicking it after you enter any information will erase everything you have entered. Open/Completed Tasks - Left click [...]

Company ID (CID) Maintenance — 0.6%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> CID Maintenance Screen Name CID Function The Company ID (CID) Maintenance Screen is used to maintain general system and accounting information for your company. For further detail on CID options throughout the set up see the CID Setup Options page. CID Maintenance Master The Master tab displays basic information about the company. This information is commonly used on reports and forms. Click to open full image Fields CID: Company ID Company: Company [...]

Print AP Checks — 0.6%

General Information Defualt Menu Location Transaction >> Accounts Payable >> Print AP Checks Screen Name PRINTCHECK2 Print AP Checks Screen Function Checks are typically printed from the the Print Checks screen in Accounts Payable. Print Checks A single check may be issued for a single invoice from the Manual Check screen. There are several options available to you on the Print Checks [...]

HOW TO - Refund a Customer Credit — 0.6%

General Information Default Menu Location : Transaction >> Accounts Receivable >> AR Invoice Master Screen Name : AP2AR Function : The Create AP Invoice from AR Invoice screen allows a refund check to be issued from a credit or deposit on a customer's account. The AR2AP button is only accessible when the invoice has a credit balance (a negative amount). AR [...]

Invoice Forms — 0.5%

[...] General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance Function The Invoice Forms rule controls the valid Invoice Form types available for AR Invoice Master and Time Billing. Invoice Form codes can be set up to override the default invoice form used and/or the default sort method used on the invoice. Invoice Forms Rule Rule Setup – Text Fields Name:

Reverse and Credit a Closed Invoice — 0.5%

Step One This is assuming that the invoice has already been paid. Create a positive credit for your customer for the amount of the order, using the Apply Cash Receipts Screen. This does not need to be matched with an invoice. AR Invoice Master - Click for full size Apply Cash Receipts and Adjustments - Click for full size Step Two Create a second credit to your customer for the negative amount of the invoice. Apply it directly to [...]

Shipping Setup Options — 0.5%

[...] ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed. ASKEDITNOTE - Allows the user to edit the Invoice Header note in the Approval/Edit Billing and Ship SO screens after creating the invoice. AUTOQUICKCART - Automatically creates a carton with settings from QUICKCARTON whenever a shipping event is created. If AUTOQUICKCART is enabled, make default QuickCart when SE is saved. BOLBYCARRIER - If enabled split up BOLs by shipto/carrier. If SE already has a linked FPO (pomast.sekyno), then fill out FPO PO number on new BOL. BOLBYCARTON [...]

Item Master — 0.5%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> Item Control >> Item Master Screen Name JUMP2 Function Item Control is a scalable inventory and item management solution that tracks inventory levels, costs, prices, transaction history, inventory locations, and much more. Complex pricing for purchasing and sales is easily maintained through separate item pricing and product groups. The Item Control module also allows you to maintain costs on several levels and automatically update costs based on multiple variables. It handles an unlimited number of warehouse [...]

Connection Import/Match (Water District Match Import) — 0.5%

[...] Location : Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Tasks and Time Billing >> Connection Import/Match Screen Name : WATERMATCH2 Function : Imports or updates service address/connection information for addresses within a district based on an excel spreadsheet. The following Organization Attributes need to exist in the Organization Attributes (ATT_ENT) rule before creating Districts, Builders, Subdivisions, and Connections: Standard Customer attributes (BILLTO, SOLDTO, SHIPTO) - The SOLDTO attribute description is commonly relabeled as 'District' Builder attribute (with [...]

Task Management Setup Options — 0.5%

[...] ALTPROBCODE - Allows the user to edit the description of the Standard Task used in the Task Entry Screen. CHTSKPOLNK - Checks for Linked Purchase Orders on Tasks and warns the user to receive and close the purchase order before completing the task. COLORBYDEPT - Color codes tasks by Department instead of by Priority. The Department Color Picker (Maintain >> Task Management >> Dept Color Picker) may be used to determine the color coding. EDITPROJNOTE - If enabled, then the project note can be edited from the grid. The project is updated on lost focus on the note [...]

Voucher List — 0.5%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Accounts Payable >> Voucher List Screen Name VOUCHLIST Voucher List Screen Function The Voucher List screen displays all scanned AP Invoices with their corresponding Voucher number. The Create AP Invoice [...]

AP Aging Report — 0.5%

General Information Default Menu Location : Reports >> Accounts Payable >> AP Aging Screen Name : APAGING Function: The AP Aging (or Aged Payables) report displays open AP invoices in 4 groups of aged days. To see a current aged payables report, simply open the screen and click Output. Enabling the DrillDown View check box will drill into the Vendor and AP Invoice while the report is still [...]

Journal Entry Architecture - PO Receipt — 0.5%

[...] General Information A PO Receipt will debit the Item Control account and credit PO Clearing (aka Accrued AP). The credit to PO Clearing will be cleared when the receipt is invoiced in AP. If the invoice is created without clearing the receipt(s), the Clear Unbilled PO Receipts screen can be used to clear the credit. Please note that your PO Clearing Account in the GL should reconcile to your Unbilled PO Receipts report. If it doesn't, then the most likely cause is an AP [...]

CID Accounting Setup — 0.5%

General Information Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> CID Maintenance Screen Name CID Function The Company ID (CID) Maintenance Screen is used to maintain general system and accounting information for your company. For further detail on CID options throughout the set up see the CID Setup Options page. Accounting Backend The Accounting Backend tab contains information about a third party accounting package if one is in use. The Posting Window field controls when transactions can be posted in the system. Any transaction [...]

Organization Attributes - Bill To — 0.4%

General Description Default Menu Location Maintain >> Address Book >> Organization The Bill To Screen is accessible from the Organization screen The Bill To screen is used to maintain billing information such as, Payment Terms, Credit Limits, Customer Transaction Category, etc. Fields/Filters Terms: The agreed terms of payment Payment Terms are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Terms Codes from the drop-down menu Credit Limit: Enter a dollar [...]

Schedule Screen — 0.4%

General Information Default Menu Location Transaction >> Task Management >> Schedule Screen Name SCHEDULEN2 Function The Schdule allows users to add/edit/view the tasks assigned to individuals and departments, as well as choosing the time period day/week/month. The schedule is also accessible from the Adjutant Toolbar . Schedule Master Screen Fields and Filters Schedule tabs along the top of the screen are labeled with classifications of resources that may be scheduled for use. Schedule tab names [...]

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