AR Adjustments Report

Modified on Fri, 19 Aug 2011 16:20 by Greg Andrews — Categorized as: Accounts Receivable

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General Description

Default Menu LocationReports >> Accounts Receivable >> AR Adjustments Report

Print AR Adjustment Report Screen

Print AR Adjustment Report Screen


Function AR Adjustments Report screen generates accounts receivable adjustments reports. The report includes Company name, Date, Check#, Invoice#, and the Adjustment amount.

Report Filters

Company: The Company name in the field

Adjustment Account: The account number to make adjustments

Start Date: The start date for the report

End Date: The end date for the report

Invoice Number: The invoice number for the report adjustments

Group By: Select one of the options, Customer, Date, GL Acct#, for the report

Summary or Detail: Choose one of the options for the report type