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This search, performed through 3.70 MB (953 documents, 9289 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 29 results.

Sales Order History Display — 8.6%

General Information Default Menu Location Shift + F11 from the Sales Order screen Function The Shift + F11 pop-up screen displays several key status event timestamps for the sales order record displayed. Information Displayed in the Sales Order Status History screen The Sales Order History [...]

AR Invoice Import — 5.7%

[...] original order f10 - HeldFor - Held For organization ID. This field is not required on the header file. f11 - SoType - Sales Order type. This field is no longer in use. f12 - TaxRate - Tax rate percentage. This value is imported to the datatable, and can be used for custom reporting, but is not used for tax calculations. *f13 - Terms - Payment terms for the selected invoice. Valid terms from the TERMS rule should be used. If an entry is found during import that doesn't match an existing TERMS rule record, that entry will be added to the TERMS rule with no other rule details. [...]

Purchase Order Import — 5.7%

[...] entries will use the default entry from the POTYPE rule. *f10 - HeldFor - Inventory Held For name f11 - ConfirmTo - Purchase Order Confirm to field value (max 60 characters) f12 - Remarks - Purchase Order Remarks field value (max 100 characters) f13 - Buyer - Purchase Order Buyer. Buyer entries should exactly match an existing Contact record set up with the Buyer attribute. If they do not match, the entry will not be imported. f14 - FOB - Free on Board value for the selected sales order. Valid FOB names from the FOB rule should be used. If an entry is found during [...]

Production Work Order - Master — 5.7%

[...] hot keys that are system wide the PWO can show an order's work history in a pop up thru [SHIFT] + [F11] , click here to see image Work Order History Each PWO must have a Production Plant, Warehouse, Owner, Held For, and at least one Line Item or Yield. There are eight tabs on the Production Work Order screen. Cust ID : The customer's Organization ID. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO. Name : The customer's name. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO. Build For Stock : Check this box if you [...]

Sales Order Import — 5.7%

[...] entries will use the first entry from the SOTYPE rule. *f10 - ShipTo - Ship To organization number f11 - Notes - Sales order header notes f12 - Status - Sales order status code. Valid entries are 'O' (Open), 'C' (Closed), and 'V' (Void). If Status is blank or invalid, the sales order will be set to 'O'pen status. f13 - OrdDate - This field is no longer in use f14 - EstDate - Sales Order Load Date (MM/DD/YY format) f15 - ConfirmTo - Sales order Confirm to field value (max 60 characters) f16 - Remarks - Sales order Remarks field value (max 100 characters) f17 - [...]

Coil Import — 2.9%

[...] Date Received - Original coil receipt date. Leaving the date blank imports an empty receipt date. f11 - Received By - Name, USERID, or initials [...]

Item Detail (OHF) Import — 2.9%

[...] existing records. If left blank, the Owner will be set to the default from the import request screen. f11 - Bin - Default stocking bin location based [...]

Customer/Vendor Part Import — 2.9%

[...] - Notes - Notes associated with this vendor item. Notes can be printed on the Vendor Part report. f11 - MFGPartNo - Original manufacturer part number [...]

Standard Task Import — 2.9%

[...] the Options tab of the Standard Task screen. Leave blank or enter 'N' to leave the box unchecked. f11 - AlertStandIn - Enter a 'Y' to check the [...]

Item Master Import — 2.9%

[...] values should match UNITS rule exactly, including capitalization, generally use ALL CAPS for units) *f11 - StkFlag - Y if the item is stocked in the [...]

Inventory Qty Import — 2.9%

[...] Length' feature here . f10 - ID2 - If the item is a 'Track Length' item, enter the ID2 value here. f11 - Whse - Inventory Warehouse location name. [...]

Connection Import/Match (Water District Match Import) — 2.9%

[...] use at this time f10 - Install Date - Install date in the Connections jump screen (MM/DD/YY format) f11 - Sewer Date Pass - Sewer inspection date [...]

Bill of Material (BOM) Import — 2.9%

[...] Qty - BOM Output quantity. The Output item is automatically assumed to be the Item from field f1. *f11 - Item1 - Input Item 1 *f12 - Qty1 - Input [...]

Item List Price and Base Cost Update (Import) — 2.9%

[...] value for the C/V Part record. The UpVPart column must be flagged 'Y' to process quoted cost values. f11 - UpVPart - Enter a 'Y' to process quoted [...]

Customer Pricing Import — 2.9%

[...] EndQty - Ending quantity (high) count used to define different price breaks based on order quantity. f11 - Sale - Enter 'Y' to check the Sale box for [...]

Prompt List — 2.9%

[...] time taken to produce the line. Start/Stop scans are auditable from the Work Order using the Shift-F11 Audit. Prompt 88 – Cut Production Prompt [...]

Vendor Import — 2.9%

[...] Updates the Best Buy % (third box) value in the SoldFrom record. f10 - BilledDT - Billed Drive Time. f11 - Buyer - Default person that issues purchase [...]

Customer Import — 2.9%

[...] to) f10 - TaxExempt - Enter a 'Y' if the customer is tax exempt. A blank entry is the same as 'N'o f11 - Custno - Customer Number (Organization ID), [...]

AP Invoice Import — 2.9%

[...] import. f10 - PurDate - AP Invoice Date value. Generally the date marked on the invoice. (MM/DD/YYYY) f11 - TranDte - AP invoice Post Date value, or [...]

Import ItemID Data — 2.9%

[...] specified piece. More information about calculations can be found in the following link: CLICK HERE f11 - Lencalc - The calculation to determine length [...]

Cash Receipt Import — 2.9%

[...] invoice number is blank and the deposit flag is blank, the record will be imported as an open credit. f11 - BankDepNum - Bank deposit number. This is [...]

Coil Receipt Defaults Import (COILJUMP) — 2.9%

[...] COILPROCESSLIST is turned on. f10 - Paint Code - Default paint Code value (10 alphanumeric character max) f11 - HeatNo - This field is no longer in use [...]

Contact Import — 2.9%

[...] Fax, MO for Mobile, HO for Home. Check your rule setup to be sure of what should be entered here. f11 - Phone4Num - Fourth phone number. The import [...]

Resource Import — 2.9%

[...] the complete form name and .FRX extension to default a specific work order form for the resource. f11 - EquipID - Enter a valid Asset Tag ID to [...]

Lead Importer — 2.9%

[...] f9 - Fax - Main fax number for the organization f10 - Category - This field is no longer in use f11 - Custno - Customer Number (Organization ID), [...]

Import User — 2.9%

[...] not the LOCTID value. *f9 - Defcid - Default CID name f10 - DefLaser - Default Laser Printer name f11 - DefLaserNo - Default Laser Printer ID *f12 [...]

Import AP Checks — 2.9%

[...] date (MM/DD/YYYY) f10 - VoidDate - AP Check voided date, also marks the check as a void (MM/DD/YYYY) f11 - ChkAcc - AP checking account associated [...]

Profile Import — 2.9%

[...] the item profile *f10 - ShortDesc - Short description (up to 50 characters) for the item profile f11 - TypeDesc - Longer description (up to 100 [...]

Project Import — 2.9%

[...] extended description of the project. Updates the Project Master Remarks area. 200 characters max. f11 - BillType - Project Billing Type. Must match [...]

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