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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 30 results.

Adjtuant Wiki - Page Editing — 8.6%

[...] can format the text and insert links, images and many other items in a simple and quick fashion. 1 - WikiMarkup The WikiMarkup is a particular set of prefixes and suffixes that allow to format the text and insert items, such as links and images. In this section you'll learn how to use the WikiMarkup . 1.01 Basic Text Formatting Writing '''bold''' produces bold Writing ''italic'' produces italic Writing __underlined__ produces underlined Writing --striked-- produces striked You can use any combination, for example --striked '' '''bold''' [...]

CID Setup Options — 2.3%

[...] Screen Setup Options . Setup Options and Definitions Numbers 45BOMCHK - Require users to enter 1 or 3 when asked to continue to use raw material that is not on a BOM. If setup option 45BOMCHK is set and scanned coil is not on BOM, show confirm message with 3 = continue and anything else loops back to scan PWO line. 45CALCCOMP - If set, system will compare qty to assemble vs qty open, and close line if >=. 46BOMCHK - Require users to enter 1(y) or 2(n) when asked to continue to use raw material that is not on a BOM. If setup option [...]

Bill of Material (BOM) Import — 2.1%

[...] quantity. The Output item is automatically assumed to be the Item from field f1. *f11 - Item1 - Input Item 1 *f12 - Qty1 - Input item 1 quantity. Enter 1 for input items that should scale according to an associated report code. The input quantity assumes the stocking unit of measure for input item 1. f13 - Scale1 - Enter 'Y' to check the 'Scale' box for input item 1. f14 - Optional1 - Enter 'Y' to check the 'Optional' box for input item 1. [...]

Bill of Material (BOM) Export — 2.1%

[...] quantity. The Output item is automatically assumed to be the Item from field f1. Item1 - Input Item 1 Qty1 - Input item 1 quantity. Enter 1 for input items that should scale according to an associated report code. The input quantity assumes the stocking unit of measure for input item 1. Scale1 - Enter 'Y' to check the 'Scale' box for input item 1. Optional1 - Enter 'Y' to check the 'Optional' box for input item 1. Bubble1 [...]

Cut Charge / Freight Charge Setup — 1.6%

[...] Source-Fixed: The Fixed option will use the fixed per unit charge amount in the associated field (set as 1.00 in the image above) to determine the cut charge rate. Price Source-Customer Pricing: The Customer Pricing option will use the pricing in Item Master for the Cut Charge Item, along with the rules established in Customer Pricing to set the cut charges. Charge Basis-Charge Per Cut: The Charge Per Cut option will apply the cut charge to each item quantity that requires cutting according to the setup. For example, if I sell 5 items on a single line that all need cutting, [...]

Project Checklist Rule — 1.5%

[...] around time entry totals are all controlled by the node level. Group Headers are defined by node level -1 and have very special reflexes. Collapsing the entire checklist will collapse all sections down to each group header. In order for collapse/expand functionality to work correctly, all group headers (node level -1) should be followed by sub-groups (node level 0) when building and sorting the layout. Node level for line items below sub-groups should be used sequentially starting with node level 1 and increasing [...]

XLS Update Tool — 1.3%

[...] you will need to have the correct excel template filled out with the information you wish to change. 1. Once your file is ready, open the XLS update screen and click browse. 2. Select your file. 3. Map the fields by clicking the Map Fields button. Any fields that are in blue on the right side will need to be mapped to one from the left side. To map them, double click on a field from the left grid, then double click on the field you want to map it to in the right grid. Both fields should turn green. 4. Once all of your fields have been mapped, click the Update button. [...]

Drop Folders for Document Vault — 1.3%

[...] folder within the root record by using the FOLDER[] tag. For example, if you need a file attached to PO 12345, but it’s supposed to go into a sub-folder called “Receivers,” you should use the PO[12345] tag and the FOLDER[Receivers] tag. Adjutant will create the Receivers folder if it does not already exist. You can use the FOLDER[] tag with any other email tag. In addition to attaching files to specific records in Adjutant, you can also create notes by sending an email to For more information on creating notes from email [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 77 - Coil Receipt Verify — 1.1%

[...] maintenance, standard task, route maintenance and email template to be completed before use. Rule setup 1. Navigate to Event List in rule maintenance screen. 2. Add new Event to EVENTLIST rule with the event and type codes as **POSCAN-XXX, where XXX is the location found in the Warehouse Screen , and code is set to CR. 3. This must be done for each location. Email Template Setup 1. Navigate to Email Template screen. 2. Add a new template with a name subject and body that will work to inform the receiving clerk about what needs to [...]

XLS Update Tool — 1.1%

Two cases Case 1 - You have the values for all the filters. In this case, TableName = Table to Update KeyName 1-4 = Names of the Fields to Filter On KeyValue 1-4 = Filter Values IsKey = y KeyType = (Blank) If the table has a CID, you can enter the CID code, and set UseCID = 'y' as another filter FieldName 1-4 = Fields to Update FieldValue 1-4 = Data to Update With Case 2 - You have Item or Custno TableName = Table to Update KeyName1 = The custID [...]

Configurable Item (SOC) Export — 1.0%

[...] HeldFor Owner - This will pull SOC questions for any items with that specific Owner Export Format 1 - This will export the data in the format needed for the SOCIMPORT screen. Export Format 2 - This will export the data in the format needed for the SOCIMPORT2 screen. Export/Import Template Fields Note: The column layout is slightly different between the Format 1 and Format 2 options, but the column definitions are the same. KeyNo - Keyno value of the exported SOC Question. This column should be cleared of all data prior to import, [...]

Project Checklist — 1.0%

[...] value in the rule. The Node Level establishes the indentation level of the line item. Node Levels are -1 for headers, 0 for sub-groups, and then 1 through 3 for increasing levels of indentation for the line items. Creating a new checklist in the Project Checklist rule is most easily accomplished using the Rule Detail Import from a spreadsheet. Importing rule details is an advanced user function and should only be performed with the help of a support consultant. There is a high potential for data loss or data damage if the import is not performed [...]

Maintain Customer Pricing — 0.8%

[...] NOTE: For this example we will set up a new pricing rule for a specific customer and item. STEP 1: In the Filter section on the bottom half of the screen, select which type of pricing matrix you want to create: -GG - Group/Group - Pricing Group name (Gold, Tier 1, Preferred, etc.) plus the Item Price Group name (from the ITEMGRP rule) -GI - Group/Item - Pricing Group name (Gold, Tier 1, Preferred, etc.) plus the Item number -EG - Entity/Group - Organization number (customer or vendor) plus the Item Price [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 45 - Production Work Order — 0.8%

General Info Prompt 45 , Production WO, provides three functions: 1. Assign Inventory to a Production Line Item 2. Certify a Production Line Item 3. Assemble a Production Line Item 4. Assemble All Lines Assign Inventory to a Production Line Item 1.Scan a barcode or enter the PL number from the PWO. 2. Scan the barcode or enter the PackID of the item that is being used. 3. Once a successful scan of an item is completed, the terminal will display the quantity required of that item. Enter the quantity (always in Stock Unit) [...]

Asset Importer — 0.8%

[...] code from Item Master. TagID - Asset Tag ID (30 characters max, alphanumeric) Serial - Serial Number 1 for the asset (30 characters max, alphanumeric). If no serial number is available, copy the TagID value to this column. Name - Asset Name (30 characters max, alphanumeric) Descrip - Longer description of asset (240 characters max) EntryDate - Asset Entry Date value. Must be formatted as a date in MM/DD/YY format. SvrDate - Asset In-Service Date value. Must be formatted as a date in MM/DD/YY format. Life - This field is not in use SubLoct - SubLoaction additional [...]

Order Entry Setup Options — 0.8%

[...] = price (if filled out, else comes from getprice) log1 = LBS flag log2 = FT flag log3 = Qty = 1 flag Item needs to exist, LBS or FT flag needs to be set. If QTy = 1 set, line will have qty = 1, otherwise qty will be the total lbs or ft. Setup option SOFRTCHARGE enables logic. SOHIDECONFIG - If enabled, the SOC box does not popup (items are treated like they do not have configs). SOHIDEGM - Hides the Gross Margin field on the Sales Order. SOHIDEPICK - Remove Pick button from SO screen. SOHIDEPRICEADJ [...]

Quote Order Types — 0.7%

[...] in Adjutant and stores default settings for each Quote Type. Rule Setup – Text Fields Text 1 - RFQ Type: Text that will be displayed when selecting the Quote Type during the Order Entry process. Text 2 - Code: Code that will be used to identify the Quote Type in the database. This must be a single digit, and must be unique from other Quote Types. Text 3 - Form Name: Default Quote form to be used when Printing/Emailing/Viewing Text 4 - QuestToExcl: List of Item Configuration Report Codes to exclude from the form. Each unique code to exclude must be separated [...]

Point of Sale Scanning — 0.7%

[...] Scanning an item's UPC code will place that item on a sales order, provided the following are true: 1) The SOSCANUPC setup option is enabled; 2) The Item Master record for the scanned item contains a UPC code. Requirements 1) This process requires a USB barcode scanner. 2) The UPC code needs to be in a code 39 format. Setup 1) Activate the SOSCANUPC setup option If the SOSCANUPC code isn't active, then select it in CID Maintenance. 2) Fill out the UPC codes in Item Master The first step is to [...]

Shipping Setup Options — 0.7%

Setup Options & Definitions ADDTODROPS - Add 1 to all drops with higher drop by 1 on change of drop number. ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed. ASKEDITNOTE - Allows the user to edit the Invoice Header note in the Approval/Edit Billing and Ship SO screens after creating the invoice. AUTOQUICKCART - Automatically creates a carton with settings from QUICKCARTON whenever a shipping event is created. If AUTOQUICKCART is enabled, make default QuickCart when SE is saved. BOLBYCARRIER - If enabled split up BOLs by shipto/carrier. [...]

Stock Replenishment (Quick Buy) — 0.7%

[...] restock quantities. First, the following must be true in order for an item to even show up in Quick Buy: 1. The item must be a stock item. 2a. The Projected Qty must be less than or equal to the minimum qty AND the Order Qty must be greater than zero. OR 2b. The Projected Qty must be less than zero AND the Allocated Qty must be greater than zero. The exceptions to these rules are items that are manually pushed to Quick Buy from the Sales Order screen. Buy/Make/Transfer Buy Select Buy to display stock, non-production items that meet the basic guidelines and items [...]

Sales Order Types (SOTYPE) — 0.7%

[...] form, prefixes, invoice status, revenue and COGS coding, etc. How to add a new Sales Order Type 1. Open the Rule Maintenance Screen (Maintain--> System --> Rule Maintenance) 2. Select 'Sale Order Types' from the drop down menu. 3. Click the ADD button, and fill in corresponding fields (details below). Fields Text1 = Name (20) Text2 = Code (1) Text3 = Sales Order Form Name Text4 = SOC Questions to Exclude Enter SOC Report Codes separated by exclamation points (e.g. A!B!C!D!E!W!) Text5 = Invoice Form Text6 = GL Group Text7 = Held [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 46 - Production Work Orders — 0.7%

General Info Prompt 46, Production WO, provides three functions: 1. Assign Inventory to a Production Line Item 2. Assemble a Production Line Item 3. Complete a Production Work Order Note : In order for the below keystrokes to work, setup option/user security 46SINGLE must not be turned on. If this setup option or user security is turned on, the prompt will confirm the qty after each line is scanned and the complete question is asked. Assign Inventory to a Production Line Item 1. Scan the barcode or enter the P Number/ Item Number [...]

Print Production Work Orders — 0.7%

[...] fields and print every PWO that has not been printed yet. Number of Copies : Enter a number other than 1 if you want more than 1 copy of each PWO. Print Only : Check this box to bypass Message Control and go directly to the Windows print screen. Auto Process : Check this box to auto-process the PWOs. See this page for more information. Standard Report Fields (Header) Every customer's production work order form is different, however there are certain fields that are common. Listed beneath each field is the report expression(s). Sold To [...]

Sales Comparison Report — 0.7%

[...] account manager Sales Personnel: The sales personnel Standard Report Fields(Page Header) Period# 1: mper1+'_'+mper2 Period# 2: mper3+'_'+mper4 Group Header 2:Salesman Acct.Mgr./Sales Person: salesmn Group Header 3: Customer Number Customer number custno+''+company Group Footer 3: Class Product Class class Period #1 period1 Period #2 period2 Group Footer 2: Customer Number Customer trim(custno)+'Subtotal:' [...]

Depreciation Information — 0.7%

[...] method becomes less than the annual depreciation using the straight line method. DB150 - Accelerated 1.5x-declining balance. This method essentially multiplies the rate of depreciation of the straight-line method by 1.5: 1.5 x (original costs of asset – scrap value / est'd asset life). Switchover to SL is automatically made when the annual depreciation using the declining balance method becomes less than the annual depreciation using the straight line method. SY - Sum of the years digits method. This method [...]

Inventory Label Maintenance — 0.7%

[...] or strings, they are combined together Example: Size LS,4,2 Rotate RO,N Draw box BX,.2,.2,3.5,1.10,3 Desc line DA,.3,.3,35,"LEFT(ZITEMMASTER.DESCRIP,45)" DA,.3,.6,35,"SUBSTR(ZITEMMASTER.DESCRIP,46,45)" Line under desc BX,.2,.8,3.5,.01,3 Line under [...]

Task Alerts — 0.7%

[...] specific task. This same setup is also shown on the Standard Task screen. To add a new person for alerts: 1. Click Edit 2. Enter the person's name in the field and click Add 3. Select the task events they need to be notified of and click Save Events Assign: When a resource (any resource) is assigned to the task. Assign (Resource): When you are assigned to the task. Billed: When the task is billed through the Approve/Edit Billing screen (only applicable to Time Billing). Complete: When the task is marked complete. Create: When the task is created. Create [...]

Configurable Item (SOC) Import — 0.7%

[...] Valid entries are LIST, TEXT, NUM, and CAL. RCode - Report code for the associated question. Question 1 should always be report code A. The Length question is always report code B and generally the second question. Some other standard report codes are S=Roof Slope, Q=Square Feet, and W=Weight. CalcVal - Enter 'Y' to indicate this is a calculated value, which sets the CALC checkbox. Enter 'N' otherwise. CalcExp - Enter a custom formula using report codes, numerical values, and Excel-style formula codes. An example of the formula structure would be (B/2) + 100. DecQty [...]

Barcode Scanner - Prompt 79 - Load Shipping Event — 0.5%

General Information Prompt 79, Load SE, provides three functions: 1. Pack items into cartons. 2. Create new cartons. 3. Mark a shipping event as "Warehouse Complete." Your barcode scanner's menu will be customized per your company's preference, but you can always access the Load SE function by typing "79" and pressing Enter. The Basics There are two main prompts in the Load SE function: 1. Scan Outer Carton 2. Scan C/B/L/P/T The first prompt allows you to scan the carton you want to pack. The second prompt allows you to pack [...]

Correcting a Credit/Invoice with an Incorrect Date — 0.5%

[...] (please note that to correct an incorrect invoice date, the sign on the quantities must be inverse): Step 1: Create a Sales Order with a Misc. Item with a price equal to the credit amount, a cost of $0, and a quantity of 1 Step 2: Ship the Sales Order with the same bad date Step 3: Apply the bad credit to the Sales Order Step 4: Create [...]

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